HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988 01 19 Regular ~ _\ . ORDANANCE VIOLATIONS CITY FROM JANUARY THRU FEBRUARY 1988 PAGE 1 eOl-01-053 NO SOLICITING Wlo 1-1-88 31 628 ALTON ROAD A PERMIT Pic 8-1 88-01-02-008 1-2-88 21 300 SHEOAH BLVD UNLOCKED POOL GATE PIc 5-128 17 REAR PARKING LOT OF f/,- 88-01-02-025 1-2-88 III LORI ANN LANE DISABLED VEHICLE .~. 44-85 REAR PN~KING LOT OF pIc 88-01-02-027 1-2-88 17 153 LORI ANN LANE DISABLED VEHICLE 44-85 REAR PARKING LOT OF 88-01-02-029 1-2-88 17 155 LORI ANN LANE DISABLED VEHICLE pIc 44-85 'JI PIc 88-01-02-060 .~ 1-2-88 11 40 N. CORTEZ AVENUE NOISE: BARKING DOG 4-15 88-01-03-027 1-3-88 37 501 GREEN SPRINGS CIR. DISABLED VEHICLE Pic 44-85 NO TAG VALID 88-01-03-025 1-3-88 37 709 BRIARWOOD DRIVE DISABLED VEHICLE PIc 44-85 88-01-03-026 1-3-88 37 709 BRIARWOOD DRIVE DISABLED VEHICLE Pic 44-85 ",J.:., BLD. 409 APT. 23 88-01-05-025 1-5-88 37 SHEOAH BLVD. EXP. TAG. DISABLED VEH. Pic 44-85 BLD . 411 PARKING LOT PIc 44-85 88-01-:05-026 1-5-88 37 SHEOAH BLVD. DISABLED VEHICLE 88-01-05-027 1-5-88 37 101 N. BOMBAY AVENUE DISABLED VEHICLE Pic 44-85 ___01-05-080 1-5-88 30 74 S. DEVON AVENUE UNKEPT PROPERTY Pic 7-2 88-01-05-081 1-5-88 30 74 S. DEVON AVENUE UNSECURED REFRIGERATOR PIc 9-9 88-01-05-024 1-5-88 37 BLD. 407 APT. /Ill Pic 44-85 SHEOAH BLVD. DISABLED VEHICLE PER CABLE PIC 88-01-11-052 1-11-88 37 400 S. HAWTHORNE DISABLED VEHICLE C/R 44-85 (\ FRONT YARD 88-01-11-062 1-11-88 37 501 GREEN SPRINGS CIR. DISABLED VEHICLE Pic 44-85 . 5-5 USING BUILDING 88-01-15-040 1-15-88 08 1145 BELL AVENUE NO OCC. CERTIFICATE CIB 5-6 88-01-13-018 1-13-88 36 2ND WARNING Pic 5-128 GREENBRIAR POOL POOL GATE UNSECURE 88-01-15-038 1-15-88 38 101 BOMBAY AVENUE ANIMAL AT LARGE CIB 4-13 88-01-19-046 1-19-88 32 91 BOMBAY AVENUE UNKEPT PROPERTY Pic 7-2 88-01-20-049 1-20-88 12 626 MARNI DRIVE NO PERMIT/sOLITORS Pic 8-1 FOLLOW-UP TO /I 87-11 27-0 4 PIc 88-01-22-080 1-22-88 12 1442'NORTHERN WAY ANIMAL AT ~LARGE c/n 4-13 CORNOR OF OAK ROAD 88-01-22-081 1-22-88 15 AND SAILFISH NOISE NUISANCE Pic 9-14 88-01-25-045 1-25-88 36 560 WADE STREET NOISE: BARKING DOG Pic 4-15 8_-26-033 1-26-88 32 122 MOCKINGBIRD ST. COMMERCIAL VEHICLE TRAILER OVER 12 FT. Pic 84:81 88-01-26-040 1-26-88 37 S. EDGEMON & COTTONWOOD NUISANCE PIc 44:76 88-01-26-042 1-26-88 37 SR 434 & HAYES BUSINESS WITH NO CITY Pic LICENSE 8:20 - .. - . ~ '" . . CITY ORDANANCE VIOLATIONS PAGE 2 FROM JANUARY THRU FEBRUARY 1988 8 -01-29-017 1-29-88 38 123 LORI ANN LANE ANIMAL AT LARGE pic 4:13(A) 88-01-29-045 1-29-88 12 922 OAK FORREST DRIVE NO PERMIT pic 8: 1 (A) 88-01-29-046 1-29-88 12 922 OAK FORREST DRIVE NO PERMIT PIC 8: 1 (A) SEE 88-01-15-03t 2-2-88 35 CIB 4: 13 (A) 88-02-02-018 101 N. BOMBAY AVENUE ANIMALS AT LARGE 88-02-03-060 2-3-88 39 306 s. EDGEMON Ng LICENSE KENNEL pic 44:79 VER TWO CATS I..') ~ 88-02-03-061 ,:.2-3-88 39 306 S. EDGEMON NOISE pic 9:14 (C) 88-02-06-005 2-6-88 35 51 S. DEVON NOISY ANIMAL fJ/L 4: 15 88-02-06-036 2-6-88 37 1192 FREEDOM CT. NO FENCE OR ENCLOSURE pre- AROUND POOL 5:128 X88-02-06-010 COMMERCIAL IN RR-OI-06-010 2-6-88 11 BUTTONWOOD & DOGWOOD CT. RESIDENTIAL AREA pic 44:81 88-02-08-010 2-8-88 38 140 BOMBAY AVENUE DISABLED VEHICLE pic 44:85 88-02-09-017 2-9-88 32 ALTON & HOLIDAY LANE SOLICITING wlo A PERMIT pic 8: 1 (A) 88-02-11-006 2-11-88 11 1019 ANTELOPE TRAIL RESIDENTIAL AREA, COMMERCIAL VEHICLE pic 44:81 . ~_-08-040 2-8-88 30 187 GARDEN DRIVE DISABLED VEHICLE 44:85 88-02-09-039 2-9-88 35 21 N. DEVON DISABLED VEHICLE pic 44:85 88-02-12-002 