HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999 12 13 Public Hearings Item I
Public Hearing X
December 13. 1999
The Community Development Department-Code Enforcement Division requests
the City Commission hold a public hearing for the third reading of Ordinance
#748 establishing a moratorium prohibiting the installation of new billboards.
The purpose of this agenda item is to hold a public hearing for the third reading and adoption
of Ordinance # 748 to amend Section 20-454 (t), 20-466 (t) and ]6-77 of the City code
establishing a moratorium on the permitting and installation of billboards within the City of
Winter Springs until a code change regulating billboards is drafted and adopted. The
moratorium would continue up to and through June 30, 2000.
Current regulations prohibit billboards in the S.R 434 Corridor Vision Plan New Development
and Redevelopment areas (Section 20-454 (t) and Section 20-466 (t)). Section 16-77 of the City
Code regulates placement of billboards in other areas of the City.
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DECEMBER 13, 1999
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. The City Manager on August 11, 1999 directed Staff to develop legislation to prohibit
. The visual character ofa community, i.e. the appearance of its streets, neighborhoods and
business areas, is essential to its long-term economic viability. Sign control is an integral
part of improving visual character and quality of life.
. Billboard control helps communities by preserving and improving community appearance,
enhancing quality of life, protecting property values, fostering tourism and economic
development, and improving motorist safety.
. The Highway Beautification Act has fallen short of its intent to control billboard proliferation.
Loopholes and subsequent legislation have made it nearly impossible to remove
nonconforming billboards. The responsibility for billboard control is now with local
. Four states; Vermont, Hawaii, Alaska and Maine, and more than 200 Florida communities
have completely banned billboards.
. Staff needs additional time to draft permanent legislation regulating billboards. A temporary
moratorium would protect the community from any new billboards until the new legislation
is drafted and adopted.
. A first reading of Ordinance # 748 was held on October 11, 1999.
. A second reading of Ordinance #748 was held on November 22, 1999. Staff was directed to
bring the matter back to the Commission on December 13, 1999 for a third reading.
The City Commission will hold a public hearing for the third reading and adoption of
Ordinance # 748 on December 13, 1999. The moratorium will take effect upon adoption of
Ordinance #748.
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DECEMBER 13, 1999
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Staff recommends the City Commission hold a public hearing to approve the third reading and
adoption of Ordinance # 748.
A. Ordinance # 748
B. Sections 20-454,20-466, and 16-77 of City Code
C. Section 16-51 of the City Code
D. Memorandum dated August 11, 1999 directing Staff to amend the code related to
CDJ)/Deccmber 6, 1999/9:39 AM
WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida,
recognizes that scenic beauty helps communities attract visitors and residents,
boosts local economics and enhances our quality of life, and
WHEREAS, billboards are recognized as detrimental to the scemc
beauty of our community, and
WHEREAS, sign regulations are established to achieve the purpose of
protecting property values, public investment and overall neighborhood character
by preventing conditions which have undesirable impacts on surrounding
properties, and
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WHEREAS, the law regulating billboards reqmres additional
analysis prior to the implementation of a City policy on the constnlction and/or
erection and or location and/or placement of billboards,
A moratorium prohibiting the constnlction and/or erection of
billboards is hereby enacted in the City of Winter Springs, Florida, up to and
through Jtme 30, 2000.
A billboard shall be defined as set forth in Section 16-51 of
the Code of the City of Winter Springs as Outdoor Advertising
Display/Billboard Off-premises Sign.
Conflicts. All Ordinances in conflict with the provisions of
tins Ordinance are hereby superceded and tins Ordinance shall prevail,
Severability. If any words, phrase, sentence or portion of
tins Ordinance is stricken by a Florida Court of competent jurisdiction, all other
tenns and conditions of tile Ordinance not specifically stricken shall remain in full
. '-... - :-~.'
force and effect.
Effective Date, This Ordinance shall become effective upon
its passage.
DONE AND ENACTED in regular of the City Commission of the City of
Winter Springs, Florida tins
day of December
, 1999.
