HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 05 21 Code Enforcement Board Regular Minutes ~- ... r' r r CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD MINUTES May 21, 1991 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. BQk~ CAI.J,.: Bob Gray, Chainnan, Present James Dasher, Present Anne Schneider, Vice-Chainnan, Present Lloyd Anderson, Present Beverly Fickling, Absent Lurene Lyzen, Present Art Hoffmann, Present CITY OFFIC~~S: Frank Kruppenbacher, City Attorney Code Officer Lt. Bob Pieper Code Inspector Al Whi te Approval of Minutes of March 1.~_L.19.3J,1________ Dasher mentioned a typo on page 2, 5th line from the bottom "emission" should be "admission". Schneider also mentioned a typo on page 3, about the middle of the page, where the word "emission" should be "admission". Lyzen moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. Seconded by Schneider. Discussion qf Closed and Pend.ip~~!!J?: _______.______________ White gave the Board a copy of the cases from March and April. Hoffmann asked about the status of the cases from the last hearing. White stated that there . have been no more call>laints from any of the items from the last hearing. Gray stated that we are a little ahead of schedule, as the cases start at 7:15, but if all those who are going to testify for the next case are present and ready we can go ahead. Lt. Pieper stated that Mr. Pitt - item 7, will ,not be present but is represented by his attorney, Bill Richman, and advises that he is ready, and we can take the cases out of order if the Board is willing. Gray stated that the Board will hear the cases out of order. Item #7 - Mr. V.A. Pitt -Section 6-46 (non permitted building, on utility easement) : Whi te passed out up-dated infornation on this case. Mr. Bill Richman was sworn in for testimony. City Attorney Kruppenbacher stated that he spoke with the City Manager late this afternoon and was told that Mr. Pitt's representative was going to request to continue this matter and that he will be placed on the next agenda for the Cannission regarding his request for a reconsideration of the original decision. He stated that he was in contact with Mr. Pitt's original attorney and advised him of the procedures to follow. This was a request for a variance to vacate an easement and was turned down. There are certain issues that the applicant believed demonstrated why the original request may have been made in error. My advise to Mr. Pitt's original attorney was to file a fornal request to the City Manager to identify what the new facts were. That is the last I had heard of the issue until .osre pa~sn uaaq aA-et.{ PInoqs Z~Z-OZ uo~~~as ~~q~ u~ ~o~~a u1 pa~u~~d s~~ ~pua6~ aq~ ~~q~ pa~~~s ~ada~d 10 aA~~~~uasa~da~ . AUOWnsa~ ~01 u1 mo~s a~a~ 'suu~.a puepaqwno , sa1A~a }[~~c pue UOA~.L p~A~a ' ~a~ 'UOA~.L S~~'1 .UO~~~Io~A U1 II~~s a~~ '~a~~ pauoz AIl~~~~awwo~ ~ u~ a~uap1sa~ ~ s~ pasn 6u~aq aI~~aA I~uo~~~a~~a~ aTH pue a~ua1 pa~~"J1lUadun aq~ ;]:0 s~a~~a.u aq,L .pa~~a~~o~ uaaq aA~q suo~~~Io~A ueId a~~s 9 aq~ A~po~ ;]:0 s~ ~-et.{~ pa~~~s a~~ . as~~ s~~ uo a~~p-dn ue -p~~og aq~ o~ ~no pass~d a~ ~ : (a~ua;]: pa~~"J1lUad UOU) 981-9 pue (ueId a~~s 10 suo~~~Io~A 9) 6vf-6 suo~~~as - ~uawd~ ~~'1 at~puadaa - 9# wa~I .pa~~~~~ uO~~OW .aA~ tIY :a~o^ AInr aq~ I~~un (S90-16-~ - ~aqwnu) as~~ s~~ .uaZA'1 Aq papuo~as .6u1~aaw anunuo~ o~ paAow utreU.l;J;J:OH .6unaaw AInr aq~ o~ panu1~uo~ aq wa~1 s~~ ~~tn p.:t~og aq~ o~ papuawwo~a.:t a~~M .w.d Of:L ~~ ~ap~o o~ }[~~ pa1t~~ ~~ 6u1~aaw aq,L .w.d S1:L ~~ patI~~ ~~ ssa~a.:t att.L .as~~ s~~ ;]:0 sni~is aqi uo .:taD~UEW Ai~~ aqi qi1~ ~ads PIno~ ~oi~adsuI apo~ pue ~a~1;J:10 apo~ aq~ i-et.{i os ssa~a~ ~ palI~~ A~.:tD . ~0;J: DU1}[00t a~a~ iua1P s~ pue aq i-et.{~ s1 i~qi i~qi }[~aI~ Ai1~ aqi PIoi aq ~~q~ pai~is aH .uo1s1~ap .:topd aT.{i ~ap1suo~a~ oi s~auo1ss1UW=l~ aqi}[~ o~ 01 aunc ~o;]: ~ua6~ aq~ uo aq oi paiue~ Aaqi ;n Ai 1~ aqi q~ 1~ aUH s~~ ~ 1 i-et.{i pai~~s pue uooma~~~ S~i w~ pauoqd }[.:taI~ Ai~~ aq~ ~~qi pai~~S aH .u01ss1UW=l~ aq~ a~01aq 6up~aqa~ ~ aA~q oi Ai1Ut1.~.:toddo aqi aA-et.{ Aaqi t1~un a~uenu1iuo~ ~ .:to~ DU1}[S~ ~ai~aI ~ puas Ualltpni ~~i pa~sa66ns aqs pue }[~at~ A~1~ aq~ paII~~ aq i-et.{~ pai~iS tIallt{~ni . A~pS.:tnq,L ~~t sa~1~as s~ pau1~ia~ ii 1d ..:tW i-et.