HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 11 15 Code Enforcement Board Regular Minutes
NOVEMBER 15, 1994
The meeting was called to order by Lurene Lyzen at 7:00 P.M.
Bob Gray, Absent
Kenneth Haines, Absent
Anne Schneider, Chairperson, Absent
Lloyd Anderson, Present
Charles Holzman, Present
Lurene Lyzen, Present
Gene Prestera, Present
Capt. Glenn Tolleson,
Code Officer
Al White, Code Inspector
1. Approval of Minutes of September 20. 1994:
Lurene Lyzen asked if there was any questions, additions, or
corrections to the September 20, 1994 meeting minutes. Mr. Holzman
moved to approve the minutes. Seconded by Gene Prestera. Vote:
All aye; motion carried.
2. Discussion of Closed and pendinq Cases:
Mr. Whi te expl ained there was onl y one case pending, which was
located on Devon, with a total in FINES of $17,800.00 for unmowed
Mr. Prest era asked Mr. White if case number CEB-94-454, Timothy R.
and Marcia M. Boehm of 1569 Warrington Street, Winter Springs has
been corrected. Mr. White stated it was corrected the last time he
had inspected it, and he had gone by the address today, but could
not tell. Mr. White said the peopl e invol ved are present this
Lurene Lyzen questioned a "No Sol ici ting" permi t, case number
94015960 listed on page 5 of the City Ordinance Violations. Mr.
White explained that the people who reside at 859 N. Gerico Drive
complained that solicitors were bothering them.
Lurene Lyzen questioned case number CEB-94-461, 107 North
Alderwood, (renting by room), listed on page 9 of the City
Ordinance Violations. Mr. White explained there were complaints
that the owner was renting rooms. He explained, "under the City
Code, as long as you have five (5) or less unrelated people living
in a home, whether renting or not, no violation exists."
Code Enforcement Board
Meeting Minutes
November 15, 1994
Page 2
Lurene Lyzen questioned case number 94016642, Cory Lane, (Disabled
vehicle/no tags), listed on page 10 of the City Ordinance
Violations. Mrs. Lyzen asked if this case was to come before the
Code Enforcement Board. Mr. White said the case is presently in
the Circuit Court with a citation on it. We will obtain it when
the citation is either passed on by the court, or becomes a more
serious problem.
Gene Prest era questioned the cases on the City Ordinance Violations
list which indicate no action has been taken. Captain Tolleson
explained they were pending cases. He said some of them were by
street officers who haven't turned in their information as yet, and
for other various reasons.
3. Case Number CEB-94-454 - Timothy R. and Marcia M. Boehm, 1569
Warrington street, Winter Springs, Florida 32708. Chapter 13-
34 (Noise Nuisance).
Mr. and Mrs. Boehm were sworn in for testimony.
Al White stated the case had been ongoing for a while, and only
recently reached a point where sufficient information was gathered,
enabl ing us to bring it before the Board. Mr. Whi te said a
neighbor had fi I ed a compl aint against Mr. and Mrs. Boehm for
having a pair of cooing doves on their back porch which were very
Mr. White said the complainants were out of town, and unable to
attend the meeting.
Mr. Timothy R. Boehm - 1569 Warrington street, Winter Springs,
Florida introduced his wife Marcia. Mr. Boehm said they moved into
their residency on the first of July of 1994. Approximately two
weeks after they moved in, the Kaysers came to their house, and
said their birds were keeping them awake, would they please do
something about it.
Mr. Boehm said at the time, the birds were located on the back
porch all day, and their attempt to remedy the situation was to put
a blanket over the bird cage to muffle the sound. Mr. Boehm said
their lot is about eighty (80) feet wide, and the birds are kept on
the porch closer to the neighbor on the other side.
Code Enforcement Board
Meeting Minutes
November 15, 1994
Page 3
Mr. Boehm explained their fourteen year old daughter was swimming
in the pool, when the Kaysers yelled out to them to put the birds
in the house. Mr. Boehm said they complied.
