HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999 08 09 Public Hearings Item D
Public Hearings X
August 9. 1999
Regular Meeting
Mgr. / Dept.
D.Community Developmen~ Department - Planning Division
Requests The City Commission Hold A Public Hearing For The First Reading Of
Ordinance 725 To Adopt The GreeneWay Interchange Zoning District Text and Map.
July 12, 1999
Public Hearing X
REQUEST: The Community Development Department - Planning Division requests the
City Commission hold a public hearing for second reading and adoption of
Ordinance 725 to adopt the GreeneWay Interchange Zoning District Text and
PURPOSE: The purpose of this Agenda item is create a new stand alone zoning district that
will allow for mixed uses at higher densities and intensity of development and
take advantage of the transportation nexus of the beltway (S.R. 417 'The
GreeneWay") and S.R. 434.
Sec. 20-57 of the City Code states "The planning and zoning board shall serve. . .to
recommend to the City Commission the boundaries of the various original zoning districts. .
and any amendments thereto. . .act on measures affecting the present and future movement of
traffic, the segregation of residential and business districts and the convenience and safety of
persons and property in any way dependent on city planning and zoning."
Under state statutes, cities have a home rule provision to enter into agreements with property
owners to set forth standards for future use of property when a new land use designation is
imposed on the property by an amendment to the comprehensive plan.
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. The City staff and consultant, in discussion with the affected property owners,
have recommended to the City Manager that a new district be created on the
Future Land Use Map that would facilitate commercial development that is
oriented to the type of commercial activity generated by a major highway.
. The Greene W ay Interchange District is intended to amend the zoning map and
text. The ch,mges in the zoning text and map require the submission of a large
scale comprehensive plan amendment to the Florida Department of Community
Affairs which is Agenda Item A.
. The City staff and City consultant on the project have had several meetings with
the Casscells Trust Property Representatives to resolve differences over concept
and language concerning the proposed Greene W ay Interchange Zoning District
. A workshop will be held on July 6, 1999 on the Greeneway Interchange Zoning
District Text and Map.
"I'll make a recommendation to the City Commission that they adopt the GreeneWay
Interchange Zoning District and add to that, that they pay attention to or consider allowing the
Board of Adjustment to consider requests for placement, very seriously". Motion by Bill
Fernandez. Seconded by Marc Clinch. Discussion. Vote: Rosanne Karr: Aye; Carl Stephens,
Jr.: Aye; Tom Brown: Aye; Bill Fernandez: Aye; Marc Clinch: Aye. Motion passed.
City staff and the City's consultant recommend that the City Commission hold a public
hearing to approve the second reading and adoption of Ordinance 725 to adopt a
Greene W ay Interchange Zoning District that includes the Casscells Trust Property .
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The ordinance will immediately take effect upon adoption of the large scale
comprehensive plan amendment for creation of a new Future Land Use Map
designation of "Greene W ay Interchange District".
A. Ordinance 725
B. Proposed Greene W ay Interchange Zoning District regulations.
C. Recommended changes resulting from meetings with Representatives of
the Casscells Trust.
D. Further changes recommended by City Staff and Consultant.
E. Minutes from March 3, 1999 Planning and Zoning Board meeting.
WHEREAS, 163.3167(11), Florida Statutes, encourages local
governments to articulated a vision of the future physical appearance and
qualities of its community. . .";
WHEREAS, the City, ill accordance with 163.3167(11) F.S. has
developed a collaborative planning process with meaningful public participation
in the development of the G-I "GreeneWay Interchange" Zoning District Map
WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Board has reviewed the
Greene W ay Interchange Zoning District and has recommended to the City
Commission adoption of same;
Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, creates the GreeneWay
Interchange Zoning District to include the Casscells Trust Property indicated in
the accompanying map to this ordinance as Exhibit "A".
If any provision or portion of this Ordinance is declared by any court of
competent jurisdiction to be void, unconstitutional, or unenforceable, then all
remaining provisions and portions of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and
That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby
'This Ordinance shall take effect upon notification by the Florida
Department of Community Affairs of its uNotice of Intent" to find the large scale
comprehensive plcm amendment creating a Future Land Use Map designation of
uGreeneWay Interchange District" in compliance with the state comprehensive
plan, the regional policy plan, and the City's comprehensive plan..
Adopted this
day of
, 1999.
State Road
) Sec. 20-483 Purpose.
The GreeneWay Interchange District is designed as a mixed-use category which combines a strategy to attract
higher density residential and commercial enterprises oriented toward a major transportation nexus of an
expressway and arterial road and minimize urban sprawl. This district is specifically designed to:
a. Provide high density residential development in close proximity to economic centers for employees.
b. Discourage urban sprawl by clustering economic development activities along growth corridors.
c. Promote business development in close proximity to the regional road network providing high visibility
and convenient access.
d. Ensure sufficient availability ofland to realize the economic development needs of the City.
e. Provide for choice and diversity in living arrangements and work environments.
Sec. 20-484 General Uses and Intensities.
(1) The GreeneWay Interchange Development District is designed to provide a varied ofland uses, development
intensities, and target industry development. The uses are:
a. Planned commercial developments, corporate business parks, office complexes, commercial, service and
hotel uses.
b. Planned medium to high-density residential developments.
c. Planned mixed-use developments.
(2) . Development Intensities:
The City shall apply the following development intensities. The criteria for establishing appropriate
intensities include, but are not limited to, compatibility with surrounding existing and planned uses,
adequacy of existing and programmed City services and facilities, economic development objectives, and
consistency with the City's Comprehensive Plan and site characteristics.
Residential Uses:
Medium Density 5-10 Dwelling Units per net acre
High Density 11-20 Dwelling Units per net acre
Non-Residential Uses:
1.0 Floor Area Ratio (FA R)
I.I'^ IZeC()/11111Clldalioll J/3/')()
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Grccllcway IlIlcrchaogc District
(3) Land Use Mix:
The GreeneWay Interchange District shall be developed to accommodate an overall mix of land uses as
described below:
Land Uses
(4) Open Space/Recreation:
A minimum of twenty-five percent (25%) of the overall site must be designated as recreation and common
open space. Individual land uses may have more or less than twenty-five percent (25%) of its area devoted to
common open space.
Recreation areas are not required within non-residential areas. In non-residential areas, landscaped pedestrian
connections between buildings, parking and adjacent development is required.
Sec. 20-485 Permitted Uses.
( 1 ) Medium Density Residential:
a. Single-Family Attached/Detached
b. Patio Homes
c. Duplex
d. Multi-Family
(2) High Density Residential:
a. Condominiums
b. Townhouses
c. Apartments
(3) Office:
a. Variety of office uses from single-tenant professional offices to corporate office parks.
(4) Commercial:
a. Neighborhood Convenience Stores
b. Community, Regional and Sub-Regional Shopping Centers
c. Daycare Nurseries
d. Hotels And Motels
(5) Special Exceptions in Commercial Areas:
a. Drive-in restaurants
b. Service Stations
c. Hospitals
d. Nursing Homes
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Greeneway Interchange District
GreeneWay Interchange Zoning District
Sec. 20-486 Building Height.
No building shall exceed fifty five (55) feet in height. For the purpose of these design standards, building height
shall be measured from ground level to the highest point of the coping of a flat roof or the mean height level
between eaves and ridge for gable, hip or gambrel roofs.
Sec. 20-487 Setbacks.
(1) No improvement shall be located on any property closer to any property line than the minimum setbacks set
forth below:
S.R. 434
Collector Street
Internal Street
Side (a)
Rear (a)
25 feet
25 feet
15 feet
o feet
10 feet
IS feet
15 feet
10 feet
o feet
5 feet
(a) Unless abutting a residential area. See Section 20-491.
) (2) The narrowest dimension of a lot adjoining a road right-of-way shall determine its front for the purpose of
establishing yard requirements.
(3) On corner lots, the front yard shall be considered as abutting the street upon which the lot has its least
dimension. The rear lot, in this case, shall be opposite the front yard.
(4) The following structures are specifically excluded from the setback restrictions:
a. Steps and walks.
b. Landscaping and landscape berms.
c. Planters three (3) feet in height or less, or
d. Other improvements as may be permitted under applicable regulations of the City.
The Board of Adjustment will consider any request for the placement of such other improvements within a
setback, only after a Development Review Committee review and recommendation. In determining whether
to recommend City consent, the Development Review Committee may consider, without limiting the scope
of their review, the following: (I) the extent to which any hardship exists that would justify a variance from
the normal setback requirements; (ii) the aesthetics of the proposed improvements and their visibility from
common roads and adjacent properties; (iii) the consent or objections of adjacent property owners; and (iv)
the nature and use of the prorosed improvements. It is the owner's burden and responsibility to provide such
information and documentation as may be requested by the Development Review Committee in order to
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Greeneway Intcrchange District
justify to the Developmcnt Rcview Committee that the intrusion of additional improvements within the
nornlal setbacks is beneficial to the corridor and will not adversely affect adjacent property owners.
Sec. 20-488 Land Coverage.
The overall site shall contain 25% open space or recreation. Individual sites within a planned development may
have more or less than 25% open space.
Sec. 2()-489 Off-Street Parking and Driveway Requirements.
(1) Paved Driveway and Parking Spaces: All driveways and parking spaces shall be paved with asphaltic
concrete and/or concrete and shall be curbed.
(2) On-Site Parking: All parking areas shall be on-site and shall be adequate to serve all employees, visitors and
company vehicles.
(3) Rights-Of-Way: Parking is prohibited on rights-of-way or along driveways.
(4) Parking Space Size: Each off-street parking space shall be a minimum of two hundred (200) square feet, 10'
x 20', in addition to space for access drives and aisles. The minimum width of each space shall be ten (10)
feet. The two (2) foot area of paving at the end of each parking space may be omitted provided the area is
landscaped with sod or another acceptable ground cover. The two (2) foot landscaped area shall not be
counted toward any other greenspace requirement or setback. Lines demarcating parking spaces may be
drawn at various angles in relation to curbs or aisles, so long as the parking spaces so created contain within
them the rectangular area required.
(5) Handicapped Spaces: Handicapped spaces shall be provided and sized in accordance with 316.1955,
316.1956,316.1958,320.0843" 320.0845, 320.0848 Florida Statutes.
(6) Access drive Width: Each access drive shall have a minimum width of twenty-four (24) feet.
(7) Number of Access Drives: If a site has less than two hundred (200) feet of frontage on a right-of-way, one
(1) access drive shall be permitted unless there is a joint access drive, in which case two (2) may be
permitted. If a site has more than two hundred (200) feet offrontage on a right-of-way, F.D.O.T permit
guidelines (found in 1496-7 Florida Administrative Code) and restrictions shall apply.
