HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 02 20 Code Enforcement Board Regular Minutes CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 20, 2007 CALL TO ORDER The Code Enforcement Board Regular Meeting of Tuesday, February 20, 2007, was called to Order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Mathew Matisak, in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Chairman Mathew Matisak, present Vice Chairman Greg Roero, present Board Member Dick Crenshaw, absent Board Member Alisa Kaufinan, present Board Member James B. Pitts, present Board Member Leah Weisman, present Board Member Jim Wentz, present Alternate Board Member Sherri P. Moore, absent Alternate Board Member Laura-Leigh Wood, present Chairman Mathew Matisak said, "And for the Record, Board Member Crenshaw and Alternate Board Member Moore have excused absences this evening." Next, Chairman Matisak stated, "Alternate Board Member Wood will be in a Voting capacity this evening." Next, Chairman Matisak led the Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. Deputy City Clerk Joan L. Brown swore in those persons who may be providing testimony during the presentation of tonight's cases. Chairman Matisak inquired if there were any "Agenda Changes". Captain Glenn Tolleson, Police Department stated, Yes, Sir. Tonight, we are only going to hear [Agenda Items] 202.2,202.4 and 203.1." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 20, 2007 PAGE 2 OF 15 PUBLIC INPUT No one spoke. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100. Not Used. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA - CONTINUED CASES PUBLIC HEARINGS - CONTINUED CASES 200.1 Not Used. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA - REPEAT CASES PUBLIC HEARINGS - REPEAT CASES 201.1 Not Used. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA - NEW CASES PUBLIC HEARINGS - NEW CASES 202.1 Code Enforcement Bureau - Police Department CASE #06-0013138 460 Lancers Drive Devon D. And Nicole C. Durrant Section 13-2. (Untended Grass And Weeds) Date Of Service: Certified Inspector - Jose Romero This Agenda Item was not brought to the Hearing. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 20. 2007 PAGE 3 OF 15 PUBLIC HEARINGS - NEW CASES 202.2 Code Enforcement Bureau - Police Department CASE #06-0013311 150 Lombardy Road N orman Wingate Section 20-431. And 20-432. (Commercial Vehicles) Date Of Service: Certified Inspector - Jose Romero Mr. Jose Romero, Code Enforcement Inspector, Code Enforcement Bureau, Police Department presented this Case and stated, "The property was originally cited on October 10,2006 and issued a Notice of Violation. We received an anonymous complaint. The property was posted again for the same commercial vehicle on November 23, 2006 and again on December 17, 2006. Certified Mail was sent on February 1, 2007, returned signed on February 7,2007. The vehicle was currently in Compliance. We are asking for Finding of Fact and Relief [Order] in this Case." Captain Tolleson presented photographs of the property to the Code Enforcement Board Members. Chairman Matisak referred to the date on the pictures. Mr. Romero said, "That reflects the day it was taken." Ms. Kristal A. Wingate, 150 Lombardy Road, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke about the vehicles and covering the logo on the truck. Mr. Norman Wingate, 150 Lombardy Road, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke briefly to the Board Members. Chairman Matisak asked, "Right now, the vehicles are currently in Compliance. Is that correct?" Captain Tolleson said, "Yes." Chairman Matisak then asked, "They have been in Compliance since when?" Ms. Cathy Davidson, Code Enforcement Officer, Code Enforcement Bureau, Police Department said, "They have been in Compliance since December 3,2006." Discussion. Regarding the magnets to cover the logo, Board Member Jim Wentz said, "Captain Tolleson, is it correct that what she is stating that the magnets do have to blend into the color of the vehicle?" Captain Tolleson said, "First I heard of it." Discussion ensued regarding thIS Case. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 20,2007 PAGE 4 OF 15 Chairman Matisak asked Mr. Romero, "You had asked for a Finding of Fact and an Order of Relief, In this case, this would not warrant an Order of Relief, correct because they are currently complying? So, we are looking for a Finding of Fact only?" Mr. Romero said, "That is correct." FINDING OF FACT "THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS VERSUS NORMAN WINGATE, CASE NUMBER 06-0013311. AFTER HEARING THE SWORN TESTIMONY OF THE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER AND MR. AND MRS. WINGATE AND REVIEWING THE EVIDENCE PRESENTED AT THIS HEARING, I FIND THAT THE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER HAS PROVEN HIS OR HER CASE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING. 1. THAT THE RESPONDENT WAS PROVIDED NOTICE BY THE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 2-59. OF THE CITY CODE, THAT A VIOLATION OF SECTIONS 20-431. AND 20-432. COMMERCIAL VEHICLES OF THE CITY CODE EXISTED. 2. THE RESPONDENT WAS PROVIDED NOTICE OF THIS HEARING AS PRESCRIBED BY CHAPTER 162.12 OF THE FLORIDA STATUTES AND THAT THE RESPONDENT WAS PRESENT AT THIS HEARING. A VIOLATION OF THE CODE DID EXIST ON THE PROPERTY - NUMEROUS DAYS, BUT HAS SINCE BEEN CORRECTED. 3. THE RESPONDENT IS CURRENTLY IN COMPLIANCE. THEREFORE, I MOVE THAT THE BOARD FIND THAT MR. AND MRS. WINGATE HAS VIOLATED SECTIONS 20-431. AND 20-432. OF THE CITY CODE AND A JUDGEMENT OF GUILTY BE ORDERED FOR THE RECORD AND THAT THE BOARD RECOGNIZE THAT THE VIOLATION HAS SINCE BEEN CORRECTED AND IS CURRENTLY IN COMPLIANCE. FURTHERMORE, THE RESPONDENT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY FUTURE VIOLATIONS OF SECTIONS 20-431. AND 20-432. OF THE CITY CODE WILL BE CONSIDERED A REPEAT VIOLATION. IF A REPEAT VIOLATION IS FOUND TO EXIST, A FINE WILL BE IMPOSED IN THE AMOUNT OF ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100.00) PER DAY PER VIOLATION BEGINNING ON THE FIRST DAY OF THE VIOLATION WAS AGAIN FOUND TO EXIST. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 20, 2007 PAGE 5 OF 15 AS THE RESPONDENT IS PRESENT AT THIS HEARING, AND HAS HEARD THE ORDER OF THIS BOARD, I MOVE THAT THE RESPONDENT BE DEEMED TO HAVE RECEIVED NOTIFICATION OF THIS ORDER IMMEDIATELY." MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER JIM WENTZ. SECONDED BY VICE CHAIRMAN ROERO. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER WENTZ: AYE BOARD MEMBER PITTS: AYE VICE CHAIRMAN ROERO: AYE CHAIRMAN MA TISAK: AYE BOARD MEMBER WEISMAN: AYE BOARD MEMBER KAUFMAN: AYE ALTERNATE BOARD MEMBER WOOD: AYE MOTION CARRIED. For the Record, Alternate Board Member Laura Leigh-Wood thanked Mr. and Mrs. Wingate for attending the Hearing. Captain Tolleson asked, "If we could, I would like to move [Agenda Item] 203.1 ahead." Chairman Matisak stated, "Are there any objections from the Board?" There were no objections from the Board Members. PUBLIC HEARINGS - NEW CASES 202.3 Code Enforcement Bureau - Police Department CASE #06-0013408 1214 Oxbow Lane James Nemeh And Diana Nemeh And Jessie J. Nemeh Tenant: Paul Powers Section 20-411. (Boat) Date Of Service: Certified Inspector - Jose Romero This Agenda Item was not brought to the Hearing. .:. .:. AGENDA NOTE: THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA ITEMS WAS DISCUSSED NEXT, AS DOCUMENTED, FOLLOWED BY THE REST OF THE AGENDA. .:..:. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 20, 2007 PAGE60F 15 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA - REDUCTION REQUEST OF LIEN CASES PUBLIC HEARINGS - NON-COMPLIANCE CASES 203.1 CASE #05-0011192 721 Bear Creek Circle Kishore D. And Sushi K. Tolia Section 6-217. (No Pool Enclosure) Date of Service: Certified Inspector - Jose Romero Chairman Matisak said, "The following Case is going to be heard under Section 2-61.5. of the City Code. This Case is not going to be heard under 162 Florida Statutes. The Hearing and the Rules and the way that we actually handle this Hearing is going to be- significantly different than previous Cases that we usually do. This Case that we are about to hear is going to be entirely encompassed under City Code." Captain Tolleson presented this Agenda Item and stated, "This particular Case was a Non-Compliance Hearing and there was a Lien filed against Mr. Tolia's property in the amount of seven thousand eight hundred dollars ($7,800.00)." Captain Tolleson then said, "Mr. [Ronald S.] Webster has asked for an Abatement of Appeal to come to this Hearing tonight, which takes it out of the normal loop of Chapter 162 [Florida Statutes) ." Captain Tolleson said, "[Section] 2-61.5. is nothing more than application from the Satisfaction or release of the Code Enforcement Lien. Typically, the Code Enforcement Board can take that action up until the time the Lien is filed. At that point, it comes in favor of the City and only the City Commission can make that determination." Captain Tolleson then said, "Whatever decisions made tonight will go in front of the City Commission March 12, 2007 at a Regular Commission Hearing. BOARD MEMBER WENTZ ASKED, "I HAVE A MOTION, FOR THE BOARD TO CONSIDER, THAT WE TAKE - A BRIEF RECESS TO READ THROUGH THE PAST HISTORY SINCE WE ARE NOT GOING TO DISCUSS IT." CAPTAIN TOLLESON SAID, "WE ARE GOING TO DISCUSS EVERYTHING YOU HAVE IN FRONT OF YOU." CHAIRMAN MATISAK SAID, "THERE IS A MOTION TO RECESS. DO I HAVE A SECOND?" SECONDED BY VICE CHAIRMAN ROERO. DISCUSSION. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 20, 2007 PAGE 7 OF 15 VOTE: BOARD MEMBER PITTS: NAY BOARD MEMBER WEISMAN: NAY ALTERNATE BOARD MEMBER WOOD: NAY BOARD MEMBER WENTZ: NAY BOARDMEMBERKAUFMAN: NAY VICE CHAIRMAN ROERO: NAY CHAIRMAN MA TISAK: NAY MOTION CARRIED. Chairman Matisak stated, "In this particular Case [Section] 2-61.5., Captain Tolleson will be representing the City." Captain Tolleson said, "That is true." CAPTAIN TOLLESON SAID, "THIS CASE WAS ORIGINALLY HEARD BEFORE THIS BOARD ON FEBRUARY 21, 2006. THE BOARD FOUND THAT KISHORE D. AND SUSHI K. TOLIA WAS NOT IN COMPLIANCE THAT NIGHT AND THE BOARD'S ORDER STATED, 'ANY FUTURE VIOLATION WOULD IMPOSE A FINE OF THREE HUNDRED [DOLLARS] ($300.00) A DAY UNTIL COMPLIANCE IS ACHIEVED'. CERTIFIED NOTICE WAS SENT ON APRIL 28, 2006. PROPERTY WAS POSTED ON MAY 6, 2006 AND A NON-COMPLIANCE HEARING ON MAY 16, 2006. THE PROPERTY WAS NOT IN COMPLIANCE THAT NIGHT. WE ASKED FOR A FINDING OF FACT AND RELIEF IN THE AMOUNT OF SEVEN THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS ($7,800.00) FOR TWENTY- SIX (26) DAYS OF NON-COMPLIANCE AT THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($300.00) A DAY PER THE BOARD'S ORDER ON APRIL 21, 2006 THROUGH MA Y 16, 2006." CAPT AIN TOLLESON