HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 07 18 Code Enforcement Board Regular Minutes
1. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Schneider in the City Hall
Commission Chambers.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call:
City Officials. present
Anne Schneider, present
Bob Gray, present
Lloyd Anderson, present
Ken Haines, absent
Charles Holzman, present
Gene Prest era, present
Lurene Lyzen, present
Captain Bob Pieper, Code Officer
Al White, Code Inspector
4. Approval of the May 16. 1995 Minutes:
Schneider asked for comments. Lyzen commented that on page 5 the minutes read that the
Tuscawilla Realty purchase was three million dollars and on page 6 it read three hundred thousand
dollars. Mr. String, of Tuscawilla Realty stated that the correct amount was three hundred
thousand dollars. Schneider asked for further comments. Lyzen moved that the minutes be
accepted as written. Holzman seconded. All Ayes. Motion Carried.
5. Discussion of Closed and Pending Cases:
Schneider asked if anyone had questions on the list of City Ordinance Violations. Lyzen asked
if the unattended grass on 417 David Street had been taken care of White stated that it had not
been taken care of Proof of delivery was received on July 18, 1995. Now that we have a receipt,
we give him 15 days to comply after which we will cut the grass. Anderson asked about McDuff
White said McDuff was taken care of Lyzen asked about a goat at 102 Murphy Road. White
stated that a goat living in a backyard is not allowed per City Ordinance. The goat went to the
Sanford Zoo. Schneider stated that at 107 North Alderwood (page 3) the violation reads
"Family". Violation 20-1, Case #95007242. White stated that the people that inquired seemed to
think that a boarding house was being run, but the individuals coming and going from 107 North
Alderwood were all family. Schneider asked for further comments.
Pieper asked that the case # CEB-94-464 from last meeting be discussed. Violation of Section 20-
412 Temporary Building with no temporary use permit. This is the temporary building at the
corner of Winter Springs Blvd. and Northern Way presently owned by Tuscawilla Realty, Inc.
The board ruled at the last meeting that the temporary building was in violation of20-412, and a
relief order was issued giving Tuscawilla Realty a period of sixty days to either remove the
building from the property or obtain the temporary use permit from the city commission. After
which time ifit was not complied with in the time limit given, a fine of$250.00 would be assessed.
Mr. String of Tuscawilla Realty has made efforts to get in front of the commission which have not
been successful. Mr. String would like to ask the board to reconsider the time limit on
Mr. Alec String, of215 Rolling Wood Trail, Altamonte Springs, asked Don LeBlanc on June 5,
1995 ifhe could come before the commission at the next meeting. LeBlanc replied that there were
steps. First step, String would have to get a survey of the property sealed by the surveyor. On June
19, 1995 String received the survey showing all of the improvements. Presented the survey to
LeBlanc the same day, and String was told the survey needed to show the concrete sidewalks
going to the buildings. On June 27, 1995 String received the survey back and showed it to
LeBlanc. On July 11, 1995 the case was reviewed, however, they were not sure if a full engineered
site plan was needed which would show stormwater retention and management, or if it could be
passed through the way it was done the first two times which the commission approved with a
simple engineered stamped survey. String said that ten minutes ago he was informed that he
would need full engineering on the site before he would be allowed to get on the agenda to speak
to the commission.
Pieper read a memorandum as follows: "To John Govoruhk, City Manager; Through John
Ketteringham, General Services Director; From Tom Grimms, Community Development
Coordinator; Dated July 18, 1995; Referencing Case CEB 94-464 Tuscawilla Realty, 1301
Winter Springs Boulevard, Temporary Building with No Permit. I met with Don LeBlanc, Land
Development Specialist, and other staff members and discussed whether the owner, Tuscawilla
Realty, Inc., will be required to submit a site plan in application for a temporary permit. It is our
view that Tuscawilla Realty is required to submit a site plan in application for a temporary permit
for the temporary structure on the 1.4 acres of land in Parcel 61 per Item 14 of the settlement
agreement and amendment to annexation ordinance #64, the Tuscawilla planned unit development,
master plan for the Tuscawilla planned unit development and related matters. A site plan is
required for proposed development activity on property not intended to be divided. Parcel 61 is
considered part of the remaining property in the Settle Agreement [referenced at the top on page
4 of the Agreement]. Copies were sent to LeBlanc, City Attorney Kruppenbacher, and Captain
Two things were unclear: I)What exactly did Mr. String have to do to satisfY the city's
requirements to get on the Commission Agenda? This question was answered by Mr. Grimms in
the memo. 2)Could this board act upon its own relief order, and revisit this case without it
constituting an appeal? According to Florida Statute 162 all appeals have to go to circuit court.
