HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 09 17 Regular ,'- Date: September 17, 1991 There were no Minutes found for the September 17, 1991 Code Enforcement Meeting pertaining to George P & Charlotte P Roth. r r"" ,-... ORDER OF THE OOOE ENFCRE-ENT BOARD - CITY OF WINTER SPR I NGS IN RE: GEORCE P. & OiARLOTTE P. R01lf, O\toERS OF RECORD 116 LIDO ROAD, WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, sat in Hear i ng on 5epterti:>er 17, 1991, in the matter of George P. & Char lotte P. Roth, owners of record, to determine whether they are in violation of Section 13-2(c & d), unkept property, of the Code of Winter Springs, Florida. Upon hearing all evidence on the matter, the Board arrived at the following: 1. George P. & Charlotte P. Roth, owners of record, are in violation of Section 13-2 (c & d) r- ORDER OF THE BOARD 1. George P. & Char lotte P. Roth, owners of record, hav i ng been found in violation of Section 13-2 (c & d) of the Code of Winter Springs, be fined $75.00 per day begining five (5) days after notification, and upon finding future violations a $75.00 fine be levied per day imnediately as determined by an officer of the City of Winter Springs. Now, then, the Code Enforcement Board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, instructs all enforcement procedures to be instituted to acocrrplish this Order. Th i s /9 Ii day of 5epterti:>er, 1991 ROBERT ~Y, 0iA I OOOE ENFORCEt'E CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ,-... .- Date: September 17,1991 There were no Minutes found for the September 17, 1991 Code Enforcement Meeting pertaining to Peggy J Schribner. .'-' r ,-- ORDER OF TtE OOOE ENF~NT BOARD - CI TV OF WINTER SPR I NGS IN RE: PEOOY ..J. SCR 1 BNER P .0. BOX 6132-C, ORLAN:X>, FL 32803 The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, sat in Hearing on Sept8l1'ber 11, 1991, in the matter of Peggy ..J. Scribner to detennine whether she is in violation of section 13-2(c), unkept property, of the Code of Winter Spr i ngs, F 1 or i da. Upon hear i ng all evi dence on the matter, the Board arrived at the following: 1. Peggy..J. Scribner is in violation of Section 13-2(c) ORDER OF THE BOARD ,-- 1. Peggy..J. Scribner having been found in violation of Section 13-2(c) of the Code of Winter Springs, will be given five (5) days after notification to correct Section 13-2(c), thereafter she shall be fined $75.00 per day unti 1 the condition is corrected. In the event of any future violation, the dai ly fine shall begin irrmediately and the condition of or lack of CCJll)liance shall be detennined by an officer of the City of Winter Springs. Now, then, the Code Enforcement Board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, instructs all enforcement procedures to be instituted to aCCCJll)l ish this Order. Th i s /9 tl day of Sept8l1'ber, 1991 ,-- .- Date: September 17, 1991 There were no Minutes found for the September 17, 1991 Code Enforcement Meeting pertaining to Michael R & Deborah A Leroux. r"' I"'" . .~ ORDER OF THE <XDE ENFatCEI'1:NT BOARD - CI TV OF WINTER SPR I NGS IN RE: M I a-tAEL R. & DEBORAH A. LEROUX, CMNERS OF RE(X)Rf) 129 MIMOSA COURT, WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32108 The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, sat in Hearing on septeni:>er 17, 1991, in the matter of Michael R. & Deborah A. Leroux, owners of record, to determine whether they are in violation of Section 13-2 (c & d), unkept property, of the Code of Winter Springs, F lor i da. Upon hear ing all evidence on the matter, the Board arr ived at the fo llC7lting: 1. Michael R. & Deborah A. Leroux, C71tnerS of record, are in violation of section 13-2 (c & d) ORDER OF THE BOARD .~ 1. Michael R. & Deborah A. Leroux, owners of record, having been found in violation of Section 13-2 (c & d) of the COde of Winter Springs, be fined $15.00 per day to OOi....ence 5 days after notification and this fine will also canuence inmecliately for each violation of Section 13-2 (c & d) that occurs in the future as detennined by an officer of the City of Winter Springs. NC7It, then, the COde Enforcement Board of the City of Winter Springs,