HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984 05 21 Regular N/J'lE Diane Setordepour ... .'1 :-9:-<- r 3'" ')..9' (j - tJ c. ?-S .--:- L- to _ cr- 1fY: - I/O ,- 00 ~ - ( " ......... -) I,CJre TU /d)l'E!J~ I~T llE,;'l,U;G ADDRESS 211 Murphy Rei Wint Rpe;s . Fla. 32708 e - You are hereby summoned to appear at a hearing of the Code Enforcement Board of ~he City of Winter Springs, Florida, located at City Hall, 400 N. Edgemon Avenue, Winter Springs, Florida 32708. You are notified to appear at: TIME 7. 30 PM. DATE M 8y -21-84 At the aforesaid tUne and place the Board will hear evidence to determine whether you are in violation of Section 44.77 of ~e municipal code. You will be afforded the opportunity to present evidence that you are not in violation of the aforesaid section of the Code, and you may be represented by counsel of your choice. Your failure to appear can result in judg~~ent rendered against you. I CERTIfY A COpy OF THIS DOC~iE~7 /' CEETIFlED t'LA..IL THIS P ~ DELIVERY -e;- DAY OF ~ BY: ~;-: ~ , 198r ~ ~ 3.3 . .~~ - > e e e Received By No, OJtll (~~ Location of Incident 1/1 If? (It2Ptf / Complainant #lW f1 Address of Compll3f'nant /1 /t" J/\ Phone Number ---- How Received: RadIO & 0 Prrson Phon. 0 Mail Trktypr OOthrr o FCC o UTT COMPLAINT NUMBER FDCLE - J Natur(' of Complaint Dispafched By No, WIII(~j ~ ~ Officer Assigned No, 72h ~ tol ~ ::t: ~ L--.J, lie (..... S tol ~ tol ~ ~ ....:l .... ~ Q,. Cross Street tol .... ..s, ,11tss el u CI:l Cl:: ::s tol .... Cl:: 0 Cl:: ~ ~ u ~"?t'nA--7jo,, VCO Complaint Status DGOA DNAT DUNF STOPPING A VEH. Tag Number/State R.Rf, ()I'j 7(0 c..:J,,,....;:. ~Vl;~ 'j D V\. Rc.JcF -- ~ <. ,;4 II h , r>""I);11 c..t."_Kev'\f i I I I 'Zone 2.- NOTIFIED: Beat 2-3> Vc..o rqf: FCIC / NCIC CHECK 0 c' c FDD APPROVED BY: o Accident Report 0 Jail Log o Warning 0 Supplemental Report , ' incident Report XNo Report Required 0 ~ ::0 < r < -l -< < !=' (') Ul Ul Z 0 ~ "T1 )> m 0 0 0 )> m m r =l -l m )> )> :!! ::0 3: r (') r G) )> ::r ~ ::0 ~ 3: -l (') Z )> )> )> )> Z ::0 0 Z m m !T1 ::0 :::! 0 m :I=- m Z :::! -l 0 r :-:t ::0 ^ 0 0 0 m -- G) ~ Z Z z 3: :IJ ::0 )> m 0 \ ^ (') )> !T1 Z m -l <: !T1 m ( - 0 Z lD \ ~ t~ 0 0 C) t'\ C 9 I !II I -t: 0(' < ;Z (') "'" 0 ) j 3: -l ........ "1J ~ r 0 () )> Z -::: lD Z 0 m 3: ....I. -l -4 Z (') 0 Ul z m 0 0 0 -l C :D ~ ::0 m )> 3: en ::0 r -l :::! ...'U (' m (j !T1 3: lD O:D (') Ul m "'- -l -l !T1 ::0 zZ m )> Oe;) 0 -l ~en !T1 lD %'U ~ Ul ~o \ -l )> ::0 or -l )> (Il- (IlO !T1 (') :11m !T1 \ 00 \ ~m ~ ''U f ~~ ',' J..; :, ::D ",-4 . "- ~~ I .:om ... )> f\ oz I s:: 8-4 ~ f.' ?re;!? 0 ~r~v Other 0 .- e e e ORDER OF THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD - CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS IN RE:' Diane Setordepour The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, sat in Hearing in the matter of Diane Setordepour who resides at 211 Murphy Road, Winter Springs, Florida, to determine whether Mrs. Setordepour is in violation of Sec. 44.77 of the Code of Winter Springs, Florida. Upon hearing all evidence on the matter, the Board arrived at the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Diane Setordepour lives at 211 Murphy Road, Winter Springs, Florida. 