Mr. Boehm said three or four days later, the Kaysers returned to
their home, and said whatever they were doing to keep the birds
quiet was not working. The Kaysers asked again for the Boehm's to
do something. Mr. Boehm said there was more of a demand at that
time from the Kaysers.
Mr. Boehm explained he and his wife started keeping the birds in
the house between 10 P.M., and 10 A.M.; this was during the summer
hours. Presently, the birds are in between 10 P.M., and 8 A.M.
He expl ained because they are morning doves, they coo in the
morning, and this is when they are still in the house; after that,
they coo very little.
Mr. Boehm said because of a complaint to the homeowners association
about our bi rds, the homeowners association investigated, and
dismissed the case. He also stated they were reported to Seminole
County Animal Control who also investigated the situation, and
dismissed the matter.
Mr. Boehm explained during this whole ordeal, the Kaysers put (4)
flood lights on the side of their house, causing the light to shine
into the Boehm's bedroom. Mr. Boehm explained that a day or two
before they were notified to appear before the Board, the shining
of the flood lights ceased.
The Kaysers placed a riding lawn mower at the corner of their yard
on Labor Day, and let it run unattended until it ran out of gas.
At that point, they refilled the mower, restarted it, and continued
to let it run; this continued all day. The Kaysers also place a
radio in their window every weekend, and let it blare.
Mr. Boehm explained these noises result in substantially more noise
than a pair of morning doves could cause, and they (the Boehms)
have not complained about any of these instances.
Mr. Boehm presented a letter from their neighbors on the other side
which read..." I live at 1567 Warrington Street, next door to
Marcia and Tim Boehm. Within the first month they moved in, Marcia
asked me if their dove's cooing bothered my family. I said no, but
my house was closed up with the air-conditioning running, making it
hard to hear outside noises.
Code Enforcement Board
Meeting Minutes
November 15, 1994
Page 4
I periodically opened the window that faced the Boehm's screened in
patio and pool area and listened for the doves, but never heard
anything. Now that the weather has cooled, and the windows are
open more often, I do hear what I think is a dove now and then,
along with all the other outside noises. I wouldn't have known the
Boehm's had doves unless they told me."
The Boehm's were also told by the Kaysers that they were bringing
wi ldlife back into the area by having doves, and that is an
annoyance also.
Mr. Boehm said that in the homeowners associations response and
dismissal of the case, stated in their findings. .."the Boehm's had
attempted to negotiate, and tried to work things out. The Boehm's
bring the birds in the house, but would like the birds to be out
sometimes. The Kaysers have refused any negotiating."
Mr. Boehm said considering they have just moved into the area, they
did not feel they wanted to capitulate on this issue. They feel
this is a matter of harassment. He explained what had ensued after
they failed to bring the birds in on two separate occasions. On
the first day, Mrs. Kayser rang the Boehm's doorbell at 6:30 A.M.
on a weekend, and yelled at the Boehm's, stating they have a
problem, and they better do something about it. The second time it
happened, Mr. Boehm received a phone call at 6:00 A.M., and was
told by the Kaysers that they were going to call every morning. At
that time, Mr. Boehm told the Kaysers if they do, he would have a
restraining order put on her as well as file suit for harassment.
Mr. Boehm explained in each case where there was a problem, they
corrected it.
Lurene Lyzen asked Mr. Boehm if the doves were caged, and if he is
currently putting the doves in the house at night. Mr. Boehm
answered, yes, they are currently bringing the doves in at night.
Mrs. Lyzen asked Mr. Boehm if there were any complaints from any of
the other neighbors. Mr. Boehm answered, no. He said there were
neighbors across the street; behind them on Winter Springs
Boulevard, and on the other side of them.
Code Enforcement Board
Meeting Minutes
November 15, 1994
Page 5
Mrs. Lyzen asked, . . . "then we onl y have the one person compl aining?"
Mr. Boehm answered, yes.
Mr. Holzman asked Al White if he has heard any cooing or cries from
the doves. Mr. White answered, no, the one time that he was able
to visit the Boehm's house, they were not at home. He explained he
saw nothing on this visi t, but had seen a parakeet previous I y,
which made a "tweet" sound. Mr. White said he did not heard any
loud noises, but was only there for a short time.