(8) Turning Radius: The minimum turning radius shall be thirty (30) feet.
(9) Coordinated joint use of parking areas during off-peak hours shall be encouraged to be incorporated into the
design of projects to reduce the total number of required parking spaces.
(.10) Whenever practical, vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems shall be separated. A system of
multi-purpose walkways connecting buildings, common open spaces, recreation areas, community facilities
and parking areas shall be provided and adequately lighted for nighttime use.
Sec. 20-490 Landscaping.
The following landscape standards establish the minimum criteria for the development of the roadways, parking
areas, and other features to ensure continuity in aesthetic values throughout the corridor.
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Grccncway I ntcrchangc District
(1) All areas requiring landscaping shall meet or exceed the following general landscape requirements. Such
Landscaping Requirements are required for:
a. That part of the site fronting a public or private right-of-way that is within the designated corridor.
b. Around and within all off-street parking, loading and other vehicular use areas within each site.
c. Along the outside of screening walls and fences.
d. Adjacent to buildings on the site to complement the architectural style.
(2) All landscaping shall be installed according to accepted commercial planting procedures. Fertile soil, free of
lime rock, pebbles or other cOl1lstruction debris shall be used in all planting pits.
(3) The owner of a site shall be responsible for all landscaping so as to present a neat, healthy and orderly
appearance free of refuse and debris. Any dead or dying plant material, including sod, shall be promptly
replaced or shall be treated to restore healthy growth to achieve a unifonn appearance.
(4) . All landscape areas shall be adequately irrigated, with reclaimed water if available, based on the following
a. An automatic sprinkler irrigation system shall be provided for all landscaped areas.
b. The irrigation system shall be designed to provide full coverage of all landscaped areas and shall be
equipped with rain sensors.
c. The irrigation system shall be designed and operated to prevent or minimize run-offof irrigation water
onto roadways, driveways, and adjacent properties not under the control of the owner of the site.
d. The irrigation system shall be maintained so as to be in optimum working order at all times. .
(5) All plant material shall meet or exceed standards for Florida No. I plants, as specified in Grades and
Standards for Nursery Plants. Parts I and II. 1973 pl!blished by the State of Florida, Department of
Agriculture and Consumer Services. Trees shall be selected from the. Recommended Tree Pallet found at the
end of these design standards.
(6) The preservation and utilization of a site's natural trees and shrubbery is strongly encouraged.- Existing
vegetation shall be incorporated into the landscape concept for a site wherever practical.
(7) Natural growth may be used to satisfy specific landscape requirements. Relocation of onsite landscaping
material is encouraged.
When an accessway intersects a right-of-way, landscaping may be used to define the intersection provided
however that all landscaping within the triangular area described below shall provide unobstructed
cross-visibility at a level between two (2) feet and six (6) feet above finished grade. Pedestrian sidewalks
may cross the triangular area. Landscaping, except grass and ground cover, shall not be located closer than
three (3) feet from the edge of any accessway pavement. The triangular area shall be defined as:
a. The areas of the site on both sides of an accessway which lie within a triangle formed by the intersection of
each curb of the access way with the street right-of-way with two (2) sides of each triangle being ten (10)
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Grecncway Intcrchan~c District
feet in length from the point of intersection and the third side being a line connecting the ends of the two
(2) other sides.
b. The area of the site located at a corner formed by the intersection of two (2) or more streets with two (2)
sides of the triangular area being measured thirty (30) feet in length along the right-of-way lines from
their point of intersection; and the third being a line connecting the ends of the other two (2) lines.
(9) All landscape plans and specifications shall be prepared by a landscape architect licensed to practice in the
State of Florida.
(lO)AIl parking areas, excluding hose required for single family and duplex dwelling units, shall meet the
following specific landscaping requirements. When parking areas are located adjacent to streets or other
public rights-of-way, a landscape buffer shall be provided between the public right-of-way and the parking
area. The landscape buffer shall be a minimum of five feet (5') in width with an overall average often feet
(10') . To provide design flexibility for planting trees away from overhead utility lines and adequate space
for meandering landscape bemiS, variations in the width of the buffer is encouraged. The buffer shall contain
a screen of landscaping composed of natural and/or man-made materials, arranged or planted so that a height
of at least three feet (3') shall be attained within one (I) year after planting to screen the parking area as
viewed from the right-of-way.
a. One (1) canopy tree a minimum of two and one half inches (2.5"), diameter at breast height (dbh), above
ground shall be planted for every fly (50) linear feet, or fraction thereof, of frontage along a public
right-of-way. Existing trees located in the buffer may be used to meet this requirement.
(11 )Landscaping shall be installed to screen parking areas from adjacent and proximate properties as follows:
a. Where parking areas are adjacent to properties assigned a zoning classification which allows only
residential uses or properties assigned a residential Jand use designation, the provisions of Section 20-91
active/passive buffer and setback design standards shall apply.
b. A hedge or other durable landscape screen at least thirty (30) inches in overall height above grade when
planted, to grow to thirty-six (36) inches within twelve (12) months under normal growing conditions,
shall be used between the common property lines. When two (2) hedges occur along a common property
line, use of the same plant species is required. If a hedge exists on an adjacent property along a common
property line, a duplicate hedge is not required; however, in all cases, tree planting requirements for each
property shall apply.
c. Live screening material shall be planted in areas not less than five (5) feet in width. Planting areas shall
be mulched a minimum of two (2) inches thick with cypress mulching or other organic mulch.
d. At least one tree shall occur for every seventy-five (75) linear feet, or fraction thereof, along side
(non-street side) and rear property lines. These trees shall be any canopy trees selected from the
recommended plant pallet found at the end of this section.
(\2)Landscaping shall be provided for all vehicular use areas so as to.provide visual and climatic relief from
broad expanses of pavement and to channelize and define logical areas for pedestrian and vehicular
circulation. The requirements for landscaping in vehicular use areas are as follows and shall include at least
one (I) canopy tree.
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Grccncway Intcrchangc District
(a) Parking areas shall include landscaped curbed islands at the ends of each row of parking. These islands
shall be a minimum often (10) feet wide and as deep as thc combincd parking space(s) plus median, if
any and shall includc at least one (I) canopy trce.
(b) Each parking bay shall have no more than twenty (20) continuous parking spaces unbroken by a
landscape island.
(c) Parking bays shall have a maximum of 40 spaces. Where total parking requirements for a parcel
exceed 40 spaces, parking lots shall be broken into distinct areas separated by continuous landscaped
islands at least five (5) feet wide. Landscaped islands shall contain one (1) tree for every thirty (30)
linear feet of island.
(d) Each separate required landscaped island shall contain a minimum of one hundred sixty-two (162)
square feet with a minimum interior dimension of nine (9) feet and shall include at least one (1) tree.
( 13) A landscaped un paved area shall surround each non-residential building, occurring between the facade of
the building and paved areas whether a parking area, drive or sidewalk as described below. Paving may be
allowed up to the facade of a continuous storefront building if landscaping is provided intermittently along
the facade of the building.
(a) Along the front and side of a non-residential building a minimum landscaped area often (10) feet for
the first floor plus three (3) feet for each additional floor shall be maintained. Sidewalks are not
considered part of the landscaped area.
(b) Along the rear of a non-residential building a minimum of five (5) feet of landscaped area shall be
maintained. Loading areas may be permitted along the rear or side facade of a building.
) (14) Foundation and accent planting shall be provided around all structures for the purpose of enhancing and
complementing the architectural character of the structure.
(15) Storm water retention/detention facilities may be allowed to encroach into designated landscape buffers to a
maximum of fifty percent (50 %) upon finding that all planting and structural screen provided by the
buffer yard will be fully achieved and maintained. Retention areas shall be designed to be dry within
twenty-four (24) hours of a twenty-five (25) year storm event and to not require fencing around such
areas with the following exception:
Wet retention may be permitted if conditions for dry retention cannot be met. Ifwet retention is used, it
shall be placed the rear of a property so as not to be visible from road rights-of-way. If fenced, the fencing
must be a black vinyl coated chain link or other material approved by the Community Development
(16) All storm water management areas shall conform to the design criteria promulgated by the City of Winter
Springs and the St. Johns River Water Management District.
(17) Prior to any site clearing activities all existing trees required to remain by the Design Review Committee
shall be tagged in the field for inspection and approval. Barriers shall be erected at the dripline of trees for
protection against construction activities.
(18) Any existing tree(s) indicated to remain on construction plans approved by the Review Committee that are
damaged or rcmoved shall bc rcplaced with new tree(s} of at least two and one-half (2.5") inches in caliper
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Grecncway Interchangc District
each (measured three (3) feet above grade) and having a total tree caliper equivalent to that of the removed
or damaged tree(s).
) (19) All areas not otherwise landscaped, including the right-of-way, shall be sodded with St. Augustine solid
sod by parcel owners. Other suitable sod may be permitted in low visibility areas or areas subject to
periodic water inundation.
(20) Pedestrian access through the perimeter wall and buffer may be provided at the abutting resident's or
homeowners association's option to provide convenient pedestrian access to non-residential uses such as
commercial areas, office parks or schools.
Sec. 20-491 Buffers and Walls.
(I) Unless otherwise specified, the following active/passive design standards shall apply to all commercial,
office, and multi-family deve:lopment adjacent to properties assigned a residential zoning classification or
a residential land use designation. Buffers and setbacks required by this section are intended to separate
incompatible land uses and eliminate or minimize adverse impacts such as light, noise, glare and building
mass on adjacent residential uses. The Community Development Director shall make the final
determination of active and passive edge (s) during the site plan review process.
(2) Front setbacks shall comply with the requirements of Section 20-87. Side and rear setbacks shall comply
with Table I of this Section.
(3) Passive buffers: The use of passive buffers may occur only on the passive edges of a building site. In using
passive buffers, the following requirements shall be met:
a. Buffer Width: Minimum fifteen feet (IS')
b. Buffers shall contain a perimeter brick or masonry wall six feet (6') in height.
c. Buffers shall contain four (4) canopy trees a minimum of two and one half inches (2.5 ") in diameter
(dbh) for every one hundred (100) linear feet of buffer. Trees may be clustered or planted at regular
(4) Active buffers: In using active buffers, the following requirements shall be met:
a. Buffer Width: Minimum twenty-five feet (25') for one story buildings.
Minimum fly feet (50') for buildings two (2) story and over.
b. Buffers shall contain a perimeter brick or masonry wall six feet (6') in height.
c. Buffers shall contain eight (8) canopy trees a minimum of two and one half inches (2.5") in diameter
(dbh) for every one hundred (1 OO)linear feet of buffer. Trees may be clustered or planted at regular
(5) Storm water retention/detention facilities may be allowed to encroach into designated landscape buffers to
a maximum of fifty percent (50%) upon finding that all planting and structural screen provided by the
buffer yard will be fully achieved and maintained. Retention areas shall be designed to be dry within
twenty-four (24) hours of a twenty-five (25) year storm event and to not require fencing around such areas.
