HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999 05 10 Public Hearings Item A
Public Hearing X
May 10. 1999
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REQUEST: The Community Development Department requests the Commission hold a
public hearing and adopt the proposed Interlocal Agreement between the City and
the County addressing the design, maintenance and construction for the
relocated Cross Seminole Trail segments located within the new Town Center
scheduled for second reading and adoption on Ma1 10, 1999,
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to execute an Interlocal Agreement between
the City and the County for the design, construction and maintenance of the
realigned sections of the Cross Seminole Trail (paved and unpaved) located
within the Town Center, as depicted in Exhibit "A" of the Interlocal Agreement.
The provisions of260,012(5) F.S. which states "it is the intent of the Legislature to officially
recognize the Florida National Scenic Trail as Florida's official statewide trail from the Florida
Panhandle to the Everglades. It is also the intent of the Legislature to encourage all state,
regional and local agencies who acquire lands to include in their land buying efforts the
acquisition of sufficient legal interest in the lands over which the trail passes to ensure its
continued existence in a permanent location."
The provisions of260.012(3) F.S, which state" The planning development, operation, and
maintenance of the Florida Greenways and Trails System authorized by 250,01 1 - 260,018 is
declared to be a public purpose, and the Department of Environmental Protection together with
other governments and agencies of the state and all counties, municipalities, and special districts
May 10, 1999
Page 2
of this state, is authorized to spend public funds for such purpose and to accept gifts and grants
of funds, property, or property rights from public or private sources to be used for such
purposes. "
· The Cross Seminole Trail which will traverse the City of Winter Springs and its Town
Center is part of the Florida National Scenic Trail.
· Dover, Kohl & Partners has recommended that the existing alignment of the trail in the
northeast quadrant of State Road 434 and Tuskawilla Road be relocated to enhance the
economic development potential and design of the Town Center.
· The City staffhas held discussions with Schrimsher Properties, and Michael Schrimsher
has provided a letter dated June 8, 1998 agreeing to provide the land area necessary to
meet state requirements for a 2 for I exchange.
· The City, on April 2, 1998 submitted a Trail Realignment application to the Office of
Greenways and Trails (OGT) of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
· On September 23, 1998, OGT notified the City that the State requires a letter from the
County transmitting a complete stand-alone realignment application. In addition to the
cover letter from Seminole County, the application must include sketches depicting the
proposed exchange parcels and a list of landowners within 500 feet of the State owned
parcel (the parcel to be surplused).
· On October 9, 1998, the City provided the required sketches and listing oflandowners to
the county. Also included was a draft Interlocal Agreement which addressed
maintenance and construction responsibilities.
· On October 21, 1998, the City received a letter from the County stating that Staffwas
reviewing the material submitted. The transmittal letter included revisions to the
proposed Interlocal Agreement.
· The City Staff reviewed the revised Interlocal Agreement and suggested minor changes
in a meeting with County Staff of November 25, 1998.
· County Staff presented an Interlocal Agreement to the County Commission for their
review and approval on December 8, 1998.
May 10, 1999
Page 3
. The City Commission tabled consideration of the Interlocal Agreement on December 14,
1998, January 11, 1999, January 24, 1999, February 8, 1999, February 22, 1999, March 8,
1999 and on April 26, 1999.
. The Department of Environmental Protection, Office of Greenways and Trails
conditioned the Town Center Greenspace and Trails $4,800,000 acquisition project on
the formal approval by the Governor and Cabinet of the realigned Trail.
. The Interlocal Agreement, if approved, obligates the City, in perpetuity, to design, build
and maintain the relocated portions of the Trail within the Town Center.
. Once the Interlocal Agreement is approved by both parties, the application to relocate the
Trail will be submitted to the State Office of Greenways and Trails. After review by
affected state agencies, the surplus/exchange of land for the relocated Trails will be
placed on the agenda for final action by the Governor and Cabinet.
. The City Commission on April 26, 1999, tabled consideration of the Interlocal
Agreement and rescheduled the agenda item for public hearing on May 10, 1999.
The City plans to apply for State and Federal grants to assist in the construction of the relocated
trail. It is anticipated that maintenance funds will be obtained from a special maintenance
assessment district.
Staff recommends that the City Commission approve the "Interlocal Agreement" between the
City of Winter Springs and Seminole County for the design, construction and maintenance of the
relocated sections of the Cross Seminole Trail within the City of Winter Springs Town Center.
. lnterlocal Agreement between the City of Winter Springs and Seminole County for the
design, construction and maintenance of certain sections of the Cross Seminole Trail within
the City of Winter Springs Town Center.
. Letter dated October 9, 1998, to David Schmidt and John Moore from Charles C. Carrington,
. Letter dated October 13, 1998 from the Office of Greenways and Trails.