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Andrea ~ renzo~aces, City Clerk
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(e) Additional Signs/Vafiances: Under special Cifcull1stances, such as for parcels on corner lots,
additional signs consistent with these design standards may be approved by the City
Commission, upon a request submitted to the Board of Adjustment pursuant to Sec. 20-82
and 20-83 of the City Code. The Board of Adjustment shall recommend variances of this
sign code in specific cases where such variances will not be contrary to the public interest
and where, due to special conditions, a literal translation of this sign code would result in
unnecessary hardship. All requirements, procedures, findings and appeals of sign code
variances shall follow those provisions for zoning variances.
Section 20-454
(f) Commercial Outdoor Advertising (i.e. Billboards)
Off-site advertising signs such as billboards are prohibited.
(g) Changeable Copy Signs: In order to create continuity throughout the corridor all
changeable copy signs shall be as follows: .
(I) The sign cabinet shall be all aluminum extrusion or better as approved by staff
Changeable copy signs may be incorporated into permitted signs and shall be included
as part of the permitted sign area as described below:
a. Changeable copy signs shall not comprise more than twenty-five (25%) percent
of the permitted sign area;
Movie theaters and other performance/entertainment facilities may utilize up to
eighty (80%) percent of the permitted sign area for display of films, plays or
other performances currently showing. Such copy area shall be included as part
of the permitted sign area.
c. Movie theaters may use up to eighty (80%) percent of permitted wall sign area
for display of names, films, plays or other performances currently showing.
d. One changeable copy sign advertising the price of gasoline is permitted on
gasoline station sites provided it shall not exceed twelve (12) square.feet per sign
(2) The sign face shall be acrylic Pan X 15 or Equal.
(3) The letters and track shall be Wagner Zip-Change or Equal.
(h) Backlit Signs: Backlighting of awning signs shall be prohibited.
(i) Window Signs: Window signs may he permitted under special circumstances for retail
establishments such as signs inside and on a window or in a display of mefchandise when
incorporated with such a display. The total area of all window signs,
) shall not exceed twenty (20'Yo) percent oCthe window glass area to be calculated separately
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(I) Shall only advertise one (J) pefson, firm, company, corporation or major enterprise
occupying the premises,
(2) The identification sign is located on the exterior wall of a building,
(3) The sign shall be clearly integrated with the architecture.
(4) The sign shall not project above any roof or canopy elevations, and the top of the sign
shall not be higher than fourteen (I4) feet above the main entry floor.
(5) The sign shall display only one (I) surface and shall not project more than six (6)
inches from any wall.
(6) Signs shall confonn to the following schedule:
Building Size (Gross Floor Area)
Max. Copy Area
Max. Letter Height
Less than 50,000 square feet
50,000 to 100,000 square feet
Over 100,000 square feet
16 square feet
32 square feet
48 square feet
2 feet
25% Height of Building
25% Height of Building
, )
(e) Additional SignsNariances: Under special circumstances, such as for parcels on corner lots,
additional signs consistent with these design standards may be approved by the City
Commission, upon a request submitted to the Board of Adjustment pursuant to Sec. 20-82
and 20-83 or the City Code. The Board of Adjustment shall recommend variances of this
sign code in specific cases where such variances will not be contrary to the public interest
and where, due to special conditions, a literal translation of this sign code would result in
unnecessary hardship. AJI requirements, procedures, findings and appeals of sign code
variances shall follow those provisions for zoning variances.
Section 20-466
(f) Commercial Outdoor Advertising (i.e. Billboards)
Off-site advertising signs such as billboards are prohibited.
(g) Changeable Copy Signs: In order to create continuity throughout the corridor all
changeable copy signs shall be as follows:
(1) The sign cabinet shall be all aluminum extrusion or better as approved by staff
Changeable copy signs may be incorporated into pennitted signs and shall be included
as part of the permitted sign area as described below:
a. Changeable copy signs shall not comprise more than twenty-five (25) percent of
the permitted sign area;
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(2) Within two (2) years of the effective date or
this division, all nonconforming outdoor ad-
vertising signs and their supporting mem-
bers shall be removed.
