HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999 09 13 Informational Item A
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Pu bUe Hearing
September 13. 1999
Mgr. /
Staff is requesting the Commission receive information on the Standard Building Code as it
relates to questions raised by the Commission in the August 23, 1999 meeting regarding
conservation areas and construction of docks.
The purpose of this agenda item is for staff to respond to questions raised by the Commission
concerning the use of the Standard Building Code to regulate conservation areas and
construction of docks.
Florida Statutes 101.3 Code Remedial
101.3.1 General.
This code is hereby declared to be remedial and shall be construed to
secure the beneficial interests and purposes thereof, which are public
safety, health, and general welfare through structural strength, stability,
sanitation, adequate light and ventilation, and safety to life and property
from fire and other hazards attributed to the built environment including
alteration, repair, removal, demolition, use and occupancy of buildings,
structures, or premises, and by regulating the installation and maintenance
of all electrical, gas, mechanical and plumbing systems, which may be
referred to as service systems.
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Florida Statutes 101.4.2 Building
101.4.2 Building.
The provisions of the Standard Building Code shall apply to the
construction, alteration, repair, equipment, use and occupancy, location,
maintenance, removal and demolition, of every building or structure or
any appurtenances connected or attached to such buildings or structures.
Florida Statutes 553.72 Intent
553.72. Intent.
The purpose and intent of this act is to provide a mechanism for the
promulgation, adoption, and enforcement of state minimum building
codes which contain standards flexible enough to cover all phases of
construction and which will allow reasonable protection for public safety,
health and general welfare for all the people ofPlorida at the most
reasonable cost to the consumer.
Florida Statutes 553.73 State Minimum Building Codes
553.73. State Minimum Building Codes
Each local government and state agency with building construction
regulation responsibilities shall adopt one of the State Minimum Building
Codes as its building code, which shall govern the construction, erection,
alteration, repair, or demolition of any building for which the local
government or state agency has building construction regulation
responsibility. If the One and Two Family Dwelling Code is adopted for
residential construction, then one of the other recognized model codes
must be adopted for the regulation of other residential and nonresidential
(4) Local governments and state agencies with building construction
regulation responsibilities may provide for more stringent requirements
than those specified in the State Minimum Building Codes provided:
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(a) The local governing body determines, following a public hearing
which has been advertised in a newspaper of general circulation at
least 10 days before the hearing, that there is a need to strengthen
the requirements of the State Minimum Building Codes adopted by
such governing body. The determination must be based upon a
review of local conditions by the local governing body, which
review demonstrates that local conditions justify more stringent
requirements that those specified in the State Minimum Building
Codes for the protection of life and property.
(b) Such additional requirements are not discriminatory against
materials, products, or construction techniques of demonstrated
(c) Paragraphs (a) and (b) apply to the enforcing agency's adoption of
more stringent requirements than those specified in the State
Minimum Building Codes and to the adoption of building
construction-related codes that have the effect of amending
building construction standards contained in the State Minimum
Building Codes. Upon request, the enforcing agency shall provide
a person making application for a building permit, or any state
agency or board with construction-related regulation
responsibilities, a listing of all such requirements and codes.
1. During the Commission public meeting of August 23, 1999 staff
was asked to provide information on the scope and purpose of the
Standard Building Code.
2. The intent of the Standard Building Codes is to "secure public
safety, health and general welfare through structural strength,
stability, sanitation, adequate light, and ventilation, and safety to
life and property from fire and other hazards attributed to the built
environment" .
3. The provisions of the Standard Building Code apply to the
construction, alteration, repair, maintenance, removal and
demolition, of buildings.
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SEPTEMBER 13, 1999
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4. The Code applies only as it pertains to safety e.g.; limiting
occupant capacity, separation from other structures for fire safety
and structural integrity.
5. The Building Code does not regulate land use, zoning,
environmental issues or appropriate use of the land.
