HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984 11 19 Regular .. ~OTICE OF VIOLATION THE CITY OF WI ~'TER SPill NCS CODE ~ .. MAKE MONA WARD ADDRESS 105 Tradewi nds Rd.. Wi nter Spri ngs. Fl. ~ ~AT! October 1. 1984 CODE SECTION IN VIOLATION Article III". Section 44.27.10 CODE JlEQUIRDiENTS Within any R-CI Single-family dwelling districts. no building structure or land or water shall be used except for the following use: (1) Single-family dwellings and their customery accessory uses. (2) Horses and ponies. allowing three-forths (3/4) of an acre per animal not to exceed ten (10) animals per lot. provided however. horses and ponies can be permitted on less than 3/4 acre upon recommendation by the board of adjustment. FACTS OF VIOLATION listed residence is zones R-CI. listed residence has one Qoat . in fenced area, I I on property. property owner ( WARD) was served wfth a Written Warning on . 9/12/84 to be Corrected by 9/28/84. y;olatton still exists on this date. CODE ENFORCEHENT BOARD INSPECTOR: Barry Cook. Police Officer f""" ~'i; For further guidance to determine the procedure ~o comply with the code of the City of Winter Springs. Please contact Of cr. Cook at 102 N. Moss Road. Winter Springs. Fla. 327-1000 Monday - Friday 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P. M. Response: (To be filled in by Code Enforcement Officer) I certify a copy of this document was served by x X Hand Deliver Certified Hail. this \ day of ~~"'~~ , 1984 By: ~~~ . ~~~\Q1JA.O ",...-. \- .. M.JF-~ F s" '\ _I:. -}. /. (., _.1 -/ (:..t, .. 1t. . )__ Co- cp;lIilJ~d By No. DiBpatch~d By No. OIfi~r A..illn~ No.') LD - cr re~-r CCGfL C(j(I~ .acation of Incid~nt c!t ~ Cra.. Str~~t ,...lO)' --rr 1'... . L.J '. ". .$ h .______ __ .. ':~~~Sii/L -- ---..u_'~..~=~= hOM Nu.mMr ZoM ]kat :1 1.) . / IJ e,v i;;; .3 '-I. FCICI NCIC CHECK 0 ow R~c~ilJ~:NOTIFIED: ...t~ lJ~II /tollelJ lJMfIil '0 0 0 'I~ . C<>"iAPP~~L~'!<:;;2 Ofh., ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 ~ t..:a fa Q:; ~ Y. 0 CtJ~ D~C"jI Complaint Statu ~ ~ ti ~ ~ 0 GOA 0 NA T Q:; ~ ~ 8 STOPPING A VEH. OUNF TtJII NlUI1ber/Stat~ ~ --.--.-- -------- -..-.----- ~7Qr;.~~~ -~J:,!~..~':'---~::'., .. .------ . --..---.. --..-..-...--.----- _...~-- .,--,1 -- .------.-- - -.--- _i.') - i:' ~..J.JLI{-~._ -------- lJ Accuunt R~port lJ Jail Loll : ~ ..;:f( Warninll lJ Suppumental Report -~ 0 Incuunt Report lJ No Report Required ~;; .. . :,-.-, '-,"::1 - COM?LAINT NUMBER: B"-\ - 1 5<.- 00'<1 C~ ~~ . DATE: q \ \ "L \84- lY\o~ Pt ~ D.O.B.: I,p NAME: SEX: f"""" .