(3) Any nonconforming identification sign may
be allowed. to continue, provided the busi-
ness or use it advertises remains in opera-
tion_ When the business or use is discon-
tinued, the sign must be removed, and any
replacement sign must conform to all ex-
isting regulations.
(b) Signs placed on public right-of-way without
authorization shall be subject to immediate re-
moval by the department of public works of the
(Code 1974, 9 5-114)
Sec. 16-57. Prohibited signs.
The following signs are hereby prohibited:
(1) Snipe signs;
(2) Freestanding signs;
(3) Obscene signs;
(4) Hazardous signs;
(5) Flashing, running or revolving illuminated
(6) Bus stop shelter signs;
(7) Any sign placed on public right-of-way for
more than twenty-four (24) hours which does
not comply with this regulation;
(8) Balloon displays;
(9) Spot or search lights.
(Code 1974, 95-115)
Sec. 16-58. Variances.
(a) Variances to this article, except for those
decisions made by the site plan review board or
staff review, may be granted by the city board of
adjustment pursuant to sections 20-82 and 20-83
of the City Code.
(b) Decisions made by the site plan review board
may be appealed to the city comrnission pursuant
to section 9-348 of the City Code.
Supp. No.6
~ IG.77
(c) De<.:isions made by the staff review may be
appealed pursuant to section 20-355 of the City
(Code 1974, ~ 5-117)
Sees. 16-59-16-75. Reserved.
Sec. 16-76. Generally.
All signs shall be maintained in original condi-
tion. No sign shall be placed in a city-controlled
right-of-way with the exception of directional signs.
Any sign erected on private property that exceeds
six (6) square feet in area requires the payment of
a fee to and a permit from the building depart-
ment, and shall display an official city sticker
showing the date of expiration. No sign shall ob-
struct the sight of any roadway or driveway in-
tersection or approach between two (2) feet and
five (5) feet from ground level.
(Code 1974, 9 5-113(a))
Sec. 16-77. Outdoor displaylbillboards-Off-
premises signs.
(a) Any outdoor advertising display/billboard
off-premises sign shall be set back a minimum of
twenty-five (25) feet from the right-of-way on all
state, county, and municipal roads.
(b) S~ch signs shall not be located nearer than
five hundred (500) feet to the nearest residential
ec) On all state, county and municipal roads,
such signs shall be placed a minimum distance of
two thousand (2,000) feet apart. No new such sign
shall obstruct the sight of an existing permitted
(d) Such signs shall not exceed one hundred
sixty (160) square feet of copy area, or project
more than twenty-five (25) feet above the crown
of the road which the sign is designated primarily
to serve. The copy area limit allowed on both
sides is a total of three hundred twenty (320)
square feet. "V" signs are permitted, provided
they are constructed with an inner angle not to
exceed thirty (30) degrees.
.Cross reference-Buildings :Jnd building regulalions, Ch.
~ 1(;.71
WINTI':H 51')(1,,(;S CO!)E
(e) Such signs shall not be erected or maintained
within fivehundrecl (500) feet of a church, school,
cemetery, public recreation area, state or national
forest, railroad intersection, or any residentially
zoned property, measured along a common right-
(0 Such signs shall be reviewed by the site plan
review board and shall be permitted in industrial
and commercial zoning classifications only.
(g) Such signs require a permit, valid for a max-
imum of two (2) years, which may be renewed.
(Code 197 4, ~ 5-113(b))
Sec. 16-78. Same-On-premises signs.
(a) Any outdoor advertising display/billboard
on-premises sign attached to a building shall have
a total allowabl.e copy area, including identifica-
- tion and advertising, of one (1) square foot for
each lineal foot of store frontage.
(b) Such signs not attached to a building shall
be placed not less than twenty-five (25) feet from
) any intersection, with a maximum copy area of
.' thirty-two (32) square feet on each side. Double-
sided or "V" signs are permissible provided they
are constructed withan inner angle not to exceed
thirty (30) degrees.
