HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 05 16 Code Enforcement Board Regular Minutes
TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1989
The Code Enforcement Board Meeting was called to order by Mr. Bob Gray,
Chairman, at 7:00 P.M..
Mr. Bob Gray, Present
Mr. James Dasher, Present
Mr. John Ferring, Absent
Ms. Anne Schneider, Present
Mr. Lloyd Anderson, Present
Ms. Beverly Fickling, Present
Mr. John Langelotti, Absent
Officer Wesley Dowell, Present
Lieutenant Robert Butler, Present
Officer Melodie Berdoll, Absent
Mr. Dasher pointed out that in the March minutes, the First National Bank was
mentioned as a bank which has liens on the property of Sherley, Calvin and
Fredricka Fripp. The bank is, instead, the First Federal of Seminole.
Mr. Anderson made motion that the minutes of March 21, 1989, be approved. Ms.
Schneider seconded the motion. All ayes. Motion approved.
Closed and Pending Cases:
Two cases which are on the agenda for tonight, are closed. They are Walt Dittmer,
Dittmer Architectural Aluminum, Sec. 5-5, and Jean Gray, Sees. 9-14, and 14-C1.
The first case to be presented, is Pamela A. Tolbert, 339 San Miguel, in violation
of Sees. 4-13 and 4-15, dogs constantly barking and disturbing the peace. The
dog digs out from under the fence and chases children, nipping at them.
Lieutenant Butler recommended finding her guilty, as it is an ongoing problem.
Witnesses in the case were sworn in.
The first witness was Audrey Griesemer, Celery Circle, Oviedo. Her mother moved
into her condo at 343 San Miguel Court in the Indian Ridge Patio Homes on March
1, 1989. She stated that she wrote a letter to the Indian Ridge Condo Association
and forwarded a copy to the police department concerning the dog.
Ms. Griesemer's mother, Patricia Schmidt witnessed next. Her granddaughter who
lives with her, was bothered by the dog when she was riding her bike to school.
She also stated that the dog's barking was keeping her grandaughter and herself
awake at night.
Pamela Tolbert, the alleged violator, spoke next. She said that her dog did
dig out of the yard. She said that the fence has been fixed, and that the
dog hasn't been out since. She said that the dog does not bark at night
because it sleeps in the house every night. She said that Patricia Schmidt's
granddaughter makes noises at the dog and makes it bark. Ms. Tolbert had a
letter from a next door neighbor which the Board read.
Jerald Tavenner, 345 San Miguel, witnessed. He said that children always let
the dog out. That they were always "enticing" the dog. He said that he was
going to fix the gate so that the children couldn't get it open.
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Discussion. Ms. Fickling made motion that Pamela Tolbert be found guilty
of Sec. 4-15 of the Winter Springs Code. No second to the motion.
Mr. Dasher moved that judgment be set aside on the case, and that it
be reopened in the event of future evidence at the next meeting. Ms.
Schneider seconded the motion. Vote on the motion: Mr. Anderson, aye, Ms.
Fickling, no, Mr. Gray, aye, Mr. Dasher, aye, Ms. Schneider, aye. Mr. Dasher
stated that this does not mean that either party in this case has received
a favorable decision. It only indicates that the evidence is considered to
be equally balanced. The motion carried.
The next case is James and Janice Lawrence of 91 Lombardy Road, in violation
of Sec. 44-85, Sec. 7-1b, and Sec. 8-20. Officer Butler said that this is
an ongoing problem. They have ignored the warnings which have been issued.
He recommended that the Board find them in violation.
James Lawrence testified. He said that he rebuilt his engine, and received a
complaint. He said that Officer Dowell gave him a summons, and he put the
engine back together, but the machine shop made a mistake and he had to take
the engine out and rebuild it again. He said that it took about three weeks
to do all of that. Then he painted it. He hopes to be moving within the
next week or ten days. Discussion. Officer Dowell said that his property
looked good this afternoon when he saw it. Mr. Gray said that it appears
to him that Mr. Lawrence has been in violation of this ordiance.