{i pa~~is tIallt{~nI . ~a~ia.u s~~ uo uo1s~s1P se~ a~aq,L .6u1~aaw Atnr aqi ~~ p~~og aT.{~ a~o;J:aq awo~ Plno~ i1 uaq~ ~sanba.:t aq~ sa1ttap u01ss1UW=l~ aqi ;J1 '6u1~~aq ~ ~o paau aq~ a~nw ~apua.:t PIno~ i1 uaq~ iuauss~a aqi;Jo UOn~~~A aqi ~ue.:t6 oi sap1~ap u01ss1UW=l~ aqi n .u01ss"!ll1OO:) aqi wo.:t;J: u01s1~ap ~ DU"FPuad Dunaaw ixau aqi Hiun anss1 s~~ anunuo~ o~ s~ p~~oa aqi oi uon~puawwo~a~ AW . aw pa~~~~uo~ .:taD~UEW aq~ pue .:taD~UEW Ai 1~ aqi pai~~iuO~ uewq~HI . ~w . ~aAO }[OOi uewq~1H ..:tW ~ a6~d 1661 '1Z A~ sa~nu1H p.:t~og iuaus~.:to;J:~ apo~ ..... {l, .~ ~ ~ r Code Enforcement Board Minutes May 21, 1991 Page 3 There was discussion as to whether the Board would hear the case fram the beginning as this case came before the Board in November 1990. This case was heard before the Board of Adjustment in January. The BOA granted an exception for the outside display area. The BOA did not grant an exception for the residing in the recreational vehicle in a commercial area. It was dete~ned that the violation for erecting a fence without a pe~t was given on ~pril 19, 1991 and was given until April 20, 1991 to remedy the situation and as of this date it has not been remedied. Kruppenbacher stated that the violations as they stand now are erecting a fence without a pe~t and residing in a recreational vehicle within a commercially zoned area. Pieper stated that the City is seeking relief if there are any future violations of the site plan (Section 9-349) in accordance with Florida Statutes 162. r' Pieper stated that he would like to present this case going back to the meeting of January 15, 1991 and pick up where it was I eft off. He stated that the January 15 Code Enforcement meeting minutes, page 6, Code Officer Taylor recapped the sequence of events. Mr. Tryon requested an extension while the paper work was filed for a special exception and that he was not prepared to proceed without legal advice from his attorney, who could not be present for that particular meeting. In response to Dasher's inquiry Tryon stated that he uses the RV for his business and admitted that he and his wife were using it to live in while they keep an eye on the equipnent stored on the property. In response to Gray's question, Tryon stated that he would remove the RV from the property as soon as he gets the place to house the equipnent in the rear of the store. Code Inspector Mary Muse advised Tryon exactly what was needed in regard to the site plan; and those were: a request for an outdoor display area, a request for the storage area behind the store and a special exception to park the motor home on the property for use in his business. As a resul t the CEB voted 5 to 1 to continue this case to the next meeting. On January 21, 1991, Tryon make application to the B.O.A. for a special exception variance for the purpose of a lawn equipment and/or related equipnent outside the confines of the building for service and/or repair. No mention was made in the application for the special exception for an outdoor storage area or for the parking of the recreational vehicle on the property for the use of the business. r Pieper stated that at the B.O.A. meeting's minutes of February 7, 1991, page 2, David Tryon, son of Lewis Tryon, spoke to the Board to request permission to display lawn mowers outside the building during business hours adding that through his contact with neighbors that there was no opposition to the request. After discussion the B.O.A. voted unanimously to allow the request within the limits as requested by Tryon which are: 7 feet to the front, 30 feet to the west side of the building and not on the sidewalk adjacent to the bui 1 ding. On February 28, 1991, Whi te recei ved the minutes of the B.O.A. meeting upon which contact was made with Tryon who was advised that ..... Code Enforcement Board Minutes May 21, 1991 Page 4 ~ the area established by the B.O.A. has been exceeded by 4 feet to the front and 10 feet to the side. Tryon stated at that time he would move poles which mark that area into canpliance. On March 7, 1991, White compared the existing situation on the property within the limits established by the B.O.A. The area still exceeded the limits by 4 feet in the front and 10 feet on the side and photos taken at that time shows equipment placed farther