HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993 01 19 Regular ~ ORDER OF THE (X)[)E ENFORCEt-ENT BOARD - C I TV OF WINTER SPR I NGS IN RE: WALTER T. & JANET M. KELLY AND THE K I SLAK roRPORAT I ON 107 ALDERWOOD STREET, NORTH, WINTER SPR I NGS, FL 32708 The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida sat in Hear i ng on January 19, 1993, in the matter of Wa 1 ter T. & Janet M. Ke 11 y and The Kislak Corporation, to determine whether they are in violation of Section 20-433(1), Disabled Motor Vehicles, of the Code of Winter Springs, Florida. Upon hearing all evidence on the matter, the Board arrived at the following: 1. Wa lter T. & Janet M. Kelly and The Kis lak Corporation are in violation of Section 20-433(1). ORDER OF THE BOARD 1. Wa 1 ter T. & Janet M. Ke 11 y and The K i s 1 ak Corporat ion hav i ng been found in violation of Section 20-433(1) of the Code of Winter Springs, be fined $50.00 per any reoccurrence of Section 20-433(1) of the Winter Springs Code as determined by an officer of the City of Winter Springs. I'" Now, then, the Code Enforcement Board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, instructs all enforcement procedures to be instituted to accomplish this Order. ~ This :25' day of January, 1993. ~ Arthur Hoffmann, Chairman Code Enforcement Board City of Winter ~ings r ,..... f ORDER OF THE ODE ENFORCEf-ENT BOARD - C I TV OF WINTER SPR I NGS IN RE: r-ETROPOI... I TAN ADVERT I SING, SPR I NG LAND L TO. I NV. AND EDWARD H. PARKER ET AL STATE ROAD 434 NEAR WAGlER I S aJRVE WINTER SPRINGS, FL The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida sat in Hearing on January 19, 1993, in the matter of Metropol itan Advertising, Spring Land Ltd. Inv. and Edward H. Parker et al, to determine whether they are in violation of Section 16-77, Non Permitted Signs, of the Code of Winter Spr i ngs , F lor i da. Upon hear i ng all ev i dence on the matter, the Board arrived at the following: 1 . Metropo 1 i tan Advert i sing, Spr i ngs Land L td. I nv . and Edward H. Parker et al, are in violation of Section 16-77. ORDER OF THE BOARD I"" 1. Metropo 1 itan Advert ising, Springs Land Ltd. I nv. and Edward H. Parker et al, having been found in violation of Section 16-77 of the Code of Winter Springs be given thirty (30) days to cane into cal1)liance with all parts of Section 16-77 of the Code of Winter Springs and be fined $200.00 per day thereafter unti 1 caning into cal1)liance. Now, then, the Code Enforcement Board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, instructs all enforcement procedures to be instituted to aCcal1)lish this Order. Th i s :z s;- ~ay of January, 1993. ~~ Code Enforcement Board City of Winter Springs .1"" ,r-, ORDER OF THE CXX>E ENFORCEJI'ENT BOARD - C I TV OF WINTER SPR I NGS IN RE: Sl-ELOON G. CRA I 00 AND THE KISLAK CORPORATION 80 SOUTH DEVON AVENUE, WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, sat in Hearing on January 19, 1993, in the matter of Sheldon G. Craigo and The Kis1ak Corporation, to determine whether they are in violation of Section 4- 1 (Seminole County Code, Chapter 20, Section 20.25), More than two (2) dogs and barking dogs, of the Code of Winter Springs, Florida. Upon hearing all evidence on the matter, the Board arrive at the following: 1. Sheldon G. Craigo and The Kis1ak Corporation, are in violation of Section 4-1. ORDER OF THE BOARD ,I""'" 1. Sheldon G. Craigo and The Kis1ak Corporation, having been found in violation of Section 4-1 of the Code of Winter Springs, be given five (5) days fran this hearing to correct the violation of Section 4-1 of the Winter Springs City Code and be fined $50.00 for any future occurrence as determined by an officer of the City of Winter Springs. Now, then, the Code Enforcement Board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, instructs all enforcement procedures to be instituted to aCCCJl1)lish this Order. -~ Th i s ;Lj day of January, 1993. ~ ~ ~ Arthur Hoffmann, Chainnan Code Enforcement Board City of Winter Springs r