HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 03 02 Regular March 27, 1995 To: Districting Committee City Manager fii1) / V General Servic~~tor ~ Don LeBlanc, Land Management speciali~ Thru: From: Re: Map Request with Lein and Haines Recommendations Enclosed, as requested, is a current district map with the above recommendations depicted. Please note that the areas that have the two (2) colors are overlap recommendations. Also enclosed is a current district map without markings. Please note that the Haines recommendation does not meet the 1 % requirement as District 3 is over 1 % greater than District 5. NOTE: The City Manager and the General Services Director do not have the district maps that are included in this package. GENE LIEN PROPOSAL (in vellow) FROM DISTRICT 3 TO DISTRICT 5 Arbor Glen - 22 units Tuscawilla Unit 6 - 87 units l' amI units - 109 Population Shift - 310 FROM DISTRICT 5 TO DISTRICT 1 North Orlando Section 8 - 72 units Population Shift - 205 FROM DISTRICT 3 TO DISTRICT 2 Bear Creek Estates - 64 units Population Shift - 182 FROl\l! DISTRICT 2 TO DISTRICT 5 Oak Forest Unit 6 - 57 units Oak Forest Unit 8 - 24 units Total Units - 81 Population Shift - 230 POPULATION BY DISTRICT 1995 District 1 - 5240 20.10/0 District 2 - 5165 19.80/0 District 3 - 5265 20.20/0 District 4 - 5184 19.90/0 District 5 - 5200 20.00/0 Total 26,054 100.00/0 1992 4713 20.10/0 4586 19.6010 4618 19.70/0 4743 20.30/0 4740 20.30/0 23,400 100.0010 KEN HAINES PROPOSAL (in blue) FROM DISTRICT 5 TO DISTRICT 1 North Orlando Section 8 - 48 units Population Shift - 137 FROM DISTRICT 2 TO DISTRICT 5 Oak Forest Unit 8 - 125 Population Shift - 356 FROM DISTRICT 3 TO DISTRICT 2 Bear Creek Estates - 64 Units Canington Woods - 69 Units Total Units - 133 Population Shift - 379 POPULATION BY DISTRICT 1995 1992 District 1 - 5172 District 2 - 5236 District 3 - 5378 District 4 - 5184 District 5 - 5084 19.90/0 20.10/0 20.60/0 19.90/0 19.50/0 4713 20.10/0 4586 19.60/0 4618 19.70/0 4743 20.30/0 4740 20.30/0 Total 26,054 100.00/0 23.400 100.00/0 .. ". ~. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708-2799 (407) 327-1800 Fax: (407) 327-6912 FAX TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET Date: March 24, 1995 To: VERNON ROZELLE Fax: 324-1184 Re: SUBDIVISION NUMBERS Sender: MARGO M. HOPIGNS, CIIT CLERI( YOU SHOULD RECEIVE 2 PAGE(S), INCLUDING THIS COVER SI-lEET. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL THE PAGES, PLEASE CALL (407) 327-1800. Vernon: Attached is Donald's figures for the subdivisions you asked for. The numbers on the left in the square depicts the traffic zone and the numbers on the right in the square depicts the district. If you need further information, please do not hesitate to call. -~ \~ J '" , \11.