6. Florida recently established the Florida Building Commission to
create a uniform building code for the entire state. Under their
direction the new code is to be developed by November of this
year, submitted to the 2000 Legislature to be signed into law and
implemented January 1,2001.
7. No more local modifications to the new code may be submitted
until the code is adopted.
I. The provisions of the Standard Building Code shall apply to
construction, alteration, repair, equipment, occupancy,
maintenance, removal and demolition of buildings and structures.
2. Zoning and comprehensive planning are the legal and
administrative police powers delegated to the municipality by the
state to regulate the use of land, the height and bulk of structures,
the area of a lot and the size of open spaces, the density of
population and the use of buildings.
3. Zoning has nothing to do with materials and manner of
construction of a building, these are covered by the Building Code.
4. The Zoning Code does not regulate the design of streets, the
installation of utilities, the reservation or dedication of parks,
streets Rights-of-Way, school sites and related matters. These are
controlled by subdivision regulations and Land Development
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The Standard Building Code cannot be used to regulate conservation areas and docks.
A. Florida Statutes 553.72
B. Florida Statutes 101
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Ch. 553
include. but not be limited to: standards of maintenance.
condition of facilities, condition of systems and compo.
nents, living conditions, occupancy, use. and room
(5) "Local enforcement agency" means the agency
of local government with authority to make inspections
of buildings and to enforce the codes which establish
standards for cons truclion, altera lion, repair, or
demolition of buildings.
(6) "Secretary" means the Secretary of Community
(7) "Threshold building" means any building which is
greater than three stories or 50 feet in height, or which
has an assembly occupancy classification that exceeds
5,000 square feet in area and an occupant content of
greater than 500 persons.
(8) "Load management control device" means any
device installed by any electric utility or its contractors
which temporarily interrupts electric service to major
appliances, motors. or other electrical systems con.
tained within the buildings or on the premises of con.
sumers for the purpose of reducing the utility's system
demand as needed in order to prevent curtailment of
electric service in whole or in part to consumers and
thereby maintain the quality of service to consumers,
provided the device is in compliance with a program
approved by the Florida Public Service Commission.
Hislerv.-s. 2. eh. 74-167: s. I, eh. 75-111: s. I. eh. 71-365: s. 4, ell. 78-323: 55.
3,4. eh. 8...7; s. 77. ch. 8'-167: 55. 1.4. eh. 82-46: s. 80. eh. 83-55: 5.8. eh. 83-160:
5.2. eh. 83-265: s. I. eh. 84 -24: 5. ,. eh. 84 -365: 55. 5. 6. ell. 91..172: 5. 5. elt. 91-429:
5. 3. ell. 93-249.
; ..".. ~,,:":i' .....:.. .
553.72 Intent.- The purpose and intent of this act
is to provide a mechanism for the promulgation, adop.
tion, and enforcement of state minimum building codes
which contain standards flexible enough to cover all
phases of construction and which will allow reasonable
protection for public safety, health, and general welfare
for all the people of Florida at the most reasonable cost
to the consumer.
Hislerv.-s. 3. eh. 74-167.
553.721 Surcharge.-In order for the Department of
Community Affairs to administer and' carry out the pur.
poses of this part and related activities, there is hereby
created a surcharge. to be assessed at the rate of one-
half cent per square foot under-roof floor space permit.
ted pursuant to s. 125.56(4) or s. 166.201. However, for
additions. alterations, or renovations to existing build.
ings, the surcharge shall be computed on the basis 01
the square footage being added, altered, or renovated.
