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2007 05 10 Oak Forest Wall Regular Meeting Minutes
CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR. MEETING MAY l0, 200? CALL TO ORDLR The Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee Regular Meeting. of Thursday, May lt}, 2007 was called to Order by Vice Chairman Leo Marion at 7 O1. p.m., in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (C~ty Hall,. 1 26 East State Road 434, and Winter Springs,. Florida: 327Q8) RoII Call:- tiice Chairman Leo Marion,. present Committee Member Brian Oliver, present Committee Member Terry Patten, absent Committee 1Vlember Sharon Hotchkiss, present Advisory Committee Member Sharon Hotchkiss led the Pledge. of Allegiance. INFORMATIONAL .AGENDA CONSENT AGENDA CONSEPIT 200' Office Of The City Clerk Approval Of The February 8, 2007 Regular Meeting Minutes. "I `LAKE A MOTION. T4 ACCEPT THE MINUTES [FEBRUARY S, 2U07j." '1IOTION MADE BY ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBER. OLIVER: SECO\tDED BY VICE. CHAIRMAN MARION. DISCUSSION, VOTE.:.. ~'OMMITTEE MEMBER OLIVER: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER HOTCHKISS• AYE VICE CHAIRMAN MARION: AYE 1VIOTION CARRIED. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLQRIDA MINUTES QAK FOREST WALL AND'BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE. REGULAR MEETING -MAY 10, 2007 PAGE 2 OF 7 AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS AWARDS AND PRESEN''ATIQiNs 300 Nat Used; 400. REPORTS No Reports were given. PUBLIC INPITT No one spoke. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA PUBLIC HEARINGS .500. Not used. REGIJrLAR AGENDA REGULAR b00 Community Development Department -Urban Beautification Services. Division Tliseuss The Oak. Forest WaII And Beautification. District Assessment Rates, Mr. Steven Rzchart, Urban Beautification Services. Division Iulanager, Community Deg eloprnent Department presented this Agenda- Item and stated, "We have donee. a five (~} year projection which includes- Budgets for the next five {5} years; you know our fl.ssessment revenues that we need to have to continue to operate the District. `I~ou will fmd on page '8 starting; it's a Ietter from our Assessment consultants,. GSG (Government Services Group Ines) basically on page 9it's-having our Finance Director certify the new Assessment Rates that we are going to be askn~ for you ..guys to approve tonight. We are ,going.: forward to the Commission on May 29t [2007] We would like for somebody from this Board to be there, at least one of you to zn case they call upon us to talk.. about it, dust to represent the Board." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL A1VD BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING -MAY i0, .204'7" PAGE 3 OF Mr Richart continued, "You are looking at +Capital Assessments being seventy two dollars ($72.::00} a year per E.R.U (Equivalent Resident Unit} that is basically per pause.;. :and you have a benefit unit based upon your proximity to the Wall So, the further you. are away, the less it is far your house, but the -one unit is seventy two dollars ($72.00} Currently, zt is seventy .one :[dollars] ($71 00} and it is at max; so we are just asking that we raise zt one dollar ($1 00} for the ~Capztal and that is for the loan stuff; paying back the debt.' Continuing Mr Richart explained, " low the Maintenance side, we are asking for a max of sixty three dollars ($63 00} and that doesn't mean. that we are going to automatically .raise the Assessment to sixty three dollars ($63 00} a year, but zt gives uS that leeway zn case we need to make adaustments along the way And i will show you what our prospectus is in a few minutes, rt is less than sixty three jdollars] ($63 00} But we want to be able to make this budget last five (5} to seven (7) years before T have to come back and d all these things again, so we want to give ourselves room to do it." Discussion.. The Presentation continued and Mr Richart added, "We will walk through this prospectus;. starting with page.. 11; this. is a sample notice. to each property owner teat will go out; tll~~t will be mailed that says, if you look to the middle. of the page, zt says Frior Rate Per Benefit Unit, Capital. ~s seventy one dollars ($71 00) which the new rate would be seventy two [dollars] ($72.00} and then the Nlaintenarice zs forty :[dollars] eighty-two ;[cents].. ($40.82) and the :new .rate would be sixty three [dollars] ($63 00}', that is the nlaxinium rate. So you .are looking at the irzaximurn going from one hundred and eleven dollars. and eighty-two cents ($111 82} a year which is what they currently .are, actually to a potential of up to one hundred and thirty-five [dollars): ($135 00); that is a twenty-three dollar and. eighteen