HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 01 17 Code Enforcement Board Regular Minutes
JANUARY 17, 1995
1. Attendance:
Anne Schneider, Chairperson, Present
Gene Prestera, Present
Charles Holzman, Present
Ken Haines, Present
Lloyd Anderson, Present
Bob Gray, Present
Lurene Lyzen, Present
City Officials:
Captain Bob Pieper, Code Officer
Al White, Code Inspector
2. Approval of the November 15, 1994 Meeting Minutes:
Mrs. Lyzen moved that the minutes of November 15, 1994 be accepted
as submitted. Seconded by Mr. Anderson. Vote: Anne Schneider,
Abstain due to absence from November 15 meeting; Lurene Lyzen, Aye;
Bob Gray, Aye; Lloyd Anderson, Aye; Ken HaInes, Aye; Chuck Holzman,
Aye; Gene Prestera, Aye; Motion Carried.
3. Discussion of Closed and Pendin~Gases:
Mr. whi te stated that there was a 1 imi ted update of the cases
presented during November and December; this is minus the last week
of December.
Chairperson schneider asked Mr. white about Case # 94-018755 on
page 3 (rotten fence), located at 898 Chokecherry Dr., and asked if
it was a fence around a pool.
Mr. white explained that the fence was In the process of being
repaired and we did not want them to leave it un-repaired for a
long period of time due to the danger of having an open pool.
It was a yard with a pool being constructed and it did have water
in it. When I approached the party with regard to this concern,
they immediately nailed boards up.
Chairperson Schneider inquired about the progress with regard to
checking on the "backf 1 ow devi ces ~~, and asked if it was along term
JANUARY 17, 1995
Mr. White explained that it is a long term project, and eventually
every house in the City of Winter Springs will require a backflow
device if they have Irrigation Systems. It's being done on a block
to block basis, working on a small area at a time until completed
so it is manageable, and then moving on to the next block.
Chairperson Schneider asked if this was part of the permitting
process for pew construction. Mr. white said that it is and has
been for quite awhile.
Mr. Prestera asked Mr. white about the blank areas under Action
Taken, especially in December because there were so many.
Mr. White explained that it means these particular cases have not
been closed. They are sti 11 ei ther pending, or awai ting more
Mr. Haines asked how much time a homeowner is given once they are
found in violation of not having a backflow device?
Mr. white said this is not uniform in it's presentation. The
Public Works Department writes a letter, mails it first class, gets
no receipt, and allows six (6) months. After this process, they
generate a certified return receipt request and allow another three
(3) months. He explained that when it reaches him, it's been nine
months to a year old.
Mr. White explained that the Public Works Department is required to
inspect these devices yearly. He said the biggest problem is that
people are installing unacceptable devices.
Mrs. Lyzen inquired about signs on the right-of-way located at the
Sheoah and Shephard entrance and asked if they were real estate
Mr. White said they were real estate signs and the realtor involved
received the warning. He explained that they were located north of
Third street on the right hand side, Cypress club.
JANUARY 17, 1995
Mr. White said he did some research and found that the people in
the Highland Lakes project had a permit for their signs, so they
were not cited.
Mrs. Lyzen referred to a "FOR SALE" sign located on Shephard Road
going toward 17-92 with regard to a lot. She reported that it is
on the right-of-way.
Mr. White said the area contains county property as well as city
property and he would have to check into it. He said if it is on
the right-of-way, he will remove the sign regardless.
Mr. Prestera asked who checked on "Building Permits". Mr. White
explained that inquiries get turned over to the Building Department
where they research it and informs him as to whether or not there
is a permit. If there is no building permit, the Building
Department must give Mr. White the reason why it needs a permit.
Mr. whi te said he doesn't want to assume their job of doing
inspections on buildings.
Mr. White said if there is no visible building permit, it is
considered a violation because it must be visible. However, in
cases where it might have blown away or stolen, etc., he does not
report it until he finds out the reason for the missing permit.
Mr. Holzman inquired about the outcome of a case located at 100
North Fairfax.
Mr. white explained that the people who lived at that location
moved out the day after the Board met. He said they moved to Devon
and he would inform the Board at a later date concerning this
matter because he is currently working on the case.
Mr. Haines asked about 918 Oak Forest Drive (parking a boat and
trailer in front drive).
