HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010 02 22 Informational 101 Fiscal Year 2011 First Quarter Financial COMMISSION AGENDA
February 22, 2010 MGR /DEPT K�
Meeting A thorization
REQUEST: City Manager transmitting the City's fiscal year 2010 1 quarter financial
Transmission of the 1st quarter financial report for fiscal year 2010
The attached financial statements are unaudited and incorporate fiscal year activity from October
1 through December 31, 2009.
Key points as follows:
• Due to capital and debt - reduction expenditures, the General Fund was originally
budgeted to appropriate $1.162 million from fund balance this fiscal year; the first quarter
financials reflect an actual appropriation to fund balance of approximately $2.1 million in
the first quarter. However, this is due to a front- loading of ad valorem revenues as the
vast majority of these revenues are received in the first quarter of the fiscal year.
• In the Water and Sewer Fund, the first debt service payment for FY 2010 is not slated
until March 2010.
• Consistent with previous financial/budget discussions, a loan from the General Fund will
likely be necessary to sustain the Development Services Fund in fiscal year 2010. During
the first quarter, an appropriation from fund balance of approximately $133,000 exists.
This is consistent with the 2010 budget; the revenue trend is anticipated to be slightly
upward as the fiscal year progresses.
It is recommended that the City Commission receive the attached financial report.
022210_COM M_ Informational_I 01 _FY 10_ 1 st_Qtr_Financial_Report
City of Winter Springs, Florida
Quarterly Financial Report
General Fund
Fiscal Year -to -Date December 31, 2009
25% of the Fiscal Year Lapsed
Prior FY
Original Amended Year -to -Date % Actual to % Actual to
Budget Budget Actual Budget Budget
Property Taxes $4,313,427 $4,313,427 $3,594,613 83%
Franchise Fees 35,000 35,000 6,190 18%
Licenses and Permits:
Business Tax Receipts 130,000 130,000 89,509 69%
Other 18,500 18,500 1,000 5%
State Revenue Sharing 865,943 865,943 207,986 24%
State Half Cent Sales Tax 1,844,156 1,844,156 451,119 25%
Miscellaneous 219,351 219,351 31,989 15%
Charges for Services:
Parks and Receation 292,036 292,036 28,410 10%
Miscellaneous 123,384 123,384 22,317 18%
Fines and Forfeitures:
Traffic Light Cameras 267,518 267,518 44,129 17%
Miscellaneous 231,000 231,000 26,036 11%
Miscellaneous 128,102 129,477 67,735 52%
Investment Income (includes unbudgeted
unrealized gain) 62,500 62,500 51,611 83%
Total Revenues $8,530,917 $8,532,292 $4,622,644 54%
City Commission $112,750 $113,750 $23,420 21%
City Boards 7,770 7,770 1,475 19%
City Manager 292,826 292,826 47,219 16%
City Clerk 227,455 227,455 48,086 21%
Finance 1,269,469 1,297,779 256,318 20%
General Government 547,605 556,605 99,325 18%
General Services 724,553 724,553 227,658 31%
Information Services 1,029,729 1,050,229 389,327 37%
Public Works 1,175,151 1,176,001 209,407 18%
Community Development 1,649,553 1,652,228 338,150 21%
Police 7,168,290 7,190,644 1,647,995 23%
Parks & Recreation 2,208,422 2,215,312 395,974 18%
Total Expenditures $16,413,573 $16,505,152 $3,684,354 22%
Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures ($7,882,656) ($7,972,860) $938,290
Transfers In $7,446,711 $7,446,711 $1,836,905 25%
Transfers Out (726,328) (726,328) (663,557) 91%
Total Transfers $6,720,383 $6,720,383 $1,173,348 18%
Total Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures & Transfers ($1,162,273) ($1,252,477) $2,111,638
022210 COMM Informational 101 Attachment 1
City of Winter Springs, Florida
Quarterly Financial Report
Water & Sewer Utility Fund
Fiscal Year -to -Date December 31, 2009
25% of the Fiscal Year Lapsed
Prior FY
Original Amended Year -to -Date % Actual to % Actual to