2. The zoning for said address is residential R-l. 3. There are chickens on the premises at 211 Murphy Road, Winter Springs, Florida. After arriving at their Findings of Fact and referring to the Code of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, the Board arrived at the following: FINDINGS OF LAW e 1. Mrs. Diane Setordepour was in violation of Sec. 44.77 of the municipal Code of Winter Springs, Florida. After arriving at the foregoing Findings of Law, the Board enters an Order as follows: ORDER OF BOARD 1. That Mr. and Mrs. Setourdepour be given 60 days from January 16, 1984 to find another location to keep their chickens and that at the next Code Enforcement Board Meeting this be brought up and if the chickens are gone, the case will be dropped. If not, the Board will look at a possible fine. Now then the Code Enforcement Board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, instructs all enforcement procedures to be instituted to accomplish this Order. This 18th day of January, 1984. AIRMAN ENT BOARD R SPRINGS, FLORIDA. e t;r.OC!ED CASBS "" \ CASE# VIOLATION SECTION FROM: ~-1 .R4 TO : c:;. 7 ..R 11 Unkept property-Cleaned up 44:76-44:81 7-1 4-13 44: 8l~114: 76 44:27 8-20 5-24 41t:27 44:81 44:81 7-1 44:85 44:81 41t :85 44:74 44:85 44:77 44:27 7-1 7-1 44:85 44:85 44:77 41~ : 85 44:74 44:85 411: 77 44:74 84A39-0047 84~62-0034 81~-062-00l7 . 84-063-0029 84-065-0011 84-066-0035 84-066-0016 84-067-0041 84-069-0038 84-073-0044 84-073-0043 84-077-0027 84-079-0008 84~9-0020 84-082-0016 84-083-0015 84-083-0030 84-083-0031 84-086-0025 811-087-0021 84-089-0036 84-090-0031 84-082-0009 84-093-0035 84-093-0036 84-093-0037 ~_~.7-00l3 84-102-0031 Littering/dumping-cleaned UP Animal at large-locked up Comm.vehicle in res. area-removed Business in res. area-no violation No Business Lic.-closed business No building permit-permit obtained Business in res. area-unfounded Comm. vehicle in res. area-removed Corom.vehicle in res.area-removed Unkept property-cleaned up Junk Vehicle-removed Comm.Vehicle in res. area-removed Junk vehicle-repaired Fowl in res. area-none found Junk Vehicle-repaired Chickens in res.area-removed Business in res. area-moved Unkept property-cleaned up Unkept property-cleaned up Junk vehicle-repaired Junk Vehicle-moved Fowl in res. area-removed Junk Vehicle-removed Rec. vehicle imp. parked-removed Junk Vehicle-Removed Cattle in res. area-removed Boat parked improperly-removed CT.QC'!.'fm r. ~C'!.E8 SECTION CASE# VIOLATION FROM: 3-1-34 TO: 5-7-84 84.3-0016 84-103-0020 84-110-0009 84-110-0010 84-114-0042 81t-116-0031 84-101-0028 e lie No bldg. permit/business in res.