HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 09 12 Commerce & Industry Development Board Meeting Minutes
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September 12, 1991
The meeting was called to order by Chainman Lup at 4:00 P.M.
Ro 11 Ca 11 :
~ Mayor Philip A. Kulbes, Present
Jr... Jim Lup, Cha i rman , Present fY
o Gene Jones, Present ~
Walt Dittmer, Present ~
City Manager Richard Rozansky, Absent A
Janet He lms, Absent.d..- ~
Roger Otlen, Present r4'
J. Koch, D i r. Acin ./Carprehens i ve P 1 ann i ng
Approval of Minutes of AUQust 8. 1991:
Dittmer moved to approve the minutes of August 8, 1991. Seconded by Otlen.
Vote: All aye. Motion carried.
Old Business: a) Discussion of Brochure:
Otlen showed the Board a copy of Daytona Beach Shores city brochure. Lup
asked what each member was working on. Otlen stated that Dittmer is work ing
on transportation. Helms is working on ca1TTl.Jnity and education; Jones is
working on the utilities, Lup is working on commercial and industrial; and
he is work i ng on rea 1 estate/res i dent i a 1 and deve lOJ:XTJentJ process. 0 \j) e 9
There was discussion on the extent of the brochure.
The Board members received a copy of the City's Carprehensive Plan. Lup
stated that the Carprehensive Plan will help each member with their assigned
tasks as it tells a brief history of the City and about roads, land uses
There was discussion on meeting more than once a month to work on the
brochure. It was determined that Lup would meet with each member
individually; and then bring back the information to the Board and have
workshops. The intent is to have the brochure completed by the first part
of the new year.
Koch showed the Board a map which showed the different land uses in the
New Business: a) Otlen Beitsch of Real Estate Research Consultants. Inc.:
Lup introduced Mr. Otlen Beitsch. Beitsch introduced Ms. Annette Perry of
Herbert Halback, Inc.
Beitsch asked what is it that the Board wants to accompl ish. Kulbes stated
that the Board is to help get cannerce and industry into the city to help
with the tax base. The Commission would like to see high-tech quality type
businesses. Kulbes introduced the Board to Beitsch and Perry.
Beitsch asked what is it that the Board would like to discuss. Lup stated
that it is the Board's intent to get input on how a firm such as their's to
help in an advisory position. Then this Board will bring the information to
the Commission and Staff to help with creating a downtown center.
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Commerce & Industry Development Board Minutes
September 12, 1991
Page 2
Beitsch gave a brief introduction to his company and Perry and her company.
He stated that his company is an econani c/p 1 ann i ng consu 1 t i ng firm. We dea 1
with economic policy issues, and also touch on physical planning issues.
Where is it appropriate to site different facilities, the type of
infrastructure necessary, etc. We work in conjunction with a company such
as Perry's company, Herbert Halback, they have drafted elements to other
Cities Comprehensive Plans.
Beitsch stated that economic and physical issues should be in conjunction
with one another.
Beitsch stated in order to recruit new business to the City you have to
understand the type of existing businesses, the physical and labor
requirements, the properly zoned land to support the businesses, and the
available infrastructure to support the businesses. Without all these in
conjunction it is rather pointless to recruit new industry.
Beitsch stated that the difference between a passive and an active community
is the active community is constantly evaluating where the region is
growing. He said the process of evaluating for new industry is: a)
community ana lysis; b) econanic/market ana lysis; the community ana lysis
identifies all the key criteria that the City has to offer the consumer, you
have a certain market of goods which include City policies, land
development; all of these enhance or restrain certain types of industries.
The second step: market analysis correlates those factors with the growth
industries in the region; c) the third step is public consensus - what is
the constituency say about these types of industry groups; d) the next step
is strategies for making change within the community factors and dealing
with things that cannot be changed; e) the last step is irrplementation-
define the strategies and make the good things happen. Beitsch stated that
is a generalized approach to planning the city downtown area.
Perry stated that there are common demoninators of successful downtown
development, and these are: 1. Sellers recognize the initial value; 2.
Public recognition of the irrportance of mixed use; 3. Expenditure of the
appropriate to the potential return; 4: Imaginative calatyst; 5: Markets
to penetrate; 6. Public participation and or incentives; 7. Flexible
building code regulations; 8. Ccmnitment to downtown and 9. The demand not
the supply, to drive the program.
Koch stated that the City has been doing that type of procedure for about
four years. Back in 1987 we applied for a grant to get the rronies to have a
plan developed for the core of the City. We have had meetings with the
different property owners to get their input on how they plan on developing
their property. We also have had a traffic circulation study, and we have
decided to have a loop road to provide connections east and west but also to
provide a new road through the commercial area that would not involve only
access fram S.R. 434. We have also had workshops with the neighborhoods to
go over the concept with them as well.
Commerce & Industry Development Board Minutes
September 12, 1991
Page 3
Koch went over the undeveloped land uses. She stated that after the State
reviews the Ca1l>rehensive Plan, and if they agree with what the City has
proposed then the City will have a feasibility study done to see just what
type of business would be good for the area; these comments should be back
fram the State in mid October.
Koch stated that the City is interested in flexible zoning.
that is the best type of zoning.
Beitsch stated
Perry stated that her company helps create a vision of the future based on
the economic data, planning issues and how the development wi 11 be
compatible with the neighborhood.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:20 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Margo Hopkins, Deputy City Clerk