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Grccncway 1 ntcrchangc District
(6) The following table prescribes the landscape buffer and setback requirements relating to the height of
buildings when the following uses are adjacent to existing residential land uses and/or properties assigned
a residential zoning land use classification or land use designation.
Table 1
Passive! Active
Landscape Buffer and Side and Rear Setback Requirements
Building Height Passive Side of Building Active Side of Building
and Use Buffer Setback Buffer Setback
One Story '. ',;" ::~ .\.)r:_~I :.\.'~~\.~~..\ .~; ;f.jJ.~f:~:t~~i ~< :.::::.~I; ::';\#~:~?'.:'7..'.t~ ~~?~':~~~;;:~~~~~~'.f.:: ",},,: .~:;~~~:~:~~
. .
Office 1 5' 25' 25' 50'
Commercial 15' 25' 25' 50'
Multi-Family 15' 25' 25' 50'
2 or more stories . ".:r:... '."'} ~'. '~:~'~~.:~};~;?:'~~{~;:Bji~~:f:': '~~"i': ':~.:::~~~ ~;':;:'~':;,::~';}1~~}f~:W{}f~~:: .;.~::~~<;:., 5~;
Office 15' 50' 50' 100'
Commercial 15' 50' 50' 100'
Multi-Family 15' 100' 50' 100'
(3) No existing or dedicated public or private right-of-way shall be included in calculation of the buffer
(5) Existing vegetation shall be used where possible to meet these requirements.
(b) Walls: All freestanding walls, sound barriers, ground sign enclosures, planters, man-made structures fronting
along the designated roadway or its major intersections shall be of brick decorative or split-faced concrete
block. When these materials arc used for a visual screen, they shall conform to the architectural style,
materials, and color of the development.
Sec. 20-492 Signs.
All signs and sign elements, including shape, form, lighting, materials, size, color and location shall be subject to
approval by the Design Review Committee if such signs or sign elements are visible from adjacent properties or
a street right-of-way.
(b) Ground Mounted Multi-Tenant or Project Identification Sign: For each multi-tenant development under
separate ownership, one (I) wide-based monument style permanent sign with landscaped base identifying the
name of the development and businesses within the development shall be permitted. For developments with
five (500) feet of frontage or more on a major road, one (I) additional sign may be permitted. The minimum
separation for all signs on an individual ownership parcel shall be 200'.
(I) Shall on ly advertise the name of the commercial development com pan ies, corporation or major
enterprises within the commercial develorment. The rrimary address of the building shall be
incorporated into the sign with numcrals/letters a minimum of six (6) inches in hcight, but the addrcss
) shall not be counted again~;l allowablc cory area.
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Greeneway Interchange District
(2) Shall be localed no closer lhanlen (10') feet frolll frollt, sidc, or rear propcrly lincs.
(3) Shall have a maximum of two (2) faces.
(4) Shall be consistent in design, format and materials with the architecture of the proposed building(s).
(5) A wall sign shall not be higher than fourteen (14) feet above the closest vehicular use area.
(6) Signs shall be in an enclosed base a minimum width of two-thirds the width of the sign. Landscaping
shall be incorporated around the base to include low growing shrubs and groundcover and/or annuals to
promote color.
(7) Signs shall be in accordance with the following schedule:
Building Size (Gross Floor Area)
Under 75,000 square feet
75,000 - 250,000 square feet
over 250,000 square feet
Maximum CODY Area
56 square feet
84 square feet
150 square feet
Maximum Height
14 f~et
14 feet
16 feet
(8) Multi-tenant centers are pemlitted additional signs for anchor tenants according to the
following schedule:
Building Size (Gross Floor Area)
Under 75,000 square feet
75,000 - 250,000 square feet
over 250,000 square feet
Anchor Tenant Additional Signs
2 of 12 square feet
3 of 12 square feet
4 of 12 square feet
An anchor tenant is defined as the major retail store(s) in a center that is in excess of 100' front foot and a
minimum area of 10,000 square feet.
(b) Ground Mounted Single-Tenant Identification Sign: One (1) wide-based monument style, permanent project
identification sign shall be permitted per single-tenant parcel. One additional permanent wide-based
monument style project identification sign may be permitted for parcels in excess of one (I) acre with more
than one (1) ingress/egress serving more than one (1) building. The minimum separation for all signs on an
individual ownership parcel shall be 200'.
(1) Shall only advertise one (I) lPerson, fine, company, corporation or major enterprise occupying the
(2) Shall be located no closer than ten (10) feet from the front, side or rear property lines.
(3) Shall not exceed two (2) faces.
(4) Sign copy area shall not exceed forty-eight (48) square feet per face. For parcels in excess of 4.0 acres,
the project identification sign face may be increased to sixty-four (64) square feet.
(5) Shall be consistent in design, format and materials with the architecture of the proposed building.
(6) The sign shall not be more than twelve (12) feet in height above the closest driveway or vehicular use
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(7) Signs shall be in an enclosed base that is at a minimum the full width of the sign. Landscaping shall be
incorporated around the base to include low growing shrubs and groundcover and/or annuals to promote
(c) Building Mounted Multi-Tenant Identification Sign for Buildings with Separate Exterior Tenant Entrances:
In addition to the ground mounted identification sign, tenant signs shall be permitted on the exterior walls of
the building at a location near the principal tenant entrance, and be consistent with the following criteria:
(I) Shall only advertise one (I) person, firm, company, corporation or major enterprise
occupying the premises.
(2) The sign(s) shall be clearly integrated with the architecture ofthe'building. Shall be consistent in design,
format, and materials with the architecture of the proposed building.
(3) The sign(s) shall not project above any roof or canopy elevations.
(4) Wall signs shall display only one (I) surface and shall not be mounted more than six (6) inches from any
(5) When more than one (I) tenant sign is used on one (I) building, each tenan.t sign shall be consistent in
size, materials, and placement.
(6) The maximum size of sign letters and logos, including any sign backgrounds, shall be 24" in height for
individual tenants other than anchor tenants. The maximum of letters and logos for anchor tenants in a
retail center shall not exceed 25% of the building height. An anchor tenant is defined as the major retail
store(s) in a center that is in excess of 100' front foot and a minimum area of 10,000 square feet.
(7) The length of the sign may occupy up to seventy (70%) percent of the linear feet of the storefront the
business occupies. The anchor tenant may have the signage permitted for a Building Mounted Single
Tenant Identification Sign.
(8) For office buildings, one wall sign not exceeding two (2) square feet shall be permitted identifying an
individual tenant. The sign shall be located adjacent to the building entrance.
(d) Building Mounted Single Tenant Identification Sign: In addition to the ground-mounted identification sign, a
building mounted identification sign may be permitted consistent with the following criteria: .
(I) Shall only advertise one (I) person, firm, company, corporation or major enterprise occupying the
(2) The identification sign is located on the exterior wall of a building.
(3) The sign shall be clearly integrated with the architecture.
(4) The sign shall not project above any roof or canopy elevations, and the top of the sign shall not be higher
than fourteen (14) feet above the 111 a in entry noor.
(5) The sign shall display only one (I) surface and shall not [Jroject more than six (6) inches from any wall.
LilA Recol1llllendation 313/99
- I 1 -
Grccncway Intcrchange District
) (6) Signs shalI confonn to the following schedule:
Building Size (Gross Floor Area)
Less than 50,000 square feet
50,000 to 100,000 square feet
Over 100,000 square feet
Maximum CODY Area
16 square feet
32 square feet
48 square feet
Maximum Letter Height
2 feet Less than 50,000 square fe
25% Height of Building
25% Heig~::OEljl.uittl~t
(e) Additional Signs/Variances: Under special circumstances, such as for parcels on corner lots, additional signs
consistent with these design standards may be approved, upon a request granted by the Board of Adjustment
pursuant to Sec. 20-82 and 20-83 or the City Code. The Board of Adjustment shall consider variances of this
sign code in specific cases where such variances will not be contrary to the public interest and where, owning
to special conditions, a literal translation of this sign code would result in unnecessary hardship. All
requirements, procedures, findings and appeals of sign code variances shall follow those provisions for
zoning variances.
(t) Commercial Outdoor Advertising (i.e. Billboards)
Off-site advertising signs such as billboards are prohibited.
(g) Changeable Copy Signs: In order to create continuity throughout the corridorall-changeable copy signs shall
be as follows:
(I) The sign cabinet shall be all aluminum extrusion or better as approved by staff. Changeable copy signs
may be incorporated into permitted signs and shall be included as part of the permitted sign area as
described below:
a. Changeable-copy signs shall not comprise more than twenty-five (25) of the permitted sign area;
b. Movie theaters and other performance/entertainment facilities may utilize up to 80% of the permitted
sign area for display of films, plays or other performances currently showing. Such copy area shall
be included as part of the permitted sign area.
c. Movie theaters may USI~ up to 80% of permitted wall sign area for display of names, films, plays or
other performances currently showing.
d. One changeable copy sign advertising the price of gasoline is permitted on gasoline station sites
provided it shall not exceed 12 square feet per sign face.
(2) The sign face shall be acrylic Pan X 15 or Equal.
(3) The letters and track shall be Wagner Zip-Change or Equal.
(h) Backlit Signs: Backlighting of signs, including awning signs, shall be permitted.
(i) Window Signs: Window signs may be permitted under special circumstances for retail establishments sllch
as signs inside and on a window or in a display of merchandise when incorporated with sllch a display. The
total area of all window signs, shall not exceed twenty (20%) perccnt of the window glass arca to be
LilA Recommendation 3/3/99
- 12 -
Grecneway Interchange District
calculated separately for each separate storefront. Window signs shall count against total allowable copy area
if they are permanently attached.
) (j) Construction Signs: One (I) construction sign, denoting the owner, architect, landscape architect, engineer,
financial institution, contractors, or containing any statement pertaining to project for which a building
permit has been obtained, will be permitted during construction. The construction sign shall not exceed
sixty-four (64) square feet in area and shall not exceed fourteen (14) feet in height or width. The construction
sign shall be removed from the site by the owner upon substantial completion of all construction, or upon the
. issuance of a final Certificate of Occupancy, whichever is sooner. If the sign is not removed when required, it
may be removed by the City at the owner's expense.
(k) Marketing Signs (e.g. "Space for Rent" sign):
(1) Only one (I) marketing sign shall be permitted on e;lch parcel during the building's "leasing period". At
the end of the leasing period, marketing signage shall be removed from the site by the owner of the site.
