HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005 07 14 Oak Forest Wall Regular Meeting Minutes CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA REVISED MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING JULY 14, 2005 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Terry Patten called the Regular Meeting of the Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee to order at 7:00 p.m., Thursday, July 14, 2005 in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Chairman Terry Patten, present Vice Chairman John Rickards, present Committee Member Brian Oliver, present Committee Member Louise Allen, present Committee Member Brian Oliver led the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC INPUT No one spoke. CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT 200. Office Of The City Clerk Approval Of The June 9, 2005 Regular Meeting Minutes "I MAKE A MOTION THAT WE ACCEPT THE MINUTES FROM LAST MEETING." MOTION MADE BY COMMITTEE MEMBER ALLEN. SECONDED BY VICE CHAIRMAN RICKARDS. DISCUSSION. WITH CONSENSUS OF THE COMMITTEE THE MOTION WAS APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING -JULY 14, 2005 PAGE20F7 REGULAR REGULAR 500. Community Development Department - Urban Beautification Division Maintenance Items And Progress Report. Mr. Steve Richart, Urban Beautification Coordinator, Community Development Department presented this Agenda Item and stated, "Eastwood [Eastwood Tuff Turf of Central Florida] has been given a thirty (30) day written notice to improve the detail that they are doing and if they do not we are going out to Bid." Discussion. REGULAR 501. Community Development Department - Urban Beautification Division Update On The Oak Forest Landscaping And Irrigation Expansion Project. Mr. Richart presented this Agenda Item. Mr. Richart said, "I spoke with Ken Lin [Landscaping Incorporated] and it looks like they are about forty percent (40%) complete. They are moving right along. They are still in the irrigation phase. They came in and put in soil in all the bed areas and now they are doing the irrigation. So once that is done the plant material is pretty quick. The irrigation was the largest part - they will probably be another week or so with that. I have to get another water meter installed for us, so they will probably come in and hook into that later. They will be paid once the project is done. What I would like to do is when we get to that point, where we are at substantial completion, I would like to get a couple of Advisory Board Members to come out and we walk the deal and you approve or disapprove it with me. So, if we could have some Volunteers for that when the time comes." Discussion. Vice Chairman John Rickards stated, "When you let the Contract there was specific date, time period when they had to start - I do not recall the Contract date. I think you and I talked at one time that it was going to be completed in August. Is there any constraint for them to finish the project?" Mr. Richart said, "I think they will be done in August. I do not remember the exact date in August - I imagine it is going to be pushed back to the end of August with the rains. If it went into September, that would be okay with me, they have to be done by end of September. I do not see that if they did take a couple extra weeks that it would hurt us in any way. I would rather have the quality and I know that they are a quality company. If you feel like it is a concern, we can certainly have a progress meeting with him; I recommend that we do that anyway. I will inquire though and get an exact date as to when he thinks he will be done." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING - JULY 14,2005 PAGE30F7 Vice Chairman Rickards said, "I will address this to the Committee, do you think that we should have a review meeting with the Contractor? Ask him to meet with us, maybe at our next Meeting?" Chairman Patten stated, "I think that would be an excellent way of going ahead and making sure that we are fully aware and have an opportunity to ask any questions and make sure that it is all clarified to all of us since it is going to be something that we will be voting on." Mr. Richart said, "Could I just interject, could I ask the Advisory Board if it would be on site during the day with him. It would be hard for him to come to a night Meeting, but would it be possible that maybe we could meet with him during the day on site - he is even available on weekends. I just know that he would have a problem coming in the evening." Chairman Patten said, "How many of the Committee Members would be available during the day? Either during the week or on a weekend such as a Saturday?" Vice