HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992 07 15 Commerce & Industry Development Board Meeting Minutes
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July 15, 1992
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Lup at 8:00 A.M.
Mayor Philip A. Kulbes, Present
City Manager Richard Rozansky , Absent
Walt Dittmer, Present
Gene Jones, Present
Mel Glickman, Present
Jim Lup, Present
Approval of Minutes of June 11, 1992:
Lup stated that on page 1, last paragraph, he would like changed. Where it
is stated about enterprise zoning; this should state: "creating an
enterprise zone" and where it states".. .which allows Cities to give. ." This
should say "...which allows Cities to designate an area in which certain
commercial property owners/users can receive certain State Tax benefits..."
Mayor Kulbes moved
Seconded by Glickman.
to approve the rranutes of June 11, 1992 as amended.
Vote: All aye. Motion carried.
old Business: Discuss Brochure:
Glickman stated that he had done sane research on his own, to give the Board
some idea of the options we have regarding the brochure. He said that he
called Semdnole Chamber of Commerce as to what they send out to a new
business looking to relocate to this area. He passed out what he received
frcrn the Semdnole Chamber which was an article that was printed in the
Orlando sentinel in 1991. The only mention of Winter Springs is the City
Hall and that the City has a park.
Glickman stated that he has gotten prices frcrn three photographers regarding
the brochure. He went over the prices he had gotten, which was for
approximately ten locations, of which we would probably use eight, in color
and black and white. With looking over the prices and going with the lowest
price would range between $800.00 and $1,000 to do the photography. He said
that he figured that he would do the production, and would do the entire
production, which includes the layout, the copy, the design, setting the
type and get everything ready for printing for a cost of _,'
Glickman stated that he went to five printers in the area and the price of
the lowest would be With all the costs added together would cane up
to $3200 to print 5,000 brochures. Glickman asked if that price was within
the amount alloted for the brochure. Discussion. The Board said that they
were alloted about $5,000 for the brochure.
Glickman mentioned that at the last Comrrdssion meeting, Comrrdssioner Torcaso
said that he would like to see this Board disband. Discussion.
Glickman showed the Board a brochure which could be like the one the City
could make at the price of $3,200, he said tr~t a headline he thought of to
put on the brochure is " This is Winter Springs and Your Business Belongs
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Commerce & Industry Development Board
July 15, 1992
Page 2
Glickman stated that the first thing the Board needs to decide is what do we
want photographed and what do we want to say about Winter Springs.
Discussion. Tax base would be one, we will have to make a list of the
positive things, whatever would be interesting to Businesses looking to
relocate. Then we can work it into the copy. The way the procedure would
go is: take the photographs at the same time the photographs are being shot,
we would do a preliminary copy, which we all would review. When the copy is
approved, and we decide which pictures we want to use, then we go to layout.
After review of the layout, then it goes to a printer and we review it again
before it goes to print. The question is when do we get started etc. Lup
stated that we have been given permission from the Ccmnission to go ahead
with the brochure. Discussion. Lup stated that he will be going before the
Ccmnission at the first meeting in August to update the Ccmnission on the
progress of this Board. Kulbes stated that he would like to move up the
presentation to the next Ccmnission meeting because of the comment by
Ccmnissioner Torcaso. The Board was in agreement to have the presentation
for the next Ccmnission meeting.
Lup stated that we need a plan of action so Mel can get started on the
brochure. Discussion. The Board agreed on having a picture of City Hall,
the new Central Winds Park entrance, Winter Springs Industrial Park, an
aerial photo of the City, Tuscawilla entrance, the new middle school on
Tuscawilla Road, a tranquil scene from the park, and the new bel tway under
construction. The Board agreed to list the names of the utilities that
service Winter Springs.
Glickman said he also will need facts such as taxes and transportation,
anything that would be of interest for potential new businesses.
The Board also decided to include an opening statement from the Mayor.
The Board decided that they would address the Commission on their update and
the cost for the brochure before they go forward with getting pictures etc.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 A.M.
Respectfully Subndtted,
Margo Hopkins
Deputy City Clerk