HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 10 11 Charter Review Committee Meeting Minutes CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES CHARTER REVIEW COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 11, 2000 I. CALL TO ORDER Ms. Marilyn E. Crotty, Mediator/Project Coordinator called the Meeting to order at 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, October 11, 2000, in the East Training Room of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Committee Members Present: Committee Member Jacqueline Adams Committee Member Thomas Freeman Committee Member Donald Gilmore Committee Member Sally McGinnis Committee Member Robert Ori Committee Member William Reischmann Also Present: Mediator/Project Coordinator Marilyn Crotty City Manager Ronald W. McLemore City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese Consultant James V. Burgess II. PROJECT TEAM - ISSUE ANALYSIS AGENDA Mediator/Project Coordinator Marilyn Crotty introduced Committee Member Donald Gilmore, and City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese. Mediator/Project Coordinator Crotty noted that Consultants Howard Tipton, and Douglas J. Watson were unable to attend this meeting. Mediator/Project Coordinator Crotty reviewed for everyone that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the issues; whether consensus was attainable; whether additional discussion and information would be necessary; and possibly obtaining more information from the public. Mediator/Project Coordinator Crotty suggested that Members use Consultant Burgess' Memorandum dated October 5, 2000 as a guide for discussion. Discussion ensued regarding whether the existing City Charter should be discussed prior to discussing Consultant Burgess' Memorandum. The Committee agreed by consensus to review the existing City Charter prior to discussing the October 5, 2000 Memorandum from Consultant Burgess. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES CHARTER REVIEW COMMITfEE REGULAR MEETING - OCTOBER I I, 2000 - 4:00 P.M. PAGE 2 OF 3 Article II. Territorial Boundaries Section 2.01. [Territorial boundaries.] Topics discussed regarding Article I. Section 1.01. included: keeping track of decisions; that nothing should be adopted before the public has the opportunity to address the issues. Brief discussion ensued regarding obtaining a summary of challenges to interpretations of the existing Charter; the Mayor's appointment of powers; issues with the Mayor and former City Attorney; issues with the Manager's contract; and the Florida Supreme Court's decision regarding Attorney termination. Following redirection of discussion to Article I. Section 1.01., the following issues were addressed: whether the City Clerk should maintain a map with the legal description; State Statute Chapter 163., this being an operational function; inclusion of boundaries _ NOTE: Due to technical difficulties a portion of this discussion was inaudible for transcription. Tape 2/Side A Mediator/Project Coordinator Crotty summarized that the Committee's consensus was: that the boundaries should be referenced in an appendix; deleting Section 2.02. [Property added by annexation since 1972]. Committee Member Freeman noted the following for the record: "I don't want any decisions to be set in concrete or final before we have Public Input." Discussion. Article III. Powers Of The City Section 3.01. [Generally.] Consultant Burgess recommended combining the Name, Boundaries and Powers into a new Article I. Discussion continued regarding embellishing this section; and enumerating Home Rule Powers. Article IV. Mayor And City Commission Section 4.01.Composition; qualification of members; and commission districts. Committee Members discussed districting; at large voting; the number of Commissioners; a voting Mayor; equal representation; the Mayor's role; accountability; and the impact of additional Commissioners to the City. Discussion. Tape 2/Side B Mediator/Project Coordinator Crotty summarized that the Committee's consensus was: to have four (4) or six (6) Commissioners; a voting Mayor; and changing the term "City Commission" to "City Council". CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES CHARTER REVIEW COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING - OCTOBER I 1,2000 - 4:00 P.M. PAGE 3 OF 3 It was suggested to change the term "qualified voters" to "registered voters" or enacting it by Ordinance. Discussion continued on case laws; residency requirements; general case laws; and the definition of declaration of domicile. Section 4.02. Commission districts; adjustment of districts. (a) Number of districts. Consultant Burgess discussed his recommendation that the definition of districts should be included in Appendix Two (2); and the general practice of reapportionment. Discussion. It was determined by Mediator/Project Coordinator Crotty regarding Section 4.02.(a) Number of districts. That although not a high priority, the consensus was to change redistricting from three (3) years. Discussion. Section 4.03. Election and terms. Following brief discussion, it was noted that the three (3) main issues that needed review were length of terms, term limits, and shifting to even years. Discussion ensued regarding the impact created from removing term limits from the Charter; the popularity of term limits; proposing amendments that make sense; being proactive; and the benefits and hindrances ofterm limits. Consultant Burgess discussed the rationale for a four (4) year term; consistency with the National Model; experience building; and the learning curve. NOTE: Due to technical difficulties, Audiotape Three (3) is inaudible for transcription. III. ADJOURNMENT Mediator/Project Coordinator Crotty adjourned the Meeting at 6:59 P.M. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Tania Haas, Deputy City Clerk City of Winter Springs DOCSlboards/charterr/minutes/2000/101 100 - 4 p.m.