HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988 04 19 Site Plan Review Board Meeting Minutes SITE PLAN REVIEW BOARD MINUTES April 19, 1988 PRESENT WERE: G. Artman, Public W:>rks Director J. Govoruhk, Police Chief C. Holzman, Fire Chief R. Raeder, Building Inspector G.B. Archer, Building Official P. Hursh, Engineer J. Koch, Dir. Adm. /Comprehensive Planning D. LeBlanc, Land Developnent Coordinator B. Lettsinger, Developer Site Plan for Vegetable Stand on State Road 4334/419 (Leffler Property): Artman asked if the existing structures are going to be removed. LeBlanc stated no. Koch asked if the parking area w::>uld be stabilized. Lettsinger stated that he plans to use field dirt. Koch stated that in the R-U zoning it stated that the parking area must be stabilized. LeBlanc stated that in the R-U zoning, parking areas must be gravel or hard surface, and needs to be properly drained. Lettsinger stated that he w::>uld gravel the parking area. LeBlanc stated that this project hinges on the Board of Adjustment meeting to be held on April 21, 1988. This is to ask to sell vegetables produced off premises. Lettsinger stated that the parking area will be 120' from the building. He also stated that there is a fence on the property to designate the parking area. Koch asked about wheel stops for orderly parking. Lettsinger stated that he w::>uld use railroad ties. There was question on a sign. It was stated that the developer can have 1 sq. ft. of sign for every sq. ft. of frontage. Artman asked about a permit from DOT for a road cut. Lettsinger stated that he had not got in touch with DOT as of yet. It was determined that Lettsinger w::>uld contact DOT for a permit for a road cut. It was determined that the developer gravel the parking area 5' west from where it is noted and back to the shed, get the Health Department approval to sell the produce from the inside of the shed, and the approval of the Board of Adjustment to sell vegetables produced off premises. Site Plan Review Board Minutes April 19, 1988 Page 2 Raeder stated that no Occupational License w::>uld be approved until an approval from the Health Department is obtained. Koch moved to approve the project contingent to the above mentioned i terns. Seconded by Archer. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. SITE PLAN REVIEW BOARD MINUTES April 19, 1988 PRESENT WERE: G. Artman, Public W:>rks Director J. Koch, Dir. Adm./Canprehensive Planning R. Raeder, Building Inspector G.B. Archer, Building Official J. Govoruhk, Police Chief C. Holzman, Fire Chief P. Hursh, Engineer D. LeBlanc, Land Developnent Coordinator Richard Richardson, Engineer Dianne Richardson, Engineer J. Alpert, Developer E. Zeidwerg, Developer Site Plan. for Belle Avenue Buildings: _.__._ _ LeBlanc stated that at the preliminary meeting it was discussed that the conformation from the County for septic tank and drain field. The County wrote a letter that the City has a copy of. LeBlanc stated that he spoke with the person at the County about this developnent and was told that everYthing was satisfactory. LeBlanc also stated that there will be a masonry wall with wrought iron which is listed on the site plan. He stated that the developer will need County approval for road cuts. LeBlanc stated that in the previous meeting Koch asked if the road to the east was vacated and if it could be left in its natural state. Also discussed was that the fence surrounding the dumpster not be w::>oden. There was a question on the delivery access in the rear of the buildings. LeBlanc stated that there is enough roan for traffic to go through. Richardson stated that they are not expecting semi-trucks even though there is enough room with the 20' space. Raeder asked about identification signs. Alpert stated that an identification sign would be on the brick wall. He also stated that a directory would be on the end of each building. LeBlanc stated that 1 sq. ft. for every foot of frontage for a sign. Alpert stated that on the brick wall there would be a sign identifying the developnent either on the building or a sign up against the building that will visible from Belle Avenue. It was discussed that the developer be aware that they are responsible for the removal of waste. Holzman asked if the fire hydrant could be moved further from the building that where it is placed now could cause problerns. There was discussion on the placement of the fire hydrant. It was determined that the developer move the hydrant 10' from the building on the property line. This w::>uld be reflected on the "as-built" drawings. Site Plan Review Board Minutes April 19, 1988 Page 2 Raeder asked about security lighting. Alpert stated that it was house metered. LeBlanc stated that before a Certificate of Occupancy can be issued the "as- built" engineering must be subnitted. Holzman moved to approve the developnent. Seconded by Govoruhk. Vote: All aye. Motion carried.