HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 04 06 Regular ,...--....... i ,.- tricting commission, creating and establishing the first commission districts, shall file such report within ninety (90) days of appointment. There- after, such reports shall be filed within one hun- dred twenty (120) days of appointment to the dis- tricting commission. The commission district boundaries shall comply with the following spec- ifications: ( .- (1) Each district shall be formed of compact contiguous territory, and its boundary lines shall follow the center lines of streets in- sofar as practical or possible, or other bound- aries available. (2) The districts shall be based upon the prin- ciple of equal and effective representation as required by the United States Constitu- tion and as represented in the mathemat- ical preciseness reached in the legislative apportionment of the state. (3) The report shall include a map and descrip- tion of the districts recommended and shall be drafted as a proposed ordinance. Once filed with the designated official, the report shall be treated as an ordinance introduced by a commissioner. (d) Support. It shall be the responsibility of the city manager to provide staff assistance and tech. nical data to the districting commission. (e) Procedure. The procedure for the city com- mission's consideration of the report shall be the same as for other ordinances, provided that if a summary of the ordinances is published pursuant to this Charter and general law, it must include both the map and a description of the recom- mended districts. CD Failure to enact ordinance. The city commis- sion shall adopt the redistricting ordinance at least one hundred twenty (120) days before the next city election. If the city commission fails to either accept or reject the redistricting ordinance, the report of the districting commission shall go into effect and have the same effect of an ordinance. The proposed redistricting ordinance may not be rejected for any reason except for failure to comply with the specifications listed in section 4.02(c) of this Charter or failure to comply with other local, state or federal law. Supp. No. 12 CHARTER ~ 4.03 (g) Effect of enactment. The new commission dis- tricts and boundaries as of the date of enactment shall supersede previous commission districts and boundaries for all purposes; provided all incum- bent commissioners shall continue to hold office for the entire term to which elected notwith. standing any change in commission district and boundaries. (Ord. No. 494, ~ 1, 8-13-90) Editor's note-Ord. No. 494, !i I, adopted Aug. 13, 1990, provided for the amendment of Char. ~~ 4.01 and 4.02 to read as herein set out. Such amendments were approved by the voters at an election held Nov. 6, 1990. Section 4.03. Election and terms. (a) The regular election of mayor and commis- sioners shall be held on the first Tuesday follow. ing the first Monday in the month of November of each year an election is held. All elections shall be for three-year terms of office. The terms of the mayor and commissioner shall begin the first Mon- day after the first day of December of each year an election is held. (b) City commission seats are hereby designated as seats one, two, three, four and five. The com- missioners elected to serve on the city commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, shall serve as the first city commission until the first election under this Charter. (c) Those commissioners and mayor elected si- multaneously with the referendum election held pursuant to Section 166.031, Florida Statutes at which this Charter provision was approved by the electorate shall serve as commissioners and mayor for a three-year term; at the flISt election held under this Charter the remainder of the previ- ously elected two-year term positions shall be for three (3) years. (d) All commissioners and the mayor shall be limited to three (3) terms, to be served consecu- tively. (Ord. No. 548, ~ HExh. A), 9-13-93) Editor's note-Section I of Ord. No. 548, adopted Sep. 13, 1993, provided for the amendment of ~ 4.03 to read as herein set out. Such amendment was approved by a majority of the voters at an election held Nov. 2, 1993. 