HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 05 01 Oak Forest Wall Special Meeting Minutes CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING MAY 1,2000 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Thomas Helgeson called the Special Meeting to order at 7:04 p.m., Monday, May 1, 2000 in the East Conference Room of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call Chairman Thomas Helgeson, present Vice Chairman Albert MUITo, present Committee Member Anna Fernandez, absent Committee Member Dennis Norsesian, absent Committee Member Lorie Taylor, present Also Present Mr. Kipton D. Lockcuff, P.E., Public WorkslUtility Director Approval ofthe April 13, 2000 Regular Meeting Minutes MOTION BY VICE CHAIRMAN MURRO. "I MOVE THAT WE APPROVE THE APRIL 12, 2000 REGULAR MINUTES." COMMITTEE MEMBER TAYLOR SECONDED. DISCUSSION. VOTE: VICE CHAIRMAN MURRO: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER TAYLOR: AYE CHAIRMAN HELGESON: AYE MOTION CARRIED. II. REGULAR AGENDA A. Discussion Of Resident's Feedback Chairman Thomas Helgeson informed the Committee that he had received two calls from homeowners with questions on the proposed Assessment District. The Committee discussed common areas in Oak Forest; the Homeowner's Association membership; the re-bar in the wall; that a section of the wall that is "slanting" is under review; the damaged section of the wall; the number of calls received by Staff; that CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING - MA Y 1,2000 PAGE 2 OF 3 number of letters that were undeliverable; the Agenda Item with the final numbers will be ready at the end of the week, which will be mailed to the Committee Members; the road construction; and if the Committee should be prepared with a statement for the Public meeting. MOTION BY VICE CHAIRMAN MURRO. "I MOVE THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COMMISSION TO PROCEED WITH THE FORMAL CREATION OF THE OAK FOREST DISTRICT." COMMITTEE MEMBER TAYLOR SECONDED. DISCUSSION. VOTE: VICE CHAIRMAN MURRO: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER TAYLOR: AYE CHAIRMAN HELGESON: AYE MOTION CARRIED. B. Discussion Of Upcoming Public Hearing Mr. Kipton D. Lockcuff, P.E., Public WorkslUtility Director suggested that the City Clerk make an appointment with Winter Springs High School to "check out" what equipment is available; and he reviewed the Critical Event Schedule with the Committee. Discussion ensued regarding an article being written for the next Oak Forest Homeowners Association Newsletter; the draft of the wall construction costs; and the wall plans. C. Review Of Price Quotations Mr. Lockcuff informed the Committee that a price has not come back to him regarding the changes in the Winter Springs Boulevard median wall or the brick pavers. D. Other Business The Committee discussed the relocation of the cable amplifier; that Construction and Engineer Inspection (CEI) is looking out and making decisions on any problems during the construction; if there are regulations on the placement of equipment in the right of ways; the right of ways; the planter at Trotwood Boulevard; unexpected costs will be covered in the contingency figure; and the cancellation of the May 11,2000 meeting. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING - MAY I, 2000 PAGE30F3 MOTION BY VICE CHAIRMAN MURRO. "I MOVE THAT WE CANCEL OUR REGULAR MEETING ON MAY 11, 2000." COMMITTEE MEMBER T AYLOR SECONDED. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMITTEE MEMBER TAYLOR: AYE CHAIRMAN HELGESON: AYE VICE CHAIRMAN MURRO: AYE MOTION CARRIED. The next regular meeting will be held June 8, 2000. Mr. Lockcuff spoke of the attendance record of the Committee Members; the process for resigning from the Committee; and the process when a replacement is needed. III. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS This Agenda Item was not discussed. IV. ADJOURNMENT MOTION BY VICE CHAIRMAN MURRO. "I MOVE THAT WE ADJOURN THIS MEETING." COMMITTEE MEMBER TAYLOR SECONDED. THE COMMITTEE AGREED TO THE MOTION BY CONSENSUS. MOTION CARRIED. Chairman Helgeson adjourned the meeting at 8:03 p.m. Minutes Respectfully Submitted by: Debbie Gillespie, City Clerk's Office City of Winter Springs \ \CITYHALL _ PDC\S HARED\City Clerk\Docs\ W ord\BOARDS\Oak Forcsl\ALLL \M INUTES\2000\OA K -050 I OO.doc