2-12-88 11 CORY LANE & MOSS ROAD PARKED IN RESIDENTIAL AREA. COMMERCIAL VEHICLE pic 44:81 88-02-13-006 2-13-88 36 633 MARNI COMMERCIAL VEHICLE IN RESIDENTIAL AREA pic 44:81 88-02-14-024 2-14-88 20 514 DAVID STREET ANIMAL AT LARGE pic 4-13 (A) 88-02-15-016 2-15-88 38 317 KIRK CAULDY DRIVE NO MORE THAN TWO DOGS PIG- 44:79' - OR TWO CATS PER HOME 1..2 88-02-17-003 2-17-88 11 CLUB HOUSE SEMINOLE PINES UNSECURE POOL pic 5-128 "88-02-1 ~-05,~ 2-17-88 39 205 BENNETT STREET NOISY ANIMAL Pic 4: 15 '\ NO LICENSE 88-02-09-024 2-9-88 08 719 SYBILWOOD CIRCLE BUSINESS. RESIDENT.ARE pIc 8:20 88-02-17-056 2-17-88 37 1111 MARCUS CT. NOISY ANIMAL PIG 4: 15 NO TAG DISPLAYED - 88-02-17-058 2-17-88 11 207 COTTONWOOD DRIVE DISABLED VEHICLE pIc 44:81 88-02-18-036 2-18-88 766 CITY RIGHT/WAY 15 S. EDGEMON EXCAVATION OF DIRT pic 13: 1 - 88-02-18-046 2-18-88 31 912 PUMA TR. NOISY ANIMAL pIG 4:15 88, _.:..-19-028 2-19-88 32 SR 600 & SHEPARD ROAD NO SOLICITORS PERMIT pic 8:1 88-02-21-034 2-21-88 37 360 PANAMA DOG AT LARGE, NO LEASH Pic 4: 13 (A) 88-02-21-036 2-21-88 37 231 DOGWOOD CT. DISABLED VEHICLE PIe.., 44;85 ". . ~ CITY ORDANANCE VIOLATIONS FROM .T1'l1'1111'l1"Y THRU Fp.hn1"Rry 19AA Page J AA_"?_?4_n? ") ?-?4-AA 12 CiO Sable Ct Disabled Vehicle fcls 44-85 AA_"?_?t::_n1C; ?-?c;-AA Commercial Vehicle pIc- 112 700 Briarwood PK. Resid. Area. 44-81 AA_f1?_?c;_02? 2-2 C;-88 112 221 Bitterwood Disabled Vehicle lie.. 44185 AA_"?'_2h_n2r 2-26-88 1Ci 121 Lori Lane Disabled Vehicle. lIe, 44,85 RA_n?-2?-0?0l 2-2?-88 1'5 SR.414 & 17/92 No Business License pjc 8,20 :II RA-n2-??-024 2-27-88 1Ci Villap;e Market Place Disabled Vehicle II~ 44185 I --- , , -"<""". ~7.. '-"'~'--'~-'I' .t-,...~ ~ ~ ~ i ' . < -: i~) U,~..'-" .' '. ".. ,r ~J.J ;- f'" l..'" );'~~:"-d1 '" , r " U ::,. \!,,) t~f"t1b e CiTY Of VUHER SPWNG5 Glf{ HALL JAMES B DASHER 738 GALLOWAY COURT WINTER SPRINGS FL, 32708 FEBRUARY 25 1988 JOHN GOVORUHK, CHIEF GERALD JUSTICE, LIEUTENANT WINTER SPRINGS POLICE DEPARTMENT SUBJECT; CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD, JANUARY MEETING Gentlemen: I have carefully read your joint letter of Feb. 12 sent to me as Chairman of your Code Enforcement Board. I appreciate your concerns and the time you've taken to ex- press them. e I understand the Code Enforcement Board to be an inportant link in the orderly process of law enforcement. As cities become more dense, enforcement of our codes which were evolved to protect citizens living together in close community becomes increasingly important. Since our Board is a new governmental tool granted by the state and not yet ten years old, mistakes will occur as we jointly pioneer in this sector. I feel concern at the high turnover in past Board membership. I despair over past adverse court decisions concerning the Board. I sense Board members deem themselves orphans in the storm of city government. Meeting every other month, a reasonable schedule with present workloads, appears to erode the unity of purpose and communication we need. For several meetings, I and other Board members have requested resumption of a simple outline of the number and nature of code violation cases resolved by the City between Board meetings. To the present, you have failed to provide members with this generalized outline of accomplishment in their mailouts. You once performed this duty. By dropping this membership feedback, unilaterally, you dropped the ball concerning maintenance of Board morale. . A fundamental we all respect is the constant