(c) Signs not attached to a building, proposed
as part of a development plan, shall be reviewed
by the site plan review board, or staff review, as
appropriate, during initial site plan review.
(Code 1974, ~ 5-1.13(c))
Sec. 16-79. Trailer signs.
(a) A trailer sign shall be considered a tempo-
rary sign, and as such the copy area of a trailer
sign shall not be considered as part of the maxi-
mum allowable copy area for an outdoor advertis-
ing display/billboard on-premises sign.
(b) Any person engaged in the renting, leasing,
owning or otherwise providing for hire of any
trailer sign shall be properly licensed as required
by law.
(c) Prior to the display of any trailer sign upon
any Pl'emises, a permit for each sign from the
building department is required. A permit shall
.) be valid for no longer than a pCI-iod of thirty (30)
SuPp. No.6
days. A permit cannot be renewed, nor can a per-
mit be obtained for the same business within a
period of ninety (90) days.
(d) Trailer signs must be placed entirely on pri-
vate property and may be placed immediately
adjacent to the property line provided no traffic
hazard is thereby created as determined by the
building official, and provided such sign is placed
not less than ten (10) feet from the edge of the
pa ved surface of any road.
(e) No trailer sign may be placed in a parking
space which is required to meet the minimum
parking requirements for that development.
(0 Trailer signs shall be permitted in commer-
cial and industrial districts only.
(g) No more than one (1) trailer sign per busi-
ness location shall be permitted. Trailer signs on
the same side of the road shall be placed not less
than two hundred (200) feet apart. No more than
three (3) trailer signs for every one thousand (1,000)
feet on the same side of the road shall be permitted.
(h) The exterior measurements of any' trailer
sign, exclusive of the transportation mechanism,
shall not exceed six (6) feet in height or ten (10)
feet in length, and shall not exceed sixty (60)
square feet in area per face. No trailer sign shall
be located in such a manner as to obstruct an-
other sign.
(i) All bulbs in or attached to any trailer sign
shall be approved weatherproof rated outdoor lamps.
Spot-type bulbs and flashing, running, or revolv-
ing illumination are prohibited.
(j) Each trailer sign shall have permanently
affixed and prominently displayed the name, busi-
ness address and/or telephone number of the owner
of the sign.
(k) Each trailer sign, when in use, shall in some
manner l)c securely fastened to a permanent struc-
ture or to the ground and shall have its wheels
locked so that only the person renting, leasing,
owning, or providing the sign shall have the ca-
pability of unlocking the wheels.
(\) A permit for a trailer sign shall be valid
only for the sign location designated on the per-
mit. If a trailer is moved from the location desig-
nated on its permit, the permit shall become void,
and no refund of the fee shall be due.
~ 16.27
resident at such property has indicated a willing-
ness to accept such material by providing an ap-
propriately marked receptacle or unless the resi-
dent has placed a notice at or near the front of his
residence indicating that such material may be
placed on the driveway. Such notice shall be a
permanent sign not larger than six (6) inches by
twelve (12) inches with the words, "unsolicited
advertising," or any equivalent wording clearly
indicating the acceptance of delivery in this manner.
(d) It shall be the responsibility of the distribu-
tor or his agent to clearly determine the accep-
tance of delivery other than at the doorstep or in
a receptacle by verifying that a posted notice by
the resident is in place.
(Code 1974, 9 2.5-12)
Sec. 16-28. Distribution on or in vehicles and
public places prohibited.
It is unlawful for any person to distribute, cast,
place, or scatter any newspaper, magazine, hand-
bill, pamphlet, circular, dodger, announcement,
or any other paper on or in any vehicle or on any
) public property, or on any parking lot open to the
use of the public, in any manner other than by
the delivery thereof to a person who then and
. there accepts the same or has given his express
consent to the receipt thereof.
(Code 1974, S 2.5-13)
Sec. 16-29. Aiding and abetting prohibited.