(2) All marketing signs shall be submitted to the City for approval and location prior to the sign's
(3) Marketing signs shall be set back a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet from the front, side and rear
property lines. They shall not create a visibility obstruction to vehicular traffic.
(4) For parcels in excess of five (5) acres or with frontage on more than one (1) road, one (1) additional
marketing sign may be permitted. Signs must be a minimum of 200'apart.
(5) Marketing signs may be double faced. Sign faces shall be parallel and mounted on the same poles. The
) copy area shall not exceed sixty-four (64) square feet and no more than ten (10) feefin height.
. (6) Marketing signage may be incorporated within the construction signage, but the signage shall not exceed
sixty four (64) square feet in area.
(7) Marketing signs may'be lighted so as to illuminate the lettering on the sign.
(I) Political Signs only by permit.
(m) Prohibited Signs: The following signs and/or devices are prohibited in the corridor.
(1) Any sign or part of a sign which is designed, devised, or constructed so as to rotate, spin, gyrate, turn
or move in any animated fashion. Signs shall not incorporate reflective materials so as to create the
appearance of motion or neon.
(2) Any sign painted directly on any exterior wall.
(3) Signs projecting more than six (6) inches in depth.
(4) Roofsigns.
(5) Bench signs.
(6) Snipe signs (e.g. signs attached to trees and [Joles).
LP^ Recommendation 3/3/<)9
- 13 -
GreCllcway I ntcrchangc District
(7) Freestanding signs unless othcrwisc provided for herein.
(8) Trailer signs.
. ) (9) Signs attached to temporary structures.
(11) Any vehicle with a sign or signs attached thereto or placed thereon with three exceptions as follows:
(a) any vehicle when parked or stored within the confines of a building, or (b) any vehicle upon which
is placed a sign identifying a firm or its principal product if such vehicle is one which is operated
during the normal course of business and shall be parked in the least visible spot from the road, or (c) a
trailer placed on a job site during construction.
(12) Pole signs.
( 13) Balloon signs.
(14) Ribbon signs.
(1) Permanent Flags: Only project flags or governmental flags shall be permitted in conformance with
the following standards:
(1) One (1) flagpole and one (1) flag may be permitted per parcels of two (2) acres or more.
(2) The maximum width from top to bottom of any flag shall be 20% of the total distance of the flag pole.
) (3) Flagpoles shall maintain the same setback requirements as project identification signs.
(4) Flagpole heights shall be between twenty (20) and (35) feet in height above grade.
(5) A project flag shall only contain information permitted on the project identification sign. A project flag
shall be submitted to the Development Review Committee for approval.
(m) Temporary signs for special events.
(1) Permits for temporary signs, such as pennant and banner signs, not otherwise prohibited are allowed
for such purposes as auctions, special events, notice of opening of new businesses, and going out of
business sales. Permits for temporary signs shall authorize .the erection of the signs and maintenance
thereof for a period not exceeding fourteen (14) days; and permits cannot be renewed on the same sign,
nor shall another temporary permit be issued on the same location, within 90 days from the date of
expiration of any previously issued temporary permit.
(2) Signs for specific events shall be removed within two (2) working days after conclusion of the event. A
freestanding temporary sign shall be no larger than a maximum of thirty-two (32) square feet, and may
be double sided. Banner signs may be sized to extend across roads.
(n) Maintenance: All signs and associated apparatus shall be maintained by the owner of the site. Violations
shall be [Jrocessed through the City's Code Enforcement Division.
) (0) Nonconforming Signs.
I.I'^ RCCOllll1l<.:IltJatioll 3/]/<)<)
- 1<1 -
Gr<':<':Il<.:way I 11 l<.:rcllallg<.: Districl
(I) Any sign, other than billboards, having an original cost in excess of one hundred ($100) dollars and
which is nonconforming as to permitted sign area or any other reason which would necessitate the
complete removal or total replacement of the sign, may be maintained a period of from one (1) to five
(5) years from the effective date of these design standards. The term of years to be determined by the
cost of the sign or of renovation, including installation cost, shall be as follows:
Sign cost or
Renovation Cost
Permitted Years from
Effective Date of Design Standards
$ 0 - $3,000
Over $10,000
Sec. 20-493 Utility Lines.
All new or relocated utility lines within the district shall be constructed and installed beneath the surface of the
ground unless it is determined by the City that soil, topographical, or any other compelling conditions, make the
underground installation of such utility lines as prescribed herein unreasonable and impracticable.
(1) It shall be the developer's responsibility on-site to make the necessary arrangement with each utility in
accordance with the utility's established policy.
(2) The underground installation of incidental appurtenances, such as transformer boxes, switch boxes, pedestal
mounted boxes for the provision of electricity shall not be required. However, such appurtenances where not
rendered impractical by the detl~rmination of the City shall be installed on the site of any development
approved after the adoption of this section. The necessary easements to allow the utility company access and
service to such appurtenances shall be dedicated to the service provider by the developer prior to issuance of
a building permit.
(3) All transformers and switch bo:<.es related to development approved after the adoption of this section shall be
set back a minimum of fifteen (15) feet from any right-of-way and visually screened using landscape
materials or masonry construction in conformance with these land development regulations.
Sec. 20-494 Cross-access Easements
(I) All development except single family residential and duplex uses, with parking lots. or direct access to.a
public road shall, as part of the development approval process, establish cross-access easements which
provide for the internal connection of the parcel to adjacent parcels unless the City Engineer makes a.finding
that such joint-access is not feasible or practicable based upon circumstances unique to the properties.
Sec. 20-495 Building and Screening Design Guidelines
(I) Projects shall use materials consistent with materials used in the area. Acceptable materials include.stucco,
concrete block reinforced concrete with tile, and brick and terra coma accent materia\. Inappropriate .
materials are river rock unfinished timber (unpainted), shake roofs, reflective/mirror glass, and metal siding.
Materials should be high quality and well crafted.
(2) Mechanical equipment and appurlenances, including bUlnollimited lo air conditioner units, vcntilation
equipmcnl, refrigeration systems, healing unils, musl bc scrccned so lhal thcy are not visible from any public
LI'^ Rccoll1ll1cndation 3/3/99
- 15 -
Greencway Interchange District
right-or-way. The screen shall consist of a solid wall, facade, parapet or other similar screening material
which is architecturally compatible and consistent with the associated building. Such scrcening material shall
extend at least one (I) foot above the object to be screened. If landscaping is utilizcd, the plantings must be
high enough within one year of planting to providc a screen which will screen the entire unit with a minimum
of seventy-five (75%) percent opacity. In the casc of satellite dishes, they shall bc screened from view from
ground level of adjacent rights-of-way and properties by buildings, dense landscaping or screen walls. The
Development Review Board may permit dishes on buildings if no part of the dish is visible from the ground
of surrounding properties. Setbacks for antennas and satellite dishes shall be the same as the building
(3) Dumpsters and similar facilities shall be screened on all four (4) sides from public view. Both sides and the
rear of such facilities shall be screened by an opaque concrete wall, or similar material. Dumpster shall be
placed in an area that is least visible from a public right-of-way.
(4) All storage areas shall be screened from view from the right-of-way and from adjacent residential zoning
districts. Screening enclosures may consist of any combination of landscaping and opaque building
materials. If building materials are utilized, such material shall be consistent with the architectural design of
the principal structures.
(5) Side and rear elevations of buildings visible from a public street or adjacent property shall be designed in the
same architectural style as the main facade.
(6) All doors for service entrances or bays shall not face a public street unless they are screened to obscure
service activities.
(7) Outparcels shall conform to the architectural, signage, and landscape theme of the overall project and must
) share an internal access with th,e overall project.
(8) Newspaper, magazine and other such vending machines shall be encased in a structure that is architecturally
compatible and consistent with the adjacent building and other site details and must meet building setbacks.
(9) Exterior lighting shall be a cut-off light source to protect adjacent properties from glare. All exterior lighting
shall be consistent and compatible throughout the project.
(10) Buildings with multiple storefront entries are encouraged to incorporate overhangs in the design of front
facades as appropriate to promote pedestrian activity.
(II) Backflow preventers and other above ground valves shall be screened so they are not visible. from the street
right-of-way using either landscaping or an opaque building material and shall be subject to buffer setback
(12) Drive-thru pick up windows shall not be permitted on the front or sides of a building fronting on S.R. 434.
Sec. 20-496 Developer's Agreement
Any developer may propose to enter into a developer's agreement with the City designed to set forth terms and
conditions appropriate to meet the circumstances-of the specific proposed development.
LI'A Rccommcndation JI3/<)9
- 16 -
(j rccnc\\'ay Intcrchangc District
I ~.I .I r~ '\......I.ln .....:>1 , . '---
Recommended changes resulting from meetings with
Missy Casscells, Hugh Harling representing Ms. Cassells, City Staff and City's Consultant
Sec. 20-486
Building Height
No building shall exceed fifty five (55) a maximum of five (5) stories or sixty (60) feet in height.
For the purpose of these design standards, building height shall be measured from ground level to
the highest point of the coping of a flat roof or the mean height level between eaves and ridge for
gable, hip or gambrel roofs. For those buildings that include a parking garage under the building
at ground leveL five (5) stories or sixty (60) feet shall be permitted above the parking garage.
Sec. 20-488
Land Coverage
The overall site shall contlllin 25% Op68 space or recreatio8. Individual sites withia a planned
development may hEWe more or less than twenty five (25%) percent opoo space.
The overall Greeneway Commercial District less any designated conservation areas.. shall
contain twenty-five (25) pc~rcent open or recreation space.
Open space and/or recreation s{>ace shall be provided within the Greeneway Interchange District
as follows:
Office. multifamily residential. mixed use developments 25% Minimum
Commercial sites 25% Minimum
Commercial sites with enhanced landscaping 15% Minimum *
Enhanced landscaping is defined as the landscaping that would have been associated with the
10% open s{>ace waived. Enhanced landscaping mav include additional Quantity or size ofa mix
of the following three elements: trees. shrubs. and ground covers. Approval of enhanced
landscaping to compensat(l for a reduction in the open space requirement on commercial sites
shall be evaluated for approval by the Development Review Committee (DRC) at the time of site .
plan review.
Sec. 20-489
Off-Street Parking and Driveway Requirements.
(1) Paved Driveway and Parking Spaces: All driveways and parking spaces shall be paved with
asphaltic concrete and/or concrete, and may be required to be curbed depending on site
specific conditions as determined by the ORe.
(8) Turning Radius: The minimtIDl tuming radius shall be tffifty twenty-five (;0 25) feet.