Mr. Prestera said the homeowners association wrote the Boehm's a
letter and discarded the complaint; Mr. Prestera asked Mr. Boehm
what the homeowners association did as far as an investigation.
Mr. Boehm explained they visited our home and listened for the
birds. One of the actions the homeowners association took, was to
call "Animal Control", and have a thi rd party assess the si tuation.
Mr. Boehm said Animal Control did come out to the house, and did
hear the cooing of the birds. Animal Control also dismissed the
case saying they have never had complaints over doves. Mrs. Boehm
explained that Animal control thought they were answering a
complaint about a "parrot", and asked to see the parrot. When Mrs.
Boehm informed them that they do not have a parrot, but two doves,
and what they were doing to keep the doves quiet, Animal Control
told them to just continue doing what they have been doing.
Mr. Boehm said the homeowners association came to thei r home
unannounced, or wi thout warning. He exp I ained this is not a
complaint, but to let the Board know this was done without their
knowledge, or warning so there was no way they could have stopped
the birds from reacting one way or another. It was a complete
surprise when the homeowners association showed up at the house.
Mr. Anderson asked Mr. Boehm if he was told of any ordinance or law
by the Kaysers? Mr. Boehm said Animal Control informed them of an
ordinance, and received a copy of the code when they carne to the
house for the investigation. Animal control also said they were
not in violation of the code.
Mr. Boehm explained that in the homeowners association covenants it
states..., "if you have unreasonable noise from your pet, that is
a viol ation." The homeowners association determined that the noise
from the birds were not unreasonable.
Code Enforcement Board
Meeting Minutes
November 15, 1994
Page 6
Mr. Anderson asked if any reference was made to Winter Springs
Code? Mr. Boehm explained this is the first instance that we have
had relative to the Winter Springs law.
Mr. Hol zman asked if the Kaysers were invi ted to at tend this
meeting? Captain Tolleson said, yes, but they had to attend an
anniversary in... . (remaining response inaudible).
Mrs. Lyzen asked the Board for a motion of, "Finding of Fact". Mr.
Holzman stated he wasn't sure they had enough to go on. Captain
Tolleson explained to the Board they have to have "Finding of
Fact". Mrs. Lyzen said they would.
Mrs. Lyzen stated,. .."in the case of Code Enforcement Board number
CEB 94-454 of the Ci ty of Winter Springs, the Code Enforcement
Board has read a compl aint fi I ed, and the wri t ten information
presented by the Code Officer. Heard at this meeting, a sworn
statement of the prosecuting officer and witness regarding this
case. Based on these proceedings, and the fact that the
complainant is not present, I move the Board find that the
information and testimony given is incomplete and inconclusive at
this time. The Board recommends this case be continued until the
next meeting of the Board, or a subsequent meeting when additional
information is available, and the complainant can be present.
seconded by Mr. Holzman. Vote: All Aye; motion carried.
Mrs. Boehm explained when they received the complaint and notice of
hearing, asked for a continuance because they had a house full of
visiting guests from out of town. The Boehm's were told it was not
a good idea to do that because the Board only met once every other
month. The Boehm's were also told if they could not be present,
they should send a representative on their behalf so this could be
Addressing the Board, Mrs. Boehm said, "no offense to you, but now
we are going to have to go through this until January with them
continuing to harass."
Mrs. Lyzen explained that she understood how Mrs. Boehm feels, but
wi thout the compl ainant present... "I don I t know why you were
called in if the complainant was not going to be here, but I'm
sorry, this is what the Board voted on.
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Meeting Minutes
November 15, 1994
Page 7
Mrs. Boehm said she can appreciate the point, but this has really
taken a toll on the family. Mr. Boehm said the issue here is the
birds, I don't understand what else we could add to this; is there
something we can do that would help you determine?"
Mr. Boehm said he could have brought the birds in here, but if they
didn't coo, we could have been told you did something to the birds.
