HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984 09 17 Regular \ CASE# CLOSED CASES VIOLATION FROM : JULY 1, 1984 TO: SEPT. 1, 1984 SECTION 84-151-0029 Boat improperly parked - Removed 44:74 44:74 7-2 44:81 8-20 Art. 12 5-149 5-128 44:76 44:81 44:85 44:85 7-2 7-2 7-2 7-2 5-128 4 7-2 7-2 7-2 7-2 8 7-2 5-128 44;81 ,d;liIII'I\>", 8~,.".....51-0040 Rec. vehicle improperly parked- Removed 84-157-0014 Unkept property - Cleaned up 84-185-0022 Commercial vehoc1e in res. aera- Removed 84-185-0030 No occupational lie. - Obtained lie. 84-185-0031 Multiple parkin~- Corrected 84-188-0024 dirty unsafe 0001 - Pool drained 84-188-0025 Unfenced poo1- Top ground pool removed 84-188-0023 UNkept property - Cleaned up 84-191-0036 Oversized boat- Removed 84-193-0035 Junk vehic1e- Removed 84-193-0036 Junk vehic1e- Repaired 84-199-0030 Unked property- Lawn mowed 8~02-0021 Unkept prooerty- Cleaned up ~ 84-202-0032 Unkept property- Lawn mowed 84-203-0030 Unkept property- Lawn mowed 84-206-0021 Unfenced 0001- Fence put up 84-212-0018 More than 2 dogs- Unfounded 84-218-0018 Unkept property- Lawn mowed 84-218-0019 Unkept property- Cleaned up 84-218-0020 Unkept property- Lawn mowed 84-218-0021 Unkeot oroperty- Lawn mowed 84-221-0014 No building permit- Unfounded 84-221-0021 Unkept property- Lawn mowed 84-229-0012 Unfenced poo1- Fence installed 84-237-0034 Commercial vehicle in res. area- Removed I CASE# VIOLATION FROM: JULY 1. 1984 SECTION TO: SEPT. 1, 1984 ..-- ,--. PENDING 30 DAYS 84-218-0017 Unkept property 84-234-0014 Unkept property 84-090-0035 Unkept property 7-2 7-2 7-2 PENDING 60 DAYS NONE .r' "" ~~ ~..... NOTICE TO APPEAR AT HEARING ("- NAME James A. Barrett '-' ADDRESS 161 N. Devon Ave. Winter Sorint:!:s, Fl. ~270R You are hereby summoned to appear at a hearing of the Code Enforcement Board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, located at City Hall, 400 North Edgemon Avenue, Winter Springs, Florida 32708. You are notified to appear at: TIME: 7:~O P.?t1. SF,PTE?t1BEB 17. 1Qq~ DATE: At the aforesaid time and place the Board will hear evidence to determine whether you are in violation of Section 44: ~~-~ of the municipal code. You will be afforded the opportunity to present evidence that you are not in violation of the a foresaid section of the Codet and you may be represented by counsel of your choice. Your failure to appear can result in judgement rendered against you. ~ '-' / l 0""'~~ /.' I ":"'i0)(~ ~:;;( I I - L : chairman of the c~e Enforcement : Board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida. I CERTIFY A COpy OF THIS DOCUMENT WAS SERVED BY XX HAND DELIVERY CERTIFIED ~~IL THIS 7 DAY OF SEP'rE?t1BER 19A4 BY.. J -~/ ~ /. /'- J. (';A4--;r.- ~-T~ ,~ - ~ PS Form 3800, Apr. 1976 ,'-'" '-" n m Jl Jl f(l :;j m ." CIl m ffi 151 -< n Jl '); 0 Q ." ~a r- m m 0 m 01 0 m r- III <( m ~ r- Jl <( -< 0 m ~ Jl ;:;l -< .. fit 'zj ....... fiI'I ....... . . . \J1 C'I . . W \J1 0 '-l NN .... .... \J10'-l ....i 0 00 x... ~ \ ~ o .... ~ai en -n * ."' L ;of n :D :0 _~ ,..... CD z"' .., C5 :..~ m '- iil O::!., :D t '. . CD "' -i . '-, - ~;g :;:j.r:: EO - .' ~s m ,.:' ,...~ 0.__ 1:13: I~ ,... <<1 l . IEII&: .tAmplMllIemS 1. 2. 3. and 4. i Add )'OUl' Iddrea In tbI .. RETURN TO" I' .... onnverse. ~ .....' POSTIIAI1D FR FEES) OCI~ "E=':~~"" ........ .. and'" af deIIYIry .. 2. 0 RES11lICfEII DEUVERY ........................... ,."",....,..,.. III .....1II... ...-....., c c , mAL' fa~~~u1a J. Barrett 161 N. Devon Ave. Winter S rin s, Fl. 32708 4. lYPlOF$EIMCE: MTlClUUII8ER OIE8lSTEllED OIllSURED .'. ilCERTJFIED Ocoo 0062431 OEllPllESS 11M c-.. ....... ........ II ..... .,...) 111M ..... .. ... dIIaIIed ....... __lUlE OAddrIIMI OAulllDllzld ... /"-~ h~ ? f" P2;' ill ~ ~ I i 7. UfWIlE TO IIEUVER BECAUSE: ~ * GPO: 1t8N7N13 ,'- "-"" ~ 1b%~~ - .' ....- ~ .,. C'J' ~ _,,,, ~ ~ -" ~ ..----- ~ 84-l5l-0035-C6 ._...-' NOTICE OF VIOLATION THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CODE NAME James A. and Paula J. Barrett '-" ADDRESS 161 N. Devon . " DATE Au~ust,?4,lqR4 CODE SECTION IN VIOLATION 44 : 3 ~ ( ~ ) CODE REQUIREMENTS 44:~~ (3) side yards: side ya.rds shall be orovided on ea.ch side of every dwellin~ structure of NOT less than seven and one- half (7~) feet in R-1A sin~le-familv dwellin~ districts. FACTS OF VIOLATION The caroort must be removed or you must receive a variance to let the caroort rema.in. Must have apolicat1on for variance by ~~P~. 