HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005 11 10 Oak Forest Wall Regular Meeting Minutes CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 10, 2005 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Terry Patten called the Regular Meeting of the Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee to order at 7:02 p.m., Thursday, November 10, 2005 in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Chairman Terry Patten, present Vice Chairman John Rickards, present Committee Member Brian Oliver, present Committee Member Louise Allen, present Committee Member Leo Marion, present Note: Roll Call of the Beautification of Winter Springs Board Members and Roll Call of the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee Members which were invited to attend the Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee Meeting to hear the Presentation of the Parliamentary Procedures (Informational Consent Item 300). Roll Call: (Beautification of Winter Springs Board) Chairperson Dawna Ferguson, present Board Member Alice Bard, absent Board Member Ethel Beecher, absent Board Member Larry Chmura, absent Board Member Robert Kirkwood, present Board Member Carol Morrison, absent Board Member Lorry Roero, absent Roll Call: (Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee) Chairman Gary Hillery, absent Vice Chairman Rande Thompson, present Committee Member Moti Khemlani, absent Committee Member Helen Baker, absent Committee Member Brantley Tillis, present CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING – NOVEMBER 10, 2005 PAGE 2 OF 11 Chairman Patten led the Pledge of Allegiance. Regarding Agenda Changes, the following two (2) issues will be discussed as ADD- ON’s: “The Implementation Of The Holiday Wreaths On The Entrances,” and “No Solicitation Signs.” PUBLIC INPUT No one spoke. CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT 200. Office Of The City Clerk Approval Of The September 8, 2005 Regular Meeting Minutes. Chairman Patten said, “I will entertain a Motion to Approve the Minutes as written.” “I MAKE A MOTION THAT WE APPROVE THE MINUTES AS SUBMITTED. MOTION BY VICE CHAIRMAN RICKARDS. SECONDED. DISCUSSION. WITH CONSENSUS OF THE COMMITTEE THE MOTION WAS APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. INFORMATIONAL AGENDA INFORMATIONAL 300. Office Of The City Attorney Review Of Parliamentary Procedures For Advisory Boards. Ms. Kate Latorre, Assistant City Attorney presented this Agenda Item. Discussion. Tape 1/Side B Vice Chairman Rickards said, “Kate [Latorre], I would appreciate your email so that I could get a copy of that [handout] electronically.” CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING – NOVEMBER 10, 2005 PAGE 3 OF 11 REGULAR AGENDA REGULAR 500 Community Development Department – Urban Beautification Division . Maintenance Items And Progress Report. Mr. Steven Richart, Urban Beautification Division Services Manager, Community Development Department presented this Agenda Item. Discussion. Discussion ensued regarding the wiring problems which existed at Trotwood Boulevard, to which Mr. Richart said, “I thought that he had done it. If you would like to walk it with me again, we can see.” Vice Chairman John Rickards said, “Can I recommend then that the City withhold payment until that is rectified?” Mr. Richart stated, “Absolutely.” REGULAR 501. Community Development Department – Urban Beautification Division Update On The Oak Forest Landscaping And Irrigation Expansion Project. Mr. Richart discussed this Agenda Item. Discussion. REGULAR 502. Community Development Department – Urban Beautification Division Update On The Proposed Wall Extension. Mr. Richart presented this Agenda Item and stated, “The Survey is finally done and they are just waiting on the Appraisal from the appraising company and once we have that report, I will bring it to you.” Discussion. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING – NOVEMBER 10, 2005 PAGE 4 OF 11 AGENDA NOTE: THE FOLLOWING DISCUSSION WAS HELD AT ???? THIS TIME, FOLLOWED BY THE REMAINING AGENDA AS DOCUMENTED. ???? “I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A MOTION THAT THE BOARD VOTE ON THE APPROPRIATENESS OF YOUR [CHAIRMAN PATTEN] ARTICLE IN THE LAST OAK FOREST NEWSLETTER.” MOTION BY VICE CHAIRMAN RICKARDS. VICE CHAIRMAN RICKARDS SAID, “I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A MOTION FOR THE BOARD TO COMMENT THROUGH A VOTE ON THE APPROPRIATENESS OF THE ARTICLE OF WHETHER WE AGREED OR NOT-AGREED WITH WHAT YOU [CHAIRMAN PATTEN] SAID IN THAT ARTICLE. BECAUSE I – READ THAT ARTICLE AND I BELIEVE THAT IT STATED WHAT WE AS THE COMMITTEE – SPOKE ABOUT AND I BELIEVE THAT IT REFLECTED WHAT OUR VIEW WAS ON THE WALL EXTENTION AND I AGREED WITH IT.” VICE CHAIRMAN RICKARDS CONTINUED, “I ALSO AGREED WITH YOU [CHAIRMAN PATTEN], WHAT YOU SAID, IT IS CLEARLY STATED IN THE MINUTES OF THIS MEETING, THAT YOU [CHAIRMAN PATTEN] WERE REQUESTED TO PUT YOUR ELOQUENT PEN TO PAPER AND SCRIPT SOMETHING FROM THIS MEETING. AND I BELIEVE THAT YOU FOLLOWED THE REQUEST OF THE BOARD, ALTHOUGH I REALIZE THAT IT IS NOT AN UNAMIMOUS FEELING, I THINK THAT IT SHOULD GO ON THE RECORD AS TO HOW THE REST OF THE BOARD FEELS ABOUT IT, SO I CALL FOR A VOTE.” CHAIRMAN PATTEN SAID, “IN LIGHT OF THE PRESENTATION WE HAD THIS EVENING, YOU - HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO CALL FOR THAT VOTE AND I ACCEPT THAT MOTION. IF I UNDERSTAND CORRECTLY, LET ME RESTATE IT, ‘THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO HAVE A VOTE TAKEN BY THE COMMITTEE MEMBERS AS TO WHETHER OR NOT YOU AGREED WITH THE ETHICACY OF THE ARTICLE THAT WAS PUBLISHED IN THE MOST RECENT - NEWSLETTER [OAK FOREST]’. IS THAT CORRECT?” VICE CHAIRMAN RICKARDS SAID, “ETHICACY IS POSSIBLY A TERM THAT I WOULD NOT HAVE USED, BUT I WOULD HAVE USED THE APPROPRIATE MESSAGE THAT IT SENT TO THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION.” CHAIRMAN PATTEN SAID, “SO FOR THE APPROPRIATE MESSAGE THAT WAS SENT TO THE HOMEOWNERS. DO I HAVE A SECOND?” MOTION DIED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING – NOVEMBER 10, 2005 PAGE 5 OF 11 Chairman Patten stated, “I appreciate the support that the Vice Chair[man] has voiced here and I think that it is just simply a matter of a difference of opinions and I think that we should move on.” Committee Member Louise Allen said, “I have one more thing to say. He [Vice Chairman Rickards] said ‘That you sent to the Homeowner’s Association’, this Homeowner’s Association of Oak Forest is voluntary – so anything that is addressed as ‘Homeowner’s Association’ is inappropriate, it should be Home Owners. ‘Home Owners’; leave the Association out – they have nothing to do with us. We are a Board appointed by the City Commissioners. We represent the ‘Home Owners’ period. ” Vice Chairman Rickards said, “Are we now out of order?” Chairman Patten said, “Out of order in what format?” Vice Chairman Rickards said, “Is this an Agenda Item?” Chairman Patten said, “Very valid point. At this particular point, let us get back on track with the Agenda Items and what we can do is – I will accept a Motion to Table this issue.” “I MOTION THAT WE TABLE THIS ISSUE OF THE COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THIS COMMITTEE AND THE RESIDENTS OF OAK FOREST.” MOTION BY VICE CHAIRMAN RICKARDS. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER OLIVER.DISCUSSION. CHAIRMAN PATTEN STATED, “ALL OF THOSE IN FAVOR OF TABLING THE ISSUE, VOTE ‘AYE’. ALL THOSE OPPOSED ‘NO’. I DID NOT HEAR MS. ALLEN VOTE ‘AYE’ OR ‘NAY’.” COMMITTEE MEMBER ALLEN SAID, “YOU WON’T. I DO NOT INTEND TO VOTE ON THIS.” CHAIRMAN PATTEN SAID, “IT IS MERELY WHETHER TO TABLE IT FOR DISCUSSION LATER THIS EVENING. AND AS I UNDERSTOOD IN THE PRESENTATION THIS EVENING; EVERY COMMITTEE MEMBER MUST VOTE.” COMMITTEE MEMBER ALLEN SAID, “I VOTE NO.” CHAIRMAN PATTEN SAID, “SO WE HAVE CHAIRMAN TERRY PATTEN VOTED, ‘YES’; VICE CHAIR [MAN] JOHN RICKARDS VOTED, ‘YES’; COMMITTEE MEMBER BRIAN OLIVER VOTED, ‘YES’; COMMITTEE MEMBER LEO MARION VOTED, ‘YES’; COMMITTEE MEMBER LOUISE ALLEN VOTED, ‘NO’. THE MOTION CARRIES TO TABLE THE ISSUE UNTIL LATER IN THE MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. Discussion. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING – NOVEMBER 10, 2005 PAGE 6 OF 11 REGULAR REGULAR ADD-ON 503. THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE HOLIDAY WREATHS ON THE ENTRANCE WAYS [AT OAK FOREST]. Vice Chairman Rickards presented this Agenda Item and stated, “The Residents of Oak Forest have communicated with me their – desire to hang Christmas Wreaths at the various entrances as has been done in the past. And they ask the City and the th Committee’s agreement to allow them to do so on the 20 of this month.” Vice Chairman Richards added, “They have a committee of residents that would like to volunteer to do that for the Community. I agreed that I would ask – the Committee and the City if it would be acceptable for them to proceed.” Mr. Richart stated, “From the City’s point of view, we are all for it.” Vice Chairman Rickards said, “If it is agreeable to the City and to this Committee, I will communicate that agreement with the residents that they have our – support to decorate the community as necessary.” Chairman Patten said, “I will entertain a Motion for our Vice Chair [man], Mr. John Rickards, to communicate to the Homeowner’s Association that they do have our approval to install to mount the wreaths in the same manner that they used last year which incurred no damage to the wall, no damage to the surrounding – I will entertain a Motion for such.” “I WILL MAKE A MOTION.” MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER OLIVER. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER MARION. DISCUSSION. COMMITTEE MEMBER LEO MARION ASKED, “DOES ANYBODY KNOW IF THEY ARE GOING TO PUT UP THE EXACT SAME THING THAT THEY DID LAST YEAR?” VICE CHAIRMAN RICKARDS SAID, “YES. THEY TOOK THE WREATHS AND STORED THEM IN A STORAGE LOCATION.” CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING – NOVEMBER 10, 2005 PAGE 7 OF 11 VOTE: VICE CHAIRMAN RICKARDS: AYE CHAIRMAN PATTEN: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER MARION: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER OLIVER: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER ALLEN: NAY MOTION CARRIED. REGULAR ADD-ON 504. NO SOLICITATION SIGNS Vice Chairman Rickards discussed this Agenda Item and stated that the residents of the Community asked for him to present a request to this Committee and to the City regarding ‘No Solicitation Signs’ being installed on the Wall. Vice Chairman Rickards said, “I told them that I did not think that was a good place to put the sign, but that we would address it here at this Meeting first, before we take it any further.” Discussion. Chairman Patten said, “I believe that the issue we need to discuss is whether we want to affix it to the wall at the entrance ways.” Mr. Richart said, “What I would like to have the opportunity to do, is investigate this and see what our options are. I would like to bring this back at the next Meeting with my findings.” “I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A MOTION THAT WE DEFER THIS ISSUE TO THE NEXT MEETING AND ALLOW MR. RICHART TO GO BACK AND SEEK SUPPORT FROM THE CITY AND GIVE US GUIDANCE AS TO HOW WE CAN GO BACK TO THE RESIDENTS OF OAK FOREST WITH A WORKABLE SOLUTION FOR US AND THEM.” MOTION BY VICE CHAIRMAN RICKARDS. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE OLIVER. DISCUSSION. Tape 2/Side A COMMITTEE MEMBER ALLEN STATED, “AS LONG AS IT DOES NOT TOUCH THE WALL, I HAVE NO OBJECTION.” CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING – NOVEMBER 10, 2005 PAGE 8 OF 11 CHAIRMAN PATTEN SAID, “IN FOLLOWING UP WITH THAT CODE SEARCH TO FIND OUT – EXACTLY WHAT DOES FALL UNDER THE PURVIEW OF WHAT IS CONSIDERED SOLICITATION AND WHAT IS NOT. SO IF YOU COULD RESEARCH THAT FOR US, MR. RICHART. DO YOU THINK THAT OUR NEXT MEETING THAT WOULD GIVE YOU ENOUGH TIME OR WOULD YOU LIKE TWO (2) MONTHS?” MR. RICHART SAID, “I THINK THAT WOULD BE FINE.” WITH CONSENSUS OF THE COMMITTEE THE MOTION WAS APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. 600. REPORTS Committee Member Allen stated, “I have two (2) things. First thing I want to know is, Chairman Patten, why did you cancel last month’s Meeting?” Chairman Patten said, “Chairman Patten did not cancel last month’s Meeting.” Committee Member Allen stated, “My understanding is that only the Chairman can cancel a Meeting. I received this from a City Commissioner that only the Chairman can cancel Meetings.” Discussion. Mr. Richart stated, “I could not be at the Meeting and I asked the City Clerk’s office to cancel it.” Committee Member Allen stated, “I was under the impression that the only person that can cancel a Meeting is the Chairman.” Mr. Richart said, “Is that the case Carol (Lallathin, Assistant to the City Clerk)?” Committee Member Allen said, “Would you please find out because I was told by a City Commissioner - that was true.” Committee Member Allen stated, “The only other thing I have, Steve [Richart], I told you about the Gate, the screws missing and all and you said that you would relay it to the person who is responsible. Who did you relay it to? Because it has not been repaired.” Mr. Richart said, “We actually repaired the chain link gate that is on the wall several days ago it was finished. And the other gate, they are still working on. There were two (2) gates affected.” Discussion. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING – NOVEMBER 10, 2005 PAGE 9 OF 11 AGENDA NOTE: THE FOLLOWING DISCUSSION WAS HELD AT ???? THIS TIME, FOLLOWED BY THE REMAINING AGENDA AS DOCUMENTED. ???? Chairman Patten said, “We have a Tabled Issue that I will entertain a Motion to revisit at this time. And that is the one pertaining to the procedure for articles to appear for public consumption in the Newsletter. I will entertain a Motion to revisit that Item.” “I MAKE A MOTION.” MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER OLIVER. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER MARION. DISCUSSION. WITH CONSENSUS OF THE COMMITTEE THE MOTION WAS APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. Chairman Patten said, “Does anyone have any comment or suggestion as to how to approach the item of having publications put in the newsletter so that it can happen in a timely manner?” Chairman Patten continued, “Does anyone have ideas or suggestions how to rectify this or how to move forward?” Committee Member Allen stated, “I have one. You submit the Minutes and let that be the only thing that goes into the Newsletter. The Minutes of our Meeting, that way they will know what we are doing, what we have said, and who said what.” Vice Chairman Richards stated, “I would like to comment on that. In order to do that, we would have to rely on the City Clerk [Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces], to publish comprehensive Minutes to our Meeting to be in such a state that we could turn it over to a method of communication to the City, whether it be the local newspaper – or to the local Association that publishes the Newsletter. I do not know if that is workable. But, I will take an action to contact the Editor of the paper and see what he thinks about it. I will take an action if the Committee would like to ask him [Alex Babcock, The