outside the exceeded limits, approx. eighty feet fran the building. The recreational vehicle was still on" the property and has been moved about to different locations on the property and has electric and water hook ups to the building. Equipment is being stored along the fence at the rear of the property as well as the street side of the property and various items in the middle of the property; in violation of the site plan and the limits established by the B.O.A. March 19, 1991, White addressed the Code Board advising them the case will be heard at the May meeting due to lack of time to prepare the case for the March meetin~i On April 3, 1991, all violations continued to exist upon reinspection ~ White. On April 18, 1991, White issued a second statement of violation and notice of hearing to cumberland Farms Inc., and Lewis Tryon for violations of 6-186, for the erection of a fence without a permit; 20-232, for using a C-l zoned property for the residence by using the motor hame and the six stated violations of the site plan 9-349, which were exceeding the west boundary of the limited display........... area and exceeding the north boundary of the limited area, displaying. 11 equipment in the middle of the property outside the approved display area, unapproved storage area behind the building, storage and parking of equipment along the fence separating the property fran the Hacienda Village Mobile Harne Community and storage of trailers, trucks and equipment along the curb line of state Road 434. On the 19th of April 1991, Tryon was hand delivered a statement of violation and notice of hearing, and on the 26th of April 1991, upon reinspection at 2:20 p.m. the recreational vehicle is in the parking area with the electric and water hook up to the building; equipment is seen allover the lot in distances as much as one hundred and fifty (150) feet fran the building. On the 29th of April 1991, three inspections at 7:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m., the recreational vehicle has moved into the established display area adjacent to the building and the equipment is spread out on the property outside the display area and the equipment is not seen at the back line of the fence or fronting along the roadway but is scattered on different locations of the property and the fence behind the store still exists. On the 21st of May, on this day, a photo was taken upon reinspection by White revealing the recreational vehicle still is present and Tryon advised White that he continues to live in the recreational vehicle. The site plan for the violations appear to be corrected with respect to the storage and display outside the confines of the building as established by the B.O.A. The fence remains at the rear of the business and has not yet had a permit issued by the City for its construction. Based upon these facts and observations it is the City's position that Dependable Lawn Equipment/Lewis Tryon, has been in violation of Sections 9-349, for the stated violations of the site plan, even though~ these violations of the site plan have been correc1:ed at this time, they had J not been corrected wi thin the time 1 imi t set by the Code Inspector as per r Code Enforcement Board Minutes May 21, 1991 Page 5 Florida statute 162 and therefore appear before this Board tonight. Furthermore, the Dependable Lawn Equipment is in violation of Section 6-186 by erecting a fence on the property valued in excess of $100.00 for the purpose of enclosing a storage area without first obtaining a permit fram the Building Official and for the continued violation of Section 20-232, by using a C-1 neighborhood commercial district zoned parcel as a residence by occupying a recreational vehicle parked on the land of the parcel. Therefore, we seek a determination by the Board that Dependable Lawn Equipment and Lewis Tryon has been in violation of the stated Sections and a relief order issued addressing these violations and any future violations of the corrected sections. r David Tryon, son of Lewis Tryon and worker for Dependable Lawn Equipment spoke on behal f of his father and Dependabl e Lawn Equi~nt, 814 Ashby Way, Osteen, FL. He stated that the fence was pieced together by several pieces of chain link fence donated to them and the value