Mr. white stated that the case is temporarily cleared up, but he 1S
1 eaving it open because it seems to reoccur, and as soon as he
detects something there, he will write them up.
JANUARY 17, 1995
4. Case CEB-94-454 - Timothy R. and Marcia M. Boehm, 1569
Warrington street, Winter Springs, FL 32708. section
13-34 (Noise Nuisance) carried over from CEB mee~ing of
November 15, 19 94 ._~____________ _________
Mr. and Mrs. Kayser were sworn in for testimony.
Mr. White wanted to update the Board members who were not present
at the November 15, 1994 meeting, and explained that the Board left
this case open for continuance because Mr. and Mrs. Kayser (the
complainants) were unable to be present.
Captain Pieper explained that this was somewhat of an unusual case
because it did not actually require presentation at this time. The
case was started by Mr. Whi te in September 1994; however, the
complainants (the Kaysers) have been dealing with the situation as
far back as August.
He said it involves an animal noise nuisance under Section 13-34
with reference to cooing doves that are creating a disturbance to
the Kaysers peace.
The original case was presented before the Board in November;
however, due to the Kaysers absence, and the lack of full
attendance of the Board, it was moved and voted on by the Board
that it would be continued until the Kaysers could be heard at this
There is lengthy testimony and dialog between the Board and the
all eged offenders (the Boehms) whi ch you have in your minutes.
This then becomes the sequel, and the Kaysers are here to offer
testimony on their behalf.
Captain Pieper reiterated that section 13-34 in the City Code uses
language to the effect of long continued noise which shall disturb
the comfort and repose of any person residing within the vicinity.
Mr. Gray asked Mr. Whi te how many t.imes he had fOlJnd the doves
outside cooing in the past.
JANUARY 17, 1995
Mr. White stated that he had not been able to ca~ch them. The only
time that he had heard any birds was when they had a parakeet
outside, and at that time, there was no one home. He exp I ained
that he had not seen the birds in question, and he didn't know what
they were. The few times that he was there, he had to walk between
the houses and look on the porch and the birds were not out, or not
visibl e to him, and there was no noise. He expl ained that the
birds were in a screened area and he was unable to clearly see
everything on the porch.
Mr. Gray replied,..."so the City has never found them to be ln
violation via a visit to the house?"
Mr. White said that is why we brought the complainants back, for
the purpose of being heard by the Board.
Captain Pieper also wanted to note for the record that the Kaysers
have sought reI ief of this si tuati on through various avenues,
including the Davenport Glen Homeowners Association and seminole
County Animal control. They now bring the case before the Code
Enforcement Board not having obtained sufficient and satisfactory
relief from these avenues.
Mrs. Audrey Kayser who resides at 1571 Warrington street, Winter
Springs, FL 32708.
Mrs. Kayser presented pictures to the Code Board of their home and
the home next door and the relationship of where the caged birds
remain on a daily basis. Mrs. Kayser said that the names of the
residences were noted on the back of the pictures.
Mrs. Kayser, referring to the pictures, said they did not have a
pool, but have their home finished with an enclosed window and
screened area which they use every day. She said that she and her
husband are retired and she enjoys gardening.
Chairperson Schneider asked Mrs. Kayser how far it was from her
back porch to the back porch of their neighbors.
JANUARY 17, 1995
Mrs. Kayser explained that it was approximately fort.y-flve (45)
feet if your referring to the lot line.
Chairperson schneider explained that she was referring to the
distance from back porch to back porch.
Mrs. Kayser asked the Board to look at one of the pictures that
shows a bay window where their master bedroom is located. She
explained that it is on the very end of the room across the back
which is the closest point.
Mrs. Kayser said they elected to have a fence and plant trees and
shrubs to hel p count down on the sound. They al so put up wind
chimes, but said nothing would muffle the sounds.
She expl ained that the bi rds are "Mourning Doves" and they are
exactly what the name implies. It's an appropriate name because it
is not a pleasant, lilting sound. It is a sound similar to a wild
dove, but they are free to come and go.
Mrs. Kayser exp I ained that they approached the Boehm's
approximately the third week In July as neighbor to neighbor. She
said when she saw the birds were caged, she realized she wasn't
hearing wild doves.
Mrs. Kayser stated that the birds start their COOIng about 5:30 to
6:30 in the morning and waking her up because of the bedroom being
on their side.