6.1 ~ 2.01 WINTER SPRINGS CODE .....:"'-""""1. I.~_l of 421.48 feet to the P.T. of said curve; thence run north 66029'00n east 2,776.82 feet to the P.C. of a curve concave northwesterly having a radius of'1,637.28 feet, a central angle of 17004'00"; thence run northeasterly along said curve an arc length of 487.67 feet to the P.T. of said curve; thence run north 49025'00" east 70.24 feet to the P.C. of a curve concave south- easterly having a radius of 636.62 feet, a cen- tral angle of 27058'00"; thence run northeast- erly along said curve an arc length of 310.74 feet to the P.T. of said curve, said point being the intersection of State Roads S-434 and 419, less those parts lying within the City of Casselberry an<:l the City of Longwood, Florida. Editor's note-The current description of the boundaries of the city is on file in the city clerk's office. Section 2.02. [Properly added by annexation since 1972.] All property annexed to the City of Winter Springs, Florida, since the adoption of the Char- ter of 1972. Section 2.03. Annexation [procedure]. The commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, may propose. by ordinance to annex an area of contiguous, compact, unincorporated land to the territorial limits of the municipality; or upon petition by all landowners of real property which is contiguous, reasonably compact and un- incorporated, the City of Winter Springs, may annex said land to the territorial limits of the municipality by ordinance. The procedure to be followed in the annexation of territory shall be as set forth in Chapter 171, Florida Statutes as it now exists or as it may be renumbered or amended. ARTICLE III. POWERS OF THE CITY Section 3.01. [Generally.] The city shall have all powers possible for a city to have under the constitution and laws of this state as fully and completely as though they were specifically enumerated in this Charter. Supp. No.6 ARTICLE IV. MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION Section 4.01. Composition; qualification of members; and commission dis. tricts. (a) Composition. There shall be a city commis- sion of five voters of the city at large. Each city commission member shall reside in a designated geographical district, which districts shall con- tain as equal a number in population as practi- cable. (b) Qualifications. Only qualified voters of the city shall be eligible to hold the office of mayor or commissioner. Qualifications for candidates for the offices of mayor and city commissioner are as set out in Section 2.87, Code of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, as may be amended from time to time. fOrd. No. 494, ~ 1,8-13.90) Note-See the editor's nole following ~ 4.02. Section 4.02. Commission districts; adjust. ment of districts. (a) Number of districts. The city commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, shall by sep- arate ordinance divide the city into five (5) geo- graphieal commission districts. (b) Districting commission. By the first day of February, 1991, the first day of February, 1992, and every three (3) years'thereafter, the city com- mission shall appoint seven (7) city electors deter- mined from the registration of the last regular election, one (1) to be appointed by each commis- sioner