I could use a tape recorder, but nobody is going to believe that I
didn't edit the tape.
Mr. Boehm said he is getting tired of defending himself, and tired
of people complaining every time they made a move in their house.
It really is harassing, and I would like to get this thing
dismissed. He explained they had made a good faith effort, and he
was sorry for the Kaysers, but they had the option of sending a
representative as we did. I ask that you reconsider your decision.
Mr. Boehm said that the Kaysers have the option of appealing this,
and I will guarantee you the Kaysers will not let this rest. They
haven't let anything rest, and they have been virtually harassing
everyone that has worked this issue.
Mrs. Lyzen once again said she understands how they feel, but the
Board voted this way because of lack of evidence, and the
complainants were not present.
Mr. Boehm asked in his defense, does this mean in
come in here and properly support myself, I must
every time I don't like something they are doing?
have to do that.
order for me to
call the police
I don't want to
Captain Tolleson stated...."as far as the light goes, if it is a
problem, call us. Captain Tolleson told Mr. Boehm,.. ."as far as
defending yoursel f, the next time we have it, you just can't
dismiss a case. There has to be a finding of fact, and there is
not enough here to.. .Lremainder_ inaudibl~ Captain Tolleson
informed Mr. Boehm that he could bring the Code that came from the
homeowners association who investigated them. The Kaysers have no
appeal once the Board makes their decision.
Code Enforcement Board
Meeting Minutes
November 15, 1994
Page 8
Captain Tolleson said the Kaysers felt they were being intimidated
by the birds. (Followinq sentence inaudib~. If you want to live
like that, and put up with the light shining in your window...I
wouldn't, I would call. They'll soon get tired of us (Police)
coming to visi t them, and that's what. . . (remaininq part of sentence
inaudible.) It's an intent to actually harass you. FolJ.-9wi!!.9:
sentence inaudible.
Captain Tolleson said as far as next time, your defense is done.
Next time we will give the Kaysers the opportunity to say whether
this cooing is bothering them. If you want to speak again, or have
someone else speak in your defense, you will have the opportunity.
If not, the Board has already heard what you have to say.
4. Case Number 94011412 - Peqqy Couillard: Stephen J. & Cheryl__
Gray, and Paul s. Nash, 100 N. Fairfax Avenue, Winter Sprinqs
Florida 32708. Chapter 4-1 20.25 (Barkinq Dogs): Chapter 4-2
(More than two doqs or cats prohibited; exception): Chapter 13-
2 (b) (Trash in yard), and 13-2 (c) (Untrimmed qrass) of the
Code of the City of Winter Sprinqs, Florida.
Dennis Young, Tony Corino, and Howard Allard were sworn in for
Mr. White stated the renters at 100 North Fairfax have on occasion
had problems with more than two dogs, and have corrected it each
time he was there. There has al so been a probl em wi th dogs
barking. Mr. White said the next door neighbor has a video tape,
but unfortunately we do not have the capability of showing it. I
have reviewed the tape, and it depicts four dogs in the yard.
There has been uncut grass at this address, and upon speaking to
the people, have cut it right away, up until now. They also were
accumulating trash in the yard; wood, a toilet and junk which is
also on the video tape.
Mr. White reported four (4) problems at this address, and was able
to reach the owner of the property only yesterday by phone. Paper
work was mailed out, and there was a change in name of ownership.
The current owner was part of the original group of owners, and is
now taking on the responsibility. The owner told Mr. white he was
planning to remove the current tenants from the property.
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Meeting Minutes
November 15, 1994
Page 9
Mr. White said,
wasn't barking,
"as of today's
some t rash in
examination, he
the back yard,
saw one dog which
and the I awn us
Mr. Hol zman asked Mr. Whi te if this property was a house or
apartments. Mr. White said it was a house on the northwest corner
of Fairfax and First streets.
Mr. Prestera wanted reaffirmation that the tape did substantiate
all four complaints. Mr. White rei terated that the tape did
substantiate visibly and audibly, the four complaints.
Mr. white was contacted by the owner of the property by phone, and
told Mr. White that he recently found four (4) dogs in the yard.
