HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 12 11 Commerce & Industry Development Board Meeting Minutes c MINUTES COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT BOARD DECEMBER 11, 1996 - REGULAR MEETING 1. Call to Order Chairperson Glickman called the meeting to order at 8:22 a.m. in the conference room, Municipal Building. 2. Roll Call Paul Partyka, Mayor, present Walt Dittmer, present Mel Glickman, Chairperson, present Roger Owen, present Sally McGinnis, present Jackie Gieseler, absent Ron McLemore, City Manager, present 3. ADDroval of the November 13. 1996 Resmlar Meetin!! Minutes Motion: Accept the minutes as read. Motion by Owen. Second by Dittmer. All ayes. Motion carried. t""'" '-" 4. March 19. 1997 Breakfast Chairperson Glickman informed Mayor Partyka that the March breakfast will be held at the Senior Center, and will be titled "Meet the Mayor". McGinnis suggested that the City Commission also be recognized. The members want to send panel card invitations. Chairperson Glickman requested that city staff attend also. Mayor Partyka said that he doesn't like to go to meetings that don't give him anything in return. He said that it would be nice to give the business people something. Ex: speedier permit processing, a new program that would benefit them. The business people have to see that the city is doing something for them. There has to be value for going to the meeting other than meeting a few people. They have to see that the city is doing something for their benefit. McGinnis suggested spotlighting new businesses. City Manager, Ron McLemore, joined the meeting. McGinnis said that the new police chief could also be introduced. Mayor Partyka asked the City Manager if any programs are coming on board in the city that would help out the businessperson. Manager McLemore said he may have something by March. Chairperson Glickman said that the invitations need to go out by mid February. Owen suggested letting the new printing business (Speedy Printing) in town print the invitations. The members agreed, and Chairperson Glickman said he would call the owner of the printing business. c MINUTES COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT BOARD DECEMBER 11, 1996 - REGULAR MEETING - PAGE 2 OF 3 ~ 5. Old Sanford-Oviedo Road Update Manager McLemore said the city has the ability to set up assessment districts for all types of improvements. The city will finance the water project through an assessment; in this case, it will be a loan through a bank at a tax exempt rate. The Commission may have to be willing to put some money into the three parcels which are outside of the city, until the parcels are annexed in. He said he has asked that the city to do some work with the County Commission to see if the County Commission may be willing to make the donation to the Grove Counseling Center because they are a prime sponsor of the center. Hopefully, it could be installed by April. The City Commission of it' s own authority create an assessment district anytime it wants. Manager McLemore said there may be more use of assessment districts in the future, particularly in cities that are pushing against their 10% millage ( statutory) cap. Owen asked that if there were five property owners which make up a small industrial park, can the city make some sort of grouping on that, and finance for a purchase by another entity. Manager McLemore said the infrastructure can be done on what belongs to the public. Mayor Partyka added, people can tax themselves for improvements. Manager McLemore said that there are a lot oflaws that require s the city to make sure it's a financially secure deal, but in the case of assessment deals, the land is usually pledged as collateral. c McGinnis asked if the city has a business directory. Owen mentioned that the (Longwood/Winter Springs) Chamber of Commerce has a directory of members. Chairperson Glickman said that the Longwood/Winter Springs Chamber of Commerce has been absorbed by the Greater Seminole Chamber. 6. Commerce and Industry Develooment Board Budeet Chairperson Glickman said that a couple of years ago, the cm Board went before the Commission requesting a budget for a variety of things, and were turned down. Mayor Partyka suggested that the board layout a budget for the year with a breakdown of expenses and the purposes for the expenses, and list what benefits the city will receive. He said that the C.lD. Board is like an arm of the city, and if the board needs a budget to bring in two or three businesses then the costs will be offset. Chairperson Glickman said he would prepare a budget and the board can vote on it at the next meeting. He said he would bring it before the Commission in January. Manager McLemore said the budget cycle will begin in April, but pointed out that the cm Board is an advisory board which means that they have to follow the purchasing process. Mayor Partyka said that it should be treated as a business decision. c Manager McLemore said he has spoke with Owen Beitsch, Executive Vice President of Real Estate Research Consultants, who (through UCF) does consulting for local development authorities. The board members said they would like to have Owen Beitsch attend the cm Board meeting in January to discuss things that communities do that are successful and not successful in economic MINUTES COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT BOARD DECEMBER 11, 1996 - REGULAR MEETING ~ PAGEJOF J ........ development. Manager McLemore said they could also invite the Commission; the meeting will be posted. Chairperson Glickman said he will contact Tracy Grygiel, Economic Development Commission, at the first of the year to set up a meeting. The meeting will explain how the county ties into the city. McGinnis suggested inviting some of the other advisory boards. Owen said that he would like to see a breakdown of how much the city has in each of the impact fee funds currently, and how much has been spent out of those funds for the past twelve months. Discussion of impact fees. 7. Adiournment The meeting adjourned at 9:08 a.m. c c Minutes submitted by: Martha Jenkins, Deputy City Clerk City of Winter Springs, Florida