HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 11 19 Code Enforcement Board Regular Minutes
November 19, 1991
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M.
Bob Gray, Chairman, Present
James Dasher, Present
Anne Schneider, Vice Chairman, Present
Lloyd Anderson, Present
Jim McShea, Absent
Lurene Lyzen, Present
Art Hoffmann, Present
Lt. Bob Pieper
Code Inspector Al White
Approval of Minutes of September 17. 1991:
Hoffmann asked about the status of the sand dumping on the
greenbelt. White stated that has been resolved. Lyzen moved to
approve the minutes of September 17, 1991. Seconded by Anderson.
Vote: All aye. Motion carried.
Discussion of Closed and PendinQ Cases:
White stated that the Carrington Avenue case from last meeting was
continued by reason of complications, since that time the case has
been resolved.
Lyzen commended Wh i te on the prob 1 ems corrected since the 1 ast
White stated that items 7,8,
corrected. He asked for a
comp 1 ex i ty of the matter.
continuation of item #9.
and 10 on tonight's agenda have been
cont i nuat i on for item #9 due to the
The Board was in agreement for the
Hoffmann mentioned that he tabulated the types of cases that have
been reported since the last meeting and there were 32 disabled
motor vehicles, 25 unkept properties and 10 regarding noise and
bark i ng dogs j just to give the Board and idea where most of the
problems are.
Item 6 - CEB"'91-320, Julie Be Jamie Cody, 1485 Conners Lane -
Section 13-34. BarkinQ DOQ. and Section 4-1 20.25. BarkinQ DOQ:
Witnesses for this case were sworn in for testimony.
White gave the Board an update packet on this case. He stated that
this case was started in October when a letter was received from
a neighbor. The neighbor is not present but his statement is in
the package. Apparently this is an on-going problem, the only Code
violation I can find is a barking dog that bothers the neighbor.
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November 19, 1991
Page 2
Pieper stated that the records indicate that this case began in
August, it shou 1 d be po i nted out that it goes further back to a
previous Code Board relief order that was issued in March 1989.
That case dealt with a noise nuisance, which was due to loud noise
from loud parties. The dog noise was not specifically addressed
at that time, complaints have been received to which we have
previously attempted to apply the relief order to that situation.
Pieper stated that if the Board recalls that this was discussed
earlier, and found that we could not do that. Hence this complaint
has re-started as a new complaint in August.
Pieper stated that the first complaint was received on August 7,
1991, a Winter Springs officer responded to a barking dog complaint
at 1485 Conners Lane and posted a written warning for violation of
City Ordinance for barking dogs; that situation was turned over to
the Code Enforcement Board. On September 2, 1991, another Winter .~
Springs officer responded to the same address for a complaint of
a barking dog; at that time there was no one home, the officer
wrote a narrative report on the situation and filed that report.
The third incident on record was October 20, 1991, in which another
Winter Springs officer responded to that residence for a complaint
of a barking dog; that officer is present and I would like to call
him for questioning.
Off ice r See 1 y , Win t e r S p r i n g s Pol ice 0 f f ice r , I. D . #= 49 , c am e
forward for questioning.
Pieper asked Seely on the night of October 20, 1991, did he respond
to 1485 Conners Lane, and the nature of the response. Seely stated
that he did respond to that address and the nature of the response
was a neighbor called the station to complain of a barking dog.
Pieper asked if he heard the dog barking. Seely stated that he did
hear the dog barking, he said that when he arrived at the residence
a neighbor pointed out the house because the house had no numbers,
I had to do further investigation to make sure of the house number.
Seely stated that when he went to the front door he heard the dog
barking and said he also heard the dog barking from the cul-de-sac,
he stated that he rang the door bell and no one answered. Seely
said he heard the dog coming from a small patio in front of the
house; as he looked over the fence and noticed the dog's food and
water bowl laying there with the door cracked open about a foot and ~
the dog was inside barking. He stated that as he was writing the
violation he was called away to answer another call which was more
urgent. Later on that same night Seely stated that he returned to
the residence at 1485 Conners Lane, the dog was still barking which
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November 19, 1991
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was almost two hours later.
Pieper questioned Seely that on his report it mentions second call.