This board issued a relief order giving a period of time to come into compliance after which time
fines would be assessed and a dollar amount was established. Pieper asked the board, If your
intent at that time when the sixty days was established was to give what was believed sufficient
time to comply, then Pieper suggested that needed to be revisited. Not reversing the finding of
fact and not altering the fines to be assessed upon non-compliance, but simply revisiting the
amount of time given would not constitute an appeal and this board could revisit the order. Pieper
said he asked LeBlanc, How much time it would take for a project from conception through
preliminaries through staff review through initial recommendation to the commission through final
engineering through the final approval or denial of the city commission. LeBlanc said that an
average would be six months. Pieper recommended January 31, 1996 as a compliance time.
Schneider suggested extending the time period to the end of February or March due to the holiday
Holzman moved to amend the motion from sixty (60) days to read until March 31, 1996. Lyzen
seconded. Prestera asked String ifhe was required to engineer a retention pond. String said there
was discussion, but he is still unclear on the issue. Vote: Anderson, aye; Holzman, aye; Prest era,
aye; Lyzen, aye; Schneider, aye; Gray, aye. Motion Carried.
Schneider asked what the difference was between a temporary permit and applying for a
permanent permit because it seemed the steps were all the same. Pieper answered, at the last
meeting talk of having this building declared permanent would require it to go through certain
other building codes, minimum standards and requirements. Even though this is for a temporary
use permit, the settlement agreement in place requires full engineering, site plan and the lengthier
time than has previously been required prior to that settlement agreement per Grimm's ruling.
Case #95001595, Deborah A. Montevechi, 209 Shore Road, Section 13-2(b) Trash in Yard.
Pieper explained that this complaint started January 31, 1995, and was believed to be corrected
in February. However, communication with White indicated the problem still existed. March 15,
1995, a written warning was sent certified mail to the owner of record, Deborah Montevechi, and
proof of delivery was received in May 1995. Again, under the belief that the problem had been
corrected, White had contact with a neighbor who advised that the problem was still in existence.
A certified mailing of the "Notice to Appear" before this meeting was sent on May 8, 1995, and
proof of receipt by the owner of record is on file. Today, July 18, 1995 White revisited the
location and from the neighboring residence of 207 Shore Road was able to take photographs of
some of the items which exist in violation of 13-2(b). In addition to the photographs the board
members looked at, there was also a copy of the official plat referencing where the items in the
photos were located on the property.
White stated that in two locations of the yard there were large piles of silver pipe. Shopping carts
with unidentifiable objects and building material items were lying about in this residential yard.
The items could be seen from the back of the house.
Mr. Larry Rod, of209 Shore Road stated that he makes wind chimes out of the scrap materials.
Pieper said that he is not convinced that Rod has had the opportunity to read the documentations
received by Montevechi. Schneider asked Rod if Montevechi had forwarded any of this
information to him before this meeting. Rod stated Montevechi told him she received a letter
earlier. Rod and Montevechi both live at 209 Shore Road, but Montevechi is the owner on record.
Schneider asked Rod ifhe had ever seen paperwork or warnings. Rod answered, no.
Schneider read Section 13-2 (b). "It shall be unlawful for any person to cause or permit junk,
scrap metal, scrap lumber, waste paper products, discarded building materials or any unused
abandoned vehicle or abandoned parts, machinery or machinery parts, garbage, trash, or other
waste materials to be in or upon any yard, garden, lawn, out buildings, or premises owned, rented,
leased, or otherwise occupied by him in the city unless in connection with a business enterprise
lawfully situated and licensed for the same."
Schneider asked Rod if he was responsible for the piles. Rod answered, yes. Rod asked if it was
okay that the piping was on racks. Pieper said that he did not think the code boards intent was
to prevent Rod and Montevechi from continuing in the operation of manufacturing wind pipes,
just that it has to be properly maintained in a fashion that is not unwholesome or offensive to the
neighborhood. Pieper asked even if Rod builds a shed to store his pipe in, is that in violation?