- " ," STREET: \C~ ~~.h""\S D.L.NO.: ~n.,"Jc.S ~\A ~\" MODEL: CITY: W l.....T~ STATE: VEHICLE MAKE: YEAR: ~\A VIN: TAG NO.: TIME: ,0:,0 .. RACE: \..V I='l- STATE: .j\A .l\A c WARNING RECEIVED BY: d (Signature) -+-S\ ~~~() - \"\\ \1 ""'\Cl. l OFFICER: \~~(IDNO.) ,Zo I ~ , . ~ NOTICE OF VIOLATION THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CODE NAME JOHN MAl URI C ADDRESS 270 Tradewinds Rd.. Winter Springs. Fl. DATE 0 c t 0 b e r 1. 1 9 8 4 CODE SECTION IN VIOLATION Article I11~. Section 44.27.10 CODE REQUI~S within any R-CI Single-family dwelling districts. no bUilding. structure or land or water shall be used except for the followi ng use: (1) Single-family dwellings and their customery accessory uses. (2) Horses and ponies. allowing three-forths (3/4) of an acre per animal not to exceed ten (10) animals per lot; provided however. horses and ponies can be permitted on less than 3/4 acre upon recommendation by the board of adjustment. FACTS OF VIOLATION listed residence is zones R-CI; listed residence has two Qoats. in fenced areal . on property; property owner (Maiuri) .was served with a Written Warning on 9/12/84 to be corrected by 9/28/84; violation still exists on this date. CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD INSPECTOR: C Barry Cook. Police Officer For further guidance to determine tbe procedure to comply witb the code of the City of Winter Springs, Please contact Of cr.. Cook at 102 N. Moss Road, Winter Springs, Fla. 327-1000 Monday - Friday 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P. M. Response: (To be filled in by Code Enforcement Officer) 'A:>>"'f;c.Q. ~ ~. 6C_~~,.) ~tdtJ tF:>, ..~n."i::. M'tl:.. ""'b~Te. q~l~ ~ . 1 certify a copy of this doc~ent vas served by x X Hand Deliver Certified Mail, this \ day of o~a~kIL , 198~ By: ~.Cc,,~ x~zt~ . ,........ ~ LJ~. !>of 'ft'f1'JC. ., .CUMPLAlN1' NUMIJJ::H .' S. M.i:>r--rT\F S .~ ~_ ..;?..57P . oed (p C ~ R~ed By No.. J Di,patch:c, By No. --- I ()ffice~-A';if?-N.), w' _!1::.f2L('~S r_~c 00 j '~ COoK: _. Location of Incitknt Crw. StrHt ~ .~ _20 fA e omp';J~ Addrealji Comp -W-. PhoM NumMr ..J~_2'j lJa () How Receivm: ..... :at 0 h_ I"IIowtl'-.. 0 "ail TMfypr 0 0 Ollwr o FCC OUTT l'I.JL'LJ:: - 1 Nature 01 Gomplalnt I ~ S - ~-~ .CJ.~ oree,( ~::z:: i:: Complaint StatUi ~~~r.Q ~ ~ :: ~ 0 GOA 0 NA T 0 UNF (j ~ Q; :a! = ~ ~ 8 STOPPING A VEH. i 'Tf16 NumMr/State FCICINCIC CHECK 0 -... ~- at,.., 0 -~ 7J. :.-') ;.,-).... . _ 0 Accident lWport 0 Jail Lo. .;.~ .:.::;.. .::'::~ (JiI" . Wami,.., 0 Suppkmental ~port ~ ....;;J ~";'.j 0 IIICidaI Report 0 No lWport IhqlUrM DATE: C\ \ \'1.~ "S\\ b~ COMPLAINT NUMBER~ - 1.'5<. -co \ (. C" TIME: oC\ t46 ~ c SEX: ~ ttt\~ L e D.O.B.: ~~ 0 ~"hE.~..~~~ STREET: ~ __ CITY: W,tS\iSt. <i~\~"~ \ (:L ~\~ ~\A ~A\ue.\ ~ \'1.6 ~ , 'II NAME: IW;E:~ STATE: ~\A . D.L.NO.: STATE: VEHICLE MAKE: MODEL: ~\Ic ~~:::~-}< YEAR: ~\-' TAG NO_...._ ~\ flic ., , STATE: :,;",,1:1\ X?, A~\.. ~ "IfTY> 'ita ~m1 t.44 .tL'l.IO c~( Ca'b& VIOLA TIO.... ~l_~._.a.u.. - t ~~..