HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999 09 21 Regular ATTACHMENT "A" CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708-2799 . Telephone (407) 327-1800 Code Enforcement Fax (407)327-6695 DATE September 16, 1999 TO: Jimette Cook , Code Enforcement Manager FROM: Michael Mingea , Environmental Inspector RE: 606 Tina Lane As per your request thru the Code Enforcement Board to in~pect the trees installen at 606 Tina Lane, I called the residents and made an appointment to see the site. I met with Jacqueline Rapale, wife of Victor Peralta. We walked around the site and she showed me the trees that were planted. There were sev~ral different species of trees of varying sizes. Many of the trees were of larger size than required. by the original mitigation. The original plan constructed by the Code Enforcement department was designed to be a guide line for the informational benefit of the homeowner. Since the homeowner has gone to great expense and effort to try to improve their site by adding not only trees but ffiany landscape shrubs and bedding plants, it would be my recommendation to accept their revised mitigation. Since there has been a change in the original selection of species of trees, it should be necessary to agree to at least a bare minimum of survivability of one year ( from this date ) and to replace any trees that die off during this period. As city forester, I am glad to help answer any future 'questions that may arise as to the health or condition of these trees. I also recommend the removal ( with a new permit ) of some dead trees now on the site. This may help to r~duce possible insect infestation that could s~read to the new plantings. ATTACHMENT "B" Section 9-279 Oil-street par-king of commcr"cial vchicles Except for the temporary parking of vehicles conducting business on the premises or" engaged in thc loading or" dclivcring of matcr"ials, no ovcrnight parking of tr"actor tl"ailers, cube vans, semitrailers and/or cabs shall be permitted on any off-st.'eet parking facility within the city. Vehicles owned or operated by the business located on the licensed premises may bc parked overnight provided that they arc parked behind the business or, if sufficient rear' lot space is not available, in the least visible space from any right-of-way and abutting pl'operty. A Special Events permit may be obtained for a period not to exceed 14 days fOI" the temporary parking of a trailer, semitrailer, and/or their cabs for special occasions, After 90 days, this permit may be renewed once during a 12-month period. SECTION 2. The City Code of the City of Winter Springs at Chapter 20 Zoning. is amended at Section 20-431 entitled: "Commercial Vehicles Parking in Residential Areas" by deleting the existing language in said Section 20-431( I a) and substituting the following ordinanc.~ language: SECTION 20-431 COMMERCIAL VEHICLE PAIU(ING IN RESIDENTIAL AREAS. 1), P,'ohibitions a, Except as provided in Section 20-434 below, no person owning, renting or leasing I"cal propcrty in a residential zoned dist."ict shall causc 0" allow to bc parked on any rcsidential propcrty a commercial vehicle as defined in Section 20-432, SECTION 3. The City Code of the City of Winter Springs at Chapter 20, Zoning is amended at Section 20-432 entitled: "Commercial Vehicle Definition" by deleting the existing language in said Section 20-432 and substituting the following ordinance language: Section 20-432 Commercial Vehicle -Dcfinition Fo" pur"poses of this Chapter, commcr"cial vchiclcs are dcfined to be all passengers vehicles, trucks, trailers, and construction equipment of any type used in or designcd to bc used in busincss; all vehicles temporarily 0'" permanently designed to accommodate, support, housc, store, deliver or transpor"t material, supplies, eqnipment machinery or power plants of all types; all constn,ction related equipment; and all vehicles of any type, trailers and const."uction equipment upon which a business name 0'" sign is permanently or temporarily affixed. SECTION 4. The City Code oftllc City of Winter Springs at Chaptcr 20, Zoning, is amended at Section 20-434 entitled: "Authorizcd Commcrcial Vehicles in Residential Areas" by thc addition of the following ordinancc language: --- ATTACHMENT "c" .' Leffler & Associates, P .A. Attorneys and Counselors at Law Alrium \I Building 301 West State Road 434. Suite 317 Winter Springs. Florida 32706 Telephone (407) 327.7275 Facsimile (407) 327.7374 Kenneth M. Leffler Michael O. Jones Clifton H. GorenOo September 20, 1999 Clerk of the Code Enforcement Board Winter Springs City Hall 1126 State Road 434 East Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Re: City of Winter Springs v. Marie Chowanski Complaint Numbers: 99-571, 99-572, and 99-573 Dear Sir / Madam: Enclosed please find Respondent's original Motion for Continuance regarding the scheduled hearing of the above-referenced complaint numbers on September 21, 1999. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Should you have any questions in this regard, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, Mi~nes Enclosures c: Ron McLemore, Winter Springs City Manager (w/end.) Carolyn Jimette Cook MDJ/jah -- ---- ./ .--' ~~. (. .....CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD Complaint Numbers: 99-571 99-572 99-573 Petitioner, v. Address: P.O. Box 1965-65 625 Marni Drive Winter Springs, FL 32708 MARIE D. CHOWANSKI, Respondent. I RESPONDENT'S MOTION FOR CONTINUANCE GOMES NOW Respondent, Marie D. Chowanski, by and through her undersigned counsel and moves this Board for a continuance of the hearing scheduled in the above-referenced citations for September 21, 1999, and for cause would state: 1. Respondent, Marie D. Chowanski, is anticipated to go undergo ear surgery during the week of September 20, 1999. 2. Further, Respondent has retained the seNlces of the undersigned and due to a long standing scheduled event, the undersigned will be out of state on September 21 through September 28, 1999. 3. Because of the undersigned's trial scheduled for October and November of 1999, it is requested that the Clerk of the Code Enforcement Board coordinate a future hearing date for the subject hearing to avoid the necessity of continued motions for continuance. 4. This motion is made in good faith and not for purposes of delay. Dated this ~ day of September, 1999. Leffler~, PA Michael D. Jones, Esquire Florida Bar Numbe \ ~,\37608 301 West State RO~;~4, Suite 317 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 (407) 327-7275 ATTACHMENT "D" CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD, Petitioner, COMPLAINT NO. CEB-99-506 v. Rosa Pacheco, Respondent --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESPONSE TO STATEMENT OF VIOLATION AND NOTICE OF HEARING 1, Rosa Pacheco, declare that I have a Honda Accord 91 vehicle parking in the drive way of my house. I also declare that this vehicle belongs to my so~ Alexander Pacheco. On about the end of June the owner of this car had an accident and for that reason he was unable to remove this car from the drive way. After the accident, the my son moved and I put my effort to solve this situation but another incident arrive to my family. At this moment I'm dealing with my nephew illness problem who need to have a brain and a spine surgery. Please be inform that I am not trying to ignore or make excuses of your statement of violation, but I pray and hope you understand my situation and ask your Board to allow me a few days to remove the car from my drive way. I also want to declare that, according to my mechanic, this vehicle is in mechanical good conditions to drive but I will take the necessary steps to solve this situation. I DECLARE UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, under the laws of the State of Florida that the statements and facts indicated in this Affidavit are true and correct, and this Affidavit was signed by me, Rosa Pacheco, on September 21,1999.