HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982 08 27 Site Plan Review Board Meeting Minutes Site Plan Review Board Minutes August 27, 1982 11:00 A. M. PRESENT : Jack Cooper; City Engineer, Ron Emery; Superintendent of Public Works, Jacqueline Koch; City Planner, Robert Dallas; Fire Departrrent, John Govoruhk; Police Chief, Sam F. Smith; Building Official. REVISED SITE PLAN FOR rms 9-12, LORI ANNE ACRES. Jacqueline Koch stated that about a month ago the Board approved a revised lot development plan for these four lots on the south side of Lori Anne Lane. Now instead of the approved on-site retention on each lot, they wish to divert the run-off into a pipe system into the City's right-of-way. JVlr. Cooper elaborated; on the north side of the railroad tracks there is a large un- completed storm drainage retention area into which goes a 60 inch pipe. This pipe system originates at the pop-off pond at the shopping center. This goes thru Indian Ridge and collects through the street system. The basin that this retention system serves is about 400 acres and Lori Anne Acres lies within the basin. The on-site retention was required not so much for retention but to keep the dirt road from eroding, due to the concentration of water that would be generated from Lori Anne Acres, thus causing the Fire and Police Departments access problems to Moss Road. The quantity of retention was to be the difference between post development and pre-development. Mr . Hutson, the contractor wants to do away with the ponds and divert the water to the east end of Lori Anne Lane, conducting it into a concrete gutter down to First Street, then into a catch basin there, pipe it across the road and extend the ditch on down to ap- proximately across from the Fire Station, thus allowing it to go it's natural way on into the system which occurs in a catch basin just west of Indian Ridge. Mr. Cooper stated his approval on this. Discussion. This installation would accomplish ti'lO things: (a) it would improve an existing situation which is unacceptable; (b) it would accomodate Lori Anne Acres. Discussion. The City Plarmer stated that the applicant did not appear at this meeting. Jacqueline Koch made a motion to approve the revision to the lot development plan for lots 9 thru 12 of Lori Anne Acres, and we have ascertained that the value of work to be completed in connection with the revised drainage plan has been validated by the City Engineer at $1,832. Seconded by ErrBry. Vote. All aye. Motion carried. CONTINUATION OF REVIEW OF AMENDMENT TO SITE PLAN FOR DITI'MER ARCHITECI'URAL ALUMINUM. The Board formerly had some questions and concern on whether Mr. Dittmer was functioning according to the orginal site plan approval. JVlr. Lewis and Mr. Dittmer were present. Ms. Koch stated on the existing parking lot the approved plan called for installation of 1 to 3 inch diameter gravel. TvTr. Dittmer commented that to date they just have some limerock in there, and this is not completed; they have thinned some trees out and can park there, but have not really finished up right. ~1Jr. Dittmer expressed concern about the loss of trees in this area. Discussion pursued as to the safety of employees and general public. Jack Cooper made the motion to approve the amended site plan with the following stipulations: 60 days for the specified parking area be completed or prior to the C. 0., whichever is first; in addition, sign or striping of a fire lane as discussed; and drainage modifications as noted in the approval of the City Engineer. Seconded by Emery. Vote. All aye. Motion carried. PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF SITE PLAN FOR HUNT AND ASSOCIATES QN NQRI'H SIDE OF STATE ROAD 434 NEAR WADE STREET. City Planner, Jacqueline Koch stated for the record that' Mr. Hunt. was Site Plan Review Minutes August 27, 1982 Page 2 placed on the agenda after a discussion with him, and upon advising him that there would be a site plan review required of the property at 519 State Road 434. This was in connection with the conversion of the property from residential to commercial with the use as a professional office and general business location. At the time the agenda was set JVlr. Hunt agreed to this and advised he would provide the owner of the property with a survey plot plan of the property. He gave no indication that neither would be present or call, saying they would be unable to attend. Upon contacting JVlr. Hunt this rrorning he stated the owner was entirely responsible, thus he would not be at the meeting. Ms. Koch then advised him of our policy of having both owner and lessee pre- sent to answer all possible questions by the Board and he declined. It was then agreed by the Board that in the absence of response before Tuesday next, August 31, 1982 at 11: 00 A. M., a complaint will be filed with the Code Enforcement Board. Resp~ctfullY. Submit.tzed '.' ~/'d ~7 I t 1U11~ ;1- zj.I/ '(YL/t ~ . erry . Zielonka Recordi. Secretary