HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 04 15 Code Enforcement Board Regular Minutes
1. Call to Order
Chairperson Schneider called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers,
Municipal Building.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
Also Present
Anne Schneider, Chairperson, present
Chuck Holzman, present
Kitty Reilly, absent
Lurene Lyzen, present
Bob Amato, present
Ken Haines, present
Bob Gray, present
Captain Bob Pieper, Code Enforcement Officer
Al White, Code Enforcement Inspector
4. Approval of the March 18. 1997 Regular Meeting Minutes
Moved, seconded, and carried to approve the March 18, 1997 meeting minutes as printed.
5. Discussion of Closed and Pending Cases
Holzman inquired about Case #97004866, Unnecessary Noise. White explained that kids were
bouncing a basketball against a lady's wall outside her house and it was making objects fall off
of the wall inside; problem corrected.
Lyzen asked about last month's continuing case (Untended Grass) at 608 Morgan Street. White
said the problem is being corrected.
Captain Pieper stated that Timothy Wasurik, at the last meeting, said that an officer had taken a
tag off of a vehicle at his house. Captain Pieper clarified that the tag was removed by an officer
by request of the owner of the vehicle, Rebecca Hast.
6. Case #97002353, 260 Morton Lane. Ann J. Jordon
Section: 20-433 Disabled Motor Vehicle
Case not presented; closed as problem corrected.
7. Case #97002354, 265 Morton Lane. Marshall Jenkins
Mortgagee: Mellon Mortgage Cotrexas
Section: 20-433 Disabled Motor Vehicle
Case not presented; closed as problem corrected.
8. Case #97000935. 625 Marni Drive. James Daniel
Mortgagee: Norwest/lllinois
Section: 4-1 (20.25) Barking Dog
Case not presented; closed as problem corrected.
9. Case #97001914.211 North Moss Road (Lot' National Loan Inv. LP
Section: 13-2(b) Rotted Fence
Case not presented; closed as problem corrected.
10. Case #97001969. 214 Chestnut Ridge Street. Paul A. & Phyllis J. Lefave
Section: 13-2(c) Untended Grass
Case not presented; closed as problem corrected.
11. Case #97002662. 608 Morgan Street. AM-Trust (Andrew Schiabbarrasi)
Mortaaaee: Chase Manhattan Bank U.S. A. N/A
Section: 13-2(d) Stagnant Pool
Case not presented; closed as problem corrected.
12. Case #97004690. 103 Elderwood. Timothy G. & Cheryl L. Hooper
Mortgagee: Homeside Lending IncIBancBoston
Section: 20-411 Boat & Trailer
Case not presented; closed as problem corrected.
13. Case #97002922. 216 Albert Street. Harvid F. Fard & Jon Feshan
Mortgagee: Capstead Mortgage Corp.
Occupants: Wendi S. Graham. Shaw Hoaan. Vicki Lynn Johnson
Section: 20-433 Disabled Motor Vehicle
Case not presented; closed as problem corrected.
14. Case #97004866. 254 San Gabriel Street. Jose & Amparo Perez
Mortgagee: Leader Mortgaae Co.
Section 13-26 Unnecessary Noise
Case not presented; closed as problem corrected.
15. Case #97002445. 121 Sable Court. Russell Mould
Mortgagee: Atlantic Mortgage & Inv. Corp.
Section: 20-433 Commercial Eauipment
Case not presented; closed as problem corrected.
16. Case #96017874.121 Sable Court. Russell Mould
Mortgagee: Atlantic Mortgage & Inv. Corp.
Occupant: Renee Ronick
Section: 4-1 (20.24) Dog Defecating in Neighbors Yard
Captain Pieper said that he will be providing information to the case; therefore; he was sworn in with
other witnesses for testimony. Color photographs of the dogs were circulated. Complainant
Geneva Penley, III Sable Court, provided testimony, photographs of the dogs, and a listing of
when the dogs were in her yard. Paula Zefo, 10 1 Sable Court; Sue Payne, 40 Sable Court; Jane
Paulette, 50 Sable Court; Captain Pieper; Russell Mould, 121 Sable Court; and Renee Ronick,
121 Sable Court also provided testimony.
Motion: In the case of CEB# 96017874 of the City of Winter Springs, the Code Enforcement Board
has read the complaint filed and the written information prepared by the Code Inspector, and heard
at this meeting the sworn testimony of the Code Inspector, and all other parties involved in this case.