from his/her respective district, and two (2) appointed by the mayor from the city at large, who shall comprise the districting commission. Electors chosen shall not be employed by the city in any other capacity. The initial districting com. mission, creating and establishing the first com- mission districts, shall be appointed by each com. missioner and the mayor from the city at large. (c) Report; specifications. The districting com. mission shall file with the official designated by the city commission a report containing a recom- mended plan for establishment or adjustment of the commission district boundaries. The initial dis- (' c..;, 6 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 To: Mayor and Commission From: John Govoruhk, City Manager Date: January 16, 1995 Re: City Code of Ordinances, Section 4.02 (b) Districtine CommlS~ r-- It is again time for the Mayor and Commission to appoint a Districting Commission to review the existing commission districts and make necessary recommendations. The Commission is made up of seven (7) city electors determined from the registration of the last election. Each Commissioner appoints one (1) member from his/her.respective district and the Mayor appoints two (2) members from the City at large. This is to be accomplished at the January 23, 1995 Commission Meeting. Attached is Section 4.02 of the Code for your r~view. JP ~\NTE:fy ~ ~~. '.--~' '~ .)..r~;::-,~'.. .~ J- I -, 1 "~~'1 \ _I (. \ ,I,^ U\ ~I'" '\~(ro:~:-\.i/' 1959 V/ ;/ '~?oRiOF'- CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 February 23, 1995 Lee Ferguson 585 Dunmar Circle Winter Springs, Fl. 32708 Dear Lee: Congratulations on being selected to the City of Winter Springs Districting Committee. The task ahead of you is a difficult one, but an important one to the residents of Winter Springs. But, this task has been lessened some by work accomplished by the previous committee. The time remaining to accomplish this task is approximately three (3) months. In this regard I have scheduled an organizational meeting for 7:00 P.M. on March 2, 1995 here at City Hall. The City Staff will be available on an as needed basis to assist you. The City Clerk, Margo Hopkins, will be responsible for the administrative duties for this committee. Your contact person at City Hall will be my secretary, Jan Palladino. Again, congratulations and thank you for volunteering your assistance in helping the City of Winter Springs become a better City for all residents. Good Luck! JP cc: City Clerk file ~\NTE:1l> ~~~ ~/~;~~ \~ U\ .~:(fJ '\\"'~~/' .~/ l..OR\OI>- CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 February 23, 1995 Vernon Rozelle 648 Redwood Drive Winter Springs, Fl. 32708 Dear Vernon: Congratulations on being selected to the City of Winter Springs Districting Committee. The task ahead of you is a difficult one, but an important one to the residents of Winter Springs. But, this task has been lessened some by work accomplished by the previous committee. The time remaining to accomplish this task is approximately three (3) months. In this regard I have scheduled an organizational meeting for 7:00 P.M. on March 2, 1995 here at City Hall. The City Staff will be available on an as needed basis to assist you. The City Clerk, Margo Hopkins, will be responsible for the administrative duties for this committee. Your contact person at City Hall will be my secretary, Jan Palladino. Again, congratulations and thank you for volunteering your assistance in helping the City of Winter Springs become a better City for all residents. Good Luck! JP cc: City Clerk file ~\NTE:1l> cJ~~~=-:\'- '.".. c""'" ., \ ).. . -.' -'~. \l- 1-1 ., ~~ ^ -i. (. \ .' III U' ~ iUl . \Inc~~ ,/. '~ lq59 ;7:~' -,,(:-l..QRio"'. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 February 23, 1995 Gene Lein 1173 Winged Foot Circle East Winter Springs, Fl. 32708 Dear Gene: Congratulations on being selected to the City of Winter Springs Districting Committee. The task ahead of you is a difficult one, but an important one to the residents of Winter Springs. But, this task has been lessened some by work accomplished by the previous committee. The time remaining to accomplish this task is approximately three (3) months. In this regard I have scheduled an organizational meeting for 7:00 P.M. on March 2, 1995 here at City Hall. The City Staff will be available on an as needed basis to assist you. The City Clerk, Margo Hopkins, will be responsible for the administrative duties for this committee. Your contact person at City Hall will be my secretary, Jan Palladino. Again, congratulations and thank you for volunteering your assistance in helping the City of Winter Springs become a better City for all residents. Good Luck! JP cc: City Clerk file CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 February 23, 1995 Ken Haines 1115 Aloha Court Winter Springs, Fl. 32708 Dear Ken: Congratulations on being selected to the City of Winter Springs Districting Committee. The task ahead of you is a difficult one, but an important one to the residents of Winter Springs. But, this task has been lessened some by work accomplished by the previous committee. The time remaining to accomplish this task is approximately three (3) months. In this regard I have scheduled an organizational meeting for 7:00 P.M. on March 2, 1995 here at City Hall. The City Staff will be available on an as needed basis to assist you. The City Clerk, Margo Hopkins, will be responsible for the administrative duties for this committee. Your contact person at City Hall will be my secretary, Ian Palladino. Again, congratulations and thank you for volunteering your assistance in helping the City of Winter Springs become a better City for all residents. Good Luck! JP cc: City Clerk file CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 February 23, 1995 Bruce Coxe 473 Ponce DeLeon Winter Springs, Fl. 32708 Dear Bruce: Congratulations on being selected to the City of Winter Springs Districting Committee. The task ahead of you is a difficult one, but an important one to the residents of Winter Springs. But, this task has been lessened some by work accomplished by the previous committee. The time remaining to accomplish this task is approximately three (3) months. In this regard I have scheduled an organizational meeting for 7:00 P.M. on March 2, 1995 here at City Hall. The City Staff will be available on an as needed basis to assist you. The City Clerk, Margo Hopkins, will be responsible for the administrative duties for this committee. Your contact person at City Hall will be my secretary, Jan Palladino. Again, congratulations and thank you for volunteering your assistance in helping the City of Winter Springs become a better City for all residents. Good Luck! JP cc: City Clerk file CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 February 23, 1995 Kathleen Roy 684 Tuscora Drive Winter Springs, Fl. 32708 Dear KatWeen: Congratulations on being selected to the City of Winter Springs Districting Committee. The task ahead of you is a difficult one, but an important one to the residents of Winter Springs. But, this task has been lessened some by work accomplished by the previous committee. The time remaining to accomplish this task is approximately three (3) months. In this regard I have scheduled an organizational meeting for 7:00 P.M. on March 2, 1995 here at City Hall. The City Staff will be available on an as needed basis to assist you. The City