Sec. 20-490
(I) (b) Around and within all off-street parking, loading and other vehicular use areas within
each site. Loading areas shall be screened with the intent to block seventy-five (75%) percent
of the view of such loading area.
(12) (a) Parking areas shall include landscaped ew:be6 islands at the ends of each row of parking.
These islands shall be a minimum of tea eight (-W ~) feet wide inside curb to inside curb and
as deep as the combined parking space(s) plus median, if any, and shall include at least one
(I) canopy tree.
(b) Each parking bay row of parking shall have no more than twenty (20) continuous
parking spaces unbroken by a landscape island. These islands shall be a minimum of eight
(8) feet wide. inside curb to inside curb, and as deep as the combined parking space(s) plus
median, if any. and shall include at least one canopv tree. As an alternative to landscape
islands. a landscape strip at least six (6) feet in width may be provided between rows of
head-to-head parking. Shade trees shall provided per forty (40) lineal feet oflandscape striP.
( c) Parking bays shall hfWe a maximum of 40 spaces. Where total parking requirements for
a parcel exceed 40 :;paces, parking lots shall be broken into distinct areas separated by
continuous landscaped islands at least five (5) feet'lnde: Landscaped islands shall
cOfltain one (1) tree f-or every thirty (30) linear feet of island.
(d) Each separate required landscaped island shall contain a minimwn of one htmdred sixty
1'....0 (162) square feet with a minimum internal dimension offline (9) feet shall include at
least one (I) tree.
Sec. 20-491
Buffers and Walls
(b) Walls: All freestanding walls, sOWld barriers, groWld sign enclosures, planters, man-made
structures fronting along the designated roadway or its major intersections shall be of brick,
wrought-iron and brick, decorative or split-faced concrete block. When these materials are
used for a visual screen, they shall conform to the architectural style, materials, and color of
the development.
Sec. 20-492 Signs
add the following:
(q) One (I) architectural feature mav be located adiacent to the Greeneway right-of-way that
identifies the overall Greeneway Interchange development consistent with the following:
(1) Maximum height 005' as measured above grade.
(2) COpy area can only identify the name of the overall development.
(3) Consistent in design and materials with the architecture of the overall development.
(4) No part of the architectural feature mav be designed. devised. or constructed so as to
rotate, spin.. ~ate, turn or move in any animated fashion. The architectural feature shall
not incorporate reflective materials so as to create the appearance of motion.
(5) In no way shall this architectural feature resemble an outdoor advertising sign
(billboard). Nothing in this section shall be constructed to permit an outdoor advertising
sign (bi Ilboard).
r'\... . ',-,-,..I'.A:...Jl'. 1-'
Further Changes Recommended by City Staff and Consultant
Add the following text in italics to Sec. 20-488 for clarification purposes:
Commercial sites with enhanced landscaping
15% Minimwn *
* Open space requirements for an individual commercial site that is part of a larger master
planned proiect may be reduced bv ten (10) percent. This is to offset the placement of required
retention to serve the individua.l commercial site in a common, centralized retention area
desif!1led to serve the overall larger proiect. The common retention area would be considered
"off site" to the individual commercial site. In such cases. the landscape requirements associated
with the ten (10) percent open space waived will be retained on the individual commercial site in
the form of enhanced landscapi!li::.
MAlzel1 3.1999 - IzEGULAI\ MEETING
PAC!: 201' 4
"J Move that those properties contiguolls to Arnold Lane that are Icss than onc acrc,
that we recommend to the City Commission that they changc thc Futurc Land Use
Map designation to "Lower Density Residential" - specifically 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12;
and possibly considering SA and 5, if in fact they are less than one acre". Motion by
Bill Fernandez. Seconded by Carl Stephens, Jr. Discussion. Vote: Marc Clinch:
Aye; Bill Fernandez: Aye; Rosanne Karr: Aye; Tom Brown: Aye; Carl Stephens,
J r.: Aye. Motion passed.
B. Administrative Rezonings in the Ranchlands
Mr. Grimms advised the Board of Staffs "Findings" and related <<Recommendations"
regarding this matter.
"I'll make the same Motion or recommendation that the City Commission approve
changing the Zoning Map designations of those properties adjacent to Arnold Lane,
that are less than one acre in size, and specifically including lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and
12 ..-' ~ - . ".!,. the .c~~'..,:.hcr,k ('':'" ~~.r!0:rr. the .pos5ibiliJy of SA and, 5, .along ;,.. .,:-)ld
Lane, from RC-l "Single Family Dwelling" Unit, ill R lAA "One :Family Dwelling"
District, ten thousand square feet minimum lot size~ and favorably recommend that
to the City Commission". Motion by Rosanne Kar:r. Discussion. Vote: Bill
Fernandez: Aye; Tom Brown: Aye; Carl Stephens, Jr.: Aye; Marc Clinch: Aye;
Rosanne Karr: Aye. Motion passed.
C. Proposed GreeneWay Interchange Zoning District
Mr. Grimms introduced Mr. Michel Wadley, of Wadley and Associates, Inc. who gave a
brief overview of some of the related issues. There was discussion of the proposed
district; design considerations; zoning and permitted uses; the possibility of upgrading
Springs Avenue; and Agreements.
Ms. Margaret Cassce//s, 907 Old New England Avenue, Winter Park, Florida: spoke on
"'.,.. .., '.' .. : ~. ': land uses; design standards; and related documentation.
Discussion ensued on upcoming issues, along with upcoming Amendments, and Board of
Adjustments' recommendations regarding variances.
Comments were also made about the "July 20, 1998 DRAFT" notation at the bottom of
the handout for this portion of this meeting. The Board suggested that this be updated
prior to presentation to the City Commission. Further discussion.
MAI\L1I), I')')'). I\E(ilJI.A" MEETING
"I'll make a ,-ecommendatiOIl to the City Commission that thcy adopt thc
GrceneWay Interchange Zoning District and add to that, that they pay attcntion to
or considcr allowing the Board of Adjustmcnt to consider requcsts for placement,
very scriously". Motion by Bill Fcrnandcz. Secondcd by Marc Clinch. Discussion.
Vote: Rosannc Karr: Ayc; Carl Stcphens, Jr.: Ayc; Tom Brown:. Aye; Bill
Fernandcz: Aye; Marc Clinch: Aye. Motion passcd.
Chairman Brown spoke about a different issue, and added for the record, "If a
development goes up, and I was wondering how we were going to handle this - if a new
development of homes was to go up in the City, and they happened to be across the street
from a school; there's a very strong possibility that those people that are buying that
home, their children would go to another school". Discussion.
D. Discussion .of Planning And Zoning BoardlLPA Topic Chart (A
Chronologic:al Review)
:,~:;.:;t~c",c' ~r.:::ri~ Boani 1:1t:rnber:: :''';2:.~.rding th is Ag~nd~. itemlllduui.;.d..
. Add all Items discussed since Januari
. Page numbers
. Can the same information be sorte,~ l--.j' date
. Revise Topic Chart monthly
Board Member Rosanne KaIT asked Mr. Grimms about the approval date of the Final
EngineeringlFinal Development Plan for the Lake Jessup Property (aka S1. John's
Landing). Discussion.
Mr. Grimms was also asked about adding information to this Topic Chart regarding the
designation of a "County Style Road" or "Rustic Residential Road".
Tape I/Side 2
In other business, Board. Member Marc Clinch said that in reviewing the Boan" .
that the Board did not receive a final draft of the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR).
Board Member Clinch also asked when the next Comprehensive Plan is due, and if it is
being re-written. Discussion.
. Discussion with Attorney Robert Guthrie on the Draft BylawslRules of
Procedure for the Planning & Zoning Board/LP A.
. Presentations by Staff (from different departments) on how changes have/are
being incorporating into the Comprehensive Plan.
. Approval of the Official Zoning Mdp (May 1999)/Upclatc from Staff on the
current status of the computerized maps for the Commission Chambers.
Public Hearing X
June 14, 1999 7k
Meeting ~
Mgr, / t
REQUEST: The Communi.ty Development Department Planning Di.vision requests the
Commission hold a public hearing for a second reading and adoption of
Ordinance 724 on a proposal to adopt the GreeneWay Interchange District large
scale comprehensive plan amendment.
The purpose of this agenda item is to request the Commission hold a public hearing for the
second reading and adoption of Ordinance 724 on a proposal to adopt the GreeneWay
Interchange District large scale comprehensive plan amendment. The City in discussions with
the Casscell Trust representative desires to take advantage of the transportation nexus of the
beltway (S.R. 417 "The GreeneWay") and S.R. 434 and create a higher density and intensity
mixed use Future Land Use Map designation.
The provisions of 163.3184(7) F.S. which state in part: The adoption of the proposed plan or
plan amendment or the determination not to adopt a plan amendment, other than a plan
amendment proposed pursuant to 163.31919 F.S., shall be made in the course ofa public hearing
pursuant to subsection (15).
. The City staff and consultant, in discussion with the affected property
owners, have recommended to the City Manager that a new district be
created on the Future Land Use Map that would facilitate development that is
oriented to the type of commercial activity generated by a major highway.
CDD/JWle 2, 1999/12:35 PM
JUNE 14, 1999
Page 2
· The GreeneWay Interchange District is intended to add text and revise the Future
Land Use Map in the Land Use Element Volume 2 of2. The changes in the text
and map required the submission of a large scale comprehensive plan amendment
to the Florida. Department of Community Affairs.
. The Department of Community Affairs has sent an Objections, Recommendations
and Comments (ORC) Report and the City's consultant has made responses to the
ORC Report.
· A second public hearing on the proposed large scale comprehensive plan
amendment to create a new Future Land Use Map designation of "Greene Way
Interchange District" will be held at the City Commission's June 14th meeting.
· The City Commission held a first reading of Ordinance 724 on May 24, 1999.
City staff and the City's consultant recommend that the City Commission hold a public
hearing to adopt the large scale comprehensive plan amendment creating a new Future
Land Use Map designation of "GreeneWay Interchange District".
The City must submit the adopted comprehensive plan amendment to the Florida
Department of Community Affairs within ten (10) days of adoption. The DCA has forty-
five (45) days to review and notify the local government of its "Notice of Intent" to find
the plan amendment :in compliance with the state comprehensive plan, the regional
policy plan, and the City's comprehensive plan. Hence, the ordinance would become
effective around July 18, 1999.
A. Ordinance 724
CDD/June 2, 1999/12:35 PM
JUNE 14,1999
Page 3
B. The Florida Department of Community Affairs ORC Report on the proposed Future Land
Use Map category of "GreeneWay Interchange District"..
C. Response to ORC Report Pertaining to the GreeneWay Interchange District Plan
D. Local Planning Agency Minutes, November 19, 1997.
E. Findings and Recommendation from the Staff Report (LG-CPA-3-97) on proposal to
create a "Greeneway Interchange District".