It is unlawful for any person to enter into any
conspiracy or into any employment or other con-
tract which involves or promotes the performance
of any act prohibited or declared unlawful by this
section or that can reasonably be anticipated to
result in the performance of any such act.
(Code 1974, 9 2.5-14)
Sec. 16-30. Exemptions from article provisions.
The provisions of this article shall not apply to
the distribution of newspapers or current maga-
zines regularly sold by the copy or by subscrip-
tion or the distribution of mail by the United
States Government or to any lien, foreclosure,
court or governmental notices or process.
(Code 1974, 9 2.5-15)
Sec. 16-:31. Granting of variances.
The city commission may, by vn-itten resolu-
tion, grant variances from any of the provisions
of this section and may thereby permit the distri-
bution of circulars, handbills, newspapers, maga-
zines, other papers and merchandise, ,upon such
terms and conditions as city commission may im-
pose, after due consideration of the following:
(1) The nature, scope, purpose and method of
distribution; .
(2) The extent of the distribution, both as to
time required therefor and area to be covered;
(3) The character and reputation of the person
or individual or organization proposing the
(4) The identity, character and reputation of
the person or persons who will be responsi-
ble for the conduct of the distribution;
(5) The date or dates on or between which the
distribution is to be accomplished;
(6) The approximate number of individuals who
will be engaged in the distribution;
(7) The provision for removal, by'the individ-
ual or organization proposing the distribu-
tion, of items not removed by the properly
owner within a reasonable period of time
following the distribution;
(8) The likelihood, or: lack thereof of the dis-
tribution constituting a real and present
danger to the public health, welfare and
(Code 1974, 9 2.5-16)
Sees. 16-32-16-50. Reserved.
..Sec. 16-51. Definitions.
The following words, terms and phrases, when
used in this article, shall have the meanings as-
.Statc law rcfcrcnce-Sign ordinanccs, F.S. B 166.0425,
479.155. .
~ 16.51
cribed to them in this section, except where the
context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Balloon display is any balloon anchored on pri-
vate property for the purpose of advertisement.
Banner is any strip of cloth, plastic or other
flexible material on which a sign is printed, paint-
ed, or otherwise displayed.
Bench sign is any sign which displays advertis-
ing or which is intended for the display of adver-
tising and when such benches are to be located on
the public way or when such benches are to be
located on private property but the advertising is
intended to be viewed from the public way.
Bus stop shelter sign is any sign located on any
part of the surface of a bus stop shelter.
Construction sign is anyon-site sign designat-
ing the owner, architect, financial institution or
Directional sign is any permanent sign show-
ing directions to specific locations such as club-
house, golf course, tennis courts, etc.
Freestanding sign is any mobile or portable sign
or sign structure not securely attached to the ground
or to any other structure. This definition shall
not include trailer signs.
Garage sale sign is any sign advertising g:arage
Hazardous sign is any sign which constitutes a
traffic hazard or a detriment to traffic safety by
reason of its size, location, movement,. content,
coloring, or method of illumination, or which ob-
structs the visibility of any official traffic-control
device or which diverts or tends to divert the
attention of drivers. of moving vehicles from traf-
fic movement on streets, roads, intersections, or
access facilities. No sign shall be erected in such
a manner as to obstruct"the vision of pedestrians.
The use of flashing, ruiming, or revolving lights
in any sign is prohibited. Any sign which by glare
or method of illumination constitutes a hazard to
traffic is prohibited. No sign may use the words
"Stop," "Look," "Drive-In," "Danger," or any other
word, phrase, symbol, or character in such a man-
ner as to interfere with traffic, mislead or confuse
drivers or pedestrians.
Identification sign is any sign which. indicates
the name of the use, owner, activity, business or
enterprise, but which does not advertise products,
commodities or services offered, and which is lo-
cated on the same property which is identified.
Nonconforming sign is any sign which does not
conform to the requirements of this division.
Obscene sign is any sign which is obscene, in-
decent, or immoral, according to this Code.