The unit of government responsible for collecting a per.
mit fee pursuant to s. 125.56(4) or s. 166.201 shall collect
such surcharge and remit the funds collected to the
department on a quarterly calendar basis beginning not
later than October 31, 1995, for the preceding quarter,
July 1, 1995, through September 3D, 19%, 3nd continuo
ing each third month therealler: and such unit 01 govern.
ment may retain an amount up to 5 i1crcent of the sur.
charge collected to cover costs associated with the col.
lection and remittance of such surch3f~J(). All lunds
remitted to the department pursuant to this subsection
shall be dei10sited in tllC Oi1cmlillg Tru~;1 Fund. Prior to
the remittance 10 the dCi13rtrnent Oil Octol:Jcr 31, 1995,
funds shall continue to be remitted to ttlC Dei13rtment
of Health and Rehabilitative Services as provided under
s. 404.056(3) for the final quarter of state fiscal year
\994-1995. Funds collected Irom such surcharge shall
not be used to fund research on techniques for mitiga.
tion of radon in existing buildings. Funds used by the
department as well as funds to be transferred to the
Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services shall
be as prescribed in the annual General Appropriations
H;stery.-5. I. ell. 88-285: s. 4. eh. 91..429: s. 28. eh. 92-113: s. 19. eh. 93-'20'
5.33. eh. 93-166: s. 2. eh. 94-284: s. 1. eh. 95-339. .
Notc.-Formcr s. 404.056(3).
553.73 State Minimum Building Codes.-
(1)(a) By October 1, 1984, local governments and
state agencies with building construction regulation
responsibilities shall adopt a building code which shall
cover all types of construction. Such code shall include
the provisions of parts I-V, VII, and VIII, relating to plumb-
ing, electrical requirements, glass, manufactured build-
ings, accessibility by handicapped persons, and thermal
efficiency, and shall be in addition to the requirements
set forth in chapter 527, which pertains to liquefied
petrOleum gas.
(b) In the event that a special act of the Legislature,
passed prior or subsequent to January 1, 1978. places
responsibility for building construction regulation in a
specified local board or agency, the words 'local
government" and "local governing body" as used in this
part shall be construed to refer exclusively to sllch local
board or agency.
(2) There is created the State Minimum Building
Codes which shall consist of the following nationally rec-
ognized model codes:
(a) Standard Building Codes, 1988 edition, pertain-
ing to building, plumbing, mechanical, and ~Ias, and
excluding fire prevention:
(b) EPCOT Code, 1982 edition:
(c) One and Two Family Dwelling Code. 1986 edi.
tion: and
(d) The South Florida Building Code, 1988 edition.
Each local government and state agency with building
construction regulation responsibilities shall adopt one
of the State Minimum Building Codes as its building
code. which shall govern the construction, erection,
alteration, repair, or demolition of any building for which
the locat government or state agency has building con-
struction regulation responsibility. If the One and Two
Family Dwelling Code is adopted for residential con-
struction, then one of the other recognized model codes
must be adopted for the regulation of other residential
and nonresidential structures.
(3) The board may. by rule adopted in accordance
with the requirements of chapter 120, designate all or a
part 01 an updated or revised version of a model code
listed in subsection (2) as a State Minimum Building
(4) Local governments and state agencies with
building construction regulation responsil)ilities may
provide for more stringent requirements than those
specified in the State Minimum Building Codes pro'
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" '
Ch. 553
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(a) The local governing body determines, lollovilng
a public hearing which t1as been advertised in a newspa.
per of general circulation at least 10 days belore lhe
hearing. that there is a need to strengthen IIle require.
ments of the State Minimum Building Codes adopted by
such governing body. The determination must be based
upon a review of local conditions by the local governing
body. which review demonstrates that local conditions
{ustify more stringent requirements than those specified
in the State Minimum Building Codes for the protection
of life and property.
(b) Such additional requirements arc not discrimina.
tory against materials, products. or construction tech.
niques of demonstrated capabilities.
(c) Paragraphs (a) and (b) apply to the enforcing
agency's adoption of more stringent requirements than
those specified in the State Minimum Building Codes
and to the adoption of building construction-related
codes that have the effect of amending building con.
struction standards contained in the State Minimum
Building Codes. Upon request, the enforcing agency
shall provide a person making application for a building
permit, or any state agency or board with construction-
related regulation responsibilities, a listing of all such
requirements and codes.
(5) All code requirements in effect in any code
enforcement jurisdiction on January " 1978, which are
not inferior to the requirements of any model code speci.
fied in subsection (2) are presumed to meet the condi-
tions of subsection (4).
