HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992 04 01 Regular tricting commission, creating and establishing the first commission districts, shall file such report within ninety (90) days of appointment. There- after, such reports shall be filed within one hun- dred twenty (120) days of appointment to the dis- tricting commission. The commission district boundaries shall comply with the following spec- ifications: (1): Each district shall be formed of compact contiguous territory, and its boundary lines shall follow the center lines of streets in- sofar as practical or possible, or other bound- aries available. (2) The districts shall be based upon the prin- ciple of equal and effective representation as required by the United States Constitu- tion and as represented in the mathemat- ical preciseness reached in the legislative apportionment of the state. (3) The report shall include a map and descrip- tion of the districts recommended and shall be drafted as a proposed ordinance. Once filed with the designated official, the report shall be treated as an ordinance introduced by a commissioner. (d) Support. It shall be the responsibility of the city manager to provide staff assistance and tech- nical data to the districting commission. (e) Procedure. The procedure for the city com- mission's consideration of the report shall be the same as for other ordinances, provided that if a summary of the ordinances is published pursuant to this Charter and general law, it must include both the map and a description of the recom- mended districts. (f) Failure to enact ordinance. The city commis- sion shall adopt the redistricting ordinance at least one hundred twenty (120) days before the next city election. If the city commission fails to either accept or reject the redistricting ordinance, the report of the districting commission shall go into effect and have the same effect of an ordinance. The proposed redistricting ordinance may not be rejected for any reason except for failure to comply with the specifications listed in section 4.02(c) of this Charter or failure to comply with other local, state or federal law. Supp. No. 12 CHARTER ~ 4.03 (g) Effect of enactment. The new commission dis- tricts and boundaries as of the date of enactment shall supersede previous commission districts and boundaries for all purposes; provided all incum- bent commissioners shall continue to hold office for the entire term to which elected notwith- standing any change in commission district and boundaries. (Ord. No. 494, ~ 1, 8-13-90) Editor's note-Ord. No. 494, II 1, adopted Aug. 13, 1990, provided for the amendment of Char. ~~ 4.01 and 4.02 to read as herein set out. Such amendments were approved by the voters at an election held Nov. 6, 1990. Section 4.03. Election and terms. (a) The regular election of mayor and commis- sioners shall be held on the first Tuesday follow- ing the first Monday in the month of November of each year an election is held. All elections shall be for three-year terms of office. The terms of the mayor and commissioner shall begin the first Mon- day after the first day of December of each year an election is held. (b) City commission seats are hereby designated as seats one, two, three, four and five. The com- missioners elected to serve on the city commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, shall serve as the first city commission until the first election under this Charter. (c) Those commissioners and mayor elected si- multaneously with the referendum election held pursuant to Section 166.031, Florida Statutes at which this Charter provision was approved by the electorate shall serve as commissioners and mayor for a three-year term; at the flrst election held under this Charter the remainder of the previ- ously elected two-year term positions shall be for three (3) years. (d) All commissioners and the mayor shall be limited to three (3) terms, to be served consecu- tively. (Ord. No. 548, ~ HExh. Al, 9-13-93) Editor's note-Section I of Ord. No. 548, adopted Sep. 13, 1993, provided for the amendment of ~ 4.03 to read as herein set out. Such amendment was approved by a majority of the voters at an election held Nov. 2, 1993. 