Clerk, Margo Hopkins, will be responsible for the administrative duties for this committee. Your contact person at City Hall will be my secretary, Jan Palladino. Again, congratulations and thank you for volunteering your assistance in helping the City of Winter Springs become a better City for all residents. Good Luck! JP cc: City Clerk file CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 February 23, 1995 O.J. "Skip" Drumheller 635 Marni Drive Winter Springs, Fl. 32708 Dear Skip: Congratulations on being selected to the City of Winter Springs Districting Committee. The task ahead of you is a difficult one, but an important one to the residents of Winter Springs. But, this task has been lessened some by work accomplished by the previous committee. The time remaining to accomplish this task is approximately three (3) months. In this regard I have scheduled an organizational meeting for 7:00 P.M. on March 2, 1995 here at City Hall. The City Staff will be available on an as needed basis to assist you. The City Clerk, Margo Hopkins, will be responsible for the administrative duties for this committee. Your contact person at City Hall will be my secretary, Jan Palladino. Again, congratulations and thank you for volunteering your assistance in helping the City of Winter Springs become a better City for all residents. Good Luck! JP cc: City Clerk file ~larch 4, 1995 March 1995 Population Estimate Page 3 DISTRICT FOUR - April 1992 Population - 4743 Building Permits - 127 Single Family 41 ~1ulti Family Population Increase - 441 iVlarch 1995 Population - 5,184 DISTRICT FIVE - Apri11992 Population - 4740 Building Permits - 43 Single Family 1 Mobile Home Population Increase - 125 l\larch 1995 Population - 4,865 The average population that should be in each district is 5,210.8. GOOD LUCK! Memorandum To: Districting Commission cc: From: City Manager Margo Hopkins, City Clerk U1;1 . ~ March 7,1995 Date: Subject: Traffic Zone Map and Memo from D. LeBlanc Attached you will find the Traffic Zone map that you requested at the meeting of March 2, 1995. Also attached is a memo from Donald LeBlanc, the City's Land Management Specialist, regarding the estimated population as of March 1, 1995. The minutes and agenda for the next meeting will be forthcoming. If you have any questions, please feel free to call. Memorandum CC: Districting Commission City Manager .__ , Margo Hopkins, City Clerk c1rz, ~ March 7,1995 To: From: Date: Subject: Traffic Zone Map and Memo from D. LeBlanc Attached you will find the Traffic Zone map that you requested at the meeting of March 2, 1995, Also attached is a memo from Donald LeBlanc, the City's Land Management Specialist, regarding the estimated population as of March 1, 1995. The minutes and agenda for the next meeting will be forthcoming, If you have any questions, please feel free to call. March 4, 1995 ~1arch 1995 Estimated Population Page 2 The 1997 Population Estimate (Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan) is 28,865, representing a growth factor of above ten (10) percent over the March 1995 estimate. This may be a low figure in that there are presently over one thousand (1,000) approved, buildable lots in Winter Springs. With that information presented above, I use the existing districting population figure to derive the figures that ,",ill be presented below. I also use the following: 1) Building permits issued from ~larch 1992 through January 1995 2) Occupancy Rate (OR) of ninety four (94) percent - a figure consistent with the Comprehensive Plan .