HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 06 18 Code Enforcement Board Regular Minutes
1. Call to Order
Chairperson Schneider called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers,
Winter Springs Municipal Building.
2. Pled2e of Alle2iance
Roll Call
Staff. Dresent
Bob Gray, present
Chuck Holzman, present
Kitty Reilly, present
Bob Amato, present
Ken Haines, present
Anne Schneider, Chairperson, present
Lurene Lyzen, present
Acting Chief Bob Pieper, Code Officer
Al White, Code Inspector
4. ADDroval of the Minutes of Mav 21. 1996.
The Chair asked if there were any questions or discussions about the minutes.
Lyzen asked ifCase# 96007797 would be on the June 18, 1996 agenda. White said that the problem
regarding Section 6-217 has been corrected; however, the problems with the stagnant pool, grass, and
trash are pending.
Chairperson Schneider asked about the status of the lady who came to the meeting last month. White
said she lives onTurkey Hollow Road, and was complaining of kids playing basketball in their own yard.
Code Enforcement told her prior to last meeting that if a violation was noted then it would be written
up, but it is not considered a violation for kids to play in their own yard at 8 o'clock at night.
Motion: Approve the minutes as written.
Motion by Gray. Second by Lyzen.
Vote: Haines, abstain; Schneider, aye; Lyzen, aye; Amato, aye; Reilly, abstain;
Holzman, abstain; Gray, aye.
Motion Carried.
5. Discussion of Closed and Pending Cases. (See City Ordinance Violations)
Lyzen asked about Case #96008872. White said it has been handled. She also asked about Case
#96009232. White said he has corrected it. She then asked about the seven cases for Cory Lane on
page 5. White said 148, 116 and both violations at 124 Cory Lane have been corrected. 140, 132, and
100 Cory Lane are still pending.
Haines asked about Case #96009026, Boat and Trailer. White said it has been corrected, but it will be
brought to the Code Board if it reoccurs.
Chairperson Schneider asked about Case #96010811, 8 Algiers. White said the location was revisited
6 or 8 times since the last meeting, and he heard nothing. He said he never saw more than two dogs.
An investigation was initiated for the purpose of determining if there was a more than two dog problem.
White stated there were witnesses present for Items 7 and 10. Witnesses were sworn in for testimony.
White said that Item 9 has been resolved so the case will not be presented.
6. Case# 96007670. Michael Domineuez. 107 North Alderwood
Morteaeee: The Kislak Oreanization- T A
Section 13-Uc) Untended Grass.
Pieper presented the case. White distributed an update on the case, and passed around two photographs
for the members to view. White gave his testimony. Discussion.
Finding of Fact: Michael Dominquez of 107 North Alderwood and The Kislak Organization- T A are
in violation of Section 13-2(c) of the Code of the City of Winter Springs.
Motion by Reilly. Second by Lyzen.
Vote: Amato, aye; Reilly, aye; Holzman, aye; Gray, aye; Haines, aye; Lyzen, aye;
Schneider, aye.
Motion passed.
The first motion for the relief order was rescinded.
Relief Order: In the case ofCEB# 96007670 of the City of Winter Springs, Michael Dominquez and
The Kislak Organization- T A having been found in violation of Section 13-2( c) of the Codes of this City,
shall be given ~ days, upon due notification by this board, to come into compliance with regard to
this violation. If compliance is not achieved by that date, a fine of $ 50.00 will be imposed per day
until compliance is achieved, as verified by an officer of the City. Furthermore, any and all future
recurrence(s) of this violation after compliance has been achieved will immediately cause the stated fine
to be imposed until compliance is again achieved, as verified by an officer of the City.
Motion by Haines. Second by Gray.
Vote: Gray, aye; Holzman, aye; Amato, aye; Lyzen, nay; Reilly, nay; Schneider, aye;
Haines, aye.
Motion carried.
7. Case# 95008383. Lucinda B. & Edward Francis Kine. Jr.. 1027 Forest Circle
Morteaeee: Market Street Morteaee Co.
Section 20-411 Boat & Trailer
Pieper presented the case. The problem is corrected at this time; however, this is a recurrence of a
violation of several occasions over the past couple of years. A relief order is sought for future violations.
White passed around an update on the case to the board members. White gave testimony. Discussion.
Edward King, 1027 Forest Circle gave his testimony.