Outdoor advertising display/billboard off-premises
sign is any sign upon which advertising matter
may be painted or upon which posters may be
posted or otherwise' secured to the face there.of,
advertising goods, services or other- things not
sold or available upon the premises. upon which
sign is located.
Outdoor advertising display/billboard on-premises
sign is any sign advertising a product for sale or
service to be rendered on the immediate premises
where the sign is located.
Political sign is any sign erected by a candidate
for city, county, state, and federal office, and any
sign for or against a ballot issue.
Real estate sign is any sign which. is used to
offer for sale, lease or rent the property upon
.which the sign is placed.
Right-of-way is t~at area adjacent to state, coun-".
ty, and city roads designated as being permanent
public easements.
Service club sign is any logo sign for nationally
recognized service organization. The logo is to be
counted as part of permitted sign as to height and
Sign is any communication designed to be seen
from any public place utilizing letters, words, num-
bers, symbols, pictures, color, illumination, geo-
metric or nongeometric shapes or planes.
Snipe sign is any sign of any material whatso-
ever that is attached in any way to a utility pole,
tree or any object located or situated on a public
road right-of-way.
Spot or searchlight is any apparatus designed
to project a beam of light for the purpose of adver-
tisement during hours of darkness.
~ 16.5\
Trailer sign is any sign mounted on a vehicle
normally licensed by the state as a trailer and
used for advertising or promotional purposes.
(Code 1974, 9 5-112)
Cross reference-Definitions and rules of construction gen.
erally, ~ 1.2.
Sec. 16-52. Purpose and intent.
(a) The regulations and requirements herein
set forth shall ~e the minimum requirements to
promote the public health, safety and general wel-
fare, and to protect the character of residential,
business and industrial areas throughout the city.
(b) With respect to signs advertising business
uses, it is specifically intended, among other things,
to avoid excessive competition and clutter among
sign displays in the demand for public attention.
Therefore, the display of signs should be appro-
priate to the land, building or use to which they
are appurtenant and be adequate, but not exces-
sive, for the intended purpose of identification or
(Code 1.974, 9 5-111)
) Sec. 16-53. Building permit required.
No person shall erect, alter, repair or relocate
any sign, except as noted below, without first
obtaining a building permit for such work from
the building department. No permit shall be is-
sued until the building department determines
that such work is in accordance with the require-
ments contained in this article, and the building
department determines such work will not vio-
late the building or electrical codes of the city. A
sticker, provided by the building department, show-
ing the date of expiration of the permit shall be
displayed on each permitted sign.
(Code 1974, 9 5-118)
Sec. 16-54. Permit fees.
A permit fee schedule shall be established by
resolution of the city commission.
(Code 1974, 9 5-119)
Sec. 16-55. Exemptions from permit re-
The following signs may be erected without a
permit, subject, however, to all remaining require-
ments of these regulations:
(1) Bulletin boards and identification signs for
public, charitable, or religious institutions
located on the premises of such institution
and not exceeding twelve (12) square feet
in total area.
(2) Occupational signs denoting only the name,
street, number and business of an occupa-
tion, a commercial building, public institu-
tion, building or dwelling, which do not
exceed two (2) square feet.
(3) Memorial signs or tablets, names of build-
ings and date of erection when cut into a
masonry surface or when constructed of
bronze or other incombustible materials.
(4) Traffic or other municipal, county, state or
federal signs, legal notices, railroad cross-
ing signs, danger signs and such temporary,
emergency, or nonadvertising signs as may
be approved by the city commission.
(5) One (1) "For Sale" or "For Rent" sign per
parcel of property when such sign has an
area per face of not more than six (6) square
(6) Identification signs at the entrance drive
of residences, estates, and ranches, which
do not exceed two (2) square feet.
(7) Nonadvertising directional signs or symbols
("Entrance," "Exit,". "Slow," "Caution," "No
Trespassing," etc.) located on and pertain-
ing to a parcel of private property, each not
to exceed four (4) square feet.
(Code 1974, 9 5-120)
,Sec. 16-56. Nonconforming signs.