CDD/JWle 2,1999/12:35 PM
WHEREAS, 163,3167(11), Florida Statutes, encourages local
governments to articulate a vision of the future physical appearance and
qualities of its community. . ,";
WHEREAS, the City, in accordance with 163.3167(11) F.S. has
developed a collaborative planning process with meaningful public participation
in the development of the "GreeneWay Interchange District" Future Land Use
Map designation;
WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency
has reviewed the Greene W ay Interchange District large scale comprehensive
plan amendment and has recommended to the City Commission adoption of
Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, creates the GreeneWay
Interchange District to include the Casscells Trust Property indicated in the
accompanying map to this ordinance as Exhibit "A".
If any provision or portion of this Ordinance is declared by any court of
competent jurisdiction to be void, unconstitutional, or unenforceable, then all
remaining provisions and portions of this Ordinance shall remain in full force
and effect.
That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby
This Ordinance shall take effect upon notification by the Florida
Department of Community Affairs of its "Notice of Intent" to find the large
scale comprehensive plan amendment creating a Future Land Use Map
designation of "Greene Way Interchange District" in compliance with the state
comprehensive plan, the regional policy plan, and the City's comprehensive
Adopted this
day of
, 1999.
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[Pertaining to the propos~\d GI'eeneWay Interchange District Future Land Use Map
2. The following objection is raised to amendment LG-CPA-2-97 proposing to amend the
text of the Future Land Use Element to incorporate the "State Road 434 Corridor Vision
Plan" vision statement and goals, objectives and policies.
a. Obiection: The City did not provide data and analysis supporting the proposed goals,
objectives and policies.
Section 163.3177(6)(a) and (8), F.S.; and Rules 9J-5.005(2), and 91-5.006(1), (2), (3), and (4),
Recommendation: Provide data and analysis in support of the proposed amendment. Data and
analysis may detail the concepts the City wishes to encourage, maps depicting the areas affected
by the proposed amendment, a description of the current conditions, needs and desired future
conditions based on the results of the public participation and workshops held to develop the
proposed amendment, The City should use the best available existing data
3, The following objections are raised to amendment LG-CP A-3-97 proposing to create a
new Future Land Use Category: Greenway Interchange District and re-designate 250 .acres
currently designated as Mixed-use and Conservation.
a. Obiection: The amendment does not indicate how many acres of Conservation and Mixed-use
designated land will be changed to the new designation nor was a revised future land use map
that depicts the new land use submitted for review.
Section 163.3177(6)(a), F.S_ and Rule 91-5.005(2), and 9J-5.006(4)(a), F.A.C.
Recommendation: Revise the amendment to indicate the acreage of the current land uses and
the proposed land uses based on the results of the analyses recommended below. Provide a
future land use map that depicts the new land uses. Those lands that are currently designated as
Conservation should retain that designation.
b. Objection: The City did not provide adequate data and analysis demonstrating that the site is
either suitable for the proposed land use or that the proposed land uses are compatible with the
adjacent land uses and the protection of natural resources both on and off-site.
Sections 163.3177(6)(a) and (6)(d), F.S.; and Rules 9J-5.005(2)(a), 9J-5.006(1), (2)(b), (2)(e),
(3)(b) and (4), and 9J-5.013(3), F.A.C.
Recommendation: Provide data and analysis which assesses the suitability of the site for
development at the increased intensities of land use based on the character of the undeveloped
land. This analysis should include, but not be limited to the following: (1) a comparison of the
proposed land use to the current approved land use, include maps depicting the current approved
land uses and existing and future land uses adjacent to the amendment site; and (2) an
identification of the character of the amendment site considering soils, vegetation, floodplains,
and wildlife habitat.
The analysis should identify what level of development would be appropriate in order to
ensure the protection and continued viability of natural resources both on-and off-site. The
analysis should then identify what future land use category is the most appropriate for the site
considering the impacts of development allowable under that land use category.
To support development of higher density or intensity than that allowable under the
current designation, the site must be demonstrated to be suitable for the maximum amount of
development allowed under the proposed land use(s) and that such development is compatible
with adjacent land uses. The amendment should ensure that land uses which are incompatible
with the protection and conservation of wetlands and wetland functions are directed away from
This analysis should also identify how protection would be provided (i.e., guidelines and
limitations on development consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the City's
Comprehensive Plan). The amendment should be revised and amended, as necessary, to be
consistent with and supported by the data and analysis.
c. Objection: The proposed change for the lands currently designated as Conservation to
Greenway Interchange District is not consistent with plan requirements to protect and preserve
wetlands, Lake Jesup, and environmentally sensitive areas from the impacts of incompatible
Sections 163.3 I 77(6)(a), (6)(d), and (8), F.S.; and Rules 91-5.005(2),91-5.006(2) and (4), and 91-
5.013(1) and (3), F.A.C.
Recommendation: The City should revise the proposed amendment to retain the Conservation
designation on all portions of the subject parcel currently designated as Conservation. The City
should also provide data and analysis which demonstrates that the proposed land use is
compatible with the protection and preservation of these environmentally sensitive areas. The
amendment should be revised and amended, as necessary, to be consistent with and supported by
the data and analysis.
d. Objection: The City did not provide data and analysis demonstrating that it requires this
increase in land use residential density and intensity ofland uses is needed to accommodate the
City's projected population growth and land use needs through the planning timeframe.
Section 163.3 1 77(6)(a) and (8), F.S.; and Rules 9J-5.005(2)(a); 9J-5.006(2)(c)1, (4), and (5),
Recommendation: Revise the amendment to include data and analysis addressing the need for
additional medium density residential and commercial land use acreage. An inventory of the
current vacant acreage of existing land use categories should be provided. An analysis (in terms
of acreage need compared to acreage availability) of the adequacy of this inventory to
accommodate the projected population should be provided. Increases in the projected population
over that originally projected may be one basis for supporting this amendment. Revise the
amendment as necessary, to be consistent with and supported by the data and analysis.
e. Objection: The City did not provide any data and analysis addressing the availability of
public facilities for the proposed land uses. The amendment does indicate that facilities would be
available, however, no analysis of the potential demand (based on the densities and intensities of
the Greenway Interchange District land use category), or the available capacities was provided.
No data and analysis was provided to address the impacts of the proposed land uses upon the
roadway network.
Sections 163.3177(2), (3)(a), (6)(a), (8), (1O)(h) and (10)0), F.S.; and Rules 9J-5.005(2)(a) and
(3); 9J-5.006(2)(a), (3)(b)1, (4) and (5), F.A.C.
Recommendation: Provide data and analysis which assesses the availability of and demand on
the following public facilities for the property based on the proposed land use: sanitary sewer,
solid waste, drainage, potable water, and traffic circulation based upon the maximum
development potential for the proposed land use. This analysis should identify the impacts upon
the level of service standards for each facility. If improvements are necessary, these should be
identified along with the associated costs and the ability of the City to finance the improvements.
The amendment should be revised and amended, as necessary, to be consistent with and
supported by the data and analysis.
f. Objection: The City did not provide data and analysis demonstrating that the proposed
amendment is compatible with plan requirements to protect and preserve historic resources.
Section 163.3 1 77(6)(a) and (6)(g)10, F.S.; and Rules 9J-5.005(2) and 9J-5.006(2)(b)5, F.A.C.
Recommendation: The City should provide data and analysis demonstrating that the proposed
amendment is consistent with plan requirements to identify, protect and preserve historical and
archaeological resources from the impacts of the proposed development. Revise the amendment
as necessary, to be consistent with and supported by the data and analysis.
!!. Objection: The proposed amendment has not been demonstrated to be compatible with plan
goals, objectives and policies, including, but not limited to the following: Objective C of the
Traffic Circulation Element; Objectives A, Band C and associated policies of the Conservation
Element; Objective C and Policy 1 of the Capital Improvements Element; and Goal 1, Objective
A, Policy 3, Goal 2, Objective A, Policy I and 3g, and Objectives Band C of the Future Land
Use Element, and Objective A, Policy 8, Objective B, Objective C, Policy 1, Objective E and F,
including associated policies, of the Intergovernmental Coordination Element.
Section 163.3177(2), (6)(a), (8) and (9)(b), F.S.; and Rules 9J-5.005(5); 9J-5.006(3)(c) and
(4)(c); 9J-5.013(2)(b) and (c); and 9J-5.015(3)(b) and (c), F.A.C.
Recommendation: Clearly demonstrate with data and analysis that the amendment is compatible
with the goals, objectives and policies ofthe City's.Comprehensive Plan. Revise the
amendment, as necessary, to be consistent with and supported by the data and analysis.
pel.taining to the
Plan Amendment
3. The following objections are raised to;amendment LG-CPA-3-97 proposing to create a new Future
Land Use Category: Greeneway Interchange District and re-designate 250 acres currently designated as
Mixed-use and Conservation.
a. Objection; The amendment does not indicate how many acres of Conservation and Mixed-use designated
land will be changed to the new designation nor was a revised future land use map that depicts the new land use
submitted for review.
Section 163.3177(6)(a), F.S. and Rule 9J-5:.005(2), and 9J-5.006(4)(a), F.A.C.
Recommendation: Revise the amendmentito indicate the acreage of the current land uses and the proposed land
uses based on the results of the analyses re~ommended below. Provide a future land use map that depicts the
new land uses. Those lands that are currently designated as Conservation should retain that designation.
Response to Objedion:
The current future land use map designates: the :1:250 acre parcel included in the amendment as Mixed-Use and
Conservation. The Mixed-Use area is approximately 166 acres and the Conservation area is approximately 84
acres. The Conservation designation is based on a preliminary assessment that identified the 84 acres as a mix of
Hydric Hammock and Hardwood Swamp. The actual extent of the Conservation area will be as determined by
field review by State agencies (Conservation Element Obj. B Policy 2). A map showing the current future land
use is attached.
The intent of the amendment was to designate the :1:250 acre parcel as the Greeneway Interchange District.
Because it is in one ownership, it would function much the same way as an overlay district. The area designated
Conservation on the current map would remain as Conservation on the proposed map and would be subject to all
the Objectives and Polices contained in the Conservation Element. This allows the property owner to utilize the
Conservation area to satisfy OpenSpace requirements. This serves as an incentive to protect the area designated
as jurisdictional wetlands rather than have the property owner apply to i~pact wetlands and provide other forms
of mitigation. The area designated as Mixed-Use (166 acres) would be exchanged for a Greeneway Interchange
District designation. A map is attached that shows the proposed land use mix for the :1:250 acre parceL
The summary of the acreage for the current and proposed land use designations for the :1:250 acre parcel are
shown below:
Current Land Use Map Proposed Land Use Map
Mixed-Use 166 acres Greeneway Interchange District 166 acres
Conservation 84 acres Conservation 84 acres
Total 250 acres Total 250 acres
As shown in the table above, there is no loss of Conservation Area with the proposed amendment.
h. Ohjcctiou: The City did nol provide adequate (bla ;1IIc1 analysis delll()l1Stl~l(ing (hat the site is either suitable (or (he
proposed land use or (1t;1t tile proposed land uses arc COIlIP;lIil>lc with the adjacent land uses ;lIld the prOlecliOll o( lIalural
resources hOlh Oil aud ofT-site.