Pieper read Section 20-431(3)(t) for clarification. Discussion. King asked White ifit was okay if the
boat sits facing the house to the left, behind the front of the garage even though it would be easily seen
from the street. White answered, it would not be a violation as long as the unit is under 23 feet; that is
another issue. Pieper read Section 20-431 (1 )(g). Discussion.
c...ov'/~~I'\ Findinl! of Fact: Lucinda B. & Edward Francis King, Jr. of 1027 Forest Circle and Market Street
. Sfe>...T Mortgage Co. are in violation of Section 20-411 of the Codes of the City of Winter Springs.
"" {.1ve Motion by Haines. Second by Lyzen.
l/t (,/tj~ Vote: Gray, aye; Haines, aye; Holzman, aye; Reilly, aye; Lyzen, aye; Amato, aye;
ti\ ~ Schneider, nay.
~ J2.~qfp Motion carried.
I'll t'-)
Relief Order: In the case ofCEB# 95008383 of the City of Winter Springs, Lucinda B. & Edward
Francis King, Jr. and Market Street Mortgage Co. having been found to have been in violation of Section
20-411 of the Codes of this City, shall be notified by this board that any future violations of this code
section will result in a fine being imposed in the amount of $50.00 per day until compliance is achieved,
as verified by an officer of the City. Furthermore, any and all future recurrence(s) of this violation after
compliance has been achieved will immediately cause the stated fine to be imposed until compliance is
again achieved, as verified by an officer of the City. Since Lucinda B. & Edward Francis King, Jr. are
present and have heard the Order of this Board, due notification has been given as of this meeting.
Motion by Haines. Second by Lyzen.
Vote: Lyzen, aye; Reilly, aye; Holzman, aye; Haines, aye; Schneider, nay; Gray, aye;
Amato, aye.
Motion carried.
Pieper referred to the Closed and Pending Case List (City Ordinance Violations), and stated that during
the month of May, White investigated twelve other Boat & Trailer violations at residential properties
in Oak Forest.
8. Case# 96009383. Lucia M. Pulido. 113 Murohv Road
Section 13-2(c) Untended Grass
Pieper said the case will not be presented tonight. The situation will be monitored, and if necessary, the
case will be brought back to the Code Board next month.
9. Case# 96007304. Cynthia D. Keyser. c/o Cynthia Samoson. 241 North Third Street
Mortl!al!ee: Alliance Mortl!al!e Co.
Section 13-2(c) Untended Grass
This case was not presented as previously stated under Item 5.
10. Case# 96005305. James B. Sartori. 12 LaVista Circle
Mort2a2ee: Hacienda Villa2e Co-Oo. Inc.
Attornev: W. Richard Thoreen
Section 6-46 No Buildin2 Permit
Pieper presented the case. White passed around a document that the Code Enforcement Department
received today and a photograph. On May 20, 1996, White received a letter from Attorney Thoreen
indicating that Sartori has commenced legal proceedings against the Hacienda Village Co-Op for the
denial of his shed. The computer print out from the Seminole County Tax Collector is the document the
city uses to determine the owner of record. The Tax Collector's Office shows Sartori as the property
owner. The situation is before the board because a building permit was not issued; however, a building
permit was subsequently issued and revoked based upon the statement that the Co-Op is the owner, not
Sartori. Discussion.
Sartori's attorney, Richard Thoreen was sworn in for testimony.
Richard Thoreen, 116 East Altamonte Drive, Altamonte Springs; Jim Sartori, 12 La Vista Circle,
Winter Springs; and Margaret Manfredi, President of Hacienda Village Co-Op, 356 Cas a Grande
Drive, Winter Springs each gave testimonies. Discussion.
Motion: In the case ofCEB# 96005305, James Sartori of 12 La Vista Circle and Hacienda Village Co-
Op, Inc., it is moved that based on the evidence heard regarding Section 6-46 of the Codes of the City
of Winter Springs, the case be continued until the resolution of the Circuit Court case.
Motion by Gray. Second by Lyzen.
Vote: Schneider, aye; Holzman, aye; Reilly, aye; Haines, aye; Lyzen, aye; Amato, aye;
Gray, aye.
Motion carried.