PRESENTED PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE PROPERTY TO THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD MEMBERS. CAPTAIN TOLLESON THEN STATED, "AGAIN, MR. TOLIA WAS PRESENT AT THE HEARING. THE VIOLATION CONTINUES TO EXIST AS OF THAT HEARING. THEREFORE, THE BOARD FOUND THAT MR. TOLIA DID VIOLATE SECTION 6-217. POOL ENCLOSURE OF THE CITY CODE AND A JUDGMENT OF GUILTY AS A REPEAT OFFENDER BE ORDERED FOR THE RECORD AND AGAIN THE BOARD UNANIMOUSLY VOTED IN OUR FAVOR. THE RELIEF ORDER WAS FOR SEVEN THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS ($7,800.00) AS MENTIONED, ALSO UNANIMOUSLY VOTED THAT NIGHT." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA M IN UTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 20, 2007 PAGE 8 OF 15 CAPTAIN TOLLESON SAID, "AND TO PROTECT THE CITY'S INTEREST, WE FILED THE LIEN WITH THE CLERK'S OFFICE." CAPTAIN TOLLESON STATED, "AUGUST THE 25TH OF 2006, HE GOT FINAL APPROVAL BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL ON THE POOL ENCLOSURE - HE IS IN COMPLIANCE AS OF AUGUST 25, 2006." Captain Tolleson read for the Record the Winter Springs City Code related to Pool Enclosures. Tape IISide B CAPTAIN TOLLESON STATED, "CERTIFIED COPY OF AN ORDER IMPOSING PENALTY OR FINE. WE SATISFIED THAT. WE SHOWED IT TO YOU EARLIER AND HAS BEEN RECORDED? YES, IT WAS RECORDED BY THE CLERK'S OFFICE - MAY APPLY FOR SATISFACTION OF RELEASE OF SUCH LIEN AS FOLLOWS - MR. TOLIA IS ASKING FOR A SATISFACTION OR RELEASE FROM THE LIEN, THE SEVEN THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS ($7,800.00). HOW DO YOU GET THERE? ONE (1), FULL PAYMENT BY THE VIOLATOR OF THE FINE AND PENALTY IMPOSED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS CHAPTER. THE CITY MANAGER IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE AND RECORD THE SATISFACTION OF THE LIEN. TWO (2), A REQUEST FOR A REDUCTION OR FORGIVENSS OF A FINE OR PENALTY IMPOSED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS CHAPTER. THE VIOLATOR SHALL MAKE A WRITTEN APPLICATION TO THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR. WHEN THIS CODE WAS WRITTEN, CODE ENFORCEMENT WAS UNDER THE DEPARTMENT OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. FOUR (4) YEARS AGO, IT CAME UNDER THE DEPARTMENT OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. Captain Tolleson referred to Section 2-61.5. of the City Code for the Record. With further discussion, Captain Tolleson stated, "The Board shall review and consider the Application for Satisfaction of Lien or Release of Lien only." Captain Tolleson then stated, "This has been talked about with the City's Attorney Debra Babb-Nutcher and with Mr. [Ronald S.] Webster and they feel that this is the best course of action to take in Mr. Tolia's Case. The Abatement Order is in effect until March 13,2007." Discussion continued. Captain Tolleson entered Mr. Tolia's "Application for Satisfaction or Release of Code Enforcement Lien" and "Statement" into the Record. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD . REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 20,2007 PAGE 9 OF 15 As a reminder to the Board Members, Captain Tolleson reiterated, "The Code Enforcement Board is tasked to render an Advisory recommendation to the City Commission for this Application as submitted by Mr. Tolia as delineated by the City of Winter Springs Code Section 2-61.5.. The Board's recommendation must find Mr. . Tolia's Application to be either one (1), Approve Mr. Tolia's Request for Release of Lien; two (2), Approve it with conditions or modifications as approved by