Sections 163.177(6)(a) and (6)(d), F.S.; and Ru'les 9J-5.005(2)(a), 9J-5.006(1), (2)(b), (2)(e), (3)(b) and (4), and 9J-
5,013(3), F.A.C
Recommendation: Provide data and analysis, which assesses the suitability of the site for development at the
increased intensities of land use, based on the character of the undeveloped land. This analysis should include,
but not be limited to the following: (1) a cqmparison of the proposed land use to the current approved land use,
include maps depicting the current approved land uses and existing and future land uses adjacent to the
amendment site; and (2) an identification oIthe character of the amendment site considering soils, vegetation,
floodplains, and wildlife habitat.
The analysis should identify what level of development would be appropriate in order to ensure the protection
and continued viability of natural resources both on-and off-site. The analysis should then identify what future
land use category is the most appropriate for the site considering the impacts of development allowable under
that land use category.
To support development of higher density or intensity than that allowable under the current designation, the site
must be demonstrated to be suitable for the maximum amount of development allowed under the proposed land
use(s) and that such development is compatible with adjacent land uses. The amendment should ensure that land
uses which are incompatible with the protection and conservation of wetlands and wetland functions are directed
away from wetlands,
This analysis should also identify how protection would be provided (i.e., guidelines and limitations on
development consistent with the goals, objbctives and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan). The
amendment should be revised and amended, as necessary, to be consistent with and supported by the data and
Response to Objection:
A map is attached depicting adjacent uses to the :1:250 acre parcel addressed in the amendment. As shown on the
map, the area proposed to be developed with th.e active uses permitted in the Greeneway Interchange District are
adjacent to areas designated as urban uses with similar densities and intensities.
The Greeneway Interchange District is appropriately located at the intersection of a major expressway and state
road which is a major arterial. The site is bounded on two sides by major arterials.
The table below
Future Land Use DeSi nation
Com atible/Not Com atible
Lake Jesup/Conservation/Suburban Estates
(Count Desi nation)
Compatible with appropriate
buffers. (See discussion below)
Com atible
SR 434/Commercial/Orban Density
Commercia l/Conservati on
Com atible
As shown in the L:1.ble and the attached map, the area designated for active uses is compatible with the adjoining
off site uses. The County enclave to the north is currently designated as Suburban Estates at I dwelling unit per
acre. The owners of the majority of the undeveloped acreage to the north have applied to the City of Winter
Springs for annexation. They arc requesting low density residential at a maximul11 density of 3.5 dwelling units
per acre. The design guidelines for the Greeneway Interchange District that have been drafted for adoption
include performance standards for setbacks and buffers, Buffers are required between different land uses, both
on and off site. Setbacks and buffers vary depending on the differences in intensity of adjacent uses. Adequate
measures are contained in the design guidelines to protect less intense uses on or offsite. It is concluded that the
proposed Greeneway Interchange District is highly compatible with surrounding adjacent uses.
The area within the Greeneway Interchange District designated for active uses is the same area that was
previously designated as Mixed-Use. The rytixed-Use area was proposed for a mix of residential and commercial
uses of similar intensity as being proposed ~n the Greeneway Interchange District. When the future land map
was originally developed, the area designated as Mixed-Use was determined to be suitable for urban uses. The
area of the :i:250 acre parcel thought to be unsuitable for development was designated as Conservation. This will
not change with the current amendment.
The primary soil types identified by the USDA Soil Conservation Service that are found in the area outside the
Conservation area are shown in the table below.
SCS Kev Soil Type Limitation (A) Hydrolol:!:ic GrouD
4 Astatula fine sand, 0-5% slopes Slight A
13 EauGallie & Immokalee fine sands Severe (B) BID
16 Immokalee sand Severe (B) BID
20 Myakka & EauGallie fine sands Severe (B) BID
24 Paola - St. Lucie sands Slight A
27 Pomello fine sand Moderate (C) C
(A) Based on Small Commercial Buildings.
(B) Water control, including surface and subsurface drainage, and fill material can overcome the limitations.
(C) Water control, including surface and subsurface drainage, can overcome the limitations.
The area outside the Conservation area is not within the 100-year flood area.
The area outside the Conservation area is iinproved pasture and citrus grove. The area of the site with the
potential for significant wildlife habitat is within the area designated as Conservation.
c. Obiection: The proposed change for the'lands currently designated as Conservation to Greenway Interchange
District is not consistent with plan requirements to protect and preserve wetlands. Lake Jesup, and
environmentally sensitive areas from the impacts of incompatible uses,
Sections 163.3 I 77(6)(a), (6)(d), and (8), F.S.; and Rules 9J-5.005(2), 9J-5.006(2) and (4), and 9J-5.013(1) and
(3), F.A.C.
Recollllllendation: The City should revise the proposed amcndment to retain the Conservation designation on
all portions of the subject parcel cllrn:ntly designated as Conservation. The City should also provide data and
analysis which demonstrates that the proposed bndllse is compatible with the protection and prescrvation of
these environmenk1.lly sensitive areas, The amendment should be rcviscd and amended, as neccssary, to be
consistent with and supported by the data and analysis.
Response to Objection:
As previously discussed, the area currently! designated as Conservation will remain Conservation.
d. Obiection: The City did not provide data and analysis demonstrating that it requires this increase in land use
residential density and intensity of land uses is needed to accommodate the City's projected population growth
and land use needs through the planning timeframe.
Section 163.3177(6)(a) and (8), F.S.; and Rules 9J-5.005(2)(a); 9J-5.006(2)(c)l, (4), and (5), F.A.C.
Recommendation: Revise the amendmenr to include data and analysis addressing the need for additional
medium density residential and commerci~ Jand use acreage. An inventory of the current vacant acreage of
existing land use categories should be proVided. An analysis (in terms of acreage need compared to acreage
availability) of the adequacy of this inventQry to accommodate the projected population should be provided.
Increases in the projected population over that originally projected may be one basis for supporting this
amendment. Revise the amendment as necessary, to be consistent with and supported by the data and analysis.
Response to Objection:
The current Mixed-Use designation allows!a mix of residential and commercial uses. The proposed Greeneway
Interchange District also proposes a mix of residential and commercial uses. The total developed area remains
the same (166 acres) under the current and:proposed land use designations. The intent of the Greeneway
Interchange District is to encourage the development of more nonresidential development than was allowed
under the Mixed-Use district. The City of Winter Springs is heavily dependent on a residential tax base to
finance the needs of the City. Approximately 90% of the tax base is residential. Very little undeveloped property
that is not environmentally sensitive is available in the City to remedy this imbalance. The proposed amendment
is a way to promote an increase in nonresidential development without decreasing the residential component. By
allowing a higher density in the Greeneway Interchange District, the number of residential units can be
maintained while maintaining the same overall acreage devoted to urban uses of similar density and intensities.
The comparison below illustrates the point;
Land Use Max. % Acres Max. Density Potential
Permitted Units
Residential 75% 124.5 Up to 10 du/ac. 1,245
Commcrcial 50% 83.0 NA NA
Rcsidcntial 50% li3.0 Up to 20 du/ac. 1,660
COllllllcrcial 75% 124.5 NA NA
The lack of available land for residential development in the City outside of environmentally sensitive areas was
documented in the Battle Ridge Amendme~t. The analysis is summarized below:
reSidential uses
271 acres
of vacant buildable Iresidentialland
2509 du's
Avera e household size
2.76 ersons
2,509 x 2.76
6,924 ersons
Additional acres needed for 3,406 residehts
3.0 du er acre
Po ulation estimate as of 4/1/97
Total 0 ulation on vacant land outside enyironmentall sensitive areas
Additional land is needed to accommod~te future residents
Avera e residential dens it
There is a total of approximately 40 I acres:outside of environmentally sensitive areas left in the City for
development. The analysis outlined above demonstrates that the City does not have adequate land available to
satisfy the projected demand for residential. The Greeneway Interchange District encourages higher density
residential on less land; therefore, the approval of this amendment helps to alleviate the projected shortfall of
residential acreage.
As previously noted, the City's tax base is heavily dependent on residential uses. In recent years, the City has
seen a decline in the amount of land availaple for commercial development. Two areas along SR 434 that were
designated on the future land use map for <J;ommercial have been developed as residential. The two projects are
shown below:
Total area
35 acres
14 acres
49 acres
TI1C Grecneway Interchangc District can potentially add 41.5 acres of commercial over what would be possible
with the Mixed-Use designation, This is offset by the loss of 49 acres of commercial in the Parkstone and
Stonegable projects. Also, if the commercial area is increased in size, there will be a corresronding decrease in
residenti;-d acres.
In addition, the Mixed-Use designiltion was assigned prior to the Greeneway being planned or constructed. This
interchange is a significant change in the character of the area. Higher density residential and commercial uses
are appropriate uses adjacent an interchang'e sllch as this,
The Greeneway Interchange District is also located approximately seven miles south of the Orlando Sanford
Airport. This fast growing airport is showirig a strong increase in international charter flights and cargo. This
airport, which was previously a military base and airport, has adequate size to become a significant economic
generator for Seminole County.
Winter Springs has primarily been an aftlupnt bedroom community for employment centers in Orange County to
the south. The Greeneway Interchange District will provide opportunities to create an employment center closer
to the major residential areas in Winter Spr!ings.
e. Obiection: The City did not provide any data, and analysis addressing the availability of public facilities for
the proposed land uses. The amendment d~es indicate that facilities would be available, however, no analysis of
the potential demand (based on the densiti~s and intensities of the Greeneway Interchange District land use
category), or the available capacities was provided. No data and analysis was provided to address the impacts of
the proposed land uses upon the roadway network,
Sections 163.3177(2), (3)(a), (6)(a), (8), (lP)(h) and (1O)(j), F.S.; and Rules 9J-5.005(2)(a) and (3); 91-
5.006(2)(a), (3)(b)l, (4) and (5), F.A.C. .