threat of a citizen appealing successfully to Circuit Court reciting illegal treatment at our hands. Once in the past I requested a legal opinion; a step which saved the City from being in an unfavorable position in the event of such suit. I made this request again at the January meeting when the Board was asked to rule and issue a Relief Order in a case where compliance had been obtained. I understood this to be CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD PAGE 2 e a unique situation and expressed a willingness to call a special session of the Board should the violation recur. Should you expect more than this? In the past, the Board has recognized incidents of recurring vioilations and regarded them as a current viola- tion. In your letter, Chapter 162.06(2) was quoted out of context. Sentence two of this section sets a condition to exist before the Code Enforcement Officer is to present a case to the Board; "Should the violation continue beyond the time specified for correction, the code inspector shall notify the enforcement board and request a hearing." This sentence indicates there's no case nor need for a hearing if there's no continuing violation. Agents of Winter Springs had no business presenting to the Board a case where com- pliance had occurred armed only with suspicion it might recur. This kind of action was premature and, I suspect, improper, illegal and subject to court attack. Those of us not trained in law would feel more secure if this issue were passed through the hands of the city's legal staff, those who might be called upon to defend it some day. I know it must be frustrating to professionals in law enforcement to find impediments in their paths. My position was that of wishing to prevent a future problem before it had an opportunity to snowball. In that respect, I'm sure you'll agree we are pulling in the same direction, sharing the same goals. e trul~A; t2- ~ S B DASHER, Chairman ae Enforcement Board COPY: Office of City Clerk govorg4.1 . IOJ . ORDER OF THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD - CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS IN RE: ELAINE TAYLOR The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida sat in Hearing on January 19, 1988 in the matter of Elaine Taylor, to determine whether she is in violation of Sec. 9-14 of the Code of Winter Springs, Florida. Upon hearing all evidence on the matter, the Board arrived at the following: FINDINGS OF FACT AND LAW 1. Elaine Taylor was in violation of Sec. 9-14. . After arriving at the foregoing Findings of Fact and Law, the Board enters an Order as follows: ORDER OF THE BOARD 1. That Elaine Taylor come into compliance with Sec. 9-14 after receipt of the order, or suffer a fine of $50 per occurrence. Now then the Code Enforcement Board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida instructs all enforcement procedures to be instituted to accomplish this order. This ~5_day of January, 1988 ~ fJ <-I . C( vt.J~ '\)r--1- 'I) -1</ ,,_-lIs- p- 'j : ? i) It)->./\....