- 3) Persons per Household (PPH): Single Family Residence - 3.03 PPH; Multi Family Residences - 2.05 PPH; and wlobile Home - 1.81 PPH. The PPH tigures were obtained from the County's Demographic Department 4) Formula Example - Type residence X PPH X OR = Population. The following district information is presented: DISTRICT ONE - April 1992 Population - 4,713 Building Permits - 113 Single Family Population mcrease - 322 i\1arch 1995 Population - 5,035 DISTRICT TWO - April 1992 Population - 4,586 ~larch 1995 Population - 5,213 Building Permits - 222 Single Family Population mcrease - 627 (Note: there is a minus five (5) people at what used to be Jetta Point - there are only about three (3) houses still remaining in this area - this is the area where the Greeneway is located) DISTRICT THREE - April 1992 Population - 4,618 Building Permits - 400 Single Family Population mcrease - 1,139 March 1995 Population - 5,757 ~1rW1EIOJ MAR 0 6 1995 :\Ilarch 4, 1995 CITY OF WINTER. SPRING~ City Manager To: Districting Committee John Govoruhk, City Manager@ .a. y John Ketteringham, General Services Director" '""' Don LeBlanc, Land Management SpeCiaJist~ Thru: From: Re: Estimated Population for March 1, 1995 The files reflecting the actions of the previous Districting Committee are woefully inadequate or are missing. Because of this, an assumption has to be made that the population figures utilized for the initial establishment of district boundaries were an accurate measurement. The reason for assuming that the population estimate used is accurate is retlected by previous estimates of the population listed below: 1) Population by Traffic Zones (April 1, 1990 Estimate) - 22,209 2) Preliminary 1990 Census (Bureau of the Census) 21,971 3) Population Estimate Report for April 1, 1990 by Census Tract and Development (\Vinter Springs Comprehensive Plan) 22,683 4) Census Population Count 1990 (April 1991, University ofF1orida) - 22,151 There is only a difference of 532 between the high and low figures and the average population utilizing the four (4) figures is 22,254. It is also assumed that the issuance of building permits from some period in 1990 through February 1992 were factored in to reach the districting population figure of 23,400. This represented a five (5) percent growth during that period. The building activity during that time period was steady, but not spectacular. The issuance of building permits from March 1992 through January 1995 (used in this study) increase the population by 2,654, or approximately eleven (11) percent. The estimated population as of March 1995 is 26,054. Three (3) subdivisions (the Arbors, Georgetowne and Glen Eagle) accounted for 443 single family residences, or 1,262 people, almost half the population increase for this time period. Page No. 1 Rpt. DEV 06 Report Date: 02/22/91 11 : 46: 10 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 1990 POPULATION ESTIMATE REPORT AS OF APRIL 1,1990 BY DEVELOPMENT AND PHASE Single Family Est. Mobile Home Est. Multi-Family Est. Total Est. WILDWOOD ~ILD~OOD PATIO HOMES 325 0 0 325 ~ILD~OOD CLUSTER HOMES 454 0 0 454 Totals for WILDWOOD n9 0 0 n9 HIGHLANDS HIGHLANDS SEC. 272 0 0 272 HIGHLANDS SEC. 1, TRACT F REPLAT 21 0 0 21 HIGHLANDS SEC. 1, TRACTS H&I REPLAT 19 0 0 19 HIGHLANDS SEC. 2, TRACT D REPLAT 69 0 0 69 HIGHLANDS SEC. 4 200 0 0 200 HIGHLANDS SEC. 4, TRACTS A&B REPLAT 40 0 0 40 HIGHLANDS SEC. 5 83 0 0 83 HIGHLANDS SEC. 5, TRACTS A&B REPLAT 27 0 0 27 HIGHLANDS SEC. 6 0 0 81 81 HIGHLANDS SEC. 6 REPLAT 0 0 54 54 HIGHLANDS SEC. 7 & 8 125 0 0 125 HIGHLAND VILLAGE 1 107 0 0 107 HIGHLAND VILLAGE 1 SECOND REPLAT 37 0 0 37 HIGHLAND VILLAGE 2 112 0 0 112 GREENSPOINTE 197 0 0 197 HIGHLANDS GLEN 0 0 20 2a CYPRESS VILLAGE 3RD. REPLAT a a 35 35 CYPRESS CLUB a a 49 49 HIGHLANDS PATIO HOMES a a 34 34 BAYTREE VILLAGE 0 0 104 104 BAYTREE SEC. 4 a 0 44 44 BAYTREE SEC. 8 a a 47 47 BAYTREE SEC. 9 a a 67 67 BAYTREE SEC. 1a 0 a 45 45 SHEOAH CONDOMINIUMS