Seely stated that he was advised by another officer that he had
been out to the same address before and he noted second ca 11
because it was the second call by officers that he was aware of.
There was question as to the size of the dog. Seely stated that
from the sound of the bark the dog was a small dog.
Gray read Section 20.25 - Noisy Animals for the Cody's to make sure
they understand the ord i nance. That sect i on reads: "I t sha 11 be
unlawful for any animal owner to permit, either wilfully or through
failure to exercise due care and control, any animal to bark, cry,
howl, whine or cause other objectionable noises which disturb the
comfort, peace, qu i et or repose of any person res i ding in the
vicinity; provided, however, that the provisions of this Section
shall not apply to dogs engaged in a hunt."
Julie Cody, 1485 Conners Lane, spoke on her own behalf. She stated
that the dog is 12 pounds; part poodle, yorkie and maltese. Julie
Cody asked how many ne i ghbors have comp 1 a i ned about the i r dog.
Gray stated that there was only one neighbor who made the
Julie Cody was confused between the violation from March 1989 and
the barking dog violation. Pieper explained that this is a
completely different violation as they couldn't be fined under the
first violation as that was for noise from loud parties and this
is noise from a barking dog.
Julie Cody asked about the fine of $250.00. Schneider explained
that a fine of up to $250.00 can be levied against them, and that
is the discretion of the Board as to the amount of the fine.
Pieper stated for c 1 ar i ty that th i s case is separate from the
violation in March 1989.
Julie Cody gave the Board a petition that she had signed by some
of her neighbors which states they are not bothered by the dog.
The petition is attached to these minutes.
Deborah Anderson, 1491 Conners Lane, spoke on behalf of the Cody's.
She stated that she lives next door to the Cody's and that the dog
does not disturb her. She stated that she sometimes hears the dog
but it does not disturb her.
Gray asked where the dog was kept while no one is home. Julie Cody
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stated that the dog is left inside the house.
Vie Finch, 615 Barrington Circle, mother of the Cody's, spoke on
the i r beha 1 f . She stated that she fee 1 s that th i s charge is
harassment by Mr. Livengood. She stated that they have tried to
resolve the matter, Mr. Livengood called her daughter and wanted
to meet with her to discuss the dog and her daughter stated that
she would discuss the matter with him over the telephone and Mr.
Livengood didn't agree with that. She said they also tried to meet
with Mr. Livengood together with a mediator and he didn't agree
with that either, and stated that there were other instances where
she feels Livengood wanted to meet with her daughter alone and this
is why she feels this is harassment.
Finch stated that Livengood frightens her and is glad her daughters
have a dog to warn them when someone is around on the property.
Gray asked if they thought of keep i ng the dog at Finch's house
while they were out to try to help matters. The answer was no. '~
Jamie Cody, 1485 Conners Lane, spoke on her own behalf. She stated
that from previous actions she feels that this is a personal matter
and does not concern her dog, it is just Livengood's way of getting
to them. She also stated that she and her sister have received
threatening letters in their mail box stating if Livengood hears
any noise coming from their home he will call the police and have
them fined.
Schneider stated that there have been three different reports from
Officers Flannigan, Diaz and Seely, all stating upon arrival they
heard the dog barking.
There was much discussion on this matter.
Dasher moved that based on the testimony of the three (3) winter
Springs Police Officers, the Cody's be declared in violation of
Winter Springs Code, Section 13-34 and Seminole County Ordinance,
Section 4-1 20.25. Seconded by Hoffmann. Discussion. Vote: Gray:
aye; Dasher: aye; Hoffmann: aye; Schneider: nay; Anderson: aye;
Lyzen: nay. Motion carried.
Relief Order - Hoffmann moved that based on the finding that the
Cody's are in violation of City Code Section 13-34 and Seminole
County Ordinance 4-1 20.25, that no fine be assessed at this time
due to inconclusive evidence in the extent that the dog barks when
unprovoked; however, if there is a repeat violation substantiated
by the Police Department that a fine be assessed for $100.00 for
each violation. Seconded by Gray. Discussion. Dasher based on
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the element of doubt, a smaller fine should be assessed. He stated
that he would like to see the fine half of the amount stated.