the Board; or three (3) Denial of the Request." Mr. Ronald S. Webster, Attorney, Stump Webster Law, 719 Peachtree Road, Suite 200, Orlando, Florida: thanked Captain Tolleson for his professionalism and courtesy on this matter. Mr. Webster discussed his recommendation on granting the Application. Mr. Kishore D. Tolia, 721 Bear Creek Circle, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke of his previous hardships. Discussion. With further discussion on Mr. Tolia's hardships and for the Record, Chairman Matisak asked for documents to substantiate his Case. Tape 2/Side A Discussion continued on this Case. "I MOVE THAT WE DENY THE APPLICATION." MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER PITTS. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER KAUFMAN. DISCUSSION. VOTE: CHAIRMAN MATISAK: NAY VICE CHAIRMAN ROERO: NAY BOARD MEMBER WEISMAN: AYE BOARD MEMBER WENTZ: AYE BOARD MEMBER PITTS: AYE ALTERNATE BOARD MEMBER WOOD: AYE BOARD MEMBER KAUFMAN: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Chairman Matisak said to Captain Tolleson, "My direction to you as Chairman of this Board is to notify the City Commission at the next Hearing - that our recommendation five-two (5-2) Vote to not grant the Application. There were no Conditions." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 20, 2007 PAGE 100F 15 PUBLIC HEARINGS - NEW CASES 202.4 Code Enforcement Bureau - Police Department CASE #06-0013533 514 Lombardy Road Linda Haines Section 12-53. (a)(b) (Unlicensed Motor Vehicle) Date Of Service: Certified Inspector - Cathy Davidson Ms. Davidson presented this Case and stated, "This property was cited on December 28, 2006 and issued a Notice of Violation Warning. This property failed reinspection on January 12, 2007 and also February 13, 2007. Certified Notice mailed and signed for on February 3, 2007 giving Ms. Haines an additional three (3) days to correct and instructed her to contact the inspector for a Compliance inspection by February 7, 2007. The Respondent has not contacted us for a date for reinspection, however - it has an expired tag on the vehicle as of February 14,2007. The Registration has not been corrected as of this Meeting. Currently, it is not in Compliance. We are asking for Finding of Fact and Relief [Order]." Ms. Davidson prese~ted photographs of the vehicle to the Code Enforcement Board Members. Chairman Matisak noted that the Respondent is not present at the Hearing. FINDING OF FACT "THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS VERSUS LINDA HAINES, CASE NUMBER 06-0013533. AFTER HEARING THE SWORN TESTIMONY OF THE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER AND REVIEWING THE EVIDENCE PRESENTED AT THIS HEARING, I FIND THAT THE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER HAS PROVEN HER CASE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING: THAT THE RESPONDENT WAS PROVIDED NOTICE BY THE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 2-59. OF THE CITY CODE THAT A VIOLATION OF SECTION 12-53. (a) AND (b) (UNLICENSED MOTOR VEHICLE) OF THE CITY CODE EXISTED. 1. THE RESPONDENT WAS PROVIDED NOTICE OF THIS HEARING AS PRESCRIBED BY CHAPTER 162-12 OF THE FLORIDA STATUTES AND THAT THE RESPONDENT WAS NOT PRESENT AT THE HEARING. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 20, 2007 PAGE II OF 15 2. THE RESPONDENT WAS PROVIDED A REASONABLE TIME TO CORRECT THE VIOLATION. 