HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 10 21 Arbor Ordinance Review Advisory Committee Minutes CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES TREE (ARBOR) ORDINANCE REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING OCTOBER 21,2002 I. CALL TO ORDER The Tree (Arbor) Ordinance Review Advisory Committee Meeting was called to order on Tuesday, October 21, 2002 at 6:35 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Members Attendance: Committee Member Marshall Allen, present Committee Member Gary G. Diller, present Committee Member Carol FottIer, arrived at 6:49 p.m. Committee Member Byron Giltz, present Committee Member Darcy Meagher, absent Committee Member Brian J. Oliver, present Committee Member Roger Owen, absent Committee Member William Reischmann, present .:. .:. AGENDA NOTE: THE FOLLOWING IS BASED ON THE AGENDA (ATTACHMENT "A") PRESENTED BY MS. MARILYN CROTTY, FACILITATOR AT THE MEETING. .:..:. II. REGULAR AGENDA REGULAR A. Welcome And Introductions. City Manager Ronald W. McLemore introduced Ms. Marilyn Crotty, Florida Institute of Government, as the facilitator "To keep you on track with the charge made by the Commission and to get you through the process and provide you whatever assistance you need." Manager McLemore introduced Ms. Yvonne I. Froscher, Technical Advisor. Members of Staff in attendance were introduced next. Ms. Marilyn Crotty, University of Central Florida, Florida Institute of Government, 35 West Pine Street, Orlando, Florida: spoke of her role as a facilitator. Then Ms. Crotty asked that the Committee Members; Mr. Michael Mingea, City Forester/Environmental Inspector, Community Development Department; Ms. Froscher; and City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese introduce themselves. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MfNUTES TREE (ARBOR) ORDINANCE REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING - OCTOBER 21,2002 PAGE20F4 B. Overview Of Process. Ms. Crotty spoke of the role of the Committee; and the process of any future recommendations to the City Commission. Committee Member Carol Fottler arrived at 6:49 p.m. Ms. Crotty reviewed Resolution 2002-24 with the Committee Members; the task of the Committee; that decisions by the Committee will be by consensus; and that the Committee "will be looking for our Legal Council to have the final say on the legal requirements of the Ordinance or changes in the Ordinance". c. "Government In The Sunshine Laws". Attorney Garganese reviewed the Sunshine Law. Brief discussion. Ms. Debbie Gillespie, Deputy City Clerk, "Swore in" Members and reviewed their Orientation Packets. Attorney Garganese said that any correspondence received by a Member becomes a part of the public record and should be given to the Office of the City Clerk for distribution to other Committee Members and the public, upon request. D. Establishment Of Ground Rules. The Committee by consensus established the following ground rules: . A detailed Agenda prior to each meeting. . To assign a spokesperson to present the Committee's final report. . Be recognized by the facilitator to speak. . To use good listening skills. . Committee Members will schedule the Meetings. Tape I/Side B . Contacting the Office of the City Clerk if Members are unable to attend any Meeting. . To start on time and end on time. CITY OF WINTER SPRfNGS MINUTES TREE (ARBOR) ORDINANCE REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING - OCTOBER 2 1,2002 PAGE30F4 E. Meeting Schedule. Discussion. By consensus the Committee agreed that the next two (2) Meetings would be held on November 4th, 2002 and December 2nd, 2002 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.; and if needed the ending time could be extended. F. Call For Position Papers. Manager McLemore encouraged reports, support, or research papers to be brought forward from the Public to the Committee to be reviewed and considered. Manager McLemore also said, "We will put them on the Internet." Ms. Crotty recommended that there should be a "Cut off time" for submittals. The Committee agreed by consensus to encourage "Position papers" be submitted by January 15,2003. G. Public Input. Ms. Beth Hollenback, 633 Murphy Road, Winter Springs, Florida: encouraged the Committee to do their best work. Ms. Colleen Reinhart, 285 Arnold Lane, Winter Springs, Florida: addressed the Committee and stated that enforcement is necessary. H. General Discussion. Brief discussion followed regarding cItIzens having the opportunity to make presentations. Ms. Crotty suggested that the Committee Members be given a copy of the Arbor Ordinance and that the public may contact the Office of the City Clerk to obtain a copy of Ordinance 2002-08. Discussion. Tape 2/Side B It was suggested that Members of the Committee and Staff submit a list of ideas, concerns, and issues to the Office of the City Clerk who would then distribute such information. Ms Crotty requested that the Deputy City Clerk contact any absent Committee Members regarding this matter. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES TREE (ARBOR) ORDINANCE REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING - OCTOBER 2 1,2002 PAGE 4 OF 4 III. ADJOURNMENT Ms. Crotty adjourned the Meeting at 8: 16 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: ~~~. DEBBIE GILLESPIE ~ DEPUTY CITY CLERK Boards and Committees\Arbor (Tree) Ordinance Review Advisory Committee\alll\M inutes\ 102102 M EETING.doc NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the November 4, 2002 Tree (Arbor) Ordinance Review Committee Meeting.