HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986 01 07 Site Plan Review Board Meeting Minutes SITE PLAN REVIEW BOARD MINU1ES TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1986 The meeting was called to order by City Planner, Peter Cowell. STAFF PRESENT: Peter Cowell, City Planner Timothy Lallathin, Assistant Fire Chief Leonard Kozlov, City Engineer Gilbert Artman, Director of Public Works John Govoruhk, Police Chief Doug Taylor, Utility Superintendent BElMARK CENTER IDENTIFICATION SIGN: Representing Applicant: Jim Hoskey Peter Cowell stated that the purpose of this meetirgis to discuss the site identification sign for the Belmark Center which was fonnerly the Garam Building. Peter Cowell stated that the building was approved as a single site plan to be kept tmder one owner. Now each tmi t is being sold individually. There are no condominium regulations on the building for the separate owners of all the in- di vidual tmits. Upon reviewing the plan the staff recorrmended: 1. Revise engineering calculations 2. 25 I setback frOOl the intersection 3. DOT I S approval for the reflection and illumination of the sign 4. The DCCR I S subject to review by the City Planner, Winter Springs Water and Sewer and the City Attorney. 5. Condorninum plat that can be recorded. Len Kozlov made the lIDtion to approve the plan contingent upon the five (5) conditions listed above. Seconded by John Govoruhk. Vote: All aye. Motion carries. Peter Cowell stated to Mr. Hoskey that he needs four (4) sealed copies, one (1) for the City Engineer, one (1) for the City Planner, and two (2) for the Building Department of which one will be returned. M)SS . GLENN : Applicant Present: James S:im:m Peter Cowell stated he has correspondence dated back as far as August 1984, on things that were incorrect when submitted. The previous City Engineer has approved the project, and since then sane descrepancies have been noted. Leonard Kozlov stated that the plans are not sealed. He distributed copies of his engineering carments to everyone. Peter Cowell stated that originally this was going to be made one site, and then it was going to be broken down into five (5) lots and a private street. It went Si te Plan Review Board Minutes January 7, 1986 Page 2 through the Staff, the Planning and Zoning Board, the Corrmission, went back to Staff and then back to the Ccmnission for final engineering. Now it is going to be changed again and it is back to a single site complex. This is why it needs to corne back through the Site Plan Review Board. Doug Taylor stated that Winter Springs Water and Sewer will not be responsible for utilities within the property, therefore there will have to be an easement to service the water meters. Gilbert Artman stated that there is constant dirt out on the right-of-ways. He said.that he asked a gentleman on the job site to keep the right-of-ways cleaned, with little cooperation. He stated that he will clean the right-of- ways daily and bill the developer. Jaroos Simon asked if he went on with the subdivision, does all of the subdivision work have to be approved and accepted before he can ge a building pennit. Peter Cowell told Mr. Simon that he would have to put up a perfonnance bond for the aIIDmt of the actual engineering improverrents to be done to the site. Every- thing for all of the infrastructure, the streets, drainage, tmderdrains and curbs. As a private subdivision, he would either have to bond it or formally file a letter stating that a certificate of occupancy would not be requested mtil all of the work is done. Peter Cowell stated that the Site Plan Review Board needs to approve the project as a single site. Also sign a letter of intent stating that a certificate of occupancy will not be requested mtil the entire project is canplete and everything will have to be inspected and approved when. the infrastrlilcture work is done before a certificate of occupancy is requested. Otherwise, as a subdivision it will need to be platted and the DCCR recorded, and then to pull building permits; but the infrastructure work will still have to be done or the project will have to be bonded. This is an apartIoont complex and Jaroos Simon will file a letter stating that he will not request a certificate of occupancy on any of the project mtil the entire project has been constructed, and his engineer will submit a letter to the City requesting for an inspection. The departments will approve the structure work at th:t: time, and as an apartment canplex it will be approved for certificate of occupancy. He also told Mr. Sim:m thatif he wanted to sub- divide the project, he would have to do that after the project has been canpleted and approved by the City. The Staff recommended: 1. Subject to the City Ccmnission Meeting Minutes of April 22, 1985 2. Subject to the City Planner's letter to the City Corrmission of April 22, 1985, with the disclaimer that there are sane engineering irregularities that are put forth in a ITIeIID from the City Engineer to the City Planner dated December 30, 1985. 3. Subject to a certified as built being provided upon completion of the project. Based on the above recarmendations, John Govoruhk made the rrotion to approve the engineering. Seconded by Doug Taylor. Vote: All aye. Motion carries. ~tfulJj~ secre~