HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986 03 18 Regular r SECTION CASE# VIOLATION FROM: March 1, 1986 TO: April 30, 1986 cleaned up 7.1(b) 44.85(1) 44.81(1a) 4.17 44.85(1 ) 7.2(a) 5.122 44. 77 8.20 7.1(b) 44.85(1) 44.85(1 ) 44.81(1a) 44.85(1) 7.l{a) 44.74 44.74 4.13(a) 86C;3-0023 86-014-0012 86-018-0017 86-020-0008 86-032-0034 86-038-0026 86-051-0022 86-055-0034 86-057-0015 86-058-0027 86-062-0025 86-062-0030 86~2-0047 86~3-0032 86-063-0047 86-066-0041 86-066-0050 86-067-0024 86-069-0020 86-069-0031 86- 071- 0032 86-072-0042 86-073-0039 86-074-0016 86-077-0018 8cn-0020 86-077-0022 L itteri ng Junk Vehicle Vehicle Removed Trk. Prk WII city Over 3/4 ton Truck Removed Offensive Odor Disable Vehicle Unkept Property Instil. Fence W/O Permit Animal Nuisance Opere Business W/O Permit Junk Vehicle Disable Vehicle Disable Vehicle Com. Veh. Prk. WII City Disable Vehicle Trash Dumping R.V. Prk. WII City Boat Exc. 231 WII City Animal At Large No Bldlg. Permit Noisy Animal ~oliciting W/O Permit Disable Vehicle Noise Nuisance Unkept Property 3per. Bus. W/O City Permit 3per. Bus. WIO City Permit ~ut Tree DownlArbor Ord. Problem Corrected Vehicle Removed Cleaned Up Fence Removed Problem Corrected Permit Issued Vehicle Removed Vehicle Removed Vehicle Removed Vehicle Moved Vehi cl e t10ved Cleaned Up Vehicle Moved Boat moved Animal Secured Permit Issued 5.122 4.15 8.l{a) 44.85 (1 ) 9.14(c) 7.2(a) 8.20 8.20 14 Problem Corrected Soliciting Stopped Vehicle Moved Problem Corrected Property Cleaned Up Permit Issued Permit Issued Complaint Unfounded ~ASE# SECTION VIOLATION , FROM: March 1, 1986 TO: April 30, 1986 l\nimal Secured 4.13(a) 4.15 5.113(b)(l) 7.1(b) 86-077-0048 86'-8-0008 86-079-0009 86-079-0011 86-080-0018 86-081-0006 86-082-0019 86-082-0020 86-083-0054 86-084-0032 86-085-0041 86-085-0048 86-086-0044 ::~:~:::: 86-090-0027 86-091-0009 86-091-0010 86-093-0024 86-093-0025 86-094-0034 86-094-0051 86-096-0009 86-096-0015 86-096-0020 86-097-0011 8e18-0058 Animal At Large Noisy Animals No Sign 8ermit Unkept Property Per. Bus. WIO City Permit Noisy Animals Animal @ Large Animal @ Large No Sign Permit Unkept Property Soliciting WIO Permit Dogs Barking No Bld'g. Permit Barki ng Dogs Barking Dogs Disable Vehcile Unkept Property No Bld'g. Permit Disable Vehicle Disable Vehicle Noisy Animals Noisy Animals Unkept Property Soliciting WIO Permit Noise Nuisance (Radio) \nimals @ Large Junk Vehi cl e Problem Corrected Sign Removed Cleaned Up Property Permit Issued 8.20 Problem Corrected 9.14(c)(2) 4.13(a) 4.13(a) 5.117 7.2(a) 8.l(a) 4.15 5.25 4.15 4.15 44.85 (1 ) 7.2(a) 5.24 44.85 (1 ) 44.85(1) 4.15 4.15 7.2(a) 8.1(a) 9.14 4.13(a) 44.85 (1 ) Animal Secured Animal Secured Sign Removed Property Cleaned Up Stopped Soliciting Problem Corrected Permit Issued Problem Corrected Problem Corrected Vehicle Moved Property Cleaned Up Permit Issued Vehicle Moved Vehicle Moved Problem Corrected Problem Corrected Property Cleaned Up Soliciting Ceased Volume Turned Down Animals Secured Vehicle Moved .CASEif' VIOLATION SECTION > FROM: ~1arch 1, 1986 TO: April 30, 1986 86-099-0027 Trash Dumping Trash Cleaned Up 7.1(a) r- 86~0-0020 More Than 2 Adult Animals Dog Removed 44.79 86-102-0013 Noise Nuisance (Radio) Volume Reduced 9.14(c) 86-106-0018 Animal @ Large Animal Secured 4.13(a) 86-110-0020 Animal @ Large Animal Secured 4.13(a) 86-110-0029 