of the fence is less than $100.00. He stated, correct him if he is wrong, but for a fence less than $100.00 a permit is not needed. D. Tryon stated that they have a lot of people coming in and out of the shop with equipment, they go to homes and pick up I awn mowers, the side of his father t s pick-up truck has Dependabl e Lawn Equipment written on it with magnetic signs, the trailer that is used to pick up peoples equipment has Dependable Equipment on it, we park that in different parts of the parking lot which was one of the violations we were sighted for. The third issue would be when we went before the B.O.A. to get permission to put out equipment outside, they gave us certain areas to put it, but before we went in front of the B.O.A. we had just laid grass, and we put poles around the grassy area to keep people fram driving on the grass. At the time of the B.O.A. meeting we did not know how far out it was from the building. The Board was more than willing to give us a hundred feet if we wanted it, or twenty feet if we wanted it, we just carne up with a round number of 30 feet. When we returned to the shop, we realized it was 40 feet, and a couple feet more in the front. Sometimes we take the equipment and cover the whole area and sometimes we do not take any equipment out at all, it varies day to day. D. Tryon admitted that sometimes the equipment is 40 feet fram the building. D. Tryon stated that the equipment they have stored along the fence that borders Hacienda Village, is a couple trailers and a few pieces of lawn equipment, and since that day they only have one more trailer out there and everything else has been gone. He stated that the motor home is used for his parents to live in for the reason that there is over 20 thousand dollars of equipment sitting outside. There is a camera monitor on the back with a TV on the inside where my father can watch outside to see what is going on. r "" Code Enforcement Board Minutes May 21, 1991 Page 6 .~ Gray made the s~atement to D. Tryon that they are willing to be in violation of City Code to protect the property. D. Tryon sta~ed that in the aspect of tne motor nome being there yes. Gray asked if they are aware of the Codes that they are accused of violating and if they feel a need to came to the City ~o work with them to get these violations cleared up. D. Tryon stated that as a City employee yes, he stated that he has tried to work with the City as best as they can and it appears not to be working out. Gray asked now was the value of the fence detenmined. D. Tryon stated how do you detenmine ~he value of something that was donated, he stated that frc:m the pictures you can see there is about 3-4 sections of chain link fence that are tied together. D. Tryon stated tha~ the fence is used in the back of the building where you can't even see the fence unless you go in the back to look at i~. It is usea ~o keep various used lawn mower parts. Kruppenbacher asked D. Tryon if he acknowledges receiving the notices of violations. D. Tryon stated yes. Kruppenbacher stated that the notice was received on the 19th of April. D. Tryon stated yes. Kruppenbacher asked that in the month since you received this have you provided any written s~atement to the City regarding your conduct in this matter. D. Tryon stated no. Kruppenbacher asked if they have verbally spoken with anyone frc:m the City since the citation was received to explain your position. D. Tryon stated yes he has, he talked to Mr. Rozansky yesterday, May 20, 1991. Kruppenbacher asked other than yesterday had he spoken with anyone. D. Tryon stated that he spoke with a couple of police officers. .