SEC. a a 69 69 Page No. 2 Rpt. DEV 06 Report Date: 02/22/91 11 :47:00 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 1990 POPULATION ESTIMATE REPORT AS OF APRIL 1, 1990 BY DEVELOPMENT AND PHASE Single Family Est. Mobile Home Est. Multi-Family Est. Total Est. SHEOAH CONDOMINIUMS SEC. 2 0 0 37 37 SHEOAH CONDOMINIUMS SEC. 3 0 0 47 47 SEVILLE ON THE GREEN 0 0 337 337 Totals for HIGHLANDS 1310 0 1071 2381 INDIAN RIDGE INDIAN RIDGE PHASE 1 0 0 74 74 INDIAN RIDGE PHASE 2 0 0 47 47 Totals for INDIAN RIDGE 0 0 121 121 MUL TI-FAMIL Y DEVELOPMENTS FAIRFAX AVENUE QUADS 0 0 34 34 FOUNTAINTREE APARTMENTS 0 0 357 357 HIGHLANDS EAST APARTMENTS 0 0 17 17 LORI ANNE ACRES 0 0 81 81 LORI ANNE ACRES REPLAT 0 0 27 27 DOUG'S UNIT 1 0 0 94 94 NORTH MOSS ROAD QUADS 0 0 34 34 SOUTH MOSS ROAD QUADS 0 0 18 18 MOSSUOOO APARTMENTS 0 0 261 261 GARDEN CLUB APARTMENTS 0 0 71 71 PINEUOOO TERRACE 0 0 57 57 Totals for MUL TI-FAMIL Y DEVELOPMENTS 0 0 1050 1050 NORTH ORLANDO Page No. 3 Rpt. DEV 06 Report Date: 02/22/91 11:47:21 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 1990 POPULATION ESTIMATE REPORT AS OF APRIL 1,1990 BY DEVELOPMENT AND PHASE SingLe FamiLy Est. 1311 MobiLe Home Est. Multi-FamiLy Est. Total Est. 0 0 197 0 0 253 0 0 471 0 0 120 0 0 128 0 0 91 0 0 51 0 0 1311 NORTH ORLANDO 197 NORTH ORLANDO 1ST. ADDITION 253 NORTH ORLANDO 2ND. ADDITION 471 NORTH ORLANDO 2ND ADD. BLK 5 REPLAT 120 NORTH ORLANDO T~NSITE 4TH ADDITION 128 NORTH ORLANDO 5TH. ADDITION 91 NORTH ORLANDO 8TH. ADDITION 51 Totals for NORTH ORLANDO NORTH ORLANDO TERRACES WALDEN TERRACE 189 N. ORLANDO TERRACE SEC. 1 OF UNIT 1 192 N. ORLANDO TERRACE SEC. 2 OF UNIT 1 123 N. ORLANDO TERRACE SEC. 3 Of UNIT 1 222 N. ORLANDO TERRACE SEC. 4 Of UNIT 1 216 N. ORLANDO TERRACE SEC. 5 Of UNIT 1 135 N. ORLANDO TERRACE SEC. 6 OF UNIT 1 144 N. ORLANDO TERRACE SEC. 8 OF UNIT 2 189 N. ORLANDO TERRACE SEC. 9 OF UNIT 2 150 0 0 189 0 0 192 0 0 123 0 0 222 0 0 216 0 0 135 0 0 144 0 0 189 0 0 150 0 0 1559 Totals for NORTH ORLANDO TERRACES 1559 FOXMOOR FOXMOOR UN IT 1 243 0 0 243 FOXMOOR UNIT 2 309 0 0 309 FOXMOOR UNIT 3 261 0 0 261 FOXMOOR EAST 0 0 0 0 Totals for FOXMOOR 813 0 0 813 Page No. 4 Rpt. DEV 06 Report Date: 02/22/91 11 : 48: 10 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 1990 POPULATION ESTIMATE REPORT AS OF APRIL 1,1990 BY DEVELOPMENT AND PHASE Single Family Est. Mobile Home Est. Multi-Family Est. Total Est. NORTH ORLANDO RANCHES NORTH ORLANDO RANCHES SEC. 1 156 NORTH ORLANDO RANCHES SEC. 1A 84 NORTH ORLANDO RANCHES SEC. 18 57 NORTH ORLANDO RANCHES SEC. 2 141 NORTH ORLANDO RANCHES SEC. 2A 522 NORTH ORLANDO RANCHES SEC. 3 72 NORTH ORLANDO RANCHES SEC. 4 27 NORTH ORLANDO RANCHES SEC. 5 54 NORTH ORLANDO RANCHES SEC. 6 99 NORTH ORLANDO RANCHES SEC. 7 120 NORTH ORLANDO RANCHES SEC. 8 213 NORTH ORLANDO RANCHES SEC. 9 327 NORTH ORLANDO RANCHES SEC. 10 339 0 0 156 0 0 84 0 0 57 0 0 141 0 0 522 0 0 72 0 0 27 0 0 54 0 0 99 0 0 120 0 0 213 0 0 327 0 0 339 0 0 2211 Totals for NORTH ORLANDO RANCHES 2211 DUNMAR ESTATES DUNMAR ESTATES 52 o o 52 Totals for DUNMAR ESTATES 52 o o 52 MOUNT GREENWOOD MOUNT GREEN~ UNIT 1 MOUNT GREEN~OOO UNIT 2 MOUNT GREEN~ UNIT 4 MOUNT GREEN~OOO UNIT 5 57 o o 39 o o o o o 110 171 o 57 110 171 39 Totals for MOUNT GREENWOOD 96 o 281 3n Page No. 5 Rpt. DEV 06 Report Date: 02/22/91 11:48:49 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 1990 POPULATION ESTIMATE REPORT AS OF APRIL 1, 1990 BY DEVELOPMENT AND PHASE Single Family Est. Mobile Home Est. Multi-Family Est. Total Est. HACIENDA VILLAGE HACIENDA VILLAGE MOBILE HOMES 0 882 0 882 Totals for HACIENDA VILLAGE 0 882 0 882 SEMINOLE PINES SEMINOLE PINES MOBILE HOMES 0 203 0 203 Totals for SEMINOLE PINES 0 203 0 203 SMALL DEVELOPMENTS TUSCA~ILLA TRAIL 3 0 0 3 TUSCA TRAIL 0 0 