HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 10 10 Commerce & Industry Development Board Meeting Minutes .. . . . ~ COMMERCE & INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT BOARD MINUTES October 10, 1991 The meeting was called to order by Chainman Lup at 4:20 P.M. Roll Call: Mayor Philip A. Kulbes, Absent Jim Lup, Chainman, Present Gene Jones, Absent Walt Dittmer, Absent City Manager Richard Rozansky, Absent Janet Helms, Present Roger OWen, Present J. Koch, Dir. Adm./Cal'prehensive Planning Greg Kern, Administrative Assistant Approval of Minutes of September 12. 1991: Lup made one correction to the minutes of September, under old business a) Discussion of Brochure, he wanted to clarify that Lup is working on Commercial and OWen is working on industrial. OWen moved to approve the minutes of September 12, 1991. Seconded by Lup. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. Old Business: Lup asked if there were any thoughts or comments about the guest speakers. There were no comments fran the Board. New Business: a) Staff Update: Koch stated that now the City is waiting for the State to accept the Cal'prehensive Plan. Then we will proceed with writing a new zoning code. Lup asked if this Board will have any function with the Planning and Zoning Board for the "town center" area. Helms stated that this Board is concerned that they coordinate with the Planning and Zoning Board. Lup stated that this Board's function is to market the City of Winter Spr i ngs for commerce and bus i ness . What we want to know 1 s the concept and goals of Winter Springs so they have something to market. Koch stated that basically the Planning and Zoning Board is developing what the City has to market. Such as laying it out, creating the guidelines, doing some econanic research into what the future in Seminole County for the next decade. So this Board wi 11 have all that information as back up when you approach businesses to came into the City. Koch stated that we have been in limbo because we've had to wait for the State's review of the Comprehensive Plan. Things should start happening quickly now, we have to redo the Land Development Code by July 1, 1992. The first three things that we were looking at consultants for is a) urban designer b) environmentalist and c) have a feasibility study. We have Greg Kern, he has a background in business management and econanic studies, he is taking over that aspect for our purposes for the Plan. He will do a feasibility study/econanic analysis and review what other agencies are doing. He will be able to tell what is being done, what we can expect to cane fran the research he will be doing. ... . Commerce & Industry Development Board Minutes October 10, 1991 Page 2 Koch stated that we will be looking at what the econanic future of Seminole County is and look at the area as a whole and the region. Kern mentioned that the County Commissioners has formed a steering committee for economic development within the county. There are 22 members in the steering committee, they are trying to figure what is to be expected in Semi no le County. This committee is not only looking at econanic attributes of the County but also community wide attributes; such as what do we have to sell to a perspective employer. The committee has prepared a draft of basic goals, stratgeries, that they feel that they need to look into. The committee is having a meeting in November which is open to the public and might be informative to the members of this Board. Kern will let the Board know when the meeting will be held. Kern stated what needs to be done is analyze where the community is right now. The Board's business survey was a good start, now we have to inventory what Winter Springs has to offer. We need to have a comprehensive business retention program. . OWen asked what are the next steps involved in working with the Planning and Zoning for the "town center" area; is it to rezone to classify the area as town center. Koch stated after the plan is approved, we then redo the entire zoning map or eliminate and just use the land use map as a basis. From the time that map is adopted, the area that is de 1 i neated as town center. The next step is with the urban designer to lay down development standards and design criteria, and performance standards for that area. We are not designing the area like a PUD. Driveway cuts will be limited on S. R. 434 and that is why we are look i ng at the loop road as an a 1 ternat i ve way of getting in and around that area, so that we can limit access onto the highway to funnel it through an internal local road system. Koch went over the proposed new roads planned for the City. There was discussion on the concept of the town center. Koch stated that the intention of creating a town center was not to predesign everything but to coordinate it with the property owners. Koch stated that the City has grant money to fund a professional urban designer to help with the actual layout of the land for the town center. Lup asked if Koch and Kern could came to the next meeting to give the Board more information. Koch stated yes they would came. . The meeting adjourned at 5:22 P.M. Respectfully Submitted Margo Hopkins, Deputy City Clerk