(6) It shall be the responsibility of each municipality
and county in the state and of each state agency with
statutory authority to regulate building construction to
enforce the specific model code of tile State Minimum
Building Codes adopted by that municipality, county, or
agency. in accordance with the provisions of S" 553.80.
If such responsibility has been delegated to another unit
of government pursuant to s. 553.79(9), the specific
model code adopted by the delegate shall apply and be
(7) The specific model code of the State Minimum
Building Codes adopted by a municipality, county, or
state agency shall regulate every type of building or
structure. wherever it might be situated in the code
enforcement jurisdiction: however. such regulations
shall not apply to nonresiden1ial farm buildings on farms:
to temporary buildings or sheds used exclusively for
construction purposes; to mobile homes used as tempo-
rary offices, except that the provisions of part V relating
to accessibility by handicapped persons shall apply to
such mobile homes used as temporary offices: or to any
construction exempted under s. 553.80(3) by an
enforcement district or local enforcement agency. The
codes may be divided into a number of segments, as
determined by the municipality, county. or state agency.
These segments may be identified as I)uitding. mechani.
cal. electrical. plumbing. or lire prevention codes or by
other titles as are deemed proper. However. the State
Minimum Building Codes shall not conlain a Musing
code; nor shall the state inlerpose in the area of local
housing codes. except upon request originating from an
enforcement district or local enforcement <Jgcncy.
(8)(a) In the event of a conllict L)elween the applica.
ble minimum building code and the applicable minimum
liresafety code. it shall be resolved by agreement
l)elween the local building code enlorcement of Ii cia I
and the local fire code enforcement official in favor of the
requirement of the code which offers the greatest
degree of lifesafety or alternatives which would provide
an equivalent degree of lifesafety and an equivalent
method of construction.
(b) Any decision made by the local fire official and
the local building official may be appealed to a local
administrative board designated by the municipality,
county. or special district having firesafety responsibili-
ties. If the decision 01 the local lire official and the local
building official is to apply the provisions of either the
applicable minimum building code or the applicable
minimum liresafety code. the board may not alter the
decision unless the board determines that the applica-
tionol such code is not reasonable. II the decision of the
local lire official and the local building official is to adopt
an alternative to the codes. the local administrative
board shall give due regard to the decision rendered by
the local officials and may modily that decision il the
administrative board adopts a better alternative. taking
into consideration all relevant circumstances. In any
case in which the local administrative board adopts
alternatives to the decision rendered by the local lire offi.
cial and the local building official, such alternatives shall
provide an equivalent degree 01 lifesalety and an equiva-
lent method 01 construction as the decision rendered by
the local officials.
(c) In the event that the local building official and the
local fire official are unable to agree on a resolution 01
the conflict between the building code and the fire code.
the local administrative board shall resolve the conflict
in lavor of the code which offers the greatest degree of
lifesalety or alternatives which would provide an equiva-
lent degree 01 lifesalety and an equivalent method of
(d) The local administrative board shall. to the great-
est extent possible, be composed of members with
expertise in building construction and firesalety stand-
(e) All decisions of the local building official and local
fire official and all decisions of the administrative board
shall be in writing and shall be binding upon all persons
but shall not limit the authority of the State Fire Marshal
pursuant to s. 633.161. Decisions of general application
shall be indexed by building and fire code sections and
shall be available for inspection during normal business
(9) Except within coastal building zones as defined
in s. 161.54. specification standards developed by
nationally recognized code promulgation organizations
to determine compliance with s. 1205 and the engineer-
ing design criteria of s. 1205 of the Standard Building
Code shall not apply to one or two family dwellings
which are two stories or less in height unless approved
by the Board of Building Codes and Standards for use
or unless expressly made subject to said standards and
criteria by local ordinance adopted in accordance with
the provisions of subsection (4).
