HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 07 11 Commerce & Industry Development Board Meeting Minutes ..--^ . . . cnt1ERCE Be INDUSTRY DEVELOPt'ENT BOARD MINUTES July 11, 1991 The meet ing was ca 11 ed to order by Mayor Ku 1 bes at 4: 00 P. M. Ro 11 Ca 11 : Mayor Philip A. Kulbes, Present Jim Lup, Chairman, Present Gene Jones, Present Walt Dittmer, Present City Manager Richard Rozansky, Absent Janet He lms, Absent Roger OWen, Present Mayor Ku 1 bes stated that the first order of bus iness wi 11 be to elect a chairman. OWen naninated Jim Lup for Chairman. Seconded by Jones. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. The Board we1caned new menber Walt Dittmer to the Board. introduced themselves to Walt Dittmer. Board menbers APorova1 of Minutes of June 13. 1991: OWen questioned wording in the last paragraph of the first page, third 1 ine down, where it states"... adninister inflation of possible infrastructure...". The recording of the meeting of June 13, 1991, wi 11 be reviewed to determine the wording of that portion of the meeting. Jones rroved to approve the minutes with the notation that the minutes be reviewed for the correct wording. Seconded by OWen. Vote: A 11 aye. Mot ion carr i ed. Lup passed out the des i gn standards for Schr imsher PrOPert i es for the Board' s review. OWen stated that the City has no design plan at the present time and the Board can make suggestions to the City cannission for the "downtown" area. The Board discussed the design standards that Schrimsher Properties use. Dittmer stated that the City should use less of an engineering look for design plans and have rrore shrubs and trees - 1 eave medi ans down the road. He stated that we shou 1 d go toward quaintness, wh i ch is what the res idents want. Kulbes mentioned the new PUD Ordinance which states buffers etc. between different densities. OWen stated that there is no reason the City can't insist new cannercia1 bui ldings be brick fronts which would bring uniqueness to the "downtown" area. Jones mentioned that there could be a problem with being too quaint. Kulbes stated that he hopes that this Board wi 11 make recannendations as to the guidelines of development plans to the City Commission. Jones stated that the design of the "downtown" area should not be all colonial, the City would be more interesting if it had more of an eclectic architecture to it, sort of different kinds of architecture styles. The Board discussed hav i ng an arch itectura 1 rev i ew Board, to revi ew any new cannerc i a 1 deve 1 opnent. The Board a 1 so discussed ins i st i ng a deve 1 oper use an architect to design the development. . . . ..' .... Commerce & Industry Development Board July 11, 1991 Page 2 Dittmer also ment ioned fenced off retent ion/detent ion ponds. He stated that the fenced off ponds are not aesthetically pleasing. The City could consider that developers leave a perimeter around their plot of land; take roughly a third around the per imeter and 1 eave the 1 and "as is". The 1 andscape cou 1 d be enhanced by planting shrubs etc., but basically leave "as is". This would also leave a buffer between the developments, and this would allow nature to do what canes natural with allowing the water to perk naturally. The Board di scussed the need of a fence around a retent ion pond. City Engineer Leonard Kozlov came in to clarify the need for fences. He explained that City Code states that if a slope is steeper than 4 to 1 a 4' chain link fence is required. The City does not allow a slope to be steeper than 2 1/2 to 1. There is a s imi 1 ar requ i rement by the State, st. John's Water Management Di str i ct, who sets up a 11 the ru 1 es on storrrwater. There are new des i gns that the st. John's Water Management Di str i ct have accepted wet bottan ponds, wh i ch have 5 and 6 to 1 slopes which do not require fences. Lup suggested that the Board merrbers look over the des i gn standards that he passed out and the Board cou 1 d go over the suggest ions at the next meet i ng. Ku 1 bes stated that the Board cou 1 d recannend to the CCmni ss ion to estab 1 ish an architectural review board to establish design criterias for cannercial development throughout the City. The Board decided to have design consultants cane in and talk to the Board at the next meet ing. The meet ing was adjourned at 5: 00 P. M. Respectfully Submitted Margo Hopk ins Deputy City Clerk