Budget Budget Actual Budget Budget
Operating Revenues
User Charges $7,678,100 $7,678,100 $1,569,531 20%
Other Revenue 5,200 7,675 $2,692 35%
Total Operating Revenues $7,683,300 $7,685,775 $1,572,223 21%
Operating Expenses
Salaries and Benefits $2,472,957 $2,472,957 $522,844 21%
Materials and Supplies 889,300 891,775 128,409 14%
Depreciation and Amortization 20,530 20,530 0 0%
Capital 1,665,145 1,742,145 26,717 2%
Other Operating Expenses 1,146,300 1,146,300 239,580 21%
Total Operating Expenses $6,194,232 $6,273,707 $917,550 15%
Operating Income (Loss) $1,489,068 $1,412,068 $654,673
Nonoperatinq Revenue (Expenses)
Investment Income (includes unbudgeted
unrealized gain) $28,400 $28,400 $29,784 105%
Bond Prinicpal Payments (1,035,000) (1,035,000) 0 0%
Interest Expense (891,000) (891,000) (525) 0%
Total Nonoperating Revenue (Expense) ($1,897,600) ($1,897,600) $29,259
Income before Contributions and Transfers ($408,532) ($485,532) $683,932
Capital Contributions:
Connection Fees $0 $0 $1,036 N/A
Developers 0 0 0 N/A
Transfers In (inclusive of internal transfer) 256,000 256,000 64,000 25%
Transfers Out (inclusive of internal transfer) (1,756,385) (1,756,385) (439,096) 25%
Total Contributions and Transfers ($1,500,385) ($1,500,385) ($374,060) 25%
Change in Net Assets ($1,908,917) ($1,985,917) $309,872
022210 COMM Informational 101 Attachment 1
City of Winter Springs, Florida
Quarterly Financial Report
Development Services Fund
Fiscal Year -to -Date December 31, 2009
25% of the Fiscal Year Lapsed
Prior FY
Original Amended Year -to -Date % Actual to % Actual to
Budget Budget Actual Budget Budget
Operating Revenues
User Charges $441,000 $441,000 $76,636 17%
Operating Expenses
Salaries and Benefits $344,241 $344,241 $77,494 23%
Materials and Supplies 12,694 12,694 1,319 10%
Other Operating Expenses 35,915 35,915 1,693 5%
Total Operating Expenses $392,850 $392,850 $80,506 21%
Operating Income (Loss) $48,150 $48,150 ($3,870)
Nonoperatinq Revenue (Expenses)
Investment Income $0 $0 ($210) N/A
Total Nonoperating Revenue (Expense) $0 $0 ($210) N/A
Income before Contributions and Transfers $48,150 $48,150 ($4,080)
Capital Contributions:
Connection Fees $0 $0 $0 0%
Developers 0 0 0 0%
Transfers In 25,653 25,653 6,413 25%
Transfers Out (542,127) (542,127) (135,532) 25%
Total Contributions and Transfers ($516,474) ($516,474) ($129,119) 25%
Change in Net Assets ($468,324) ($468,324) $133,199)
022210 COMM Informational 101 Attachment 1
City of Winter Springs, Florida
Quarterly Financial Report
Stormwater Utility Fund
Fiscal Year -to -Date December 31, 2009
25% of the Fiscal Year Lapsed
Prior FY
Original Amended Year -to -Date % Actual to % Actual to
Budget Budget Actual Budget Budget
Operating Revenues
User Charges $1,040,000 $1,040,000 $195,346 19%
Other Revenue 10,000 10,000 3,152 32%
Total Operating Revenues $1,050,000 $1,050,000 $198,498 19%
Operating Expenses
Salaries and Benefits $513,795 $513,795 $109,331 21%
Materials and Supplies 308,100 308,100 15,087 5%
Capital 220,000 220,000 0 0%
Other Operating Expenses 79,100 79,100 6,115 8%
Total Operating Expenses $1,120,995 $1,120,995 $130,533 12%
Operating Income (Loss) ($70,995) ($70,995) $67,965
Nonoperating Revenue (Expenses)
Investment Income (includes unbudgeted
unrealized gain) $5,900 $5,900 $3,283 56%
Total Nonoperating Revenue (Expense) $5,900 $5,900 $3,283 56%
Income before Contributions and Transfers ($65,095) ($65,095) $71,248
Capital Contributions:
Connection Fees $0 $0 $0 0%
Developers 0 0 0 0%
Transfers In 61,725 61,725 15,431 25%
Transfers Out (210,220) (210,220) (27,555) 13%
Total Contributions and Transfers ($148,495) ($148,495) ($12,124) 8%
Change in Net Assets ($213,590) ($213,590) $59,124
022210 COMM Informational 101 Attachment 1