Chairperson Schneider inquired as to whether the birds were being
brought in at night.
Mrs. Kayser said that was one of their suggestions at the end of
July; however, that did not happen every night and eventually the
birds were forgot and left out. She explained that the fIrst week
in August on a Sunday morning the birds woke her up again. She
went next door to let the Boehm's know she had been awakened by the
birds again, and Mr. Boehm said he forgot to take the birds in.
JANUARY 17, 1995
Mrs. Kayser said after Mr. Boehm told her that he didn't have to do
anything about the birds and that she would. she went to the
homeowners association. Mrs. Kayser stated that she and her
husband waited for months assuming the homeowners association was
working to resolve the problem.
Mrs. Kayser said the homeowners association wrote a letter stating
they would be able to enforce the law written in the covenants and
restrictions and that's where they dropped the ball. She felt the
homeowners association did nothing for them since they wrote the
letter and that is when she contacted Mr. White with Code
Mrs. Lyzen asked Mrs. Kayser if Animal control did anything for
Mrs. Kayser stated that she and her husband spoke with Mr. Mike
Wittmore on October 14, 1994. She was hoping to hear something in
between from the Board. It is a homeowners associatlon problem
because the problem is mentioned and covered and she didn't want to
have to involve the Police.
Mr. Gray asked if she had friends or neighbors that visited with
her at the house that might also be bothered by the doves, because
the Police are going to have to verify this each time she calls ln
a complaint. Mr. Gray explained that even if we find them in
violation, if the officer determines that It is not a problem, the
Boehm's are not going to be tined. It has to be bad enough where
the Police can hear the blrds cooing and agree it is a problem.
Mrs. Kayser explained that her neighbor on the other side of them
(not the Boehms') has their pool and living area on the other side
of their house away from them. The nelghbors on the other side of
the Boehms' have the same exact house which is reversed also.
Mrs. Kayser explained further the nuisance of the birds. she said
the birds are in the screened pool area and she has a picture of
the cage and the three birds.
Chairperson Schneider briefly went over the facts to be sure that
Mr. and Mrs. Kayser agreed with them.
JANUARY 17, 1995
Chairperson Schneider stated that the homeowners association
investigated, but dismissed the case. The Board had a letter from
the homeowners ::lssociation dated october 18, 1994 that states,..."
"we have made a good fai th judgement that the doves do not
constitute an unreasonable annoyance, hazard or nuisance and are
closing this complaint."
She also stated that Animal control investigated and said that they
did not consider the doves a nuisance; however, Chairperson
Schneider wanted to rei terate what Captain Pieper read... "the
Winter Springs Code states that it doesn't necessarily have to be
a loud noise, but it will be unlawful for any person to keep an
animal or bird within the City which by causing frequent or long
contlnued nOlse. shall disturb the ~omfort and repose ot any person
in the vicinity."
Chai rperson Schnei der s ta ted that 1n t hl sease, \oie are
concent ra t ing on an annoyance where the peop 1 e fee 1 the bi rds
constitute a continued and frequent annoyance, not necessarlly a
loud annoyance.
Mrs. Kayser discussed the letter to her from the homeowners
Captain Pieper informed Mrs. Kayser that she could not try the
Davenport Glen Homeowner Association in front of the Code
Enforcement Board.
Mrs. Kayser explained that she was not trying to try them, but
attempting to explain how they came to their conclusion.
Chairperson Schneider asked Mrs. Kayser if she was
saying that the Boehm's compromise of taking the birds
and keeping them under a blanket during the day,
unacceptable to her. You can still hear the cooing?
correct In
in at night
was still
Mrs. Kayser answered yes, in fact, at eleven o'clock at nIght when
they are covered, you can hear them.
Chairperson Schneider asked if the on) y acceptab} e solution }n
granting you peace and repose is to have the birds kept ln the
house? Mrs. Kayser answered,.. ."T'm afr;:j"ci so".
JANUARY 17, 1995
Mr. Kayser explained that he and Mrs. Kayser have been away for two
weeks, and upon thei r return , thought he heard the doves maybe
twice. He said that in the last month, he doesn't think the doves
have been out a day. It has been very peaceful and quiet.
Mr. Kayser stated that he is going to wri te a
homeowners association stating that everything has
past few weeks and if the Boehm's will continue to
in, there will be no problem.
letter to the
been great the
keep the birds
Mr. Prestera asked Mr. Kayser if he talks to the neighbors at all.