Seminole Chronicle] if we provide him with the Minutes of the Meeting does he see a value in publishing them or how he feels about it; about how we communicate to the Home Owners in Oak Forest the results of our Meeting.” Committee Member Allen said, “Why would you ask him?” Vice Chairman Rickards said, “For his suggestion because what you recommended, Louise [Allen] is that we publish the Minutes to the Meeting.” Committee Member Allen said, “Yes, what is wrong with that? Why would you have to go ask – the newspaper?” Vice Chairman Rickards said, “Who would you publish it with?” Committee Member Allen said, “Put it in this little Newsletter.” Discussion. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING – NOVEMBER 10, 2005 PAGE 10 OF 11 Mr. Richart stated, “This Board endorsed you [Chairman Patten] going forward and writing articles for the Oak Forest HOA [Homeowner’s Association] Newsletter to advise the Residents as to what is going on at our Meetings and you [Chairman Patten] did that. To go in and publish Minutes, - would be impersonal.” Discussion. Vice Chairman Rickards said, “I would like to Postpone this discussion for next Meeting so possibly we have more options in which to talk about.” Regarding the article, Committee Member Brian Oliver stated, “I did not read the article. – I would caution not going into heavy communication in the Newsletter itself.” Committee Member Oliver continued, “When we do write the articles, I would just caution, we did ask you to write the article – and we stand behind you on that. I would just be cautious on going into too much depth in the article and tell them this is what we are working with and come to the Meeting and they can listen.” Discussion continued. Chairman Patten said, “I will entertain a Motion to Postpone. And our Vice Chair[man], Mr. Rickards has volunteered that he will do some additional research and by the next Meeting will be able to have a little bit more input.” “I MAKE A MOTION THAT WE POSTPONE IT TO THE NEXT MEETING.” MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER MARION. SECONDED BY VICE CHAIRMAN RICKARDS. DISCUSSION. CHAIRMAN PATTEN SAID, “LET THE RECORD INDICATE THAT COMMITTEE PERSON ALLEN VOTED AGAINST THE ISSUE. ALL OTHER COMMITTEE MEMBERS INCLUDING THE CHAIR[MAN] VOTED IN FAVOR.” WITH CONSENSUS OF THE COMMITTEE, THE MOTION WAS APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. CHAIRMAN PATTEN REITERATED, “THE MOTION TO POSTPONE UNTIL NEXT MEETING WAS PASSED.” CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICA nON DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING - NOVEMBER 10, 2005 PAGE II OF II FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS . Solicitation signs. . Communication to the people. . Wall Extension. . Update on Landscaping Project. . Report on wiring issue. .:..:. AGENDA NOTE: THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT WAS MADE AT THIS TIME, FOLLOWED BY THE REMAINING AGENDA AS DOCUMENTED. .:. .:. Chairman Patten said, "I want to thank everyone for their input, for their patience. Also, I want to officially thank, even though she is gone, the presentation we had from Katherine Latorre [Assistant City Attorney]. It was very informative and I look forward to more of those." ADJOURNMENT "I MAKE A MOTION WE ADJOURN." MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER ALLEN. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER MARION. DISCUSSION. WITH CONSENSUS OF THE COMMITTEE THE MOTION WAS APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. Chairman Patten adjourned the Meeting at approximately 9:01 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: (~/Il,/dh~h~~ CAROL A. LALLA THIN ASSISTANT TO THE CITY CLERK NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the January 12, 2006 Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee Meeting.