Recommendation: Provide data and analysis which assesses the availability of and demand on the following
public facilities for the property based on t6e proposed land use: sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable
water, and traffic circulation based upon the maximum development potential for the proposed land use. This
analysis should identify the impacts upon the level of service standards for each facility. If improvements are
necessary, these should be identified alonglwith the associated costs and the ability of the City to finance the
improvements. The amendment should be revised and amended, as necessary, to be consistent with and
supported by the data and analysis.
Response to Objection:
Central water and sewer service is plannedJto be extended by.the developers of the Battle Ridge development
along SR 434 in front of the Greeneway Interchange District. As development comes on line, such as within the
Greeneway Interchange District, they will reimburse the developers of Battle Ridge for a portion of the cost of
the water and sewer facilities. These facilities are currently being designed and the size of the lines have not
been finalized. The City has the capacity to serve the Greeneway Interchange with sewer as shown by the
I . b I
analYSIS e ow.
Land Use Acres Sq. Ft. of Buildings Sewer (million gals.
, or Residential Units oer dav)
Commercial (75%) 124.5 acres 1,500,000 s.f. 0.15 mgd
Residential (25%) 41.5 acres 830 dwelling units 0.21 mgd
Total 166 acrcs NA 0.36 mgd
A vailablc trcatment capacity:
Existing and committed developmcnt:
Available capacity:
Less Grccnc\Vay Intcrchange District:
Remaining clpaeily:
2.00 mgd
1.30 mgd
0.70 mgd
0.36 mgd
0,]4 mgd
Potable \-Vater Demand:
Commercial: 1,500,00 s.f.
Residential: 830 units
0.15 mgd
0.25 mgd
The City has adequate capacity to supply t1~e Greeneway Interchange District with potable water.
The development will be required to meet the storm water standards of the SJRWD (Infrastructure Element:
Storm Drainage Section, Obj. B) Policy 1).
The proposed Greeneway Interchange Distrct will benefit from the recent 4-laning of SR 434 and the
construction of the Greeneway. SR 434 is 4urrently operating at a LOS "B". In the year 2000, it is projected to
operate at LOS "B" and "C". The roadwaylsystem can accommodate the proposed development. Concurrency
will effectively prohibit development from1reducing the LOS below an acceptable level.
f. Obiection: The City did not provide data and analysis demonstrating that the proposed amendment is
compatible with plan requirements to prot~ct and preserve historic resources.
Section 163.3177(6)(a) and (6)(g)10, F.S.~ and Rules 9J-5.005(2) and 9J-5.006(2)(b)5, F.A.C.
Recommendation: The City should proviqe data and analysis demonstrating that the proposed amendment is
consistent with plan requirements to identify, protect and preserve historical and archaeological resources from
the impacts of the proposed development. Revise the amendment as necessary, to be consistent with and
supported by the data and analysis.
Response to Objection:
Existing maps compiled by Seminole Comity were reviewed and it was determined that there are no known
historical or archaeological resources within the :t250 acre parcel.
l!. Obiection: The proposed amendment has not been demonstrated to be compatible with plan goals, objectives
and policies, including, but not limited to t~e following: Objective C of the Traffic Circulation Element;
Objectives A, Band C and associated polidies of the Conservation Element; Objective C and Policy I of the
Capital Improvements Element~ and Goal I, Objective A, Policy 3, Goal 2, Objective A, Policy I and 3g, and
Objectives Band C of the Future Land Us~ Element, and Objective A, Policy 8, Objective B, Objective C,
Policy I, Objective E and F, including associated policies, of the Intergovernmental Coordination Element.
Section 163.3177(2), (6)(a), (8) and (9)(b),TS.~ and Rules 9J-5.005(5); 9J-5.006(3)(c) and (4)(c); 9J-5.013(2)(b)
. .
and (c); and 9J-5.015(3)(b) and (c), F.A.C.
Recommendation: Clearly demonstrate with data and analysis that the amendment is compatible with the goals,
objectives and policies of the City's Comp~ehensive Plan. Revise the amendment, as necessary, to be consistent
with and supported by the data and analysis.
Comprchensive Plan Element: Requirement: Rcsponsc:
Traffic Circulation: Obj. C. Adequate capacity is available The proposed development
to accommodate the impacts of will be subject to concurrency.
development. No development can occur that
would degrade SR 434 below
; the adopted LOS "E".
Conservation Element: Obj. A,B, <!:onserve water; prohibit Prior to development, wetlands
andC. development in jurisdictional will be delineated on site plans
tetlands; protect and conserve according to FDEP, SJRWMD
native vegetation and wildlife and USACOE definitions. The
habitat, especially endangered, strictest interpretation shall be
threatened or of special used to determine the limits of
concern. Conservation areas. The
applicant will abide by all
policies in the Conservation
Capital Improvements Element: Adopted Level of Service Development will be in
Obj. C & Policy 1. ~tandards. accordance with adopted LOS.
No development can occur that
will cause the LOS to fall
below the adopted standards.
Future Land Use Element: Goal A coordinated development The Greeneway District will
1, Obj. A, Policy 3, Goal 2, scheme shall be proposed have an overall master plan
Objective A Policy 1 and 3g, and qonsidering conservation and that will establish a
Obj.'s B and C. tfaffic circulation. Conservation area consistent
<J:onservation land use with the proposed land use
classification. No industrial or map included in this
eommercialland uses adjacent amendment. The Conservation
t9 Lake Jesup; 50' buffer area will provide a buffer
adjacent to Lake Jesup; higher approx. 1,500 feet deep along
impervious surface standard Lake Jesup. The stormwater
adjacent to Lake Jesup; no system will be designed to
direct discharge of storm water meet SJRWMD and City
into the Lake; avoid standards so as not to have
alterationof 100-year flood direct discharge into the Lake.
plain. The applicant will identify the
100-year flood plain and
natural drainage features
within the property. The
developer will employ best
development practices in
protecting flood plains and
natural drainage features.
Intergovernmental Coordination Coordinate with Seminole The City, on an ongoing basis,
Element: Obj. A, Policy 8, Obj. County Expressway Authority coordinates with other
B, Obj. C, Policy 1, Obj.'s E & F. to ensure there will be no agencies to ensure that plans
detrimental effects on nearby and services/facilities arc
property in County and compatible. Any proposed
Oviedo. Coordinate with development will be required
School Board. Observe to meet all permitting
~egulations of all permitting requirements of other state and
agencies. Coordinate with federal agencies.
qther local governments to
~nsure that the City's plan is
compatible with adjacent
~ A A Greeneway
A A A Interchange
b.. A ~ District
_ Commercial
Urban Density
~ Conservation
5 F\4 '3Lt
I 0
1000 2000
· · · .. Mixed-Use
. . . . .
_ Commercial
Urban Density
~ Conservation
~ J"~UP
Page 4 ofG
completed, especially such projects as "meandering" sidewalks, lighting and other pedestrian-
oriented projects. He further stated that the plan was written to be "all-inclusive and to be
flexible, and to provide opportunities for improvements along this corridor."
Mr. Easton then discussed the tax increment issue, providing continuity throughout the entire
conidor, redeveloping the sites on the corridor that currently have a negative impact, and the
proposed Board of Directors to oversee this project. He also discussed how Casselberry and
Sanford have already established their own CRA's and how we could all work. together and make
significant progress.
Vice Chairman Brown confirmed that we were in Area Two (2) - the "Winter Springs/Spring
Hammock" area. Chainnan Fernand~z then asked how was the Redevelopment Area determined?
Mr. Easton explained that the boundary was determined by a number of factors to include breadth
of space, property lines, natural features and changes in land use.
"We as the Local Planning Agency recommend to the City Commission that they do pass the
Resolution in support of the County for initiation of 17/92 CRA Corridor Redevelopment Plan. "
Motion by Brown. Second by Karr. Vote: Lein, aye; Fernandez, aye; Karr, aye; Stephens, aye;
Brown, aye.
Motion passed.
3. Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Land Use Element
Volume 1 of 2 and Volume 2 of 2
Tom Grimms presented staffs findings and .recommendations regarding the creation of a new
future land use map designation - the "GreeneWay Interchange District.'f Mr. Grimms mentioned
to the Board that since they have received their information package for this evening's meeting,
there has been a further development: an "interim development agreement has been tendered."
Mr. Grimms elaborated by saying that "if the interim development agreement is agreeable to the
property owner, and they execute it with the City, then this property is pulled out of the New
Development Area Overlay Zoning District." This matter is scheduled to go before the City
Commission on November 24, 1997.
Margaret (Missy) Cassells, 907 Old England Avenue, Winter Park, Florida 32789 spoke further
on this issue. Gene Lein asked "if aftcr all the time periods are concerned, and Missy doesn't
come back in with the property...docs that deeply affect the Development..New Development
Area?" Charles Canington responded that basically "all it is. ..is a written agreement between both
parties that thc City and the property owner will work diligcntly during thc next eightcen months
to accomplish thcse tasks... that have to be accomplished to realize this new district. If Therc was
furthcr discussion on this subject.
Page j of6
"I'd like to make a motion that the Local Planning Agency recommend to the City Commission
the findings from the staff's recommendation, that the City Commission hold a first transmittal
public hearing, and transmit to the Department of Community Affairs, the proposed Large Scale
Comprehensive Plan Amendment, LG-CPA-3-97, creating a new future land use designation...the
GreeneWay Interchange District in the Comprehensive Plan Use Element Goals, Objectives and
Policies, Volume 2 of2. Discussion.
Motion by Brown. Second by Karr. Vote: Stephens, aye; Lein, aye; Karr, aye; Fernandez, aye;
Brown, aye.
Motion carried.
The proposed future land use change from "Mixed Use" to "Greenway Interchange
District" is compatible with surrounding land use designation, since on the north side
of S.R. 434 the land is designated FLUM "Commercial" also or "Conservation". The
land on the south side of S.R. 434 opposite the subject land is FLUM designated
<<Commercial" .
The comprehensive plan amendment is compatible with the other elements of the
City's Comprehensive Plan
The comprehensive plan amendment is compatible with and furthers elements of the
State Comprehensive Plan, in Chapter 187 F.S.
The comprehensive plan amendment is compatiblc with and furthers clements of the
East Ccntral Florida Comprehensive Regional Policy Plan.
r.!., \.':'1' 1 ',~l I 'J. If)')-,
Staff recommends the Local Planning Agency make the following recommendation to the
City Commission:
That the City Commission hold a first (transmittal) public hearing and transmit to the
Department of Community Affairs the proposed Large Scale Comprehensive Plan
Amendment (LG-CP A-3-97), creating a new Future Land Use Map designation
"GreeneWay Interchange District" in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element
Goals, Objectives and Policies (Volume 2 of2).
Map of subject land proposed to be included in new FLUM designation "GreeneWay
Interchange District".
N(lwlllha 19.1997