0 0 PINES OF TUSCAWILLA 14 0 0 14 Totals for SMALL DEVELOPMENTS 17 0 0 17 TUSCAWILLA P.U.D. OAK FOREST UNIT 01 333 0 0 333 OAK FOREST UNIT 02 188 0 0 188 OAK FOREST UNIT OlA 109 0 0 109 OAK FOREST UNIT 02B 197 0 0 197 OAK FOREST UNIT 03 345 0 0 345 OAK FOREST UNIT 04 230 0 0 230 OAK FOREST UNIT 05 285 0 0 285 OAK FOREST UNIT 06 442 0 0 442 Page No. 6 Rpt. DEV 06 Report Date: 02/22/91 11:49:19 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 1990 POPULATION ESTIMATE REPORT AS OF APRIL 1,1990 BY DEVELOPMENT AND PHASE Single Family Est. Mobile Home Est. Multi-Family Est. Total Est. OAK FOREST UNIT 07 267 0 0 267 OAK FOREST UNIT 08 45 0 0 45 WINTER SPRINGS UNIT 02 184 0 0 184 WINTER SPRINGS UNIT 03 354 0 0 354 WINTER SPRINGS UNIT 04 1051 0 0 1051 TUSCAWILLA UNIT 05 18 0 0 18 TUSCAWILLA UNIT 06 248 0 0 248 TUSCAWILLA UNIT 07 220 0 0 220 TUSCAWILLA UNIT 08 217 0 0 217 TUSCAWILLA UNIT 09 201 0 0 201 TUSCAWILLA UNIT 09A 45 0 0 45 TUSCAWILLA UNIT 09B 212 0 0 212 TUSCAWILLA UNIT 11 92 0 0 92 TUSCAWILLA UNIT 11A 98 0 0 98 TUSCAWILLA UNIT 11B 95 0 0 95 TUSCAWILLA UNIT 12 206 0 0 206 TUSCAWILLA UNIT 12A 42 0 0 42 TUSCAWILLA UNIT 13 106 0 0 106 TUSCAWILLA UNIT 14A 400 0 0 400 TUSCAWILLA UNIT 14B 386 0 0 386 BEAR CREEK ESTATES 161 0 0 161 CARRINGTON WOODS UNIT I 72 0 0 72 CARRINGTON WOODS UNIT I I 8 0 0 8 GLEN EAGLE UNIT I 98 0 0 98 GLEN EAGLE UNIT II 139 0 0 139 WOOOSTREAH PHASE 1 22 0 22 45 WOODSTREAH REPLAT 11 0 0 11 BENTLEY GREEN UNIT I 14 0 0 14 GREENBRIAR PHASE I 223 0 0 223 GREENBRIAR PHASE II 8 0 0 8 GEORGE TOWNE UNIT I 184 0 0 184 WEDGEWOOD TENNIS VILLAS 644 0 0 644 WEDGEWOOO UNIT 1 (GOLF VILLAS) 120 0 0 120 WEDGEWOOD UNIT 2 (GOLF VILLAS) 148 0 0 148 WEDGEWOOD UNIT 3 (GOLF VILLAS) 89 0 0 89 COUNTRY CLUB VILLAGE UNIT 1 142 0 0 142 COUNTRY CLUB VILLAGE UNIT 2 190 0 0 190 Page No. 7 Rpt. DEV 06 Report Date: 02/22/91 11:50:15 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 1990 POPULATION ESTIMATE REPORT AS OF APRIL 1,1990 BY DEVELOPMENT AND PHASE SingLe FamiLy Est. MobiLe Home Est. MuLti-FamiLy Est. TotaL Est. COUNTRY CLUB VILLAGE UNIT 3 139 0 0 139 FAIRUAY OAKS UNIT 1 36 0 117 153 CASA PARK VILLAS PHASE 1 0 0 433 433 CASA PARK VILLAS PHASE 2 0 0 467 467 BRAEUICK PHASE 1 0 0 131 131 TUSCANY PLACE 0 0 214 214 Totals for TUSCAWILLA P.U.D. 9067 0 1384 10451 GRAND TOTALS 17215 1086 3906 22207 DISTRICTING COMMISSION - CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 01-31-95 Kathleen Roy - Mayor's appointee 684 Tuscora Drive 366-0567 u O.J. "Skip" Dr;'mheller - Mayor's appointee 635 Marni Drive 327-2249 o/tR;f5' . . c/ (1 c/~;(k -!/c;J/(IIj/~) Ken Haines - Seat II 1115 Aloha Court 695-7907 IV (1/1 t-/1 &J) If:;: rft3/t rMIY 1;;!3//Jfrt) ~/; 3);/tf}~ j- N/f;D Ii' 13/3 )1/9 /it;7J (tJ. IY IL- 1) I 5 (A Ie, (jlVC::- C C r1/t It I '/1J=c f tlli Ctf.;;AK V Bruce Coxe - Seat I 473 Ponce DeLeon 327-0291 Gene Lein - Seat III 1173 Winged Foot Circle East 366-6327 Vernon Rozelle - Seat IV 648 Redwood Drive 695-6167 Lee Ferguson - Seat V 585 Dunmar Circle 696-7343 ~~c. 1990 POPULATION ESTIMATES WINTER SPRINGS 1991 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN APRIL 1, 1990 POPULATION ESTIMATE BY DWELLING TYPE ENTIRE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SINGLE FAMILY (77.5%) MULTI-FAMILY (17.6%) MOBILE HOMES (4.9%) Total population estimate = 22,207. Date: 02/20/91 APRIL 1, 1990 SINGLE FAMILY POPULATION ESTIMATE ENTIRE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS STANDARD (75.8%) ACRE MIN. (5.8%) PATIO (18.4%) Total SF population estimate = 17,215. Date: 02/20/91 APRIL 1, 1990 MULTI-FAMILY POPULATION ESTIMATE ENTIRE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FEE SIMPLE (41.9%) CONDO (21.2%) RENTAL (36.9%) Total MF population estimate = 3,906. Date: 02/20/91