6.1 ~ 2.01 ----. WINTER SPRINGS CODE -~ ,~ of 421.48 feet to the P.T. of said curve; thence run north 66029'00" east 2,776.82 feet to the P.C. of a curve concave northwesterly having a radius of 1,637.28 feet, a central angle of 17004'00"; thence run northeasterly along said curve an arc length of 487.67 feet to the P.T. of said curve; thence run north 49025'00" east 70.24 feet to the P.C. of a curve concave south- easterly having a radius of 636.62 feet, a cen- tral angle of 27058'00"; thence run northeast- erly along said curve an arc length of 310.74 feet to the P.T. of said curve, said point being the intersection of State Roads S-434 and 419, less those parts lying within the City of Casselberry and the City of Longwood, Florida. Editor's note-The current description of the boundaries of the city is on file in the city clerk's office. Section 2.02. [Property added by annexation since 1972.] All property annexed to the City of Winter Springs, Florida, since the adoption of the Char- ter of 1972. Section 2.03. Annexation [procedure]. The commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, may propose by ordinance to annex an area of contiguous, compact, unincorporated land to the territorial limits of the municipality; or upon petition by all landowners of real property which is contiguous, reasonably compact and un- incorporated, the City of Winter Springs, may annex said land to the territorial limits of the municipality by ordinance. The procedure to be followed in the annexation of territory shall be as set forth in Chapter 171, Florida Statutes as it now exists or as it may be renumbered or amended. ARTICLE In. POWERS OF THE CITY Section 3.01. [Generally.] The city shall have all powers possible for a city to have under the constitution and laws of this state as fully and completely as though they were specifically enumerated in this Charter. Supp. No.6 ARTICLE IV. MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION Section 4.01. Composition; qualific~i~ members; and commission dis. tricts. (a) Composition. There shall be a city commis- sion of five voters of the city at large. Each ci0' commission member.s~ll reside in a designated -~--~ ..-,.. --~ geographical district, which districts shall con- Tam as equal a-~!-!~berTn-population as practi- .-.caOle:-----.-----.- - - (b) Qualifications. Only qualified voters of the city shall be eligible to hold the office of mayor or commissioner. Qualifications for candidates for the offices of mayor and city commissioner are as set out in Section 2-87, Code of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, as may be amended from time to time. (Ord. No. 494, ~ 1,8-13-90) Note-See the editor's note following ~ 4.02. Section 4.02. Commission districts; adjust. ment of districts. (a) Number of districts. The city commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, shall by sep- arate ordinance divide the city into five (5) geo- graphical commission districts. (b) Districting commission. By the first day of February, 1991, the first day of February, 1992, and every three (3) years thereafter, the city com. mission shall appoint seven (7) city electors deter- mined from the registration of the last regular election, one (1) to be appointed by each commis- sioner from his/her respective district, and two (2) appointed by the mayor from the city at large, who shall comprise the districting commission. Electors chosen shall not be employed by the city in any other capacity. The initial districting com- mission, creating and establishing the first com- mission districts, shall be appointed by each com- missioner and the mayor from the city at large. (c) Report; specifications. The districting com- mission shall file with the official designated by the city commission a report containing a recom- mended plan for establishment or adjustment of the commission district boundaries. The initial dis- -, \- "'-. 6 . ., . ; , ' , ,i" JE;:;;o . .... .. L ,- c"'- , ' -...,..':0' .-.-.-.-.-:----:..........~.,,' ,', DISTRICT I; City limits and S. R. 419. south on Sherry Avenue to S. R. 434; west to the western City limits; south to Florida Power Corporation easement; east to . Hayes Road. north to No Name Creek. east to Shore Roed; north to Alton Road; west to Hayes Road; north to S. R. 419; east to Gee Creek; north to the northern City limits; and west on City limits to S. It. 419 and point of beginning. f,"" . " , . . DISTRICT II: From the northern City limits at Brantley Avenue proceed south on to Tuscawilla Road to City limits; west to Florida Power & Light easement; south and east on ,~'F1Qrida Power & Light easement to Tuscawilla Road; south to Florida Power Corp. ;.' easement;. east to Howell Branch Creek; north to Northern Way; east to Bear Creek; :'south to the City limits; east to the eastern City limits; north to the northern " City limits. west on City limits to Brantley Avenue and point of beginning. .' ,". ' ;", !" . , DISTRICT III: Tuscawilla Road and Florida Power Corp. easement south to the eastern and southern City limits ,to Bear Creek; Bear Creek north to Northern Way; west to Howell Branch ; 'Creek and Northern Way; south on Howell Creek to Florida Power Easement; east on ,Florida Power easement to Tuscawilla Road and point of beginning. . , : " . ~. DISTRICT IV: ' The northwestern area of the City which encompasses the Highlands. Golf Terraces. Old Town. Indian Ridge