HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986 02 04 Staff Review Regular Meeting Minutes
Staff I€view ~ting Minutes
Tuesday, February 4, 1986
'!he rreeting was called to order by Ieonard Koz lov , City Engineer.
I€y Ma.lane, Bowyer-Singleton
Larry Hughes, Bowyer-Singleton
Rick Ienbrick, AneriFirst LeveloplIEnt Corp.
Phil Wallis, AneriFirst Leveloprrent Corp.
Lennis R. Quinn, AneriEirst LeveloplIEnt Corp.
D3.ve Snead, Bowyer-Singleton
Phil Bishop, Bowyer-Singleton
Ieonard Kozlov, City Engineer
Jolm Govoruhk, Police Chief
[bug Taylor, Superintendent WSWS
Chuck Holzman, Fire Chief
Gil Artman, Director of Public W:>rks
The City Engineer's letter dated January 22, 1986 was reviewed.
1. Lepart:Irent of Envirorurental I€gulations permits. Rey Ma.lane stated that the DER
pennit applications will be submitted today. Len Kozlov said that he would like to
get a copy of the approved signed pennit once it has been issued. He also asked that
Bowyer-Singleton respond to his letter in writing.
2. Len Kozlov stated that he was confused because SOlIE things v.ere put on the drawing
saying there v.ere existing and SOlIE v.ere not existing yet there is nothing there. D3.ve
Snead stated that he added a note saying that the features showing as existing are in-
tended to be existing by the tine Tracks 3 & 4 get started; and the infrastructure will
be in place at that tine.
3. D3.ve Snead stated that they will fun1ish seven (7) sets of signed, sealed, and dated
4. Concems aJ::x:>ut calculations for post-peak stornwater discharges. Rey Malane stated
that this will probably answer #6 & #7 also. He stated that there is a IIaster lake
system which was built under the infrastructure. West of the baseball field is a natural
depression which will be left in its existing condition and used for storrrwater detention,
and it will be exmsidered the master lake system. Rey Malane said that these are retention
detention ponds. They have been approved by St. Johns Water Managerrent District for
oonstruction and operation. In the design of the lake systems the eN that was used for
post developrrent land uses. When the master lake system is built it is already designed
to take into consideration that there will be patio hOlIES on Tract 7. So, all they need
to do in the developrrent for each parcel will be just to connect into the lake system.
7. Concem on the irrpacts that it may have off site to No Narre Creek. I€y Ma.lane stated
that they have incorporated a wall which is the control structure in Tract 10. The
system has been designed to irrprove or equal the conditions that occur downstream. Len
Kozlov stated that the main ooncem is the ooncentration of a lot of water going into
the No Narre Creek not knowing whether all this water that is going to be carried off from
detention 10 historically v.ent into NO Narre Creek. This is going to be a problem because
a lot of water is being furmeled into one area, and there are people living in the
imrediate area, SOlIE probably living below the 100 year flcxxl. Rey Malane stated that
they v.ere ooncemed about the house on the comer next to the culvert. He stated that
they did not want to increase flcxxl stages, they analyzed the 100 year storm, and what-
ever was going to Tract 10 would be only the predeveloprrent base. The predeveloplIEnt
area is equal to the post developrrent area. They will increase the total runoff because
to improve the area. Ray Malane stated that they are 100% sure that there will be no
Staff Review ~ting
Tuesday, Februm:y 4, l(
Page 2
rrore inpact than there are currently. And he is willing to put this staterrent in writing.
8. Len Kozlov stated that this v./Ould be a lot better to get fire engines and a little
larger vehicle in. Dave Snead stated that they have no problems with this.
9. Dave Snead stated that the di.rrensions are on the two sheets showing the two 12!J lanes
to be built.
10. Dave Snead stated that the sidewalks from the units to the parking areas will be
constructed by the builder. The preliminary plans that was submitted they proposed
bringing the sidewalks to individual units from the parking areas. Sidewalks will go
along the roads just on the infrastructures. Sidewalks will be provided as expected on
all the public streets in the right-of-way. The snaller streets are going to be private
roads. Only the infrastructure will be dedicated to the City. The streets serving
the single-family in 1 and 2 will be public, the rrain road is public, and the street
serving the patio lots. Tracts 3, 4 and 5 are private roads. Tracts I, 2 and 7 will
have sidewalks.
11. On the typical fire hydrant detail, Dave Snead stated that they added a thrust block
for the retaining gland.
12 . The concem over the 4' water main. Dave Snead stated that they do have calculations
to prove that it does rreet the flow demands.
Len Kozlov stated that he will review the responses and if everything seems to be fine,
he will subrhit a letter to Bowyer-Singleton indicating that what he finds for 3 and 4
to be satisfacto:ry if it is. If there are any additional qt..Estions, he will contact
by letter.
Gil Artman stated that as a result of demucking and a few other problems, there has been
sane thinning in sane of the forested areas plus the buffer zone along Hayes Ibad. with
the heavy demucking there will be additional tree damage in that area and sone considera-
tion should be put into the point system in the Arbor Ordinance that should be conplied
John Covoruhk stated that he has not seen the drawing for the striping of the lanes on
M:>ss Ibad.
leu Kozlov e2q?lained that the next procedure after his review of the final engineering
of Mt. Green\\a:>d Tract 3 & 4 is the approval by the City Cbrrmission.
leu Kozlov advised I€y Malane that he v./Ould like to get a copy of the signed permit from
Ibug Taylor stated that the DER pennit application needs to cone to his office and then
he will coordinate signatures with the City Manager.
Respectfully submitted,
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