May 10, 1999
Page 4
. Letter dated October 19, 1998 to Charles C. Carrin,gton, AICP from Frances Chandler.
. Memo from Office of Greenways and Trails dated September 23, 1998 outlining procedure
to relocate Trail.
"Agreement," is made and entered into this
day of
, 1998, by the between
SEMINOLE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is Seminole
County Services Building, 1101 East First Street, Sanford, Florida 32771, herienafter referred to as
the "COUNTY", and the CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, a municipal corporation whose address
is 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708, hereinafter referred to as the "CITY".
WHEREAS, the Florida National Scenic Trail/Cross Seminole Trail ("FNST/CST") segment
is currentli aligned through the heart of the Winter Springs Town Center ("TOWN CENTER") and
does not enhance the economic development potential and fundamental design of the TOWN
WHEREAS, the CITY has requested that the FNST/CST be realigned to a new location
more beneficial to the community, the local and regional multi-use trail users, and the development
potential and design of the TOWN CENTER~ and
WHEREAS, the CITY on April 2, 1998, submitted a trail realignment application to the
State Office of Greenways and Trails has certain rules and regulations governing the conditions
under which a property owner may request the realignment of the trial, to which the property owner
has agreed~ and
WHEREAS, the State Office of Greenways and Trails has certain rules and regulations
governing the conditions under which the proposed realigned section of the trail must be acquired,
constructed and maintained thereby requiring an interlocal agreement between the CITY and the
COUNTY rclatcd to the acquisition, construction and maintenancc of the proposed realigned section
or 11';1 il: ;lllc!
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\VII EI{EAS, the 1Ilili/,atioll or the pilot trial section constructed within thc City or Oviedo
and the City has demonstrated a need for rarking and trial head facilities in addition to those
currently provided for in the COUNTY grant applications in order to efficiently and safely
accommodate trail users; and
WHEREAS, the CITY and the COUNTY desire to enter into an interlocal agreement
consistent with the rules and regulations of the Office of Greenways and Trails of the Florida
Department of Environmental Protection to facilitate the proposed realignment;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises, mutual convenants, and
agreements and promises contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt
and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by the parties, the parties do hereby covenant and
agree as fol10ws:
SECTION 1. RECITALS. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and form a material
part of this Agreement upon which the parties have relied.
SECTION 2. ACQUISITION OF LAND. The CITY agrees, in conformity with the rules of
the Office of Greenways and Trails of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, to
acquire, at no cost or expense to the COUNTY, the lands and rights necessary to accommodate the
trail realignment located within the TOWN CENTER as depicted in the attached Exhibit "An.
(a) The CITY agrees to entirely fund the design and construction of the realigned section
of the Cross Seminole Trail (paved and unpaved) lying within the TOWN CENTER
as depicted in Exhibit "An. Said construction shall be consistent with or exceed the
Seminole County Cross Seminole Trail typical design standards indicated in Exhibit
"B" and will conform with the design guidelines indicated in Exhibit "0",
(b) In recognition of the long term mutual tinancial benefits which shall accrue to the
CITY ;I/ld the COlJNTY through the ckveloPlllclI1 ()f Ille Willter :iprillgs Town
",> ill" d
Ct.:lIlt:r, tilt.: COUNTY <Igrt.:t:s to [)t:CO/llt.: ;111 "ffinn;tllvc partller willi tilt: CITY ill lilt.:
coordination and acquisition or sources or runds to construct the relocated trail
segments, the Central Winds Park and Magnolia Square Trail Heads further defined
in Exhibit "An and located within the Winter Springs Town Center. This partnership
shall include,. but not be limited to, the COUNTY continuing its programmatic efforts
pertaining to a system of trai Is throughout Seminole County and prioritization of such
efforts, the COUNTY submitting applications for grant resources, the COUNTY
participating in joint CITY/COUNTY applications for grant resources, the COUNTY
providing written support of CITY applications for grant resources, and joint
CITY/COUNTY/ developer participation from CITY/COUNTY/developer funds, all
being consistent with the COUNTY'S and CITY'S budgetary process and the
COUNTY'S development and implementation of a Countywide trail system and the
appointment of resources relating thereto.
(a) Upon approval of the Trail Realignment Plan, the CITY shall pay for all
maintenance of the trail and trail heads as depicted in Exhibit <<An, consistent
with current COUNTY policy relative to maintenance of trails throughout the
COUNTY as depicted in Exhibit "cn.