Mr. Prestera asked if any of the renters were present. Mr. White
said there were only witnesses present.
Dennis Young - 101 North Devon Avenue, Winter Springs, FL 32708.
Mr. Young lives right behind the neighbors, and made the video
tape. He said the four dogs are occasionally put out all at once,
The barking of the dogs is the main problem, and the odor of the
dog feces. Mr. Young felt this was also a health problem for their
children and playmates who play in the backyard.
Mr. Young stated that trash is put out front without putt~ng it
into containers which allow dogs, cats and other animals to tear
into it. He explained they were also putting trash out too soon.
For an example, a bag of trash is put out on a Tuesday for a Friday
pick up.
Mr. Young said to eliminate verbal confrontations with the
neighbors, he took his chain link fence down, and installed a six
(6) foot wooden fence. Since the campI aints have been fi 1 ed
against the neighbors, he has found all types of garbage thrown
into his backyard.
Mr. Tony Corino - 130 North Devon Avenue, Winter Springs, FL 32708.
Mr. Corino said he is located about four (4) houses north of the
house with the dogs, and can still hear the dogs barking.
Mr. Howard Allard - 141 North Devon Avenue, Winter Springs, FL
32708. Mr. Allard said he is not familiar with the problem of the
dogs, but has seen the trash.
Code Enforcement Board
Meeting Minutes
November 15, 1994
Page 10
Mr. White expl ained that when he started this case, there were
three (3) owners. When he used the owner of record from the tax
collector's office, the notice went to the proper address; however,
the name on there caused it to get forwarded to Tampa. The
recipient in Tampa placed a phone call to the Orlando resident who
now owns it solely. Originally there was three owners.
Mrs. Lyzen said there are three (3) names on record, and asked if
any of them were the owners. she gave the names of, Peggy
Couillard, stephen J. I Cheryl and Paul S. Nash.
Mr. White explained that the names were, Peggy Couillard; Stephen
J. and Cheryl Gray, and Paul S. Nash. He sa~d Stephen and Cheryl
Gray are the owners. Mr. Whi te said the 1 ast name the tax
collector had was Paul S. Nash, and he had a torwarding address of
Mr. Prestera found as follows: ..."in the case of the Code
Enforcement Board number 94017412 of the City of Winter Springs,
the Code Enforcement Board has read the complaint filed, and the
written information presented by the Code Officer. Heard the sworn
testimony of the prosecuting officer, and witnesses regarding this
case. Based on the proceedings, I move that the Board find Peggy
Couillard, Stephen J. and Cheryl Gray and Paul S. Nash in
violations of Chapter 4-1, 20.25 (Barking Dogs) Chapter 4-2 (More
than two dogs or cats prohibited; exception); Chapter 13-2 (b)
(Trash in yard); Chapter 13-2 (c) (Untrimmed grass), and that the
appropriate Relief Order be issued at this meeting.
Seconded by Mr. Holzman. Vote: All Aye: motion carried.
Mr. Holzman moved that the occupants stated in the motion be g~ven
(24) hours to correct the following violations: Chapter 4-1, 20.25
(Barking Dogs); Chapter 4-2 (More than two dogs or cats prohibited;
exception); Chapter 13-2 (b) (Trash in yard); Chapter 13-2 (c)
(Untrimmed grass), and if not corrected at that time, be assessed
a fine in the amount of ~lQQ_._~_QuP_~X_~a,Yf u~~9tLY_i9J.a:U~n..Le~ch
reoccur-X_~I1-c_e., until such violation is found to be corrected by an
officer of the City. Seconded by Mr. Prestera. Vote: All Aye;
motion carried.
Code Enforcement Board
Meeting Minutes
November 15, 1994
Page 11
5. Adiournment:
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 P.M
Shirl y A. Frankhouser,
Admin strative Secretary
Prepared November 30, 1994
TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1995 - 7:00 P.M.
This document is a summary of the Code Enforcement Board. The
audiotapes of all meetings are maintained in the permanent records
of the City of Winter Springs.