\')\)\l...,S .", ~- \O~ ~ t;s .., 0 V' l\'h.-hUi1.. CQ\",V\, _, 0 J 1" V\~.'V\\\~\ ~n/) ~- 4-~ , ~<'(~rt (~f?(A-< \, rL \ _ -z ~ 'C." \ ...,.,:~' e" J :>\ ,\ -~" vf~n_~~ewlL\<): @ - 9 _ II' V(~n"~'~7\~\\ L,)-#s ~21 ~ Sip t/C h~~~~i'~~ R-tilT \q/~ - '~D V\I~w,\n. ~l C\t(\) ~- t:..J.=- V \ \ tjt;;~..t' 0 Q.3 J-:J vct~t~ -i" \M - 44- tY,,\\>n.~Jr:> " ;. ? _ j\ \ L h.,-f':> , L::!1 I C\\oq,\"",\,,--,, " ~ Q [,,/ \--2J 0... b L, Lf1J - Q ~'^"";"\>, ....{,.-\- ~ _ L \ L/ (')"'''!i ,/~ ~;.r\l:",_ Q<~\.,--." ~:; j- 9 ~ ~Vl."v'w~a.,", C(,~ 1@ - ~ j~A\~W~~L\~~ -l QJ'2\ '- \ 1 ~~'G(t~€.\~\,~, ~ - \ ~'L l)(l~€\~~\~\~ _~ - 1- ~ ~<2~ y'~ \* ~ - I 03 ~l~~~::tIJ~ l;~ = ~ j/t-t~h\~\~,~ .", ~ _ ~ L. L...K '.::> 0 , _r~ ..J 00'i>~<'-~;.".~. vi ~, ~.(:; 1\:, . , ~ 1'1 . \"OI.J- W., (~S.' . t:.::t t-. ~'l~ ~~~;t ~ l;il- "Cb v\'~\~'^ Ql,,-D- '@ ~ \'2- f u~\l~ ~~L:) IDJ - \ ~ III;" \<~*Il\Jf, . ~!:1 - '2. ---V )1'~ - I ~ \..;" ') (' La. \.,....; \ ~. :,(f~ ~ l5QJ _ I _ filt~c;.(;'}, E~. oft '~\ (l \~~ ~.- ~ /\~~S(~. Qt~ @ - t J)'2 \'\\\ '^~~~ ~ \\. '€ - m - I ~_"\ \, \ '\ '\ 1\..,..,. :'. \~ _ \ C4 \ V\,~ 'V\. <) \:j;o \ : v-.>-" tbJI J ! I' V C. "", ~ ~\ v\ "-.1 : ~ "~6.A.. -\e ~ 11b1 ,- ~ \i\\lLT' \'i\DB\lt J ;' 'b','-,\-~~ ...-t- t{}} io~ i/tD - \ C? vl3J .- \0 ~3 t,-' 4~ )?31 - ~ vW '. 9- L 1/51 - 50 /G) '- ~-C) vI\3) - 5S /TIj - 4'+- ~ - 4-1 vGJ -- ~ ~ -'. '2-1 vcr] - )~ v13l-'~ vQ - /1 vm.- l~'L vrn "- 'T' ~ - \Os ;1S) -- ~ .~- t- <j .- 5' - \ ~vm '2- VlJJ - ~1J vtE _. l r-c v~ - /2- vQ-~ vGJ - 7- ~~ - C6 [/(3) - } ill - t \5]- 19 vf2J - "L WINTER SPRINGS DISTRICTING COMMITTEE PRELIMINARY PROPOSAL FOR BALANCING March 23, 1995.' KindlY,review this proposal for balancing This 1S submitted following receipt of Hopkins and Donald LeBlanc. Numerical Analysis: 1. Each district should have an average population of 5211. our cities districts. materials from Margo 2. The range for variance is = or - 1% = 5211 + or - 52 = maximum 5263 to minimum 5159 3. Following comparison of each districts current estimated ~opulation and the average needed of 5211 and range, the proposal 1S: ,...- A. Leave Districts II & IV as they currently are. B. Reduce District III by 550 population or 193 single family homes by transferring to District V, and C. Increase District V by 550 or 193 SFH, from District III, and then transfer 200 population or 70 SFH to District I, and D. Increase District I by 200 population or 70 SFH. Proposed outcome after these changes: Target population range desired = 5159 to 5263 each district I II III IV V Current Population Population After Estimate Proposed Changes 5035 5235 5213 5213 5757 5207 5184 5184 4865 5215 District I hope this will be of some assistance in our districting activity. O. J. Drumheller