Mr. Kayser said he had talked to the Boehm's on two separate
occasions. Around the 23rd of July, Mr. Kayser stated that he went
over by himself, and asked Mr. Boehm if he could do something with
the birds because they were waking his wife early in the morning.
He said that Mr. Boehm said fine, let's see what we can do.
A week later Mr. Kayser explained that he and his wife had gone
over and explained to the Boehm's that his wife works outside and
they would appreciate it if they would do something else with the
birds. Mr. Kayser said that Mr. Boehm would have to think about
it. So that is where we are right now.
Mr. Gray asked Captain Pieper how he was gOlng to advise his
officers when a complaint is filed in this matter.
Captain Pieper explained that we seek a ruling because if we were
to take the posi tion that since it's been quiet, it must have
worked out, when the weather starts to warms up and the birds are
out, the problem resurfaces again. If that would happen, we will
then have to go back before the Board and jump through the same
Captain Pieper said if we get a ruling now that this is a
violation, my advise to my officers would be, to be sensitive to
the understanding that loud is not necessarily required, but long
and continuous. He said one of the things that he would advise his
officers is, it is not up to them in all cases to define
reasonableness as where the Davenport Glen Homeowners Association
apparently took a stand to say, this is not an unreasonable
JANUARY 17, 1995
He said he would instruct his officers to be sensitive to the
Kaysers' compl aint and to understand that the Kaysers' opinion
might be different from the officers' opinion, but if it is a
disturbance to the Kaysers', then it is to be dealt with.
Mr. Gray moved that Timothy R. and Marcia M. Boehm, 1569 Warrington
street, Winter Springs, be found in violation of City Code, Section
13-34, of the Ci ty of Winter Springs. Seconded by Chairperson
Chairperson Schneider asked for discussion.
Mrs. Lyzen explained that Mr. Gray did not ask that an appropriate
Relief Order be issued in his motion.
Mr. Gray stated that he did not believe it was necessary, we are
going to do one anyway.
Vote: Mr. Prestera, abstained; Mr. Holzman, Aye; Mr. Haines, Aye;
Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Gray, Aye; Mrs. Lyzen, Aye; Chairperson
Schneider, Aye. Motion carried.
Chairperson Schneider asked for a Relief Order.
Mrs. Lyzen ordered,.. ."in the case of CEB 94-454 of the City of
winter Springs, Timothy R. and Marcia M. Boehm, having been found
by this Board to be in violation of Section 13-34 of the Codes of
this City, I move that they are to correct this violation
immediately upon receipt by certified mail of violation, and if not
corrected by this time as determined by an officer of this City,
shall be assessed a fine of the amount of $50.00 per vi 0 1 a ti on
until such violation is found to be corrected by a City officer.
Mrs. Lyzen also ordered that any repeat occurrence of same
violation as determined by a City officer shall cause an immediate
fine of $50.00 to be assessed for each occurrence unti 1 the
violation is similarly found to be corrected. Seconded by Mr.
Vote: Chairperson Schneider, Aye; Mrs. Lyzen, Aye; Mr. Gray, Aye;
Mr. Anderson, Aye; Mr. Haines, Aye; Mr. Holzman, Aye; Mr. Prestera,
-. Abstain. Motion Carried.
JANUARY 17, 1995
5. Case CEB-94-464 - Tuscawilla Realtv Inc., 1301 Winter Springs
Boulevard, Winter Springs, FL 32708. Section 20-412 (Trailer
Uses) requires a permit for a temporary buildinq.
Captain Pieper explained that case CEB-94-464 involving Tuscawilla
Real ty, Inc., wi th reference to requirement of a permi t for a
temporary building is an evolving case, and the necessity of
preparation of all information available, is going to get pulled
from the agenda. They feel confident that between the information
we can discover and in negotiation with Tuscawilla Realty and their
representation, we can reach a resolution without having to bring
it before the code Board. Captain Pieper said if they are
unsuccessful in those attempts, it will be on the March agenda.
6. Adiournment:
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Shirle Frankhouser
Admini rative Secretary
Prepared February 13, 1995
TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 1995 - 7:00 P.M.
This document is a sununary of the Code Enforcement Board. the
audiotapes of all meetings are maintained in the permanent records
of the City of Winter Springs.