~ Lewis Tryon stated that his plans when he moved into that location were honorable and stated that he feels that he is being harassed. He stated that he feels that he has let things go too long and should have acted sooner. He stated that his first intentions when he moved his business there was to build a building on the property to house his excess equipment. He stated that the plans for that have changed because business is down and with all the problems he is having with the City, he does not want to invest in putting a building on that property for fear of more problems. Gray stated that if the proper procedures are followed there would be no problems. Kruppenbacher stated that the fence problem can easily be remedied by cc:ming to the City and finding out if a penmit is needed to erect the fence. L. Tryon stated that he called the City and asked if a penmit was needed and was told that if it is less then $100.00 there is no need for a penmit. Pieper showed the Board a photo of the fence. Kruppenbacher asked Pieper in his opinion the value of the fence to replace it, would it be in excess of $100.00. White stated that he spoke with the Building Official and they estimated the fence based on its purchased priced at approx. $300.00-$360.00 .~ i nsta 11 ed . I"""' Code Enforcement Board Minutes May 21, 1991 Page 7 White stated that the price was based on the Building Official's interpretation of the formula to detenmine the value. Dasher asked what would the price be if labor was not included. stated that it would be about $180.00. White Gray stated to the Tryons that even though the material was given to them the value still exceeds the $100.00 limit. D. Tryon stated that they did not realize that fact, if they would have know that a penmit was needed by what the value of the fence was they would have gotten a penmit. He also stated that if the Board/City wants them to get a penmit, they would get a penmit for the fence. Kruppenbacher stated that he recognizes him for saying that but what is their logic for ignoring the other citations as it relates to parking the motor home and using the display in excess of thirty feet. r Gray stated that it is clear that they, the Tryons, have stated that they are there for security reasons and the City Code does not deal with that. and we can not say that that is oenmissable. Kruooenbacher stated that it is not permissable. L. Tryon explained that the motor home is there for security reasons. Hoffmann stated that the motor home is still in violation regardless of the need for security. Gray stated that the problem is coming up with an alternative solution, and a suggestion could be to possibly hire someone to guard the prooerty at night and therefore, there would be no violation. He stated that there are solutions to this problem and can't understand why the oroblems are not resolved by now. L. Tryon stated that for the past month he has been trying to solve the problems, and stated that at-the end of the month they hope to be gone from the location entirely. He also stated that they are very sorry to have caused the City all these problems, but is planning to relocate his business outside the City. Dasher asked if the Tryon's were planning to move the business at the end of the month. L. Tryon stated that yes he was. r Schneider stated that a statement of violation was received on Aoril 18, 1991, and within that time and yesterday when Tryon spoke with the Code Inspector, asked why they did not let the City know they were looking to relocate the business by the end of the month. L. Tryon stated that he feels that he has been harassed and just would like to leave the City. -. Code Enforcement Board Minutes May 21 J 1991 Page 8 ~ Pieper asked Tryon that when this issue came before this Board in January and he was advised to go before the B.O.A. for the three specific things, did he ask the B.O.A. for an exception to have the motor hame on the property, and was it on the application to the B.O.A. L. Tryon stated that it probably was not but it was discussed. Pieper stated that he recalls fram the January meeting that Tryon was told he needed a special exception to have the motor hame on the property until he had a place to store his equipment. Pieper also asked if Tryon asked for an exception for the storage area behind the building. Tryon stated that the fence has been up for at least a year. He stated that they put the fence up as a courtesy to the residents of Hacienda Village so they would not have to look at the equipment in the rear of the building. There was ques~'on on the type of fence. It was detenmined that there are about 8-9 sections of wood fence and about 3 sections of chain link fence. Gray asked what fence is in violation. fence. White stated that it is the wood ~ Pieper stated that the issue of the fence was brought up back in November 1990. L. Tryon and D. Tryon stated that