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Sec. 13-1. General prohibition.
Nothing may be done on any lot which may
become an annoyance or nuisance to the neigh-
borhood. No refuse pile or unsightly objects shall
be allowed to be placed or suffered to remain
thereon. In the event the owner shall fail or refuse
to keep premises free of refuse piles or other un-
sightly objects or growths, then the city commis-
sion may enter upon such land and remove the
same at the expense of the owner and such entry
shall not be deemed a trespass.
(Ord. No. 44, S 44.76, 1-8-68)
Sec. 13-2. Littering.
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to place
or throw, or cause to be placed or thrown, any
paper, bottles or pieces thereof, tin cans, garbage,
glassware, refuse, debris or any other offensive,
unwholesome or unsightly matter whatever in or
on any street, road, sidewalk, alley, playground,
vacant property or any other public grounds, or
in or on the bank of any canal, stream, lake,
watercourse or pool within the city.
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person to cause
or permit junk, scrap metal, scrap lumber, waste-
paper products, discarded building materials, or
any unused abandoned vehicle, or abandoned parts,
machinery or machinery parts, garbage, trash or
other waste materials to be in or upon any yard,
garden, lawn, outbuildings or premises owned,
rented, leased or otherwise occupied by him in
the city unless in connection with a business en-
terprise lawfully situated and licensed for the same.
(c) The existence of excessive accumulation or
untended growth of weeds, undergrowth or other
dead, or living plant life; or stagnant water, and
all other objectionable, unsightly or unsanitary
matter upon any lot, tract or parcel of land within
this city be it uncovered or under open shelter, to
the extent and in the manner that such lot, tract
or parcel of land is or may threaten, or endanger
the public health, safety, or welfare, or may rea-
sonably cause disease, is hereby prohibited and
declared to be a public nuisance and unlawful.
(d) It shall be the duty of the owner of each lot,
tract, or parcel of land within the city to reason-
Supp. No.4
!l 13.26
ably regulate and effectively control excessive
growths and accumulations, as enumerated in sub-
section (c) on the property.
It shall also be the duty of the owner to drain,
regrade or fill any lot, tract, or parcel, including
swimming pools thereon, which shall be dangerous
or unsanitary, have stagnant water thereon, or be
in such other condition as to be susceptible to pro-
ducing disease or danger to the public.
(Code 1974, ~ 7-1; Ord. No. 464, ~ 1, 2-12-90)
Sec. 13-3. Duty of owners of buildings to keep
surrounding property clean; notice;
failure to comply with notice.
(a) All land within a three-hundred-foot radius
of any dwelling or other building within the city
shall be kept in a clean and trim condition by the
owner of the property.
(b) If the owner of any property fails to comply
with the conditions of this section, he shall be
notified by the city of the violation and be al-
lowed fifteen (15) days to comply.
(c) If, after the fifteen-day period provided for
in subsection (b), the owner has not cleaned the
property in accordance with this section, the city
shall have the right and authority to enter upon
the property in question, clear the land according
to the requirements of this section and charge the
owner for the cost thereof.
(Code 197 4, ~ 7 -2)
Sees. 13-4-13-25. Reserved.
Sec. 13-26. Prohibited generally.
It shall be unlawful for any person to make,
create, or maintain any unreasonably loud, dis-
turbing, and unnecessary noise within the city.
Noise of such character, intensity, or duration as
to be detrimental to the life, health, comfort, or
repose of any individual is prohibited.
(Code 1974, S 9-14(a))