;11 :
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101.1 Scope. The provisions of this chapter shall govern the
administration and enforcement of the Standard Building,
Gas, Mechanical and Plumbing Codes, and the National
Electrical Code, hereinafter referred to as the "technical
codes," as may be adopted by the state or local jurisdiction.
101.2 Title, The provisions of the following chapters shall
constitute and be known and be cited as the "Standard
Building Code," hereinafter known as "this code."
101.3 Code remedial
101.3,1 General. This code is hereby declared to be reme-
dial and shall be construed to secure the beneficial inter-
ests and purposes thereof, which are public safety, health,
and general welfare through structural strength, stability,
sanitation, adequate light and ventilation, and safety to life
and property from fire and other hazards attributed to the
built environment including alteration, repair, removal,
demolition, use and occupancy of buildings, structures, or
premises, and by regulating the installation and mainte-
nance of all electrical, gas, mechanical and plumbing sys-
tems, which may be referred to as service systems.
101.3,2 Quality control. Quality control of materials and
workmanship is not within the purview of this code except
as it relates to the purposes stated herein.
101.3.3 Permitting and inspection. The inspection or
permitting of any building, system or plan by any juris-
diction, under the requirements of this code, shall not be
construed in any court as a warranty of the physical con-
dition of such building, system or plan or their adequacy.
No jurisdiction nor any employee thereof shall be liable in
tort for damages for any defect or hazardous or illegal
condition or inadequacy in such building, system or plan,
nor for any failure of any component of such, which may
occur subsequent to such inspection or permitting.
101.4 Applicability
101.4.1 General. Where, in any specific case, different
sections of this code specify different materials, methods
of construction or other requirements, the most restrictive
shall govern. Where there is a conflict between a general
requirement and a specific requirement, the specific
requirement shall be applicable.
101.4.2 Building. The provisions of the Standard
Building Code shall apply to the construction, alteration,
repair, equipment, use and occupancy, location, mainte-
nance, removal and demolition. of every building or struc-
ture or any appurtenances connected or attached to such
buildings or structures.
101.4.3 Electrical. The proVISIOns of the National
Electrical Code shall apply to the installation of electrical
systems, including alterations, repairs, replacement,
equipment, appliances, fixtures, fittings and appurte-
nances thereto.
101.4.4 Gas. The provisions of the Standard Gas Code
shall apply to the installation of consumers' gas piping,
gas appliances and related accessories as covered in this
code. These requirements apply to gas piping systems
extending from the point of delivery to the inlet connec-
tions of appliances, and the installation and operation of
residential and commercial gas appliances and related
101.4.5 Mechanical. The provIsIons of the Standard
Mechanical Code shall apply to the installation of
mechanical systems, including alterations, repairs,
replacement, equipment, appliances, fixtures, fittings
and/or appurtenances, including ventilating, heating, cool-
ing, air conditioning and refrigeration systems, incinera-
tors, and other energy-related systems.
101.4.6 Plumbing, The provisions of the Standard
Plumbing Code shall apply to every plumbing installation,
including alterations, repairs, replacement, equipment,
appliances, fixtures, fittings and appurtenances, and when
connected to a water or sewerage system and all aspects of
a medical gas system.
101.4.7 Federal and state authority, The provisions of
this code shall not be held to deprive any Federal or State
agency, or any applicable governing authority having
jurisdiction, of any power or authority which it had on the
effective date of the adoption of this code or of any reme-
dy then existing for the enforcement of its orders, nor shall
it deprive any individual or corporation of its legal rights
as provided by law.
101.4.8 Appendices, To be enforceable, the appendices
included in the technical codes must be referenced in the
code text or specifically included in the adopting ordi-
101.4.9 Referenced standards. Standards referenced in
the technical codes shall be considered an integral part of
the codes without separate adoption. If specific portions of
a standard are denoted by code text, only those portions of
the standard shall be enforced. Where code provisions
connict with a standard. the code provisions shall be
enforced. Permissive and advisory provisions in a stan-
dard shall not be construed as mandatory.