Loud Music Volume Reduced 9.14(c) 86-110-0039 Barking Dog Problem Corrected 4.15 86-114-0045 Disable Vehicle Vehicle Moved 44.85 86-114-0063 Barking Dog Problem Corrected 4.15 PENDING THIRTY DAYS NONE C PENDING SIXTY DAYS NONE c c c c ORDER OF THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD - CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS IN RE: FLOYD JACOBS (Lot 7, Blk. E, North Orlando Ranches Sec. 1, P.B. l2,Pg. 3, of P.R. of Seminole Co., Fl.) The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, sat in Hearing in the matter of Floyd Jacobs, 590 Lake Kathryn Circle, Casselberry, Florida, to determine whether Mr. Jacobs is in violation of Section 7-2 of the Code of Winter Springs, Florida. Upon hearing all evidence on the matter, the Board arrived at the following: FINDING OF FACT 1. Mr. Floyd Jacobs be found in violation of Sec. 7-2 of the Code of the City of Winter Springs, Florida. FINDING OF LAW 1. Mr. Floyd Jacobs be found in violation of Sec. 7-2 of the Code of the City of Winter Springs, Florida. After arriving at the foregoing Findings of Law, the Board enters an Order as follows: ORDER OF THE BOARD That Mr. Floyd Jacobs is in violation of Sec. 7-2 of the Code of Winter Springs and that he be given 15 days to clean up the lot in compliance with Sec. 7-2. If it is not cleaned up in 15 days that he be fined $10.00 per day for every day the violation continues. Now then the Code Enforcement Board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, instructs all enforcement p,rocedures to be instituted to accomplish this Order. This ~ y~ day of March, 1985. ~L B. DASHER, CHAIRMAN NFORCEMENT BOARD OF WINTER SPRINGS c c _. ....... ORDER OF THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD - CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS IN RE: FLOYD JACOBS (Lot 7, B1k. E, North Orlando Ranches Sec. 1, P.B. l2,Pg. 3, of P.R. of Seminole Co., Fl.) The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, sat in Hearing in the matter of Floyd Jacobs, 590 Lake Kathryn Circle, Casselberry, Florida, to determine whether Mr. Jacobs is in violation of Section 7-2 of the Code of Winter Springs, Florida. Upon hearing all evidence on the matter, the Board arrived at the following: FINDING OF FACT 1. Mr. Floyd Jacobs be found in violation of Sec. 7-2 of the Code of the City of Winter Springs, Florida. FINDING OF LAW 1. Mr. Floyd Jacobs be found in violation of Sec. 7-2 of the Code of the City of Winter Springs, Florida. After arriving at the foregoing Findings of Law, the Board enters an Order as follows: ORDER OF THE BOARD That Mr. Floyd Jacobs is in violation of Sec. 7-2 of the Code of Winter Springs and that he be given 15 days to clean up the lot in compliance with Sec. 7-2. If it is not cleaned up in 15 days that he be fined $10.00 per day for every day the violation continues. Now then the Code Enforcement Board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, instructs all enforcement p,rocedures to be instituted to accomplish this Order. This ~ y~ day of March, 1985. ~L B. DASHER, CHAIRMAN NFORCEMENT BOARD OF WINTER SPRINGS P .143 594 3D7 RECEIPT ~OR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNATiONAL MAIL (See Reverse) ~E:J:t: 8S--'l.c\4-cc\\c (., :! Sent to ! Mr.Flo d Jacobs . Stre~t,AAd ~o ~ ~~u Lake Kathryn ~.' P.O., State and ZIP Code lL Casselberr ci Postage Ul ::i .. Certified Fee Circle NOTICE TO APPEAR AT HEARING FL 32707 $ .22 ~C.d'<;) 'S Special Delivery Fee C ("^""c:o.,...n..