\Nt~~ ~..~~~~.~L. LOCATlON.__ _ _._ _ "IOLAnO.... DATE ~.L14-~ TO BE CORRECTED BY: ,\ t.S\W\ REMARKS: ~c5T V~\T~ \J~G.. "'P:.i \L~uJG, c:J;: ~OA.::r ~ ~\ 'Z.O~ ~-c..\ VIN: .l\k c WARNING RECEIVED BV~ ~' (Signature) 1< CA OFF'CER:~ ._ ~._(IDNO.)~'2.0 l (C Code Enforcement Board 10/84: Jay Alpert 70 Sable Court Home 699-0245 Off: 365-3252 Appointed 9/25/84 Exp. 1987 Phil Kulbes 705 Glasgow Court 834-1597 Appointed 9-25-84 Exp. 1987 Ben Kaplan 108 Burgos Road 327-0577 Appointed 10/26/82 (Exp.lO/85) Thomas Dougherty 1027 Chokecherry Dr. 699-0040 Appointed 2/22/83 (Exp. 10/85) Marianne Cheeseman 202 Cottonwood Drive 831-6222 Appointed 9/27/83 (Exp. 1986) (e Mike DePasquale 616 Alton Road 327-2910 Appointed 9/27/83 (Exp. 10/86) James B. Dasher 738 Galloway Court 339-6714 Appointed 9/25/84 (Exp. 10/87 Code Inspector: Barry Cook Code Prosecutor: Bob Butler c CASE' BJ&C8-0017 8J&-256-0016 8J&-256-0017 8J&-262-0029 8J&-268-0021 84-268-0024 84-277-0048 84;"276-0036 84-277-0048 84-279-0033 84-285-0014 84-305-0012 8t05-0014 84-302-0035 84-298-0025 r- ,--. PENDING 30 DAYS VIOLATIeN , nOM: 1-1-8J& 'l'O: 9-1-84 unkept prop-2J&0 Buttonwood- Goats on R-CI-270 Tradew1nda Goats on R-C1-105 Tradew1nds Unkept prop-644 Murphy Road E1ec. Pence-l029 Northern Way Junk Veh1cle-1162 W1nge Pt. C1r Bark1ng doga-70l Alton Road Junk Veh1cle-538 W1llow Way Unkept prop.-8l N. Edgemon Bark1ng dog-70l Alton Road Dav-lO N. Devon ~ ~ Unkept prop-466 Hac. V1ll~ge Bark1ng dog-406 George St Unkept prop-90 Morton Lane S1dewalk damage-f1ll-698 Tuacora I L1tter1ng-lll N. Alderwood PENDING 60 DAYS NONE . " " 7-2 44.27.10 44.21.10 1-2 5-123 44-85 14-2 44-85 7-2 4-15 44-85 1-2 4-15 1-2 13-1 1-l(b) ",:t;: " 'llt" " ,I ., .,.~. .~ CASE' 8~-23~-0014 C-090-0035 8~-252-0032 84-251-0034 8~-257-0022 8~-26l-0015 84-261-0016 84-261-0017 84-256-0028 84-268-0019 84-285-0016 84-287-0017 84-283-0013 4-277-0026 84-291-0022 84-283-0016 84-299-0013 CLOSED CASES VIOLATIO~ FROM: _ _ 4 TO: -1-84 unkept propertY-70 N. Cortez-Corrected unkept property-11 Partridge Cir-Corrected Disch. firearm-3~8 San Rafael-corrected No. occ. 1isence-887 HWY 17-92-obtained SECTION 7-2 7-2 9-76 8-20 8-1 44-85 44-85 1I4-85 Solict no permit-Moss Rd-corrected Dav-202 Charles St-Corrected Dav-202 Charles St-corrected Dav-202 Charles St-corrected unkept property-lot'next dDor-dr.Martin- corrected 7-2 1I11-85 411-85 5-123 7-2 5-123 7-2 5-123 8-10(b) junk vehic1e-202 Charles St-corrected , junk vehi1ce-202 Charles St-corrected, , ~ fence-1027 Chokecherry-corrected unkept prop-101lMurphy Rd-corrected fence-407 S. Hawthrone Cir-corrected unkept prop.-204 Panama Rd-corrected fence-7 Morton Ln-corrected SOliciting v/o permit-7116 Gretna-corrected