HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985 12 17 Staff Review Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, December 17, 1985
The rreeting was called to order by City Plarmer, Peter Co~ll.
Present ~re:
Peter Cowell, City Plarmer
Tim lallathin, Assistant Fire O1ief
Len Kozlov, City Engineer
Gil Artman, Director of Public Works
Sam Smith, Building Official
Rick Lambert, ArreriFirst Developrrent
Van Kulm, Van Kulm Excavation
Bill Wallace, ArreriFirst Developrrent
Dennis Quinn, ArreriFirst Developrrent
Fay Braddock, Boyer, Singleton, & Assoc.
Police Chief, JOM Q)voruhk
Doug Taylor, Utility Superintendent
Preconstruction conference for Mt. Greenwood PUD:
Mr. Quinn stated that the bond for MJss and Hayes Ibads will be ready for pick-up
before the rreeting is over. Mr. Quinn also stated that he thinks the City should
go out and have sorre sort of a mutually agreed upon survey of the existing road .
conditions and note any major problems that may exist nCM. The City Plarmer stated
that the City Engineer and Public Works Director would go out and determine the
present conditions. City Plarmer asked what is the load that the bridge on Hayes
Ibad cnntains? Public Works Director stated that there is a problem with the large
15 yard cerrent trucks with its wheel base crossing Gee Creek on Hayes Ibad. The
big trucks will have to use MJss, Panarra and Hayes Roads. The road will be re-
dressed each evening when they finish working. City Planner stated that the roads
will be kept clean of dirt.
Gil Artman stated that the City has adopted an Arbor Ordinance.
Peter Co~ll stated any areas that will have to have a lot of dernucking, where rrost
of the original vegetation will be corning out, will have to be reforested.
Mr. Quinn stated that trere will be a lot of dernucking in Unit 3 and there won't
be much vegetation saved in that Unit. He also stated that trey will have to go
through Unit 3 for the se~r on the infrastructure which goes through the Tract in
the right-of-way.
Peter Co~ll stated that he will need an easerrent for that for the record.
Tim Iallathin stated that the current status on bunring versus hauling is that as
long as it is a cleared area and it rreets the Division of Forestry's requirerrents,
and there are no conplaints.
Mr. Quinn stated that he received a ITeIIO from Mr. Hotard, Florida Power Corporation,
dated Noverrber 26, 1985, stating that the :reqrest for the underground feeder system
has been submitted to the engineering department, and that he will get tre lighting
plan to rre as soon as possible.
Len Kozlov stated that he would be looking at the drainage and the roads as trey
are going in. He would like to have a three days notice before going on the in-
Peter Cowell stated that the Fire Department will inspect hydrants, Public V\brks
Department will inspect street signs and assisting the City Engineer on inspections.
9-1-1 wants to make the street Dolphin all the way across. Police Departrrent will
inspect the road and traffic signs.
Staff Review ~ting Millutes Continood
TlEsday, Decernrer 17,. 15
Gil Art.m:m stated that the signs will be required when the areas where the signs
are to be installed are finished grading, sodded, and seeded.
Sam Smith stated that sane type of terrporary sign will need to be put up because
the construction people can't find the lots, houses, and the roads.
Peter Cbwell asked is Iblphin Road going to be plabted as an individual entry or
is it going to be platted with part of 1 and part of 2.
Mr. Quinn stated that they are going to include everything that they can in the
section with the plat for that section.
Peter Cbwell stated to Mr. Quinn that they can bond before the fact and plat or
wait until all the inproverrents are in and then plat, and then start developing.
Mr. Quinn stated that he expects that the developers v.Duld want to get in and
start before they are a 100% through with inproverrents and at that pOint, they
would post a bond for whatever the engineer's estimate of the remaining .improverrent
would be.
Respectfully Submitted
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Mary W~lsa