~I?" ,r-._L 2.z.1~i K.~,",R'.N .2.. _....~"""""'.~~'- \- ~ Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to whom and Date Delivered ~ Return recel>! ~ Date, an .70 ~REBY SUMMONED TO APPEAR AT A HEARING OF THE CODE ? THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, LOCATED AT CITY ~. 434, WINTER SPRINGS 32708. o o ClO C"> E .. o ~ V) lL JTIFIED TO APPEAR AT; J'"'.(:'-' : , S"Y ."'\ ~..J.2, , ,C) ~<D c 'ORESAID TIME AND PLACE THE BOARD WILL HEAR EVIDENCE TO 'OU ARE IN VIOLATION OF SECTION l-'L OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE. YOU WILL BE AFFORDED THE OPPORTUNITY TO PRESENT EVIDENCE THAT YOU ARE NOT IN VIOLATION OF THE AFORESAID SECTION OF THE CODE, AND YOU MAY BE REPRESENTED BY COUNSEL OF YOUR CHOICE. YOUR FAILURE TO APPEAR CAN RESU JUDGEMENT RENDERED AGAINST YOU. C DE ENFORCEMENT OF WINTER SPRINGS, ,; II:)L~TiO"~ L()( ,.,~o~ N.OI'U... .~ t::.~( \-\~ S ~Cc. \l ON \ f 'R>l.Q (lC E I L...".:\:"' 1 I CERTIFY A COpy OF THIS DOCUMENT WAS SERVED BY HAND DELIVERY V CERTIFIED MAIL THIS /0" DAY OF r--7'~~-ft /t7tft. BY: h,~ ~r ~~~ .-... ......... ~,Jd.-J. ~ J~ . ~~ ~~ t?(51 5'5' ~ .. {!1. ~ ~ - ~ c ,/ N I L tJ [[ CH 21 HH.6. flonda Admtn......live Code, requires IhM a Jeg.I descrip. lion ..wing beer the no&Mion lheI THIS IS I'tOT A IORVEY LEGAL IIESClIPTlllNS WAI'M'EN IlV SUII\lt.VUII. . PAIlCEL I IWI~I"nlnK at th. NorLh.....L ,o."..r ". L,,' 7 .1....11. .: NurLl, Url.....h. II..... I..,,, ...', . .. re,'ord.d In 'lat '0011. l:l. Pa." } 01 tit.. Publt,. fl.. urd. .,. S,'al"nl.. c.....nty. .'I<>rld.. run S 7)'Z)'4)" E 211.01 le.t .1011' L1... N..rLl. 1.......1.,,". 1.017; th.n.:e run 5 00'0~'09" E 190.17 I.at .Iontl th" E..at ItnI' of ...ud I.ot 7; th.".... rUII N 77'19'))" W Z4Z.'. I..,; Lh.m". r,," ~ O'"~4'~I" E ZOO.)7 .....t ..10"" Lh.. E..terly a..ht o. W.y lIne of H.y.. Iload to> th. Po.nt o' ....nnlna. l'on".""", 1.000 acr. ~r. or 1.... PAIlCEL II troa the Nurth..".L corller of I..,t 7 .10<:11. IE NorLh Orlando ....ch.. S.c. I .. ...,.0.01..<1 '" PI..I 1....11. 12. I'..~.. '.f ,ea. IPubllc lec.rd. .f ...._1. COlin'" Florid.. run & u"~""~'I" W 2011.;' ,,,..t ..I....., t1... .......t...I" I.... "f lI..y.". 110..1 to. the 'olnt of ".Innlna; thaftee run S 17"1.'))" l( 21,2.9" .....ti Lh....... ..... S I)u" O~'O'" I 1'~.9' f..t .lona th. I..t II... ". ..Id LoL " th.n.... run N 'U.I~'.Il. W Z71.~) f..t, thene. ru" N 09'~4'"'' E 11~.99 f..t to Lh. Po.nt of ....nnlntl. eont.lnlna 1.000 aLr. eore or 1.... . . 1/. PAP,~E:__ 1- r<; E--=> t-lcT H 1'.1' J~o."-,,t . -:orner L,-:.f-: [~)I-,{'J--. f:. FJAP-,'-..:CL L' P\.JfO - ---" \ Q ( o I( e F'AP-.CE L III .Po. B. ? if ""- IJ) (9 11- f' If) ~ .' . b) 0 (f) :z 11 L__ L_ o .n" ,r:::- .t::::, " ~ _ -"':'::Q8 ,~ ~r--_ '-) ~3 0 . l~t-7--1.. 2a . ~II 0&,:80/::: ^-/Ol-fl, '-,.., ---- ~ ~ -- PARCEL I 1.000 Ac.:t " Cf) o Q -. PARCEL D 1.000 Ac..t . (() o to C9 -. J' -h..,"',-" - ." .... 1U -0 Q.;~:'-(<'.-I o 11) o PARCEL m QJ [' J fll ~ 'C c c .. ., . - -,) J = ~\~ ~ \llq<iS-~ -- ~~ ~~ cfo~yYlJ~ --- , ~~~ldiL ~UInI(-l ~ _~ ~~a.. 0d.'LOlr ,~ ~& ~cd, ~UY-,\J:JJV>" __ ~ ~ ,0 ~ ~~Q~~~ _ 9-QC1.fY\.i'NJ) I ~~ \'<\~ \~ ) \ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q~~~ . ~~ -- ~~ . ~- ~~t$.