and Deersong; east to Sherry Avenue from S. R. 419 south toS. R. 434. DISTRICT V: Northern City limits at Soldiers Creek south along City limits, west to Gee Creek; south on Gee Creek to S. R. 434; west on S. R. 434 ~o Hayes Road. south to Alton Road; east to Shore Road, south to No Name Creek; west to Hayes Road; south to Florida Power Corp. easement; west to western City limits; south to southern ,City limits; east on Southern City limits to Tusca~;llla Road; north on Tuscawilla Road to Florida Power & Light Company~,asement; weLC and north on Florida Power & Light Co. easement; east to City limits and TuscHwilla Road; north on Tuscawilla Road; north on Brantley Road to northern City limits; west on City limits to Soldiers Creek and point of beginning. - CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (407) 327-1800 MEMORANDUM TO: Winter Springs Districting Committee FROM: Greg Kern, Acting City Planner A1)( RE: 1990 Population Estimate Methodology DATE: April 7, 1992 The City maintains a database of all platted residential dwelling units and projected dwelling unit sites. The data was collected at the platted block level, defined as the smallest identifiable block of contiguous lots within a development phase. Plat books and parcel numbers reflect the block identifier. This is the lowest level of data collection and reporting in the system - individual platted parcels are not identified. From this level, the data summates up the hierarchy as follows: - Plat Block ---> Phase ---> Development ---> Entire City. Sources of the data include the 1990 City Tax Rolls, the City Building Department's plat books and Building Department permit records. Data was cumulated for the entire City for an April 1, 1990 value and is updated biannually. To arrive at population estimates, person-per-household (PPH) and occupancy rate factors (OCR) are applied to the dwelling counts. These factors were obtained from the 1990 Census preliminary report and through interpolation from Seminole County data for 1988 and are sorted by Census Tract. Within a particular Census Tract, all dwelling units have the same PPH and OCR factors. This is greater sensitivity than most jurisdictions utilize, as many apply a single PPH or OCR factor to the entire jurisdiction. The population estimates are calculated as per the following example: Bear Creek Estates DUs = 56 PPH = 3.03 Population estimate = 56 X 3.03 X .95 OCR = .95 161 residents. In a case where the dwelling unit count has been adjusted to reflect new information about a particular development phase, the population estimate will adjust accordingly. An adjustment was made in early June 1991 in the North Orlando Townsite 4th Addition phase increasing the number of dwellings from 48 to 242 across eight platted blocks. - ,<..-.... CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (407) 327-1800 MEMORANDUM TO: Winter Springs Districting Committee FROM: Greg Kern, Acting City Planner ~)( RE: 1990 Population Estimate Methodology DATE: April 7, 1992 The City maintains a database of all platted residential dwelling units and projected dwelling unit sites. The data was collected at the platted block level, defined as the smallest identifiable block of contiguous lots within a development phase. Plat books and parcel numbers reflect the block identifier. This is the lowest level of data collection and reporting in the system - individual platted parcels are not identified. From this level, the data summates up the hierarchy as follows: Plat Block ---> Phase ---> Development ---> Entire City. Sources of the data include the 1990 City Tax Rolls, the City Building Department. s plat books and Building Department permit records. Data was cumulated for the entire City for an April 1, 1990 value and is updated biannually. To arrive at population estimates, person-per-household (PPH) and occupancy rate factors (OCR) are applied to the dwelling counts. These factors were obtained from the 1990 Census preliminary report and through interpolation from Seminole County data for 1988 and are sorted by Census Tract. Within a particular Census Tract, all dwelling units have the same PPH and OCR factors. This is greater sensitivity than most jurisdictions utilize, as many apply a single PPH or OCR factor to the entire jurisdiction. The population estimates are calculated as per the following example: Bear Creek Estates DUs = 56 PPH = 3.03 Population estimate = 56 X 3.03 X .95 = OCR = .95 161 residents. In a case where the dwelling unit count has been adjusted to reflect new information about a particular development phase, the population estimate will adjust accordingly. An adjustment was made in early June 1991 in the North Orlando Townsite 4th Addition phase increasing the number of dwellings from 48 to 242 across eight platted blocks.