HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 03 18 Code Enforcement Board Regular Minutes MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD MARCH 18, 1997 - REGULAR MEETING 1. Call to Order Chairperson Schneider called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers, Municipal Building. 2. Pledee of Alleeiance 3. Roll Call Also Present Bob Amato, absent Lurene Lyzen, present Kitty Reilly, present Anne Schneider, Chairperson, present Chuck Holzman, present Ken Haines, present Bob Gray, present Captain Bob Pieper, Code Enforcement Officer AI White, Code Enforcement Inspector 4. Approval of the February 18. 1997 Reeular Meetine Minutes Moved, seconded, and carried to approve the February 18, 1997 Regular Meeting minutes as written. 5. Discussion of Closed and Pen dine Cases The Chair requested that the description of the Code Section, in addition to the number, be added to the relief orders. Chairperson Schneider asked about Case #97003422, Unsafe Washer. White said the washer was placed out by the curb with the door still attached. Per Florida Statutes, doors must be removed from refrigerators, washers, dryers, ovens, and dishwashers. White stated that the multi-dog offender on Gator Lane was just fined again. The one hundred and fifty dollar ($150.00) a day fine will be mailed today or tomorrow. Lyzen asked about Case #96013332, 608 Morgan Street, which was tabled at the February 18, 1997 meeting. White said the case is still pending. 6. Case #96019270. 863 Sheoah Circle. Robert S. & Marearet C. Miller Morteaeee: Great Financial Morteaee Section: 4-1 (20.25) Barkine Doe (this case was presented last, after Case #97003709) The Chair recessed the meeting at 8:43 p.m., and called the meeting back to order at 8:52 p.m. MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD MARCH 18, 1997 - REGULAR MEETING PAGE20F 5 Pieper presented the case synopsis. White distributed an update, and provided testimony. Discussion. Findini! of Fact: In the Case ofCEB# 96019270 of the City of Winter Springs, the Code Enforcement Board has read the complaint filed and the written information prepared by the Code Inspector, and heard at this meeting the sworn testimony of the Code Inspector, and other parties involved in this case. Based upon these proceedings, it is moved that Robert S. Miller and Margaret C. Miller, Mortgagee: Great Financial Mortgage, and the occupants: Mark Peterson, Clayton A. Setliss, Theresa L. Atwood, and Denise Bower, et aI, of863 Sheoah Circle are in violation of Section 4-1 (20.25, Seminole County), Barking Dog, of the Code of the City of Winter Springs. Motion by Holzman. Second by Reilly. Vote: Gray, aye; Schneider, aye; Reilly, aye; Lyzen, aye; Holzman, aye. Motion carried. Relief Order: In the case ofCEB# 96019270 of the City of Winter Springs, Robert S. Miller and Margaret C. Miller, Mortgagee: Great Financial Mortgage, and occupants: Mark Peterson, Clayton A. Setliss, Theresa L. Atwood, and Denise Bower, et aI, having been found to be in violation of Section 4-1 (20.25, Seminole County), Barking Dog, of the Code of this City, it is moved that Robert S. Miller and Margaret C. Miller, Mortgagee: Great Financial Mortgage, and occupants: Mark Peterson, Clayton A. Setliss, Theresa L. Atwood, and Denise Bower, et aI, shall be given five (5) days after notification to come into compliance with regard to this violation. If compliance is not achieved by that date, a fine of $1 00.00 will be imposed per violation, until compliance is achieved, as verified by an officer of the city. Furthermore, any and all future recurrence(s) of this violation after compliance has been achieved will immediately cause the stated fine to be imposed until compliance is again achieved, as verified by an officer of the City. Motion by Holzman. Second by Lyzen. Vote: Holzman, aye; Gray, aye; Reilly, aye; Schneider, aye; Lyzen, aye. Motion carried. 7. Case #97003227.617 David Street. Bob H. & Tammv R. Rode Morteaeee: Norwest Morteaee Inc.