Because the ordinance reads in or upon any yard, garden, lawn or outbuilding...Ifthe shed is
going to be considered an outbuilding, and the board considers the pipe Rod cuts up to make wind
chimes out of as scrap metal, then it will be in violation. The question has to be to the board, Are
you going to consider the pipe he is using to make these crafted items as scrap?
Schneider said she felt that the man is using the pipe as a supply. Unfortunately, it has caused
distress on the neighbors. She suggested to the board that if the man keeps his yard tidy and keeps
anything that can be construed as junk out of his yard, then she doesn't have a problem with it.
Pieper asked Rod, in relation to the pictures White took today is that a fairly accurate
representation of how it exist. Rod said yes, and that he would get rid of the two shopping carts.
Prest era asked White regardless of the knowledge of Rod running a business, would you still
consider the yard to be unsightly. White answered yes. Schneider said that as long as it looks like
junk then it has to be considered a violation. Schneider asked White if you walked into a
backyard and there was lawn, a shed, and a house would you cite that person in violation of
littering. White said negative.
Lyzen asked Rod if he read the written warning sent certified on March 15. Rod said yes, he
thought he cleaned up fairly well, then he got another letter and cleaned everything up on the side
in the backyard. Pieper showed Rod the written warning mailed in March and the notice of
violation that was mailed in July, and asked him if the signature on both was his. Rod answered
Schneider moved that in the case#9500 1595 Deborah Montevechi, the owner of record, 209 Shore
Road, to be found in violation of Section 13-2(b). Gray seconded. Vote: Schneider, Aye; Gray,
Aye; Anderson, Aye; Holzman, Aye; Prestera, Aye; Lyzen, Aye.
Holzman stated in the case CEB#95001595 of the City of Winter Springs, Deborah Montevechi
having been found by this board to be in violation of Section 13-2 (b). Holzman moved that
Montevechi be given four (4) weeks (effective tonight)to correct this violation, and if not
corrected by this time, shall be assessed a fine in the amount of $100.00 per day until such
violation is found to be corrected. This will be determined by an officer of the city. In addition,
any repeat occurrences of the same violation, after the time given to correct the violation, as
determined by an officer of the city, shall cause the immediate fine of$100.00 to be assessed for
each day of violation until the violation is found to be corrected. Lyzen seconded. Vote: Holzman,
aye; Prestera, aye; Lyzen, aye; Schneider, aye; Gray, aye; Anderson, aye. Motion Carried.
Case#95002452, Vasily Golin, 50-56 Fairfax Avenue, Section 10-26, No Occupational License.
Pieper stated that the research into this case revealed that in Maya permit was applied for, paid
for, written, and signed by the City Manager for this apartment house. However, there is a
requirement within the building department that an apartment house has to have a certified letter
on file stating that each unit within the apartment house has a working smoke detector. The
reason this permit is not considered issued in the sense that it has not changed hands is because
they still require the certified letter. Whether or not they are in compliance for the purposes of this
board, we feel they have met the requirements for paying the fine for the permit. An
administrative procedure has to be taken care of within the building department.
Case #95001917, Charles S. Andrescavage, 219 Morton Lane, Section 4-1 (20.23) Loose Dog(s).
This is a repeat violation. Schneider abstained due to personal conflicts, and Gray presided over
the case. Pieper stated this case was originally brought before the board on March 1995. In May,
the Andrescavages, the complainants, witnesses, and pictures of the dogs off the owners property
were presented, and the ruling was that there was a violation. Seminole County Animal Control
responded on May 19, 1995 because Max and Natasha were off the property as far away as
Winter Springs Blvd. and Tuscawilla Road. They were seized by animal control and impounded.
The Andrescavages were fined $50.00 by animal control for the violation of the county ordinance.
In addition, they were sent the $100.00 fine letter by the city as violation of the relief order for the
two violations. The documentations and statements from Seminole County Animal Control is
verification for the city to bring this case back as a repeated violation.
White stated that Seminole County Animal Control and Protection Ordinance is adopted by the
City of Winter Springs.
Gray asked how many calls where received from residents concerning the dogs. White said two
or three.
Lyzen stated that in the case CEB#95001917 of the City of Winter Springs, the board has read
the complaint filed and the written information presented by the code officer and we heard at this
meeting "REPEAT VIOLATIONS" on Charles S. Andrescavage, 209 Morton Lane. Based on
these proceedings she moved that this board find Charles and Mary Andrescavage in violation of
Section 4-1 (202.23) of the Code of the City of Winter Springs, and that an appropriate relief
order be issued at this meeting for a repeat occurrence. Holzman seconded. Vote: Gray, aye;
Anderson, aye; Holzman, aye; Prestera, aye; Lyzen, aye. Motion Carried.
