HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 09 26 Winter Springs Paw Park Citizen Advisory Committee Minutes CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES WINTER SPRINGS PAW PARK CITIZEN ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING SEPTEMBER 26, 2002 I. CALL TO ORDER Mr. Chuck Pula, Parks and Recreation Department Director called the Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., Thursday, September 26, 2002 in the East Training Room of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Committee Member Diane Ferraro, present Committee Member Gene Lein, absent Committee Member Richard Parsons, present Committee Member Ann Pennington, present Committee Member Bob Rucci, present Committee Member Paul Williams, present Under "Agenda Changes" the Committee agreed to hear from Ms. Suzie Goldman and Mr. Joe Gasparini from Seminole County; and that "Public Input" would be heard following the Regular Agenda. II. CONSENT CONSENT A. Approval Of The August 22, 2002 Meeting Minutes. MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER WILLIAMS. "I MOVE TO APPROVE THE MINUTES." SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER PARSONS. DISCUSSION. WITH CONSENSUS OF THE COMMITTEE, THE MOTION WAS APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. .:. .:. AGENDA NOTE: THE FOLLOWING AGENDA ITEMS ARE DOCUMENTED IN THE ORDER THEY WERE DISCUSSED. .:. .:. III. REGULAR ADD-ON REGULAR D. Update From Seminole County Library And Leisure Services Department Director, Ms. Suzy Goldman And Mr. Joe Gasparini. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES WINTER SPRINGS PAW PARK CITIZEN ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING - SEPTEMBER 26, 2002 PAGE 2 OF 5 Ms. Suzy Goldman, Director, Seminole County Library and Leisure Services Department, 1101 East 1st Street, Sanford, Florida: updated the Committee on the Conceptual Plan for the Jetta Point property, and informed the Committee that one of the "Comp Plan priorities is multi-purpose soccer fields". Ms. Goldman stated further, "We also believe the property will support another function in the area of three (3) to five (5) acres. What that function would be - we are going to present to the Board several options. That is what we have been asked to do by the County Manager. One of which would be the concept of a Paw Park. The major issue that we are dealing with is number one (1) we are not going forward and asking for funding at this point in time. The County's Budget for this fiscal year has been set. My understanding is there are no funds in that Budget for any Capital Improvements further than the one's that the Board approves for us." Mr. Chuck Pula, Parks and Recreation Department Director inquired of Ms. Goldman, "Does part of your Plan include the lighting of those fields?' Ms. Goldman responded, "Yes. We feel that lighting is absolutely imperative." Ms. Goldman requested a downsized copy of the Master Plan that is being presented by Starmer Ranaldi Planning and Architecture, Inc. (sri). REGULAR A. Presentation With Mr. Bill Starmer, Starmer Ranaldi Planning And Architecture Inc., (sri) Regarding Site Plan Finalization. Mr. Bill Starmer, President, Starmer Ranaldi Planning and Architecture Inc. (sri), 890 Northern Way, Winter Springs, Florida: distributed a revised Master Plan which encompassed all of the Committee's modifications, and an Opinion of Construction Value. Discussion evolved. After extensive discussion, Mr. Pula suggested that the Committee "Consider going on the next [City Commission] Agenda and basically ask them to set a date for a Workshop. Have Bill [Starmer] present the plan and have someone from the Committee make a presentation too on all the things that we have considered and how we have got here." Tape I/Side B With discussion, Committee Member Paul Williams stated III regards to the City Commission presentation, "I will go. I will be there." In regards to setting the Workshop date, Mr. Pula clarified to the Committee "That [October 14th] would be the Meeting in which we would ask them to set the date." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES WINTER SPRINGS PAW PARK CITIZEN ADVISORY COMMITIEE MEETING - SEPTEMBER 26, 2002 PAGE 3 OF 5 MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER RUCCI. "WE ARE GOING TO SEND THIS TO THE COMMISSION AND ASK FOR A WORKSHOP. THAT IS THE MOTION." SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER PARSONS. DISCUSSION. MR. PULA STATED, "NO WHEN YOU SAY SEND THIS, WE ARE GOING TO REQUEST A DATE FOR A WORKSHOP, WE ARE NOT GOING TO SEND THIS - TO THEM RIGHT?" COMMITTEE MEMBER RUCCI CLARIFIED, "RIGHT. WE ARE GOING TO REQUEST A DATE FOR A WORKSHOP AND GO WITH THIS DRAWING AND THESE NUMBERS." MR. PULA SAID, "AT THAT MEETING WE WILL PRESENT THE DRAWING AND THE BUDGET AND THE PHASING WHICH WILL BE A WORKSHOP. SO THEY WILL NOT VOTE ON THE PROJECT AT THAT MEETING. THEY WILL DISCUSS IT AND THEY WILL GIVE CONSENSUS DIRECTION SO THE COMMITTEE - HAVE TO AGAIN MEET AND COME BACK TO THE COMMISSION WITH WHAT THEY HAVE ASKED FOR BASICALLY." VOTE: COMMITTEE MEMBER WILLIAMS: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER RUCCI: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER PENNINGTON: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER PARSONS: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER FERRARO: AYE MOTION CARRIED. REGULAR B. Budget. This Agenda Item was discussed in collaboration with Regular Agenda Item "A". REGULAR C. Finalization Of Rules And Regulation Signage. Mr. Pula distributed a finalized copy of the Paw Park Rules and a document addressing Express Assumption Of Liability And Indemnification By Users Of The Off-Leash Areas. Committee Member Bob Rucci departed the Meeting at 8:07 p.m. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES WINTER SPRINGS PAW PARK CITIZEN ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING - SEPTEMBER 26, 2002 PAGE40F 5 Mr. Pula stated, "It would be appropriate to make a Motion regarding these to adopt them, recommend them as a Committee, and these will be part of the Informational Agenda of the City Commission." "SO MOVED." MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER WILLIAMS. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER PENNINGTON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMITTEE MEMBER RUCCI: ABSENT FOR VOTE COMMITTEE MEMBER PENNINGTON : AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER PARSONS: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER FERRARO: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER WILLIAMS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Committee Member Rucci returned at 8:09 p.m. ADD-ON REGULAR D. Public Input. Ms. Leah Wiseman, 113 Brookshire Court, Winter Springs, Florida: suggested "Besides the fence, water, and lights, everything can wait." Ms. Wiseman also suggested smaller pavilions be use within the park. With discussion the Committee agreed that smaller, 20'x20' pavilions should be installed in leu of larger 40'x40' pavilions. Mr. Greg Ferraro, 307 Cello Circle, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke of the park being "Five (5) years out"; reiterated that the park is being constructed for dogs, therefore "I do not want to loose sight of that." Committee Member Rucci asked Mr. Starmer to email him a copy of the Master Plan. Mr. Starmer stated, "Yes I will." IV. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS . Operations Plan. . Public Input. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES WINTER SPRINGS PAW PARK CITIZEN ADVISORY COMMITIEE MEETING - SEPTEMBER 26,2002 PAGE50F5 V. REPORTS None. VI. ADJOURNMENT MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER RUCCI. "I MOTION TO ADJOURN." SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER PENNINGTON. DISCUSSION. WITH CONSENSUS OF THE COMMITTEE, THE MOTION WAS APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. The Meeting was adjoumed at 8:26 p.m. Boards and Committees\Winter Springs Paw Park Citizen Advisory Committee\aIll\MINUTES\092602 MINUTES.doc NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the October 24, 2002 Winter Springs Paw Park Citizen Advisory Committee Meeting.