HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 03 22 Winter Springs Open Space Advisory Committee Minutes CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES WINTER SPRINGS OPEN SPACE ADVISORY STUDY COMMITTEE MEETING MARCH 22, 2007 1. CALL TO ORDER The Winter Springs Open Space Advisory Study Committee Meeting of Thursday, March 22, 2007 was called to Order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Denise Ryser in the East Training Room of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). 2. ROLL CALL Chairperson Denise Ryser, present Committee Member Yvonne Froscher, present Committee Member Robert B. Henderson, present Committee Member Charles Lacey, present Committee Member Michael F. Pillow, present Committee Member William H. Poe, absent Committee Member Kenneth D. York, arrived at 7:08 p.m. Chairperson Ryser acknowledged Deputy Mayor Sally McGinnis who was in attendance. Chairperson Ryser asked, "Is it possible before we start this, to actually get the Agenda Items to go with the Agenda - prior to the Meeting?" Mr. Randy Stevenson, ASLA, Director, Community Development Department stated, "Yes." 3. REVIEW OF SITE CLASSIFICATION CATEGORIES Mr. Stevenson presented this Agenda Item and distributed to the Committee Members a document related to Infrastructure material for the Member's perusal and displayed a PowerPoint presentation on the "List of Ranked Sites for Consideration". A map of the "Town Center Existing Land Use Map" was displayed. Committee Member Kenneth D. York arrived at 7:08 p.m. Further discussion ensued on contacting the landowners. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES WINTER SPRINGS OPEN SPACE ADVISORY STUDY COMMITIEE MEETING - MARCH 22,2007 PAGE 2 OF 5 4. UPDATE ON SELECTED SITE CLASSIFICATIONS - RESULTS OF LAND OWNER CONTACT Mr. Stevenson introduced this Agenda Item and reviewed the status of the "List of Ranked Sites for Consideration". Discussion ensued on the property sites. Ms. Eloise Sahlstrom, AICP, ASLA, Senior Planner, Community Development Department discussed stormwater and wetlands. Discussion ensued on the Winter Springs Golf Course. 5. COMMITTEE INPUT/DISCUSSION Mr. Stevenson then read into the Record a letter dated March 1, 2007 related to the Winter Springs Golf Course. Further discussion ensued on the golf course property. Tape I/Side B The Committee Members discussed other property sites. Ms. Sahlstrom commented on getting input from the Committee Members on ideas for the Comprehensive Plan to implement conservation and park lands in the future. Discussion ensued on wetlands, Conservation Land Use and mitigation of the property sites. Next, discussion ensued on the property locations listed as "A", "B" and "I" and also on the smaller tracts. Chairperson Ryser said, "I actually think we are at the point that we need to go back to the Commission with a recommendation on how to proceed." Chairperson Ryser then said, "Because our Charter is evolving, maybe not changing, but evolving into something different. We have already identified the spaces we want - there are three (3) that are really viable - positive for the City." Tape 2/Side A CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES WINTER SPRINGS OPEN SPACE ADVISORY STUDY COMMITTEE MEETING - MARCH 22,2007 PAGE30F5 Ms. Sahlstrom displayed and reviewed Resolution Number 2006-55 with the Committee Members. Ms. Sahlstrom said, "So, then we move into the Schedule that was charged by the Commission and January [2007] was our - Data Collection and Inventory - and then this is our next Task [6. Classification of Sites], unless you feel that we need clarification from the Commission." Mr. Stevenson said, "We are getting up towards the Preliminary Report which means we need to report to the Commission." Discussion. Mr. Stevenson stated, "In the recommendation and if we go back to all of the Sites that we looked at, there would be a recommendation, a ranking for possible Acquisition, a recommendation for - Staff working with Developers through a Developers Agreement for preservation and perpetuity, and then a situation where we have certain areas that are already in 'Green' and maybe in a Conservation Easement, but for strengthening a regulatory language to help preserve them. So, it may be a three (3) tier from different sites." Chairperson Ryser said, "So, how do we move forward with this? Do we - formally write those three (3) pieces up?" Mr. Stevenson said, "The three (3) main parcels that we talked about - the consideration ofthe smaller sites into the neighborhood level and then those areas that we need stronger language on." Mr. Stevenson then said, "And maybe that needs to be a suggestion to the Commission since I think it probably does go beyond what we have done here in terms of Site Classification." Committee Member Kenneth York suggested, "Maybe we need to consider a letter from the [Winter Springs] Open Space [Advisory Study] Committee with a vision statement to the owners participating their involvement in what we are trying to do." Mr. Stevenson read into the Record a letter dated February 16, 2007 sent to the landowners. Further discussion ensued on the Charge of the Committee. In reference to responses back from the landowners, Chairperson Ryser said, "Let's wait one (1) more month." Chairperson Ryser asked, "Do you think you will get a few of those in?" Mr. Stevenson said, "We can certainly commit that we will try." Committee Member York said, "Would it be appropriate for Committee Members to try to reach directly these owners? Do we need to ask permission to do this?" Mr. Stevenson said, "We can certainly propose that and communicate back with you." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES WINTER SPRINGS OPEN SPACE ADVISORY STUDY COMMITTEE MEETING - MARCH 22, 2007 PAGE 4 OF 5 Committee Member York asked, "Can we invite the owners of the Winter Springs Golf Course into a Meeting with us to discuss it?" Mr. Stevenson said, "This Staff has undertaken no communication with the owners of the Winter Springs Golf Course. It has been through the Mayor and City Manager. Again, I can certainly propose that question and email that answer to you tomorrow." Ms. Sahlstrom suggested, "I think that it probably would be a good idea to communicate back with the Commission where we are at with that Schedule and our concerns with the Schedule." Committee Member Yvonne Froscher said, "And maybe suggest that we have branched off with a couple of other recommendations outside the scope but still addressing preservation of conservation and recreational land. " Mr. Stevenson said, "If we were to prepare an Agenda Item for April the fjh [2007J basically outlining where the Committee has come - what your concerns are; what tactic you are looking to take and requesting authorization to move out into these other areas." Chairperson Ryser said, "Do we have a Consensus on that?" There were no objections from the Committee Members. Chairperson Ryser said, "It certainly would be helpful if as many of us that could attend - the City Commission Meeting [April 9th, 2007]." 6. PUBLIC INPUT Noone spoke. 7. ESTABLISHMENT OF NEXT MEETING DATE AND TIME Chairperson Ryser said, "The fourth Thursday has been working with everyone? Does that still work for April 26h [2007J?" There were no objections from the Committee Members. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES WINTER SPRINGS OPEN SPACE ADVISORY STUDY COMMITTEE MEETING - MARCH 22, 2007 PAGE 5 OF 5 8. ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Ryser adjourned the Meeting at 8:58 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED BY: OAN L. BROWN EPUTY CITY CLERK NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the May 24, 2007 Ad Hoc Winter Springs Open Space Advisory Study Committee Meeting.