- /1) L... '. ~. )}' / : yt, , , lie ,/, 'p- Wvw , ,;J2r' }~L- AME DASHER, CHAIJU-tAN C E ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS e e . ORDER OF THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD - CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS IN RE: DANNY RAY BAUGHER The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida sat in Hearing on January 19, 1988 in the matter of Danny Ray Baugher, to determine whether he is in violation of Sec. 44.81 of the Code of Winter Springs, Florida. Upon hearing all evidence on the matter, the Board arrived at the following: FINDINGS OF FACT AND LAW 1. Danny Ray Baugher was in violation of Sec. 44-81. After arriving at the foregoing Findings of Fact and Law, the Board enters an Order as follows: ORDER OF THE BOARD I. That Danny Ray Baugher come into compliance with Sec. 44-81, or after warning, suffer $50 per citation, effective February 1, 1988. Now then, the Code Enforcement Enoid of the City of Winter Springs, Florida instructs all enforcement procedures to be instituted to accomplish this order. This),S day of January, 1988 6)~L DASHER, CHAIRMAN ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS e e e ORDER OF THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD - CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS IN RE: DAN FISHER The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida sat in Hearing on January ]9, 1988 in the matter of Dan Fisher, to determine whether he is in violation of Sec. 44-81 of the Code of Winter Springs, Florida. Upon hearing all evidence on the matter, the Board arrived at the following: FINDINGS OF FACT AND LAW ]. Dan Fisher was in violation of Sec. 44-81. After arriving at the foregoing Findings of Fact and Law, the Board enters an Order as follows: ORDER OF THE BOARD I. That Dan Fisher come into compliance with Sec. 44-81, or suffer ;] finc of $50 [or every violation after February 1, 1988. Now then the Code Enforcement Board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida instructs all enforcement procedures to be instituted to accomplish this order. This ~day of January, ]988. ~~ DASHER, CHAIRMAN C ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS e e . ORDER OF THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD - CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS iN RE: ELAINE TAYLOR The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida sat in Hearing on January 19, 1988 in the matter of Elaine Taylor, to determine whether she is in violation of Sec. 9-14 of the Code of Winter Springs, Florida. Upon hearing all evidence on the matter, the Board arrived at the following: FINDINGS OF FACT AND LAW 1. Elaine Taylor was in violation of Sec. 9-14. After arriving at the foregoing Findings of Fact and Law, the Board enters an Order as follows: ORDER OF THE BOARD 1. That Elaine Taylor come. into compliance with Sec. 9-14 after receipt of the order, or suffer a fine of $50 per occurrence. Now then the Code Enforcement ~oard of the City of Winter Springs, Florida instructs all enforcement proc~dures to be instituted to accomplish this order. This~day of January, 1988 }~L DASHER, CHAIRMAN C E ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS . . . CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD - JANUARY 1988: James B. Dasher 738 Galloway Court Tel: 695-4431 Reappointed 9/28/87 Exp. 1990 Milo Jones 210 Hacienda Village Tel: 327-0203 Reappointed 10/12/87 Exp. 1990 Anne Schneider 50 Morton Lane Tel: 695-4859 Appointed 1/11/88 Exp. 1990 Jim Kaley 27 Hacienda Village Tel: 327-3783 Appointed 10/12/87 Exp. 1988 Beverly Fickling 687 Brown Bear Court Tel: 365-6213 Appointed 11/3/86 Exp. 1988 Bob Gray 1049 Chokecherry Drive Tel: 699-6098 Appointed 9/22/86 Exp. 1989 Al Peiper 654 Cypress Lane Tel: 695-1296 Appointed 9/15/86 Exp. 1989 Code Inspectors: Code Prosecutor: Officer Wesley Dowell and Officer Michael Noland Lieutenant Gerald Justice