11. Case# 96007799. Antonv E. Fiorentino. 1208 Swan Street
Mort2a2ee: Fla2star Bank
Section 13-Ud) Dan2er to Public (ooen hole) and (sta2nant 0001)
Pieper presented the case. White distributed an update, and passed around photographs of the hole. The
problem with the pool was cleaned up as oOune 1, 1996; however, efforts to fill the hole have not been
made. White gave his testimony. He also drew a sketch to show the members exactly where the hole
was located in the yard. Discussion.
Findin2 of Fact: Antony E. Fiorentino of 1208 Swan Street and Flagstar Bank are in violation of
Section 13-2(d) of the Codes of the City of Winter Springs.
Motion by Holzman. Second by Lyzen.
Vote: Haines, aye; Schneider, aye; Reilly, aye; Lyzen, aye; Holzman, aye; Gray, aye;
Amato, aye.
Motion carried.
Relief Order: In the case ofCEB# 96007799 of the City of Winter Springs, Antony E. Fiorentino and
Flagstar Bank having been found to be in violation of Section 13-2( d) of the Codes of this City, shall be
given ~ days, upon due notification by this board, to come into compliance with regard to this
violation. If compliance is not achieved by that date, a fine of $ 150.00 will be imposed per day until
compliance is achieved, as verified by an officer of the City. Furthermore, any and all future
recurrence(s) of this violation after compliance has been achieved will immediately cause the stated fine
to be imposed until compliance is again achieved, as verified by an officer of the City.
Motion by Haines. Second by Reilly.
Vote: Holzman, aye; Amato, aye; Lyzen, aye; Schneider, aye; Reilly, aye; Haines, aye;
Gray, aye.
Motion passed.
12. Adiournment
Haines asked if the city collects the fines levied. White said that the city hasn't collected for a while; the
most visible was Venture Court with approximately $11,200.00 in fines. Haines asked if the city will
ever see the money. White said it is in the works. Reilly asked what dollar figure has to be reached
before a lein is processed. White said he can only go by what has been done in the past, and that was
handled through the City Manager. Pieper said that he, Captain Tolleson, and the City Attorney met
with the City of Orlando's Code Enforcement Department. Pieper said they were very impressed with
some of their procedures such as:
Our City Attorney will be receiving a copy of Orlando's entire Ordinance and Enforcement Procedure.
Kruppenbacher, City Attorney, talked to the Commission at last Monday Night's Meeting about some
of the things Orlando does. Kruppenbacher warned the Commission if the city wants effective
enforcement then their is preparations. Examples: Orlando tows cars off of private property; they send
crews in weekly to mow peoples yards who have no intention of mowing it themselves, and the resident
will tell them "Go ahead and lien my property, I'm going to die here". Orlando assumes that there is a
cost of doing business. Orlando sends pool companies in to either get green pools back to clear or
knock holes in the bottom to drain and fill. He said that Orlando takes the actions boldly and says "Sue
us". Chairperson Schneider asked if they get sued. Pieper said they have been challenged and won.
Orlando sets aside $100,000 of their budget every year for the city to correct violations.
Reilly said that nothing gets the attention of the mortgage company quicker that notifying them of a
$11,000 lien on the house. Pieper said the City Attorney is also meeting with the Chief Judge in
Seminole County to see what can be done to get the city in first position rather than a subordinate
position. This will raise the flag to the mortgage company that says--Ifyou don't take action on this,
then we will own it, and this inspires the mortgage company. Pieper added, these are all things that are
in the works that the P.D. is trying to get done.
Gray asked what happened to the building in Tuscawilla that was going to be moved over to the church.
Pieper said it got moved; it is no longer at the corner of Northern Way and Winter Springs Blvd.
Schneider said that she seems to get the feeling that since cases are not coming back on repeat violations
very often, then the Board and Department seem to be affecting the residents.
Holzman asked if the rules will change regarding the how many meetings a board member can miss.
Jenkins, recording secretary read the part of Section 2-57(b) pertaining to the question. Chairperson
Schneider said Gray has stated that he will not be at the next meeting.
Jenkins also asked the members if they prefered her to announce that she has to turn the tape over or just
continue unannounced. Chairperson Schneider asked that she be informed.
Chairperson Schneider adjourned the meeting at 9:30 p.m.
The items of this June 18, 1996 Regular Meeting were presented in the following order: 1,2,3,4, 5, 7,
10,6, 8, 9, 11, 12.