HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 01 11 Commerce & Industry Development Board Meeting Minutes \ e e e '<\ COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY BOARD MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 11, 1995 1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Lup at 8:30 A.M. 2. Attendance: Jim Lup, Chairperson, Present Sally McGinnis, Present John Baker, Present Mel Glickman, Present Walt Dittmer, Absent 3. Discussion of Plan for 1995 Calendar Year: Chairperson Lup asked if the new meeting time of 8:30 A.M. would be desirable for everyone. Mr. Glickman said he would prefer 8:00 or 8:15. Chairperson Lup stated that the meeting time will be changed to 8:15 A.M. for the next meeting time. Chairperson Lup asked Mrs. McGinnis if she had attended, or is still attending the LDC Technical Advisory Committee meetings with regard to the Unified Land Development Code. Mrs. McGinnis said a very large group attended the meeting, and she explained to the group that she was there on behalf of the Commerce and Industry Board. Mrs. McGinnis explained that everyone had read the Code and understood it, but nobody really knew why they were at the meeting. There was no charge, or an end. They didn't have a format or agenda as to what they were going to do, or what they would try to achieve at the next meeting. Mrs. McGinnis explained that forty-five minutes into the meeting, she asked everyone if they could explain what they wanted to accompl ish at this particular meeting. After everyone reveal ed what they wanted to accomplish, their goals were clarified, and they had somewhat of an agenda to follow. Mrs. McGinnis explained that the committee wanted to work out the technical issues before it was opened to the publ ic, because a public debate would just make it more confusing. They wanted to then focus on definitions and process. The committee discussed eliminating the zoning map, but they needed a mandate from the City Commission before they spent a lot of time on redesigning the Code. They seemed reluctant to spend a lot of time on this. Discussion as to the role of the Commerce and Industry Board in connection with the LDC Technical Review Committee. Mrs. McGinnis agreed to continue attending meetings and give progress reports to the Commerce and Industry Board. Mrs. McGinnis wasn't quite sure what Mr. Govoruhk was asking of the Board, and asked if anyone understood what Mr. Govoruhk was trying to say. .. e e e .. COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY BOARD MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 11, 1995 PAGE 2 Mr. Glickman said he believes Mr. Govoruhk was referring to the 434 Corridor, and how we would I ike the streets to look in Winter Springs. He wants to get us more involved with this. ChairpersonLup said he was informed that the 434 Visioning Committee had not been organized as yet. Mrs. McGinnis explained that she had submitted a letter as a resident, to the Mayor, asking to be appointed to the Visioning Committee because she felt citizen input was important. She said the letter was submitted months ago, and she currently has not heard from anyone concerning this matter. Mr. Glickman explained that the idea was to have the Board come up with recommendations; for an example, to have it look like Lake Mary Boulevard or International Drive, etc. After input from the various committees, it would then go out for community/resident involvement. Some further discussion with regard to the 434 Visioning process. Chairperson Lup explained that a contract was just put in for a proposed fifteen (15) acres shopping center at the corner of Tuscawilla Road and State Road 434. He explained that currently the property is County property. Mr. Baker asked if the Ci ty wi 11 have a voice in this matter. Chairperson Lup explained it is under the jurisdiction of the County, but he was sure that there is some type of relationship between the County and the City. Mr. Glickman felt they wanted recommendations from us as to what the signs should look like, color schemes, landscaping, parking, etc., to give them some direction so when it's all developed, they will basically have something to follow. Mr. Baker asked if the possibility exists of the property annexing into the City. Chairperson Lup explained, ultimately it would because of sewer and water. Mrs. McGinnis suggested, as a Board, we ask Mr. Govoruhk to put it into writing as a charge, so we are clear as to what he wants us to do. What are the guidelines, what does he want us to recommend, or what can we recommend? Mr. Glickman suggested they try to have something directed to them so they could meet in February and get working on this before another six months go by, and all the development is completed. '" . COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY BOARD MEETING MINUTES JANUARY II, 1995 PAGE 3 Mrs. McGinnis asked who receives minutes of this meeting. Chai rperson Lup expl ained that all the Board members receive a copy, the Commission, Mayor and all departments. Mrs. McGinnis felt that the Chairperson of the relevant committees should also receive copies of the Commerce and Industry Board minutes. Chairperson Lup felt strongly that the B.O.W.S. Board should have input into this 434 Visioning process. He feels the Commerce and Industry Board should definitely have their help on this project. Some discussion concerning landscaping and planting of trees at the old "Piggly Wiggly" shopping center location to help draw more prospective tenants. There was question as to Babcock's Furniture offering to do plantings on this site. Mrs. McGinnis suggested writing a letter to the Chairperson of the B.O.W.S. Board with a copy going to the proper individual concerning information with regard to landscaping, beautification of streets, etc., in the City of Winter Springs. e Mr. GI ickman reported that the greatest expense the Board had incurred, was in the making of a brochure they did a year ago. Mr. Glickman explained that since he was involved with this, he was concerned as to what happened to these brochures. He stated that he doesn't see the brochures displayed anywhere in City Hall, or if they have been using them in answer to inquiries about the City which they were designed for. Mr. GI ickman said he personall y pI aced some brochures at the Seminole Chamber of Commerce as well as other places. Mr. Glickman asked Mr. Baker for his input with regards to the brochure, and if he thinks anything might have been left out. Further discussion concerning the brochure. Discussion with regard to a form for information, referral and complaints were discussed with the City Manager and the General Services Director. Chairperson Lup asked the Board members if they wanted to go back to meeting every month. e Mr. GI ickman didn't think that was total I y necessary, but the February meeting is important. It was the consensus of the Board to meet on Wednesday, February 15 at 8:15 A.M. Discussion with regard to meeting dates of the Commerce and Industry Board and the frequency in scheduling. Mrs. McGinnis asked what the process was for serving on the LDC Technical Advisory Committee as a liaison. '" . e e COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY BOARD MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 11, 1995 PAGE 4 Chairperson Lup said he would contact Carl Gosline concerning notification of the meetings. Mr. GI ickman said, . . . "as I recall, Wal t Di t tmer and I were going to be the liaison from the Commerce and Industry Board when all the Boards were going to get together for the state Road 434 Corridor Project." Chairperson Lup explained that he wrote a letter to the Mayor stating that the Board had selected Mr. Glickman and Mr. Dittmer, but never heard anything. He said that Mr. Gosline informed him that it got dropped, but what I am hearing from the City Manager is it needs to be revived. Chairperson Lup informed Mr. Baker that he could attend any of the meetings/programs that he felt comfortable with. We have the LDC Technical Advisory Committee, state Road 434 Corridor Committee. Mr. Glickman suggested holding a general meeting with representation from all the Boards as an update to all the other Boards. Chairperson Lup agreed that this would be an excellent idea. He explained that when everyone met back in May of 1994 for the 434 Workshop, everyone felt it was a good idea because the left hand didn't know what the right hand was doing, and this way, everyone was informed at the same time. Everyone could work together as a team. Chairperson Lup suggested that this type of meeting should be at the most, once a quarter. The Board concurred. 4. Ad iournment: Meeting adjourned at 9:30 A.M. This document is a summary of the Commerce and Industry Board actions at this meeting. The audiotapes of all meetings are maintained in the permanent records of the City of Winter Springs.