HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982 11 24 Site Plan Review Board Meeting Minutes
Site Plan Review Board Minutes
November 24, 1982
11:00 A.M.
Jack Cooper; City Engineer, Ron Emery; Superintendent of Public Works, Sam F. Smith;
Building Official, Chuck Holzman; Fire Chief, Charles Sexton; Police Department,
Jacqueline Koch; City Planner, Richard Rozansky; City Manager.
Suncenter Warehouse is a proposed condominium warehouse development to be located on
the rear half of Lot II of Oak Grove Park, just off US 17-92 between SR 434 and Shepard
Road. The property abuts an undeveloped section of the Wildwood PUD to the east.
This review divides logically into two facets: (1) the internal site development and
(2) access to US 17-92. (I) The City Engineer finds the site plan engineering approvable,
under the conditions listed in his memo of November 12, 1982. Other aspects of the
on-site operation discussed were the traffic pattern, ~arking, and a buffer adjacent'to
future PUD multi-family residences. The City Attorney has the condominium document
under review. (2) The applicant proposes to connect this landlocked site to US 17-92
over a driveway constructed on easements being acquired from the owner of the rest of
Lot 11 and from the owner of Lot 10 to the south, veering across the City limits into
Seminole County jurisdiction before intersecting the highway. The City Attorney is
reviewing this proposal; additional documents are necessary before a decision can be
made: specifically, easements to the City from both off-site property owners, for
emergency access rights.
Mr. Royall stated he would like some directions on his plans from the Board, and asked
if there are any additional conditions. Discussion. City Manager, Richard Rozansky,
stated that what the City requires is that the easements be submitted and found ac-
ceptable to guarantee ingress and egress to owners and users of the property and to the
City, giving us the right to use this access route also. The City Engineer stated
that the City Manager's comments infer that this will be accomplished prior to approval
vesting. The City Planner stated her concern on alterations an outside jurisdiction
could have on the plan this City approved, placing then a condition that any required
County approvals and permits be acquired for the work to be done in conjunction outside
the City, as it affects the City. Discussion. The buffering and maintenance of the back
of the site was discussed. Parking signs and accommodations were discussed.
Motion was set forth by Chief Holzman that the Board accept the plan with the stipulations
as addressed:
(1) The City Engineer's memo of November 12, 1982; (2) a ligustrum hedge be approved as
the buffer along the eastern boundary, the assumption'being that it will grow to be
sufficient height by the time there is multi-family occupancy on the adjacent property,
the maintenance of this will be included in the requirements of the condominiums; (3)
the parking spaces for vehicles to be equipped with stops on which is painted "parking"
and be spaced according to the square footage requirements of the City Code (200 sq. ft.
for each parking space); (4) the City will need to receive, review, and approve ad-
ditional documentation: one would be an easement from the owner of the other half of
Lot 11 (Mr. Brucato), granting to the owner of the property under consideration the
perpetual right of access, also granting to the City perpetual right of access (this
document will need to show the size and terms of the easement); in addition to the
easement from the adjacent church property to the owner of the property, an easement
across the church property granted to the City; and either a waiver or a permit from
DER for the filling of the borrow pit, which work is a condition of fulfillment of the
Site Plan Review Board Minutes
November 24, 1982
Page 2
agreement granting access across the church property to the site. Other documents still
under review are the easement from the Church to the property, and the condominium
document of the property; these are under review by the City Attorney. Second by Emery,
with the comment that any easements that are given the City are what the church gives
Mr. Royall, and they can't grant any further easements. Discussion. The City Planner
stated that the deciding factor here would be if the City is covered by the virtue
of an easement granted by the Sun Center Warehouse or whether one would be needed from
the church property owner to the City. Vote. All aye, motion carried.
The City Planner stated that the last review a condition was set that the Grove present
a basic engineering plan improving the site, specifically the driveway and drainage
that was needed. The engineering was received November I, 1982, and reviewed by the
City Engineer. He recommends engineering approval in his memo of November 2, 1982.
The City Engineer's main condition is that we obtain an easement for the stormwater
from Wade Street and the Old Sanford-Oviedo Road. Mr. Fritch was present to speak on
behalf of the Grove Counseling Center, stating that he saw no probJem with obtaining
this easement. Discussion. The City Engineer's other condition is that the entrance
road be crowned not less than a quarter inch per foot.
The Planner stated a time frame for the accomplishment of the work needs to be set.
Discussion. Ms. Koch made a motion that the site plan for the Grove Counseling Genter
on Old Sanford-Oviedo Road be approved subject to the conditions in the City Engineer's
memo of November 2, 1982, with the additional requirement that the easement (condition
2) be received within the next two weeks and all work shown on the plan be accomplished
with one year, with the condition that when the Center's budget is known, next July
(1983), that they advise the City if the stipulated time limit above will be met. If
this is to the contrary, then they be required to return as soon as possible in the
summer to rediscuss the matter with the City. Second by Chief Holzman. Vote. All
aye, motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned by the City Planner.
Sherr;<-;~) Zlelonka --
Recor~ Secretary