Based on these proceedings, it is moved that Charles A. Jr. and Paula Baker, Atlantic Mortgage &
Inv. Corp, and Russell Mould and Renee Ronick are in violation of Section 4-1 of the Codes of the City
of Winter Springs (20.23 and 20.24, Seminole County) Loose Dog and Defecating in Yard, and that
an appropriate relief order be issued at this meeting.
Motion by Lyzen. Second by Holzman.
Vote: Amato, aye; Schneider, aye; Holzman, aye; Gray, aye; Haines, aye; Lyzen, aye.
Motion passed.
Motion: In the case of CEB# 96017874 of the City of Winter Springs, Charles A. Jr.& Paula Baker,
Atlantic Mortgage & Inv. Corp, and Occupants: Russell Mould and Renee Ronick having been found
to be in violation of Section 4-1 of the Codes of this City (20.23 and 20.24, Seminole County). shall
come into compliance immediately. If compliance is not achieved immediately, a fine of $25.00 will
be imposed per violation. Furthermore, any and all future recurrence(s) of this violation after
compliance has been achieved will immediately cause the stated fine to be imposed until
compliance is again achieved, as verified by an officer of the City. Since Russell Mould and Renee
Ronick was present and heard the Order of this Board, it is further moved that due notification has
been given as of this hearing date.
Motion by Lyzen. Second by Haines.
Vote: Gray, aye; Amato, aye; Lyzen, aye; Holzman, aye; Schneider, aye; Haines, aye.
Motion passed.
Captain Pieper explained that the word officer in the relief order applies to any employee of the city
that has the ability to act on behalf of code enforcement per City Ordinances. Ex: A Building, Fire,
or Public Works employee could advise White, and based upon their testimony the violation could
be verifiable.
Chairperson Schneider wanted to know how the City's relief order relates to Seminole County's,
Animal Control violation when the county picks up a dog. Captain Pieper explained that in past
practice, Seminole County Animal Control provides a statement to the Code Inspector. She then
asked if photos taken by neighbors would be sufficient evidence. Captain Pieper said the case
would come before the board for their discretion.
The meeting recessed at 8: 10 p.m., and reconvened at 8: 16 p.m.
17. Case #97005711. 737 Adidas Road, Mary A. Conover
Section: 4-1 (20.25) Barking Dog
Case not presented; closed as problem corrected.
18. Case #97004614. 761 Bear Creek Circle. David R. & Terri 1. Buzzella
Mortgagee: SunTrust Mortgage Inc.
Section: 4-1 (20.25) Barking Dog
Case not presented; closed as problem corrected.
19. Discussion of Ordinance No. 632
Chairperson Schneider remarked that Section 13-2(d) may be to broad. (It shall also be the duty of
the owner to drain, regrade or fill any lot, tract or parcel, including swimming pools thereon, which
shall be unwholesome or unsanitary, have stagnant foul water thereon, or be in such other condition
as to be susceptible to producing disease or danger to the citizens of the city.)
Haines said that it seems like the role of the board is going to be cut substantially. Captain Pieper
said that it may be a possibility that the board will go back to holding meetings every other month.
The question was asked, how did so many of the cases on the agenda close out before the meeting.
White explained that the reason they are maintaining the cases on the agenda is because if the
violation is corrected, removed from the agenda, and then recurs, the case can't be heard for
another month.
Gray said he feels that if someone has a motion and relief order filed against them, then their names
should be listed on the agenda. Captain Pieper said that the agenda should appropriately and
accurately reflect the elements of the case.
20. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.rn.
Minutes submitted by:
Martha Jenldns, Deputy City Clerk