Chairman Rickards said, "I will be." Committee Member Brian Oliver said, "Sunday is the only day that I am available." Chairman Patten said, "Do you think that he would be amenable to a Sunday?" Mr. Richart said, "I can ask him that. It would not be maybe a half hour Meeting. Let me get with him and I will advise you by email." REGULAR 503. Not Used. REGULAR 503. Community Development Department - Urban Beautification Division Review Of The Lorie Taylor Memorial Ceremony. Committee Member Louise Allen said, "Since I was the only one that attended from the Committee, it went very nice. The Mayor spoke, Commissioner [Joanne] Krebs spoke, Lorie's [Taylor] and Dick's [Taylor] daughter played the flute - it was beautiful. It lasted thirty (30) minutes or so. Quite a few oftheir former neighbors were there. It was a very nice ceremony." Mr. Richart stated, "We were certainly proud to be able to get the plantings and all the arrangements done ahead of time. We went to Lowe's to look at the bench and it was already put together. So, we just put it in and strapped it down. I imagine that we are probably going to have to replace that bench once a year. The monument said a very nice statement about Lorie [Taylor]. It was a very tasteful design." Chairman Patten said to Mr. Richart, "I think that I speak on behalf of the full Committee when I say 'Thank You' for all the effort and energy that you put into it. Because you definitely did above and beyond and you put in your own time. And we appreciate that." Mr. Richart said, "Thank you." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING - JUL Y 14,2005 PAGE40F7 REGULAR 504. Community Development Department - Urban Beautification Division Wall Extension Project Update. Mr. Richart discussed this Agenda Item and stated, "We have reached a point where we need to make a couple of decisions. We need to decide whether we are going to purchase the Newby [Mr. Tim Newby, Sunshine Communities, Incorporated] Parcel or if we are going to do the easement with [Mr.] Brian Oliver [Property Owner] and [Ms.] Marianne Mahoney [Property Owner]." Mr. Richart added, "Hers is a very small section, but we will still need an Easement Agreement with her. The reason we have to decide now is because it makes all the difference in the world for the Engineering Company to come in and design the wall." Discussion. Vice Chairman Rickards said, "It may be worthwhile to pursue from the City perspective, because as you say we have maintained the property. I think that there may be some validity in asking the City Attorney is there a possibility for us to claim the land under 'Eminent Domain'?" Mr. Richart said, "You could, but it would be such a long process that you would be a year and a half getting your wall done. For a few grand, if we show him he owns the land and we show him the survey and we give him an appraisal, he will sell it to us. It is not an issue of that. Getting all. that done is going to take less time than going through that other process." Chairman Patten said, "In light of your response to my question, I will entertain a Motion." "I MAKE A MOTION THAT WE APPROACH MR. NEWBY TO ACQUIRE HIS PROPERTY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE WALL EXTENSION." MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER ALLEN. SECONDED BY VICE CHAIRMAN RICKARDS. DISCUSSION. CHAIRMAN PATTEN SAID, "I WOULD LIKE TO DISCUSS AS FAR AS ANY COST LIMITS. I KNOW, MR. RICHART THAT YOU DO HAVE ON ITEM NUMBER '6.', THE PURCHASE OF THE LAND FROM MR. NEWBY, FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($5,000.00) OPTION NUMBER 1. I WOULD LIKE TO DISCUSS PUTTING SOME TYPE OF LIMIT ON IT AS FAR AS WHAT WE WOULD BE WILLING TO GO, FOR THE PURCHASE OF THAT PIECE OF PROPERTY." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING - JUL Y 14,2005 PAGE50F7 MR. RICHART SAID, "KEEP IN MIND THAT ANYTHING WE DO AS FAR AS A PURCHASE GOES TO THE COMMISSION. ANY TIME YOU PURCHASE LAND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY, IT IS A COMMISSION DECISION. I THINK THAT THE FIVE THOUSAND [DOLLARS] ($5,000.00) IS BECAUSE IT HAS GONE ON RECORD TO THE COMMISSION, THAT IS FIVE THOUSAND [DOLLARS] ($5,000.00) BUDGETED. IF IT WERE TO GO OVER THAT, THEN THEY WOULD HAVE TO DECIDE THAT ANYWAY SINCE IT HAS ALREADY BEEN PUT BEFORE THEM. SO I THINK THAT WOULD HAVE TO BE OUR SET LIMIT RIGHT NOW. IF YOU WANT TO VOTE THAT AS A BOARD THAT'S FINE, BUT IT IS REALLY ALREADY SENT TO THE COMMISSION. AT ANY RATE, IT HAS TO GO BACK TO THEM." WITH CONSENSUS OF THE COMMITTEE THE MOTION WAS APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. Chairman Patten stated to Mr. Richart, "You will approach then Mr. Newby to find