Lyzen stated that in the case CEB#95001917 of the City of Winter Springs, Charles and Mary
Andrescavage having been found by this board to be in violation of Section 4-1 of the codes of
this city, she moved that the Andrescavages immediately correct this repeat violation and shall be
assessed a fine in the amount of$250.00 per violation. This will be determined by an officer of
the city. Prestera seconded. Holzman asked if this order applies to any of their dogs. Gray said
yes because the order doesn't specifY the names of the dogs. White said the order addresses the
owner. Vote: Gray, aye; Anderson, aye; Holzman, aye; Prestera, aye; Lyzen, aye. Motion
Case#95007227, First American RE Tax Service, 733 Woodhaven Drive, Section 13-2 Littering,
Stagnant Pool and Trash in Yard. Pieper stated that this violation began in May 1995. Following
due process, written warnings were sent certified mail to the mortgage company and the owner
of record. This vacant house is owned by Mr. Tom Towner. A certified letter was sent to Towner
in Ocala, and proof of delivery was received on July 12 showing that he received his notification
ofJuly 10.
White described the pool as looking like a oil sludge pan. The house has been empty for a long
time and the grass hasn't been mowed since March. According to 13-3 in our code, the city can
clean up the yard, but not the pool. (too much liability involved) A lien can be put on the property
if cleaned up by the city, but he should have fifteen (15) days from the date he is found in violation
to clean it up himself
Holzman asked if the property was fenced. Pieper eXplained that entering Wildwood subdivision
on Wildwood Drive from Shepard Road, this residence is the corner house that exists within the
curvature of the decorative wall that is at the entrance to the subdivision. The front of the house
fronts on W oodhaven Drive which is the interior of the subdivision, but the back and side property
lines of this residence are the decorative wall that surrounds that subdivision as it enters from
Shepard Road to Wildwood Drive.
Prestera asked if the city would have any liability in this case for not applying the city codes prior
to this if someone gets hurt. Pieper said not prior to our knowledge of the violation. The pool
is fenced. A wall exists around the subdivision which forms one side and the rear property line
as well as additional fencing which encloses the pool. The only way someone could become
inj ured is if they were trespassing.
Prestera stated that in the case of CEB#95007227 of the City of Winter Springs, the Code
Enforcement Board has read the complaint filed and the written information presented by the Code
Officer, and heard at this meeting the sworn testimony of the prosecuting officer and witnesses
regarding this case. Based on these proceedings he moved that this board find Thomas J. Towner
and First American RE Tax Service of Clearwater, FL both in violation of Section 13-2 of the
codes of the City of Winter Springs, and that an appropriate relief order be issued at this meeting.
Lyzen seconded. Vote: Schneider, aye; Gray, aye; Anderson, aye; Holzman, aye; Prestera, aye;
Lyzen, aye. Motion Carried.
Prestera stated that in the case of CEB#95007227 of the City of Winter springs, Thomas 1.
Towner ofOcala and First American RE Tax Service of Clearwater, FL having been found by this
board to be in violation of Section 13-2 of the codes of this city, and a relief order issued, he
moved therefore that Thomas 1. Towner and First American RE Tax Service be given seven (7)
days after receipt of delivery to correct this violation, and if not corrected by this time as
determined by an officer of this city, shall be assessed a fine in the amount of$100.00 per day until
such violation is found to be corrected by observation by a city officer. Lyzen seconded. Vote:
Anderson, aye; Holzman, aye; Prestera, aye; Lyzen, aye; Schneider, aye; Gray, aye.
Motion Carried.
Pieper stated that there was one more case to present, however due to an error between White's
agenda and the advertised agenda the case can not be presented for the boards consideration with
regard to a finding of fact or a relief order. Pieper asked the board if they wanted to hear the case,
even though they could not rule on it. The case references another violation of Section 13-2 (b)
Littering. The board decided to hold off hearing the case. Schneider announced a special meeting
on July 25, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. to hear this case.
Schneider adjourned the meeting at 9: 10 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
rflllA~ 1?q.edL~
Martha Jenkins, Deputy City Clerk