Hoffmann amended his mot ion to state the fine be assessed for
$50.00 for each future violation. Gray amended his second. Vote:
Dasher: aye; Hoffmann: aye; Schneider: nay; Anderson: aye; Lyzen:
nay; Gray: aye. Motion carried.
Item 11 - CEB-91-304, Margaret A. Haxby & Gary Kokaisel, 974 Troon
Trace - Section 10-26. No Occuoational License.
White passed out an update on this item to the Board.
Gary Kokaisel was sworn in for testimony.
Pieper. stated that prior to January 1991, an occupational license
was issued to Sun 1 and Sa 1 es for the address 974 Troon Trace, a
resident.ial community in the Greenbriar Subdivision in Tuscawi lla
On January 23, 1991; the Building Official advised Sunland Sales
that their occupational license for that location had been revoked
as of February 10, 1991. On the 28th of January, the Inspector was
also advised of this information. On February 11, 1991, the
Inspector attempted to contact the business at Troon Trace and no
one was found. Sometime prior to February 1991, a new permit was
issued for Sun 1 and Sa 1 es Assoc i ates, for a new 1 ocat i on at 110
State Road 419, Suite 260, which is a commercial establishment.
On Friday, March 8, 1991, the Inspector received an anonymous call
that business was still being conducted at the Troon Trace address
and at 2:30 that afternoon, the Inspector found none. On Monday,
March 11, 1991, the Inspector received another anonymous call for
a business being conducted at the Troon Trace address, the
Inspector inspected the address at 4:00 P.M. and no business was
found. On Fr i day, March 15, 1991, another anonymous ca 11 was
received stating the same, and upon inspection no business was
found. On Tuesday, April 16, 1991, the Inspector was told by the
Building Official that a Mr. Morgan complained about the business
being run at the location on Troon Trace. The Inspector inspected
the location at 3:00 P.M. and no business was found. Subsequent
inspections were done on Wednesday, April 17, at 1:00 P.M,
Thursday, April 18, at 11:45 A.M., Friday, April 19, at 12:00 noon,
each time no business was found at this location. Also on Friday,
Apr i 1 19, 1991, the Code I nspector went to the 1 ocat ion 1 i sted on
the occupational license at 110 S.R. 419, and did make contact with
the business there. At that time the Inspector closed this case.
Pieper stated that a new complaint was generated on July 18, 1991,
by Mr. Morgan, the location at Troon Trace was inspected at 3:00
P.M. and no business was found. On the 22nd of July, contact was
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made with the Sunland Sales at the S.R. 419 address and a
representative advised that the Troon Trace location was sometimes
used to entertain guests. On July 24, 1991, the Inspector advised
the Chief of Police that through the investigation he didn't find
any violation and closed the case.
On September 24, 1991, the Police Chief advised the Inspector that
Mr. Morgan complained to him personally at a Commission meeting
about th i s i nc i dent. The I nspector went to the house on Troon
Trace at 2: 50 in the afternoon on September 24, 1991, and no
business was found. There was a maintenance worker in front of the
house who advised the Inspector that there was no activity at the
home. Also a neighbor was walking his dog and the Inspector asked
if there was any business activity at this address and the person
advised the Inspector that there was no activity at the address.
On october 4, 1991, Morgan met wi th the Po 1 ice Ch i ef and the
Inspector to review the case, and at that time Morgan would not
sign a complaint. At that point the case was closed.
On October 9, 1991, Morgan signed a complaint and on October 18,
1991 a notice to appear was mailed. Attempts to deliver certified
mailing to Sunland Sales at the Troon Trace address was
unsuccessfu 1 and was returned unde 1 i vered. The I nspector made
contact with persons at the S.R. 419 address for the business and
advised them of the situation and they agreed to be present at this
meeting. The complainant, Mr. Morgan, who is the source of the
complaints on several occasions, is not present.
Gary Koka i se 1, 1117 Northern Way, spoke on his own beha 1 f . He
stated that the business is industrial sales, military/commercial
type of sales and he goes to the site and no customers come to the
business, he stated that he works out of a sample case.
Kokaisel also stated that he and Margaret Haxby jointly own the
residence. He said at one time the residence was used as an office
and he had two part-time secretaries who came and went from the
address and at that point we were told we could not do that, and
that is when we moved the business to the S.R. 419 location.