-Iowa Section: 20-411 Trailer Witnesses were sworn in for testimony. Pieper presented the case synopsis. The violation is recurring, but the owner is not in violation as of today. White circulated a photograph, and distributed an update. Bob Rode of 617 David Street, and Inspector White provided testimony. Discussion. Findini! of Fact: In the Case of CEB# 97003227 of the City of Winter Springs, the Code Enforcement Board has read the complaint filed and the written information prepared by the Code Inspector, and heard at this meeting the sworn testimony of the Code Inspector, and other parties involved in this case. Based upon these proceedings, Bob H. and Tammy R. Rode of 617 David Street are not in violation of the stated Section of the Code of the City of Winter Springs, as the information and testimony presented at this meeting have failed to indicate a violation of the designated code. Motion by Schneider. Second by Holzman. Discussion. She asked Holzman to rescind the second so she could amend the motion. Holzman rescinded MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD MARCH 18, 1997 - REGULAR MEETING PAGEJOF 5 the second. Amended Findin2: of Fact: In the Case of CEB# 97003227 of the City of Winter Springs, the Code Enforcement Board has read the complaint filed and the written information prepared by the Code Inspector, and heard at this meeting the sworn testimony of the Code Inspector, and other parties involved in this case. Based upon these proceedings, Bob H. and Tammy R. Rode of 617 David Street were in fact in violation of Section 20-411 of the Codes of the City of Winter Springs, and that such violation was corrected within the time specified for the correction by the Code Inspector, and is corrected at the time of this meeting. Motion by Schneider. Second by Reilly. Discussion. Chairperson Schneider stated that she wants to avoid the habitual use of the standard relief order because she believes the Rodes will not violate the code section again, therefore, no relief order is needed for future violations. She asked Reilly to rescind the second so she could amend the motion. Reilly rescinded the second. Amended Findin2: of Fact: In the Case of CEB# 97003227 of the City of Winter Springs, the Code Enforcement Board has read the complaint filed and the written information prepared by the Code Inspector, and heard at this meeting the sworn testimony of the Code Inspector, and other parties involved in this case. Based upon these proceedings, Bob H. and Tammy R. Rode of 617 David Street are not in violation of the stated code section of the City of Winter Springs since they have come into compliance at the time of this meeting. Motion by Schneider. Motion died due to lack of second. Findin2: of Fact: In the Case ofCEB# 97003227 of the City of Winter Springs, the Code Enforcement Board has read the complaint filed and the written information prepared by the Code Inspector, and heard at this meeting the sworn testimony of the Code Inspector, and other parties involved in this case. Based upon these proceedings, Bob H. and Tammy R. Rode of 617 David Street and Norwest Mortgage Inc.- Iowa was in violation ofSection(s) 20-411 of the Code of the City of Winter Springs, but violation was corrected as of meeting date, and an appropriate relief order be issued at this meeting to address any potential violations of this same ordinance. Motion by Reilly. Second by Gray. Discussion. Vote: Lyzen, aye; Schneider, nay; Holzman, nay; Gray, aye; Reilly, aye. Motion passed. Relief Order: In the case ofCEB# 97003227 of the City of Winter Springs, Bob H. and Tammy R. Rode and N orwest Mortgage Inc. -Iowa having been found to have been in violation of Section 20-411 of the Code of this City, it is moved that Bob H. and Tammy R. Rode and Norwest Mortgage Inc.-Iowa be notified by this board that any future violations of this code section will result in a fine being imposed in the amount of$25.00 per violation, per day until compliance is achieved, as verified by an officer of the City. Furthermore, any and all future recurrence(s) of this violation after compliance has been achieved will immediately cause the stated fine to be imposed until compliance is again achieved, as verified by an officer of the City. Since Bob H. and Tammy R. Rode are present and has heard the Order of this Board, due MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD MARCH 18, 1997 - REGULAR MEETING PAGE 4 OF 5 notification has been given as of the meeting. Motion by Reilly. Second by Lyzen. Vote: Gray, aye; Holzman, aye; Reilly, aye; Lyzen, aye; Schneider, nay. Motion carried. 8. Case #97002921. 