the fence was put up when they first moved to the building and the issue was not brought up before this Board in November. D. Tryon stated that they are very sorry that this had to came about and that they will be moving the business out of the City at the end of the month. He stated that he would like the Board to give them an exception long enough to get out which would be about 1-1 1/2 months to move all the equipment. If the Board wants them to get a penmit for the fence or take the fence down what ever the Board wants. I will make sure the equipment is at 29 feet in the outside display area. We will do anything the Board wants us to do until we move. Gray stated that the only thing the Board wants is for them to came into carp 1 iance with City Code, we are not asking you to do anything beyond that. Pieper asked if the Tryon's asked the B.O.A. for the limit on the grassy area. D. Tryon stated that they had the grassy area in place before they went before the B.O.A. and the posts they placed will not be moved because when the restaurant next door gets busy; the patrons park on our grassy area. Hoffmann asked the representative of Cumberland were granted to the Tryon's with their lease. Farms what property rights"""" r Code Enforcement Board Minutes May 21, 1991 Page 9 Jack Davies, representative of Cumberland Farms real estate division known as USH reality, stated that the original lease was signed by L. Tryon's partner Rich Gedart and is still the tenant of record. The outside area is a common area lease. Kruppenbacher asked what is the position of the reality company on the violations by the tenants. Davies stated that the lease expires May 31, 1991, and Tryon plans to vacate the property at the end of the month, and the company placed the tenant on notice as of February 15, 1991, that they would not be renewing the lease which had nothing to do with this issue. Kruppenbacher asked Davies if after May 31, 1991, the business operated by the Tryons will no longer be permitted to occupy that property. Davies stated under the terms of the lease that is correct, if they continue to occupy they will be occupying as a tenant in sufferance. (' Pieper stated that based on what was presented before this Board, the violation of using the recreational vehicle on commercial property exists and has existed since November 1990, the storage aspects of the site plan have been corrected as of this date, we don't anticipate future problems but we have to be prepared for them, and the matter of the fence being erected in excess of $100.00, obviously it is the Board's duty to allow a reasonable time to come into compliance which would be at the Board's discretion taking into the fact that there is nine days left on the lease. We as the City believe that these violations do exist and seek a relief order upon a comp 1 i ance date. There was discussion on a motion. Kruppenbacher stated the motion could read as follows: Based upon the evidence there has been and continues to be a violation of Sections 20-232 as it relates to the violation of C-1 zoning in using the motor home for a residence and 6-186 the erection of a fence without a permit. Dasher moved that Dependable Lawn Equipment/Lewis Tryon is violation as stated by the Attorney of the City of Winter Springs. by Lyzen. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. found in Seconded Dasher moved that Dependable Lawn Equipment/Lewis Tryon be allowed until June 1, 1991 to correct their violations as determined. tonight and any additional violations occurring after that date shall have a fine of $200.00 per day until corrected as determined in the opinion of an officer of the City of Winter Springs. Seconded by Lyzen. There was discussion on the relief order. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. r .- Code Enforcement Board Minutes May 21, 1991 Page 10 ~ Lyzen moved that Dependable Lawn Equipment/Lewis Tryon have been in violation of Section 9-349 as it relates to the site plan requirements of seven feet inthe front and thirty feet to the side, compliance has now taken place and there is no violation as of this evening. Seconded by Hoffmann. Vote: All aye. Mot ion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, Margo Hopk i ns Deputy City Clerk ~ ~