(b) The. CITY reserves the right to create a special maintenance assessment
district, consistent with State Law, to provide enhanced maintenance over and
beyond that established by general COUNTY policy relative to the
maintenance trails,
SECTION S. STATE ROAD 434 Tn.AIL OVERPASS. Design, construction and
maintenance of the trail overpass over State r~oad 434 shall be the responsibility or tile
; 111':1
I:\orida I)CP;lillllCIII OrTr;111SpOrl(llio/l ;/lld/or lile COUNTY ;IS dctermined in accordallcC wit,h
Stale Law.
constitute lhe enlire agreement between the parties on this subject. The parties agree that
there may be additional subsequent agreements on the issues sel forth herein.
SECTION 7. SEVERABILITY. If any section or portion of this Agreement is
determined to be unlawful by a competent court of law, such detennination shall not affect
the remaining terms and conditions of the Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals this day,
month and year below written.
Date: / 2/ ;2/ / '? [(
( I
For the use and reliance
of Seminole County only.
Approved as to form and
ega fficiency
As authorized for e'xecution by
the Board of County Commissioners at
their De- c-. 5? , 19 (,' '7 regular
tI 0'. II
1126 EAST STATE ROAD '13'1
Telephone ('107) 327-1800
October 9, 1998
Mr. David Sclunidt, Planner
Seminole County Services Building
Planning Department
11 0 1 East First Street.
Sanford, Florida 32771
Mr. 10ru::' Moore, Jr., P.E.
Seminole County-Engineering Div.
520 West Lake Mary Blvd., Ste. 200
Sanford, Florida 32773
Dear Mr. Schmidt and Mr. Moore:
On September 23, 1998, the City of Winter Springs was advised by the Office of Greenways and
Trails (OGT) that the trail relocation application needs to include a transmittal letter from the
County, a sketch depicting the proposed exchange and a listing of-landowners within 500 feet of
the State owned parcel (the parcel to be surplussed.) Enclosed is a copy of the OGT
Attached is a copy of the sketch depicting the proposed change and a listing of property owners
within 500 feet of the parcel to be surplussed. It is our hope that this matter can proceed quickly
so that the current governor and cabinet can consider the exchange before the end of the year.
Also enclosed is the proposed interloca1 agreement, which addresses maintenance and
construction. Please review the material and telephone Shirley A. Frankhouser at (407) 327-5968
to arrange a meeting to finalize the application.
ar es . Carrington, AlCP,
Corrununity Development Director
cc: GaIY Kaiscr, County Managcr w/o altach
CollcclI Rotclla. Principal Planncr wlo attach
Franccs Chandler. Dircctor Planning and Dcvelopmcnt wla attach
Ron McLclIlorc. City Manager wla attach
Tholllas Cirilllllls. AIel' w/o attach
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Departnlent of
Environmental Protection
LawtDl\ Chilcs
Marjory Swncll1an Douglas Building
3900 Commonwcalth Boulcvard
Tallahasscc. Flo,'ida 32399.3000
Virginia 13. WCthcrcll
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October 13, 1998
crrY OF WINTts~ ~l";\~~.!:l~
~mm~tty Oe-v.elopme:n;
Charles C. C:arrington
City of Winter Springs
1126 East SR 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
RE: Winter Springs Town Center - Greenways & Trails Land Acquisition Project
Dear Mr. Carrington:
Thank you for a most impressive presentation during the recent Fldrida Recreational Trails
Council meeting held in Orlando. As you may know, Winter Springs Town Center ranked
6 out of 18 projects. To help you understand the process, we are providing the following
key information:
o Project files have been forwarded to the Division of State Lands (Division), to begin
the mapping and appraisal process. Upon completion of this process, negotiations
with the owner(s) will begin. Please understand these steps can take a year or more
depending upon project ranking and individual acquisition circumstances.
· Once the Division has entered into a contract with the property owner(s), the
acquisition must be approved by the Board of Trustees of the [nternalImprovemenl-:
Trust Fund (Trustees).
· No federal development monies should be applied for prior to closing, as this will
complicate the process and may increase the cost of acquisition.
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Charks C Carringlon
OCLOber 1:1. 1998
Page 2
o Following closing, the managing entity will enter into a lease agreement with the
· A management plan must be approved by the Trustees within twelve months of
execution of the lease. Refer to Chapter 259.032(9), Florida Statutes.
· The management plan must be developed with input from an advisory group made up
of, at a minimum, representatives of the lead land managing'agency, co-managing
entities, local private property owners, the appropriate soil and water management
district,. a local conservation organization, and a local elected official. The advisory
group must hold at least one public hearing. Refer to Chapter 259.032(10), Florida
· ,No development can occur on the property prior to approval of the management plan.
All native flora and fauna must be protected.
The Office of Greenways and Trails (OGT) is available to guide you in the planning and
development of your project. Please do not hesitate to contact OGT's technical
assistance staff at (850) 488-3701 should you need assistance.