~~ ~ t -~t~l ~ ---....... . ,'"' '-' TO: Richard Rozansky, City Manager FROM: John Govoruhk, Chief of Police DATE: March 10, 1986 SUBJ: CODE BOARD ASSIGNMENTS 6-86 Request the following changes be made and effective March 19, 1986. Code Presentator - FROM: Robert Butler TO: Gerald Justice Code Inspector - ,- '",-, FROM: Barry Cook TO: Brenda Sonafelt JG:bs ~fUttd ' ~~ ,- ~ J/Jtvd .(, (~"Yb -... ."-------~---"- -.. \ " .CASE# VIOLATION SECTION FROM: Jan. 1, 1986 TO: Feb. 28, 1986 86-003-0013 Disable Vehicle Problem Corrected 44.85 (1 ) 86~3-0014 Littering Problem Corrected 7.1(b) 86-003-0017 Disable Vehicle Problem Corrected 44.85 (1 ) 86-003-0064 Unkept Property Problem Corrected 7.2(a) 86-003-0066 Disable Vehicle Problem Corrected 44.85(1) 86-003-0067 Disable Vehicle Problem Corrected 44.85(1) 86-010-0014 Unkept Property Probl em Corrected 7.2(a) 86-010-0015 Disable Vehicle Problem Corrected 44.85(1) 86-010-0021 Disable Vehicle Problem Corrected 44.85 (1 ) 86-015-0028 Junk Vehicle Problem Corrected 44.85(1 ) 86-017-0041 Abandon Vehicle Problem Corrected 7.1(b) 86-020-0010 Soliciting WIO Permi t Permi t Issued 8.1(a) 86-021-0029 Soliciting WIO Permit Perm it Issued 8.1(a) 86C4-0028 Unkept Property Problem Corrected 7.1(a) & 7.2(2) 86-025-0043 Soliciting WIO Permit Permit Issued 8.l(a) 86-027-0014 Disable Vehicle Problem Corrected 44.85 (1 ) 86-027-0015 Disable Vehicle Pro b 1 em Corrected 44.85 (1 ) 86-029-0028 Installing Fence WIO Permit Problem Corrected 5.122 86-029-0032 . Disable Vehicle Pro b 1 em Corrected 44.85 (1 ) 86-029-0056 Soliciting WIO Permit Problem Co rrected 8.1(a) 86-030-0024 Disable Vehicle Problem Corrected 44.85 (1 ) 86-030-0025 Disable Vehicle Problem Corrected 44.85 (1 ) 86-032-0028 Disable Vehicle Problem Corrected 44.85(1) 86-034-0034 Disable Vehicle Problem Corrected 44.85 (1) 86-036-0016 ::>oliciting WIO Permit Permit Issued 8.1(a) 86-036-0041 .:>oliciting WIO Pe rm it Problem Corrected 8.1(a) 86C'8-0003 "om. Veh. Prk. Res. Area Vehicle Moved 44.81(a) 86-038-0028 Animal At Large Problem Corrected 4.13(a) --"' I . . CASE# VIOLATION FROM: Jan. 1, 1986 SECTION TO: Feb. 28, 1986 Problem Corrected 86C:8-0042 86-038-0044 86-038-0049 86-039-0013 86-039-0019 86-043-0014 86-045-0016 86-045-0018 86-045-0022 86-048-0024 86-050-0034 86-Q51-0008 86-052-0037 8C3-0011 86-055-0018 Unkept Property 7.2(a) 7.2(a) 5.130 4.15 44.81 5.122 Unkept Property Fence Instil. City R/W Barking Dogs Problem Corrected Problem Corrected Problem Corrected RIV Prk. WII City Limits Vehi cl e r10ved Inst 11. Fence WIO Permit . Permit Issued Noise Nuisance (drums) Problem Corrected 9.14(b) 7.2(a) 5.115 5.130 4.13 Unkept Property Problem Corrected Signs Instil. Fence WiO Permit No Violation Found Permit Issued Animal At Large Problem Corrected Soliciting WIO Permit Problem Corrected 8.1(a) 4.15 4.13(a) 5.24 Noisy Animals Problem Corrected Animal At Large Instil. Fence WIO Permit Problem Corrected Problem Corrected PENDING THIRTY DAYS 86-003-0023 Littering 7.1(b) 86-014-0012 Junk Vehicle 44 .85 (1 ) 86-018-0017 ~rk. Over 3/4 Ton Prk. W/I City 44 . 81 (1 a ) 86-020-0008 pffensive Odor 4.17 86-032-0034 Disable Vehicle 44.85 (1 ) 86-038-0026 Unkept Property 7.2(a) 86-051-0022 nstll. Fence WIO Permi t 5.122 86-055-0034 ~nimal Nuisance 44 . 77 86-057-0015 pper. Business Win License 8.20 86C8-0027 Junk Vehicle 7.1(b) PENDING SIXTY DAYS none