(a) Any sign which, when erected, conformed
to the existing zoning regulations and subsequently
is declared nonconforming due to the enactment
of this division or any amendment to the zoning
ordinance may remain, subject to the following
(1) No sign may be moved, structurally altered,
or repaired in a manner that would require
replacement of more than fifty (50) percent
of anyone (1) sign's supporting members,
without complying with all provisions of
this article.
(2) Within two (2) years of the effective date of
this division, all nonconforming outdoor ad-
vertising signs and their supporting mem-
bers shall be removed.
(3) Any nonconforming identification sign may
be allowed to continue, provided the busi-
ness or use it advertises remains in opera-
tion. When the business or use is discon-
tinued, the sign must be removed, and any
replacement sign must conform to all ex-
isting regulations.
(b) Signs placed on public right-of-way without
authorization shall be subject to immediate re-
moval by the department of public works of the
(Code 1974, 9 5-114)
! {
Sec. 16-57. Prohibited signs.
The following signs are hereby prohibited:
(1) Snipe signs;
(2) Freestanding signs;
(3) Obscene signs;
(4) Hazardous signs;
(5) Flashing, running or revolving illuminated
(6) Bus stop shelter signs;
(7) Any sign placed. on public right-of~way for
more than twenty-four (24) hours which does
not comply with this regulation;
(8) Balloon displays;
(9) Spot or search lights.
(Code 1974, 95-115)
\. ~
Sec. 16-58. Variances.
(a) Variances to this article, except for those
decisions made by the site plan review board or
staff review. may be granted by the city board of
adjustment pursuant to sections 20-82 and 20-83
of the City Code.
(b) Decisions made by the site plan review board
may be appealed to the city commission pursuant
to section 9.348 of the City Code.
Supp. No.6
~ 16-77
(c) Decisions made by the staff review may be
appealed pursuant to section 20-355 of the City
(Code 1974, S 5-117)
Sees. 16-59-16-75. Reserved.
Sec. 16-76. Generally.
All signs shall be maintained in original condi-
tion. No sign shall be placed in a city-controlled
right-of-way with the exception of directional Bigns.
Any sign erected on private property that exceeds
six (6) square feet in area requires the payment of
a fee to and a permit from the building depart-
ment, and shall display an official city sticker
showing the date of expiration. No sign shall ob-
struct the sight of any roadway or driveway in-
tersection or approach between two (2) feet and
five (5) feet from ground level.
(Code 1974, 9 5-113(a))
Sec. 16-77. Outdoor displaylbillboards-Off-
premises signs.
(a) Any outdoor advertising displaylbillboard
off-premises sign shall be set back a minimum of
twenty-five (25) feet from the right-of-way on all
state, county, and municipal roads.
(b) Sq.ch signs shall not be located nearer than
five hundred (500) feet, to the nearest residential
(c) On' all state, county and municipal roads,
such signs shall be placed a minimum distance of
two thousand (2,000) feet apart. No new such sign
shall obstruct the sight of an existing permitted
(d) Such signs shall not exceed one hundred
sixty (160) square feet of copy area, or project
more than twenty-five (25) feet above the crown
of the road which the sign is designated primarily
to serve. The copy area limit allowed on both
sides is a total of three hundred twenty (320)
square feet. "V" signs are permitted, provided
they are constructed with an inner angle not to
exceed thirty (30) degrees.
.Cross reference-Buildings and building regulations, ell.
Rooald W. McLemore
City Manager
Telephone (407) 327-1800
, .. .1 ~ '1"99
,L\UIJ i : iJ -
Community Development
Charles Carrington, Community Development Director .
Ronald W. McLemore, City Manager ~..
August 11, 1999
The Commission would like to prohibit billboards. However, there is concern that
this would be illegal.
Check with Orange County, Seminole County, City of Orlando, Boca Raton, and
Naples to see if they are prohibited, what amortization schedule was used, and
any other pertinent information.
Additionally, you might want to check with the Florida League of Cities. I am sure
this has come up with them.
U:\Docs\Word\MEMOS\AUGUST99\Bill Boards.doc