Hoffmann asked about on the occasions that people were noted at the
address were these people clients. ~
Kokaisel stated that he wasn't sure of the occasions, but one time
he had a golf outing, which included friends and clients. There
were about 28 people for the outing, three of which slept at the
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November 19, 1991
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residence at Troon Trace.
There was discussion on this item.
Pieper stated that this case has been opened and closed three times
previously as unfounded. The complainant was told when the meeting
was going to be held and is not present tonight.
Gray moved to dismiss this case.
All aye. Motion carried.
Seconded by Schneider.
Item 12 - CEB-91-305, James D. & Miriam L. McElmurry, 844 Dunbar
Drive - Section 4-1 20.25 Barkinq Doqs
_White pass out an update to this case.
James D. & Miriam McElmurry and Melvin & Dorothy Shank were sworn
in for testimony.
Pieper stated that the run-down of th i s case is on October 10,
1991, the Code Inspector received a complaint from a Winter Springs
Po 1 ice off i cer, for a bark i ng dog comp 1 a i nt at 844 Dunbar. A
narrative patrol log was written at that time. On October 16,
1991, a written complaint was received from Melvin Shank regarding
the barking dog.
Melvin Shank, 836 Dunbar Terrace, spoke regarding this case. He
stated that the McElmurry's have two dogs and one of the dogs bark
all day. He said that he and his wife can't even sit outside on
their patio because of the barking dog.
Gray asked if they can hear the dog bark i ng from ins i de the i r
house. Shank stated that yes they can hear the dog from inside
their home.
Gray asked if the dog barks at night. Shank said the dog sometimes
barks at night, but that doesn' t bother them as much at the
constant barking during the day. He stated that the dog is some
sort of a hound dog which has a very distinctive and annoying bark.
Pieper asked Shank if he has had any commun i cat i on with his
neighbors that also are annoyed by the barking dog. Shank stated
that he has. Pieper stated that upon his arrival this evening Mr.
Shank presented him with two statements from neighbors complaining
about the dog barking. Shank also stated that he would have gotten
another but did not have the complaint sheet for them to fill out.
Pieper presented the two complaint forms to the Board.
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November 19, 1991
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Miriam McElmurry, 844 Dunbar Drive, spoke on her own behalf. She
showed the Board a sketch of her home and the adjacent homes, the
type and number of pets and the number of children her neighbors
have. She a 1 so showed the Board pictures of her home wi th the
fenced back yard and of the doggie door they have installed.
McElmurry stated that she has two dogs, one a mixed terrier and the
other a beagle. The dogs are out in the fenced yard all day while
they are at work.
McElmurry showed the Board a petition that she had some of her
neighbors sign stating that the dogs do not disturb them with their
barking during the day. She also said there are a lot of children
in the neighborhood and loose dogs that disturb her dogs which she
feels make them bark.
Gray asked what is the reason the dogs are 1 eft out a 11 day.
McElmurry stated so they can go to the bathroom, and that she also
keeps her door open from the garage to the kitchen so the dogs can
get into the house during the day.
James McElmurry asked why the questions on whether the dogs are
left alone during the day. Gray stated that pet owners are suppose
to have the pets under their control and if they are barking for
any reason and the owners are not there to control them it is a
nuisance to the neighborhood.
Ms. McElmurry stated that she spoke with her neighbors who live
behind them with five children and they stated that they are aware
that their children throw things over the fence at the dogs and
will try to keep the children away from the fence.
Hoffmann stated that everyone has the right to enjoy the benefits
of their own home, if the noise situation is out of control
frequently and bothers them from enjoying the benefits of their
home, then that is disturbing the "peace.
There was discussion on this case.
Gray moved that James and Miriam McElmurry are found in violation
of Sect ion 4-1 20.25. Seconded by Hoffmann. Vote: A 11 aye.
Motion carried. ~
Re 1 i ef Order - Dasher moved that the McE 1 murry . s sha 11 have a
period of one month in which to correct the violation, if there
should be a repeat of this violation, there shall be a fine of
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November 19, 1991
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$50.00 for each occurrence of the vi 0 1 at i on and that sha 11 be
determined by an officer of the City of Winter Springs. Seconded
by Lyzen. Vote: All aye. Motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Margo Hopkins
Deputy City Clerk