Robin Young, Acting Director
Office of Greenways and Trails
cc: John Browne, Division of State Lands
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October 19, 1998
Mr. Charles c. Carrington, AICP
Community Development Director
City of Winter Springs, Florida
1126 East State Road 434
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
Dear Mr. Carrington:
We are in receipt of your recent submittal of information regarding the proposed trail re-
alignment and the information provided based upon your correspondence with the Office
of Greenways and Trails. My staff is reviewing the information provided, This
information should be reviewed in short order, at which time I will contact you to finalize
the package to be submitted to the State OGT for review.
Based upon my recent discussions with Commissioner Cindy Gennell (who is also the
Chairman of our Trails Task Force), I am forwarding to you revisions to the draft
interIocal agreement you forwarded, regarding maintenance and construction of the
portion of the trail proposed for re-alignment. Please advise me so that I can schedule the
item for a future County Commission agenda.
Should you have questions please contact me at 321-1139, extension 7397.
Frances Chandler
Planning and Development Director
cc r~OIl McLel1lore
Gary Kaiser
Illll i'/\"IIII<~1 "11<111 \,\i'.!I()IUJII :1//71,1,1(.11 rrU:I'IIONI'(.lll7)'I/I,II'W IXIII'.""()N7:I'J7 i'AX:l'l/l,'L:.7(,
C 11 a ,.1 C~; C: I ,.,. i 11 ~J t () 11 .
Rick H;)lvorsen TAL 90tl/tlOO-3701(SMTP:HALVORSEN_R@dep.state.O.us]
Wednesday, September 23, 1990 2:52 PM
P;)ul Hawker TAL
Louie Wainwright TAL; Jack Maynard TAL; Robin White TAL: Marsha Messersmith TAL;
Samantha Browne TAL: Tracy Peters TAL; dscl1midt; crotella; camngt@digital.net
Winter Springs Swap
. ,Jill:
As you requested I have reviewed the package sent from Winter Springs
concerning the proposal for a surplus/swap to realign the Cross
Seminole Trail to accommodate the proposed Winter Springs Town Center.
The info provided by Mr. Canington, dated September 3, 1998, appeared
to be an update of what Winter Springs has accomplished to date.
Except for the items listed below, it looks like the City is ready to
submit the proposal to Seminole County for review.
There is required data that we still have not seen, including a letter
from Seminole County. I suggest that you request that OGT be provided
with one, stand alone, completed package that is brief, yet thorough,
and contains all of the required information, under one cover letter
from Seminole County.
The City can compile the data but the completed package must be sent
;n the County via a letter from the County stating that the County
'- . equesting the swap. This way we will know that the County is not
only supportive of the concept but is recommending that OGT take
action on the realignment locations contained within the proposal.
David Schmidt is our County contact but as I understand from David,
Colleen Rotella is the lead County staff for the Winter Springs swap.
Concerning the final items needed in the proposal, on 3/16/98. the DSL
Bureau of Public Land Administration informed us that: To proceed
with the exchange we need to receive. at a minimum, sketches depicting
the proposed exchange parcels. a list of landowners within 500 feel of
the state parcel. and a memo from OGT. as the applicant in this
agency-initiated exchange, explaining what is proposed and why it
(OGT) supports the exchange.
Before OGT can take any action. we need a letter (rom the County,
transmitting a complete. stand alone proposal to OGT review.
As I recall. we Ilave flot secn thc (ollowing in Mr. Carrington's
1) ^ Cover letter (rom Selllinole County
7.) Skl:(c;III::; (j<:pictilll} lilt: propo;;ecl (:x<:lI:1l1qe p:lr<:I:I;; (we II:IV(: ;1
IOGllio/1 1I1:IP IllIIIII:IVC /lot ;;C<:II :1 ';kel<:11 o( Il1e :1<:1,,:11 p:lrCI:I:;
~ 11l;;<:1I lor III!; :;W:lp)
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3) A lisl of landowners witllin 500 (eel of IIle slJle owned flJrcel
(i.e.. the p<lrcels 10 be surfllussed). rile list sllould come from Jnd
conl<.lin Ille informJlion in Ille I<.IX roles,
Again. the City of Winter Springs sllould provide the completed
proposal to the County for review; and then the County needs to
fOlWard it as "the County's proposal to OGT for review."
A scheduled conference call is an option i( you think (urther
coordination is necessary. The conference call could incl~de the City
(Chanes Carlington), the County (David and/or Colleen)_.and OGT (you
and me) and possibly someone (rom DSL. '
In summary,
The first step is (or the ,City to provide the completed proposal to
the County for review and approval.:' .
The second.step is (or theCqunty to forWard the 'proposal to OGT (or
review as' the County's proposal.
The third step is (or OGT to submit the proposal to DSL as OGT's
- Rick
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