5 , lQQ4. ..- ...... CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD INSPECTOR: Lt. Charles Sexton For further guidance to determine the procedure to comply with the code of the City of Winter Springs, Please contact Lt.Sexton at 102 N. Moss Road, Winter Springs, Fla. 327-1000 Monday - Friday 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P. M. Response: (To be filled in by Code Enforcement Officer) J Certified I certify a copy of this document was served by Hand Deliver Mail, this 3lJ~ day of anr-' By: , 19f1/. ~'1A~y '7 ?Zt!\4. ~ (!~"~ '.......... """'" .u(j--'TE4'~" ;'S '...... \\. : ~ .... '" .. . . ,: . ~ 0.: . . .;~ '.' -"""'.... I"r~" { CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 400 NORTH EDGEMON AVENUE WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32701 Telephone (305) 327.1100 July 30, 1984 Mr. Barrett 161 North Devon Avenue Winter Springs, FL 32708 Re: Carport - City Ordinance Dear Mr. Barrett In June, 1984, someone from the Winter Springs Police Department came by your house and talked with you regarding the carport erected onto your house too close to the property line. You came up to City Hall and talked with the City Planner about making .~ '-- or filling out an application for a variance to see if you could let the structure remain. As of to dat~ I have heard nothing. If this problem has not been resolved by ~ust 2~, 1984, I will be forced to turn this matter over to the Code Enforcement Board for it's action. Please call this office if we can assist you in this matter. Very truly yours cc: City Manager Chief of Police ;7;~-jl< Sam F. Smith Building OffiC~______ .~. /; 3~'c / A.. ... / .-- J . i." .'~ ' . - / ""-"" ,-. f' .,.'. ..'--~. '~~" . -. "'. ~ ~~ - ~ .. '" -\. " ~.~~. '.r', <). , .R ;:':~f~~~~"~"~;",:-:~; : ~ '!4Ci1~ ,,~, . Art. v..~;jlt6 '.' '.i~t5~: ~Y;,;l " ' ... Art. IV. I 44.88 APPENDIX A-ZONING Seellon ".88. Pron" r.ar ..d .Id. yard r.....llo... (1) Front yard: Front yards Ihall DOt be .... than thirty-five (36) feet iD depth iD the R-IM Sm,le-Family DwelliDc Diatrieta UKI tweDty-five (26) feet iD depth iD the R-IA Sm,le-FamUy DweDiDc Dietrieta. (2) Rear yard: Rear yards shall not be I... than thirty-five (36) feet iD depth iD the R-IM Sm,le-FamUy DweDiDc Dietrict& and twenty-five (26) feet iD depth iD R-lA Sm,le-Family nwelliDc Dietrieta. ( , (8) pide yarda: SIde.~ ahoJJ be provIdocI OIl MCI! ,aide of every ~ ') \ .~ctll!.~ of not I~ than .~ven and one-~ (7~) feet ill R-IA Sm,le-Family I>welliDc ; District&, and twenty (20) feet iD R-IM, iDcludm, utility ....mentL _.J ! . (4) Comer Iou: On comer Iota, the front liDe aetback of twenty-five (25) feet or more must be maintained. but a r1fteen foot aideliDe aetback will be permitted on the atreet aideliDe, provided the comer lot faces the aame way u all other Iota iD the block. If the building faces the 10Dl dimension of the lot, or where comer Iota face a different thoroughfare than other Iota in the block, the twenty-five-foot or greater aetback must be maintained from both thoroughfaree. S.ctlon ".84. Lot cov.r.... Forty (40) per cent of the lot area fa the ma1rbnum which may be covered by the principal and acceuory buildiDp or Itructuree located thereon in R-lAA and R-lA One-Family nwelliDc Diatrieta. . , '. .,' . :~..,; r:.> ;.;,; .' :'!~J.:.~i;:':} ~ 'r~ ". Section 44.8a. V... are...d yard .xc.ptlo... . . . , See Article XU of this .ppendix u to UN, area and yard exception. in R-IM UKI R-IA One-Family nwelliDc Dietrieta. Section ".88. OIr-.tr..t p.rkba. r.....tlo... See Article XU of this chapter u to off-street parking regulations in R-IM ad R-IA One-Family nweDiDc Dietrict&. ARTICLE V. R-l ONE-FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICTS Secllo.. ".8'7. I. ....r.L Although the landa included in R-l One-Family DweDiDc Diatrict& are aubdivided tenerally into Iota of amall dimensions ad area, they have developed predominantly .. eincle-famUy, medium density areu. Secllo. ".88. V.e. permitt.d. Within ay R-l One-FamUy Dwelling District, no buildiDl or atructure. land or =~~ be uaed except for one or more of the following uaea: . 971 .f .. ,. i :: ... .... . , ;~'.: ','l . ~ ~ i ,~