cent ($23 1$j difference that we have that roam to make the adlustixient." Further discussion. Mr Richart stated, "The way that we pave designed this we're hoping that this will last. seven (7) years but we did it for five (5} [years], and we may come back in five (5} :years, look at it, we don't have to pay the consultants to do that and say we are zn good shape, let s go two (2} more [years]:, and l think that is what we will end up doing. But every time we engage those Consultants the costs go up, and every time we mail out, the costs go up, so we are trying to plan ahead and make sure that we stay in good shape Discussion. CITY OF VdINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINU"I'ES OAK FOREST WALL AND BIiAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGI7LAR MEETING -MAY 10, 2007 PAGE 4 OF 7 Mr Rlchart continued; "It shows our timeline and what Is going to happen, again May 29t~' [2007 is the. Meeting; the Public Hearing, so somebody .should be there So essentially what. I am asking you guys to do tonight,.. someone makes a Motion if you guys want to accept this and endorse it and support rt; you would make a Motrori stating the maximum numbers, again. which are sixty-three dollars ($63 00) xnaxllnuin for Maintenance.. and seventy two .dollars ($72 00) maximum far Capital, and alsa accepting,. if you agree. with the five (5) year projected budget that has been presented," Mr. 1Z~chart noted; "The Capztal is done The Maintenance you can't prepay so zt is always, it's ~~°crybody The Capital, they re dome, baseaily what we are. dealing with Is the people t~ ho d~ ceded to finance their portion. if you paid up front, you have no finance fees., But if you are still in the program as a financed user,. we will. call it, and you :still pay every year, then you will have the additional Assessment. but rf you prepaid, there is no additional cost. so, again It is seventy-two dollars ($72 00) and sixty-three dollars {$63 00~ for the new rnaximums. So, you would agree that the Assessments would be setup to those amounts." Mr Rchart added, "The bottom line. ~s, if we do not raise this, your program will be cut.''' `'`I MAKE. A MOTION WE ACCEPT THE PROPOSAL FOR THE INCREASE IN THE OAK FOREST CAPITAL FUND TO SEVENTY-TWO jDOLL:ARS] ($72.00) AND ALSO THE OAK FOREST MAINTENANCE FUND TO THE MAX OF SI1T1'-THREE .[DOLLARS] ($63»00) AS STATED IN THE.. ARTICLE PROVIDED BY - GSG (GOVERNMENT SERVICES- GROUP}, THE CONSULTANT»"' MOTION BY ADVISORY COMMIT'T'EE MEMBER OLIVER. 11'IR. STEVE RICHART' CLARIFIED THIS l'vIOTION AS MADE BY ADVISORY COM1lIITT'EE '~~TI;!~IBER OLIVER AND SAID, "AlVi I CORRECT IN SAYING THAT ti`'OULD BE UP TO THE MAXIMUM OF SEVENTY-TWO DOLLARS ($72.00) FOR THE CAPITAL ASSESSMENTS AND A MAXIMUM OF UP TO SIXTY-THREE DOLLARS ($63.00} FOR THE MAINTENANCE ASSESSlVIENT'S PER BENEFIT` UNIT."' ADVISORY GOMIVIITTEE MEMBER OLIVER SAID, "CORRECT " SECONDED BY VICE CHAIRMAN MARION. DISCUSSION. 'V'ICE CHAIRMAN MARION STAID, "IF SOMEBODY CALLS ME, BECAUSE THEI'` SEE THAT I AM VICE CHAIRMAN, THEY WON'T WANT TO WAIT THEW FILL JUST WANT TO TALK TO SOMEBODY, SO I WILL TELL THE1~T THAT THIS. SEVENTY-TWO DOLLARS ($72.00) AND THE SIXTY- 'THREE [DOLLARS] x$63.04) IS AN INCREASE FOR THE NEXT` FIVE {5). YEARS, :'~ POSSIBLE INCREASE»" MR. RICHART SAID, "UP TO AGAIN.." VICE: CHAIRS-IAN MARION SAID, "UP TO, I DON'T' WANT' TO TELL THEM ':WHAT IT TS GOING TU GO UP ALL OF A SUDDEN: ' COMMITTEE MEMBER. OLIVER SAID,.. "NO, IT IS THE M_~.X." VICE CHAIRMAN MARION .SAID, "IT'S UP TO AND IT IS SPREAD O~r'ER A FIVE (5) YEAR PERIOD CITY OF WINTER SPRFfdGS; FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING -'MAY 10, 2007 PAGE 5 OF 7 MR,_ RICHART SAID,.. "THE BEST THING T4 .SAY, TO MADE IT REALLY EASIER.. FOR EUERYBOI~Y IS SIMPLY, THAT IT IS GOING TOQ BE INCREASING UP TO TWENTY-THREE DOLLARS AND EIGHTEEN CENTS {2315) A YEAR." MR. RICHART NOTED,. "HAVE THEM CALL ME AND I 'C'OULD BE GLAD TC} EXPLAIN IT T4 ANYBODY." VOTE.:. CO'~IMIT`I'EE MEMBER HOTCHKISS• AYE COIVIMITTEE MEMBER OLIVER: AYE VICE CHAIRMAN MARION: AYE MOTION CARRIED. 1zEGULAR 601. Community Development Department -Urban Beautification Services Division Review Of Budget. Mr Rlchart introduced this Agenda Teem. Discussion. ItEGULt~IR G02. Community Development Department -Urban Beautification Services Division Mantenauee Items And Progress Report.. This Agenda Item was presented by Mr Richart for discussl~on. REGULAR G03. Community Development. Department -Urban Beautification Services Division. Update On The Proposed Wall Extension. Regarding this Agenda Item., Mr Rchart explained, "The Attorney has basically said to us, `~%e sti1T have not been able to prove- who owns this. property (the property that we want to purchase for the wall extension)' I have a letter -it's attached in the back of thzs package fi~~In him." Furthermore, Mr Rlchart noted, "Basically for him to continue to .search .for this dung and try to find out who the real owner rs, it's going to cost us more and more money So we; can either have him continue doing it; we can throw our hands up and - end. it, you. guys tell me " Advisory Committee 11!Iember Oliver said, "It is going to cost money either way, why don't they dust go ahead and pursue dust taking it." Vice Chairman Marian; "Right." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLOFIDA MINUTES ©AK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING -MAY 10 '2047 PAGE. 6 OF 7 1VIr Richart .said, "There is .another option, Mr Brian Oliver can grant us an Easement to put the wall an his property " Advisory Committee 1Vlember Oliver said, "It makes no difference to me I can grant an Easement, I don't have any problem." Mr Richart said, "I don:'t know ail the terms of rt, I would have to get with the Attorney My answer ~~ ollltl be -your neighbor would have to grant us- a small Easement and you would have to gralit us an Easement, I am ,guessing with about five (5} foot onto your property The wall would have_to dog back onto your property and then come across. Of course, you'd lose rights to that property Then,. Mr Richart stated,: "In my mind, the answer is getting that easement from. you and your neighbor and doing that anal being done with the thing The problem. is there is also a cost... We hay- to pay Bell South to abandon one of their easements which is now almost a thousand dollars ($I,004 00}." Committee Member Oliver Bard, "Why would you have. to get my neighbor to grant an .Easement`?" Mr Richart Bard, `Because it touches her property When we dog back to go into your property ft's 3ust that little small couple of feet." Committee 1Vlember (3lver said, "Are you talking about the Mahoney's?" 1VIr Richart card, "The one to the south of you." Committee :Member Oliver said, "One right at the -and Tuskawlla Road?" Mr Richart said; "Right," Committee. Member Oliver then said, "That is fine with me I can grant the Easement." Discussion. Taps 1/Side B Committee Member Oliver said, "Like I said,. it makes no difference to me I will grant an Easement.. As long as the neighbors don't mind." Mr Richart said, "Will you contact. your neighbor and .ask diem if they're willing to do the same? If you both agree verbally to do that, I'll engage the .Attorney - to pursue that rf the City Manager backs it. I think that's fine " Mr Richart stated, "So that is what we can do if you will .pursue that and get back to me Committee Member Oliver said, "How much do they need to donate? Probably three (3} or four feet (4'}?" Mr Richart said, "I will. find out from our Capital Prolects guy" Committee Member Oliver said, "I don't have a problem, I don't think they will either because they have got a big chunk of land back there toa. But, I can't speak for them but - I will to them and see what they say Mr Richart said,."And if they ..say, `Let's do it', well we will move right ahead, we well get the approvals we need here, we'll get the Attorney on it - I think that you Lust t~ecord the Easement - it's not big deal,_ I don't think. Then we go to the Commission with bids, and they approve it. We construct; and maybe we could get it done before September 3Q#h' [?,007] And'that v~ould be great.. And then we could finally put all this to bed. I oust want it done'' Discussion,. ITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT AD'VISORI' COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING - IvIAY I0, 2447 PAGE 7 OF 7 "I MOVE THAT WE PURSUE GAINING AN EASEMENT ON THE PROPERTIES ADJACENT TO THE WALL SO THAT THE WALL CAN BE CONTINUED." MOTION ..MADE BY ADVISORY COMMITTEE. MEMBER. HOTCHKISS. SECONDED BY VICE CHAIRMAN MARION. DISCUSSION. VICE- CHAIRMAN MARION SAID,. "HOW DID WE END UP WITH THIS SITUATION WHERE WE JUST HAVE A LITTLE PIECE OF PROPERTY AND WE HAD TO PUT .A FENCE THERE?" MR. RICHART STATED, "OAK. FOREST DIDN'T O~VVN THE LAND. THE LAND WAS A PART OF THE SEMINOLE PINES [MOBILE HOME PARK] THING SUPPOSEDLY.:" MR. RICHART ADDED„ f4THE BOTTOM LINE IS -THE PROPERTY WASN'T ACQUIRED; iT VG'A5N'T PART OF OAK FOREST [DISTRICT] AND THE WAY THE.: WALL WAS BUILT,:.. THAT'S WHERE IT STOPPED AND IT WAS. SOMEONE. ELSE'S PROPERTY " DISCUSSION. VOTE. COMMITTEE MEMBER OLIVER. AYE 'VICE CHAIRMAN MARION: AYE COQ-IMITTEE MEMBER HiJTCHKISS: AYE 11'IOTION CARRIED. AI.D~C1i.TRNMENT Vice Chairman 1VIarlon adjourned the Regular Meeting at 7 57 p.m. 1~ESPECTFLILLY S~IBMITTED CAROL A. LA I.,A1'H1N ASSISTANT T~ THE CITY CLERK NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the August' 9 2007 Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee Regular Meeting..