Mr. Dasher made motion that James Lawrence be declared in violation of City
Code Secs. 44-85 and 7.1b, working on cars in a residential section in his
front yard. Mr. Anderson seconded the motion. Vote on the motion: Mr. Gray,
aye, Mr. Dasher, aye, Ms. Schneider, aye, Mr. Anderson, aye, Ms. Fickling, aye.
Motion carried.
Relief Order: Ms. Schneider moved that Mr. Lawrence be fined $25 each time
he is in violation of Sec. 44-85 or Sec. 7-1b, if found, this Relief Order
is to take effect 30 days from tonight. Mr. Dasher asked to amend the
motion to include the statement that Mr. Lawrence is present tonight.
Discussion. Mr. Gray said that allowing him 30 days without retribution was
not complying with the law. Ms. Schneider withdrew her motion. Mr.
Anderson withdrew his second to the motion. Ms. Schneider made motion that
Mr. Lawrence be fined $25 per day when found in violation of Sec. 4-85 or
Sec. 7-1b, and that he be given 48 hours after notification to correct the
violation before fines commence. Mr. Gray seconded the motion. Discussion.
It was added that Mr. Lawrence is present tonight. Vote on the Relief Order:
Ms. Fickling, aye; Mr. Gray, aye; Mr. Dasher, aye, Ms. Schneider, aye, Mr.
Anderson, aye. Motion carried.
The next case is Joseph and Theresa Nicosia, 1111 South Edgemon Avenue,
in violation of Secs. 7-1b, 5-128, and 44-85. Lieutenant Butler said
that this is a continuing problem with numerous written warnings. Various
materials are strewn about the property, disabled and unregistered vehicles
are parked in the yard, a fence around the pool is falling down. They continue
to ignore the warning. Officer Butler recommended that the Board find them
in violation of the City Code. He presented copies of pictures of the
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Gary Webber, 35 Jackson Circle, witnessed. He said that this has been an ongoing
problem for about four and one half years. He stated that there are 10 to 15
cars parked there every morning. Trash is dumped in the yard, and the cars are
in a constant state of disrepair. Construction debris is lying allover the
side and front yards.
Ms. Schneider made motion
guilty of violation of Sec.
Springs Code. Ms. Fickling
Dasher, aye, Ms. Schneider,
Gray, aye. Motion carried.
that Joseph C. and Theresa Nicosia be found
7-1b, Sec. 5-128, and Sec. 44-85 of the Winter
seconded the motion. Vote on the motion: Mr.
aye, Mr. Anderson, aye, Ms. Fickling, aye, Mr.
Relief Order: Ms. Schneider moved that Joseph C. and Theresa Nicosia be
fined $100 per violation per day for a violation of any of either Sec. 7-1b,
or Sec. 5-128 or Sec. 44-85. Discussion. The motion was amended to state
that for any or all violations of Sec. 7-1b, Sec. 5-128 or Sec. 44-85.
Mr. Anderson seconded the motion. Discussion. The Relief Order was amended
to leave out per violation, and was changed to read that Joseph C. and Theresa
Nicosia be fined $100 per day for any or all of the violations of Sec. 7-1b,
Sec. 5-128, or Sec. 44-85. This Relief Order to take effect 7 days after
notification. Mr Dasher seconded the amended motion. Vote on the Relief
Order: Mr. Anderson, aye, Ms. Fickling, aye, Mr. Gray, aye, Mr. Dasher, aye,
Ms. Schnieder, aye. Motion carried.
Mr. Gray announced that for the Seminar on June 9th, all of the membelS of the
Board are signed up to take the course except Beverly Fickling who has
already taken it. He urged all of the members to attend.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M..
Respectfully Submitted,
Caroline McGinley
City Clerk's Office