218 Albert Street. Joseoh O. & Tina M. Landers Section: 20-433 Disabled Motor Vehicle Witnesses were sworn in for testimony. Pieper presented a synopsis of the case. White distributed photos of the vehicles, and Pieper explained that the green, ford truck is the only vehicle to be discussed. There were two vehicles on the complaint form started on the 02-14-97. The other vehicle on the complaint form has been removed. The other vehicle in the photos is not the same vehicle described on the complaint form. Timothy Wasurick of 218 Albert Street provided testimony and documentation. White also provided testimony. Discussion. Findim! of Fact: In the Case ofCEB# 97002921 of the City of Winter Springs, the Code Enforcement Board has read the complaint filed and the written information prepared by the Code Inspector, and heard at this meeting the sworn testimony of the Code Inspector, and other parties involved in this case. Based upon these proceedings, it is moved that Joseph O. & Tina M. Landers of 218 Albert Street, and occupants: Timothy Wasurick, Rebecca Hast and Marlene Hast was in fact in violation of Section 20-433 of the Code of the City of Winter Springs, and that such violation has been corrected as of this meeting, and that an appropriate relief order be issued at this meeting to address any potential future violations of this same Ordinance. Motion by Lyzen. Second by Holzman. Vote: Holzman, aye; Schneider, aye; Reilly, aye; Lyzen, aye; Gray, aye. Motion passed. Relief Order: In the case of CEB# 97002921 of the City of Winter Springs, Joseph O. and Tina M. Landers, Timothy Wasurick, Rebecca Hast, and Marlene Hast having been found to have been in violation of Section 20-433 of the Code of this City, it is moved that Joseph O. and Tina M. Landers, Timothy Wasurick, Rebecca Hast, and Marlene Hast be notified by this board that any future violations of this code section will result in a fine being imposed in the amount of$50.00 per violation, per day until compliance is achieved, as verified by an officer of the City. Furthermore, any and all future recurrence( s) of this violation after compliance has been achieved will immediately cause the stated fine to be imposed until compliance is again achieved, as verified by an officer of the City. Since Timothy Wasurick is present and has heard the Order of this Board, due notification has been given as of the meeting. Motion by Lyzen. Second by Reilly. Vote: Schneider, aye; Reilly, aye; Holzman, aye; Gray, aye; Lyzen, aye. Motion carried. MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD MARCH 18, 1997 - REGULAR MEETING PAGE50F 5 9. Case #97003709. 218 Albert Street. Joseoh O. & Tina M. Landers Section: 13-2(b) Trash in Yard Pieper presented the case synopSIS. Timothy Wasurick and Inspector White provided testimony. Discussion. Findin2: of Fact: In the Case ofCEB# 97003709 of the City of Winter Springs, the Code Enforcement Board has read the complaint filed and the written information prepared by the Code Inspector, and heard at this meeting the sworn testimony of the Code Inspector, and other parties involved in this case. Based upon these proceedings, it is moved that Joseph O. & Tina M. Landers of 218 Albert Street, and the occupants: Timothy Wasurick, Rebecca Hast and Marlene Hast of 218 Albert Street was in fact in violation of Section 13-2(b) of the Code of the City of Winter Springs, and that such violation was corrected as of this meeting, and that an appropriate relief order be issued at this meeting to address any potential future violations of this same Ordinance. Motion by Reilly. Second by Lyzen. Vote: Lyzen, aye; Holzman, aye; Gray, aye; Schneider, aye; Reilly, aye. Motion carried. Relief Order: In the case ofCEB# 97003709 of the City of Winter Springs, Joseph O. and Tina M. Landers, and occupants: Timothy Wasurick, Rebecca Hast, and Marlene Hast having been found to have been in violation of Section 13-2(b) of the Code of this City, it is moved that owner: Joseph O. and Tina M. Landers, and occupants: Timothy Wasurick, Rebecca Hast, and Marlene Hast be notified by this board that any future violations of this code section will result in a fine being imposed in the amount of$50.00 per violation, per day until compliance is achieved, as verified by an officer of the City. Furthermore, any and all future recurrence(s) of this violation after compliance has been achieved will immediately cause the stated fine to be imposed until compliance is again achieved, as verified by an officer of the City. Since Timothy Wasurick is present and has heard the Order of this Board, due notification has been given as of the meeting. Motion by Reilly. Second by Lyzen. Vote: Schneider, aye; Reilly, aye; Lyzen, aye; Gray, aye; Holzman, nay. Motion passed. 10. Adiournment Chairperson Schneider adjourned the meeting at 9: 10 p.m. The items of this March 18, 1997 Regular Meeting were presented in the following order: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8,9,6, and 10. Minutes submitted by: Martha Jenkins, Deputy City Clerk