3. THE RESPONDENT FAILED OR REFUSED TO CORRECT THE VIOLATION WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED. 4. THE VIOLATION CONTINUES TO EXIST UPON THE RESPONDENT'S PROPERTY. THEREFORE, I MOVE THAT THIS BOARD FIND THAT LINDA HAINES HAS VIOLATED SECTION 12-53. (a) A~D (b) (UNLICENSED MOTOR VEHICLE) OF THE CITY CODE AND JUDGMENT OF 'GUILTY' BE ORDERED FOR THE RECORD. I FURTHER MOVE THAT AN APPROPRIATE RELIEF ORDER BE ISSUED IMMEDIATELY BY THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD." MOTION BY VICE CHAIRMAN ROERO. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER PITTS. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER WEISMAN: AYE BOARD MEMBER PITTS: AYE BOARD MEMBER WENTZ: AYE CHAIRMAN MA TISAK: AYE BOARDMEMBERKAUFMAN: AYE VICE CHAIRMAN ROERO: AYE ALTERNATE BOARD MEMBER WOOD: AYE MOTION CARRIED. RELIEF ORDER "THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS VERSUS LINDA HAINES, CASE NUMBER 06-0013533 HAVING BEEN FOUND 'GUILTY' FOR VIOLATING SECTION 12- 53. (a) AND (b) (UNLICENSED MOTOR VEHICLE) OF THE CITY CODE, I MOVE THAT THE RESPONDENT BE GIVEN FIVE (5) DAYS AFTER NOTIFICATION TO CORRECT THIS VIOLATION OF THE CITY CODE. IF THE RESPONDENT FAILS TO CORRECT THE VIOLATION WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED, A FINE OF ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100.00) IMPOSED PER DA Y UNTIL COMPLIANCE HAS BEEN VERIFIED BY A CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 20, 2007 PAGE 12 OF 15 FURTHERMORE, ANY OR ALL FUTURE REOCCURANCES OF THIS VIOLATION WILL BE CONSIDERED A REPEAT OFFENSE. A REPEAT VIOLATION WILL NECESSITATE FURTHER PROCEEDINGS WITHOUT THE OPPORTUNITY TO CORRECT THE REPEAT VIOLATION. THE FINE FOR A REPEAT VIOLATION WILL BE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS ($150.00) PER DAY BEGINNING ON THE FIRST DAY THE REPEAT VIOLATION IS FOUND TO EXIST BY THE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER. I ALSO MOVE THAT THE CLERK OF THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD BE ORDERED TO RECORD A CERTIFIED COPY OF THIS ORDER INTO THE PUBLIC RECORDS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA SHOULD THE RESPONDENT FAIL TO CORRECT THE VIOLATION WITHIN THE TIMEFRAME SET FORTH BY THE BOARD." MOTION BY VICE CHAIRMAN ROERO. SECONDED BY ALTERNATE BOARD MEMBER WOOD. DISCUSSION. Chairman Matisak said, "Point of Clarification" and asked about the fine. VICE CHAIRMAN ROERO SAID, "ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS ($150.00) PER DAY IF IT IS A REPEAT, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100.00) AFTER FIVE (5) DAYS." VOTE: ALTERNATE BOARD MEMBER WOOD: AYE VICE CHAIRMAN ROERO: AYE BOARD MEMBER WENTZ: AYE BOARD MEMBER KAUFMAN : AYE BOARD MEMBER WEISMAN: AYE BOARD MEMBER PITTS: AYE CHAIRMAN MATISAK: AYE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARINGS - NEW CASES 202.5 Code Enforcement Bureau - Police Department CASE #07-0013611 885 Benchwood Drive Charles E. Winters Trustee FBO Tenant: Tina M. Jones Section 20-411. And 20-434. (Trailer) Date Of Service: Certified Inspector - Jose Romero This Agenda Item was not brought to the Hearing. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 20,2007 PAGE 13 OF 15 REGULAR AGENDA REGULAR .300. Election Of Officers. Chairman Matisak said, "We will start with Chairman. 1 would like to say that 1 would be more than happy to keep going." "I NOMINATE FOR YOU TO DO SO." MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER PITTS. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER KAUFMAN. DISCUSSION. VOTE: CHAIRMAN MA TISAK: AYE BOARD MEMBER KAUFMAN: AYE VICE CHAIRMAN ROERO: AYE BOARD MEMBER PITTS: AYE BOARD MEMBER WEISMAN: AYE BOARD MEMBER WENTZ: AYE ALTERNATE BOARD MEMBER WOOD: AYE MOTION CARRIED. For the Vice Chairman, Chairman Matisak stated, "I am just going to open up the floor for nominations." Vice Chairman Roero said, "I would like to continue as Vice Chairman." Board Member Wentz said, "I would like to nominate [Vice Chairman] Mr. Roero again." Board Member Weisman said, "Ms. Kaufman is the senior female member." Board Member Kaufman said, "I will accept that nomination." Chairman Matisak said, "For Vice Chairman Roero." VOTE: VICE CHAIRMAN ROERO: AYE BOARD MEMBER KAUFMAN: NAY BOARD MEMBER PITTS: NAY BOARD MEMBER WEISMAN: NAY BOARD MEMBER WENTZ: AYE ALTERNATE BOARD MEMBER WOOD: NAY CHAIRMAN MA TISAK: AYE MOTION DID NOT CARRY. '"'u....u...... HJ.UU~Un.. Ul~U .:>alU, I'VI DVdlU IVlt:lUut:r l'I.aurman. VOTE: VICE CHAIRMAN ROERO: NAY BOARD MEMBER WENTZ: NAY CHAIRMAN MATISAK: NAY ALTERNATE BOARD MEMBER WOOD: AYE BOARD MEMBER KAUFMAN: AYE BOARD MEMBER WEISMAN : AYE BOARD MEMBER PITTS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Chairman Matisak said, "Congratulations to Board Member Kaufman who will officially be at the next Meeting as Vice Chairperson." Chairman Matisak commented on Board Member Roero' s service as Vice Chairman this past year. CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT 400. Office Of The City Clerk Approval Of The November 21, 2006 Regular Meeting Minutes. CHAIRMAN MA TISAK STATED, "CAN I GET A MOTION TO APPROVE THE NOVEMBER 21, 2006 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES." "SO MOVED." MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER PITTS. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER WENTZ. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER WEISMAN: AYE BOARD MEMBER PITTS: AYE BOARD MEMBER WENTZ: AYE CHAIRMAN MA TISAK: AYE VICE CHAIRPERSON KAUFMAN: NAY BOARD MEMBER ROERO: AYE ALTERNATE BOARD MEMBER WOOD: AYE MOTION CARRIED. . CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 20,2007 PAGE 140F 15 Chairman Matisak then said, "For Board Member Kaufman." VOTE: VICE CHAIRMAN ROERO: NAY BOARD MEMBER WENTZ: NAY CHAIRMAN MA TISAK: NAY ALTERNATE BOARD MEMBER WOOD: AYE BOARD MEMBER KAUFMAN: AYE BOARD MEMBER WEISMAN : AYE BOARD MEMBER PITTS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Chairman Matisak said, "Congratulations to Board Member Kaufman who will officially be at the next Meeting as Vice Chairperson." Chairman Matisak commented on Board Member Roero' s service as Vice Chairman this past year. CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT 400. Office Of The City Clerk Approval Of The November 21, 2006 Regular Meeting Minutes. CHAIRMAN MA TISAK STATED, "CAN I GET A MOtiON TO APPROVE THE NOVEMBER 21, 2006 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES." "SO MOVED." MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER PITTS. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER WENTZ. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER WEISMAN: AYE BOARD MEMBER PITTS: AYE BOARD MEMBER WENTZ: AYE CHAIRMAN MA TISAK: AYE VICE CHAIRPERSON KAUFMAN: NAY BOARD MEMBER ROERO: AYE ALTERNATE BOARD MEMBER WOOD: AYE MOTION CARRIED. . CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 20, 2007 PAGE 15 OF 15 INFORMATIONAL AGENDA INFORMATIONAL 500. Not Used. 600. REPORTS Alternate Board Member Wood commented about a Code Enforcement class. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS None were noted. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Matisak adjourned the Regular Meeting at 8:59 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: J AN L. BROWN EPUTY CITY CLERK NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the March 20, 2007 Code Enforcement Board Regular Meeting.