out if we can purchase the property and what the range is..." Mr. Richart said, "...He has already said in the letter that he wrote that he will do it. We have to basically approach him with a Contract and tell him what he has with a Survey and give him a contract for purchase. Now, second part of this, what I would like you to do is, authorize me to spend up to twenty-five hundred [dollars] ($2,500.00) with the Engineer who will go and do the design - the engineering on the Wall and do the plan, which he will do right away, and also, the Survey. In that I will also have to go to our Attorney for a Contract which will go to the Commission. But, I do need this money to be able to start the design process, the Survey, because without any of that, I can not make Newby [Tim Newby, Sunshine Communities Incorporated] any kind of offer." Furthermore, Chairman Patten said, "So, if I am to understand you correctly, you need to have authorization for the twenty-five hundred dollars ($2,500.00) for the engineering design and possibly permitting and also item '4.' on your list, for the Survey and the additional five hundred dollars ($500.00) and would that include, when you are talking about the legal..." Mr. Richart said, "... What it is actually, the twenty-five hundred ($2,500.00), will be about fifteen hundred ($1,500.00) or a little less for the actual engineering design for the Wall extension from CPH [Engineers] . You will have your Survey which could be about three, four hundred dollars ($300.00-$400.00) and then you will have your Appraisal and that is basically what 1 am looking for in the twenty-five hundred ($2,500.00). So, once 1 have those, then the Attorney will be able to put together some kind of an offer based upon the Appraisal." Chairman Patten said, "1 will entertain a Motion to give Mr. Richart the authority of the Committee to spend the set amount in order to proceed with the Engineering and Surveying of the Property." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING - JULY 14, 2005 PAGE60F7 "SO MOVED." MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER ALLEN. SECONDED BY VICE CHAIRMAN RICKARDS. DISCUSSION. WITH CONSENSUS OF THE COMMITTEE THE MOTION WAS APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. Discussion. REGULAR 505. Community Development Department - Urban Beautification Division Budget. Mr. Richart presented this Agenda Item. 600. REPORTS Mr. Richart said, "You can look through my Inspection Reports, Ground Maintenance Reports and you will see the first one after this budget, it shows about the thirty (30) day written notice to Eastwood [Eastwood Tuff Turf of Central Florida]. I also spoke with them. You have never really commented on these reports." Chairman Patten said, "There was a question a couple of months back pertaining to your numbering system, why sometimes you have a two (2) and a three (3) circled. I do not recall who brought up the item but did indicate that if these things are below standard, why are we not doing more too aggressively or assertively to make sure that they are up to par. That was mentioned at an earlier time. And there again, I greatly appreciate as Chairman the fact that you are staying on top of this but at the same time, there have been comments made about it and I think that you have taken the right step to give them thirty (30) day notice." Discussion. Tape I1Side B Committee Member Allen spoke for the Record regarding Sycamore trees. Committee Member Allen stated, "Also, I want to say to you Steve (Mr. Richart), that I am very glad that you are staying with US." Chairman Patten stated, "I would only report that I was appointed for another term with the Committee. I understand that there is some paperwork that we need to get out of the way, but that is forth coming." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING - JUL Y 14,2005 PAGE70F7 FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Patten said, "We will keep everything as far as Agenda Items as far as next time as they are on this one." ADJOURNMENT Chairman Patten said, "I will entertain a Motion to adjourn at 7:56 p.m." "I MAKE A MOTION." MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER OLIVER. SECONDED BY VICE CHAIRMAN RICKARDS. DISCUSSION. WITH CONSENSUS OF THE COMMITTEE THE MOTION WAS APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: C?/uLL~rir4; -' CAROL A. LALLA HIN ASSISTANT TO THE CITY CLERK NOTE: These Minutes were Revised to change the stated location of the Meeting from 'East Conference Room' to 'City Commission' . NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the September 8, 2005 Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee Meeting.