HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982 04 24 Site Plan Review Board Meeting Minutes
Site Plan Review Board Minutes
August 24, 1982
11:00 A. M.
John Govoruhk; Police Chief, Jacqueline Koch; City Plarmer, Sam F. Smith; Building
Official, Ron Emery; Superintendent of Public Works, Jack Cooper; City Engineer,
Chuck Holzman; Fire Chief.
ROAD. Jacqueline Koch stated the main concern of the City is access to the property,
the entrance and exit routes, and. parking areas. JVlr. Fritch, speaking on behalf of
the Grove Counseling Center, stated the maj ori ty of the clients are dropped off and
do not dri ve themselves to the facility. In addition there will be 5 employees.
Discussion then pursued on requiring the Center to improve the roadway and parking
area. Jacqueline Koch citied the City code requiring any driveway or parking area
to be hard surfaced (asphalt or gravel), thus providing a safe vehicular route for
the public, employees and emergency vehicles. Ms. Koch asked if the Center had
plans on clearing the cul-de-sac, to enable a fire truck to turn around in this area.
Also, Ms. Koch added there should be no parking designated in this area, just the
diSCharging of clients.
Jack Cooper inquired if the Center could fund a paved parking area. Mr. Fritch stated
they do not have the funds, but have plenty of volunteers. Discussion then pursued
on gravel verses limerock/asphalt or soil cement/asphalt top and contrasting expenses,
and longevity. Jacqueline Koch suggested a period of time within which the Center
will have to accomplish the work discussed. Mr. Fritch inquired if they could not
accomplish this within the time allowed, would an extension be granted? Discussion.
Jack Cooper moved to approve the site plan furnished with the following stipulations:
(a) the current site plan be temporary; (b) the Board be furnished an engineered site
plan within 60 days. Jacqueline Koch added the following amendments: that immediately
signs be erected prohibiting parking within the cul-de-sac and signs be posted de-
signating the parking area for employees. Mr. Cooper then put forward the amendment
that after the engineered site plans are submitted to the Board and reviewed, that the
development (in accordance with the approved engineering plans) be accomplished within
a time period to set at that time. Discussion. Seconded by John Govoruhk. Vote. All
aye. Motion carried.
APPROVAL TO NEW OPERATOR). The City Plarmer~ Jacqueline Koch stated the Belgian Waffle
Bakery is an operation proposed for an existing single family building that has been
rezoned C-l corrmercial. This was initiated under a special exception early in 1982.
Since that time the law has changed and exception is no longer required for anything
other than wholesale aspect. However, since the exception was implemented by previous
Site Plan Board, it carries forward. Ms. Koch went on to explain the only difference
now is that the lessee of the property, who will also be managing the business on site,
has changed. JVlr. Larry Johnson, owner, and JVlr. Rahim Hariri, the intended lessee, were
The business will consist of baking waffles on-site and transporting to various customers.
Three parking spaces from the Board's previous approval would represent two in the
existing driveway and a third one temporarily on the north side of the house, not required
to be paved or stabilized at this time. This latter parking space is intended
Site Plan Review Board Minutes
August 24, 1982
Page 2
for the operators' use. tJIr. Rahim Hariri stated this was his intention also.
Jacqueline Koch inquired as to the number of errployees Mr. Hariri would have.
JVlr. Hariri stated there would be four, 2 making and 2 packing the waffles. Dis-
cussion pursued on the parlring and transportation means of the employees, to be
limited to the one parking space
Jack Cooper moved that the current site plan be approved as is for one year with
the condition that a solid buffer, either fence or hedge, be placed at the east
property line adj acent to residential property. Seconded by Holzman. A stipulation
on the motion was made by Jack Cooper that prior to the end of that one year period,
if any parking or traffic problem(s) develop, it be left to the discretion of the
Police Chief whether any action shall be taken prior to the end of the year to
require an additional parking area to be installed. Discussion. Seconded by Koch.
Vote. All aye. Motion carried.
Meeting was adjourned at approximately twelve-o'clock, noon.
sherri'h. z~{,
Recor~ Secretary