HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987 06 16 Site Plan Review Board Meeting Minutes
June 16, 1987
G. Artman, Public Works Director
J. Govoruhk, Police Chief
C. Holzman, Fire Chief
L. Kozlov, City Engineer
D. LeBlanc, Land Developnent Coordinator
J. Koch, Director of Administration/City Planner
Roger OWen, Developer
J. Reynolds, Engineer
B. Bonyadi, Associated Design 6{ Construction
R. Nelson, Associa~ed Design & Construction
LeBlanc gave his presentation. He stated that this review is for Winter
Springs Industrial Park, Lots 10 and 11, and the engineering has been approved.
One i tern that needs to be discussed is the stree~ lights.
Govoruhk asked about the parking in the cul-de-sac. OWen s~ated that there is
no parking in that area. Govoruhk stated tha~ if OWen has no objection the Ci ty
would place a no parking sign in the cul-de-sac which would serve the whole
area. OWen agreed with this.
There was discussion on the s~reeL lighLs. LeBlanc stated that the Ci ~ would
like the lights to be in the 419 righL-of-way. He SLated that Lhe developer
would pay the $250 pole fee and the City would take care of the maintenance
and the bill.
OWen stated that he does not like the looks of Lhe concrete poles used for the
street lighting. He stated that this would take away the aesLhetic view of he
project. He also stated he would not mind putting in a more aesthetic looking
decorative lighting pole.
OWen stated that he was under the impression that this was approved in 19~~
without street lights. He SLated that in 1985 he was notified by the Building
Official that street lights were needed. Koch stated that this is a
requirement of the City Code; she also stated that there should be something in
the approval that states this.
OWen asked where would the lights be locaLed, would they be facing the private
road or 419. LeBlanc stated Lhat the City Manager would like to see the lighLs
facing 419. Koch stated that DO'!' needs to be informed of this plan and if they
agree to putting the lights on the right-of-way.
It was determined that OWen and members of the Ci~ Staff meet with the City
Manager to discuss the lighting problem.
Koch moved to approve the inLernal developmenL of the project, but C.O.'s would
not be issued until the lighting plan problem is solved. Seconded by Artman.
Vote: All aye.