-unfounded Trailer in front yard-removed Littering/cleaned up Unkept property-cleaned up 4 dogs in res.area-eorrected Junk Vehicle,unkept property-cleaned up Littering 44:27 5-24 44:74 7-1 7-1 4-2 44:85/7-2 7-1 1M ---- \ . -- CASE# VIOLATION SECTION FROM: 3-1-84 TO: ~-7-84 e PENDING 30 DAYS 84-039-0047 FOWL IN RES. AREA 44:77 PENDING 60 DAYS NONE e ----- CLOSED CASES .. , CASE# VIOLATION SECTION FROM: 1-1-84 TO: 3-1-84 8_54-0051 83-320-0034 83-326-0031 83-333-0009 83-349-0018 83-353-0034 83-353-0037 83-357-0030 83-357-0031 83-364-0008 84-002-0037 84-003-0016 84'03-0017 84-003-0018 84-004-0027 84-004-0029 84-006-0019 84-006-0020 84-011-0039 84-016-0060 84-017-0039 84-017-0026 84-018-0053 84-021-0009 84-021-0016 84_3-0019 84-025-0051 Corom. Vehicle in res. area-removed 44:81 7-1 44:81 13-12 Site plan 5-124 7-1 44:85 44:85 5-4 7-1 44:81 44:81 44:81 44:85 44:85 13-1 7-2 5-4 44:81 44.27 (2) 44:74 44:81 Unkept Property-Cleaned up Rec. Vehicle in Res. Area-removed Obstruction of view-Shrubs pruned Violation of site plann-Moved from site Old Oviedo Road Electric Fence-Electric removed Unkept property-Cleaned up Junk Vehicle-Removed Junk Vehicle-Removed No building permit-Permit obtained Unkept property-Cleaned up Boat in driveway-removed Rec. Vehicle Impr. parked-Removed Boat in driveway-removed Junk Vehicle-Removed Junk Vehicle-Removed Excavation w/o permit- No Violation Unkept property-Unfounded No building permit-Permit obtained Corom. Vehicle in res. area-removed Business in res area-unfounded Rec. Vehicle imp. parked-removed Corom. Vehicle in res. area-removed Barking dog-No further complaints Unfenced pool- Fence installed 4 goats in RC-l zoning-:pending 5-128 44:77 7-1 Unkept property-cleaned up - ~- - r.T.()~C:H'1I 0 ^ <:'"1<'<:' \ . . SECTION CASE# VIOLATION FROM: 1-1-84 TO: ~-1-84 81_25-0052 Junk Vehicle-Removed 44:85 84-015-0034 Junk Vehicle-Removed 44:85 84-025-0035 Junk Vehicle=Removed 44:85 84-025-0036 Junk Vehicle-removed 44:85 84-030-0040 Junk Vehicle-removed 44:85 84-033-0038 Littering-cleaned up 7-2 84-036-0015 Foul in res. area-removed 44:77 84-036-0029 Unkept property-cleaned up 7-2 84-038-0007 Junk Vehicle-removed 44:85 84-038-0008 Junk Vehicle-removed 44:85 84-038-0017 Littering-cleaned up 7-1 84-040-0044 Comm. Vehicle in res area-removed 44:81 84-045-0012 No occupational lic.-Lic. obtained 8-21 8.5-0026 Unkept property-Cleaned up 7-2 84-046-0043 Goat in res. area-removed 44:77 e PJ..'I\T, l\T~ ('l\Q,::;'Q \ .. ... CASE;; VIOLATION SECTION FROM: 1.-1-84 TO: 3-1-84 e PENDING 30 DAYS 84-039-0047 Littering Junk Vehicle-Pending 30 days 44:76 PENDING 60 DAYS NONE e . e ~ . SENDER: ~ o 3 Complet. ,.iems I, 2, and 3. Add yom address in the "RETURN TO" .pace IC'verse. I. The followi:Jg servic.: is requested tcheck one.) o Show to whom and date delivered............ _ <t o Show to ""nom, date and address of delivery..._ c; o RESTRICTED DEUVER Y Show to whom and date deUvered............_ll o RESTRiCTED DELNERY. Show to whom, d4te, and address of delivery.$_ (CONSULT POSnL\STER FOR FEES) 2. ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO: i:: Diane Setordepour -1 i 211 Murphy Road ~Winter Springs,F1.32708 ~ 3. ARTICLE DESCRIPTION: ~ REGISTERED NO'I~!<RTIFIED NO. ~ 0062461 m ....~._- e (Always r..ct3in ~i';"i2ture of addressee or agentl U> -1 m :II m ,0 ~ W\- ~Z,J? "* C;{ ~~ D~I';/ ~i 5. ADO ESS Ie mplno only if _estedl ~I :!l .". ~l G. UNABLE fa CH.IV!iR S:::CAUSE: ;:! INSUREi> NO. I have rece;vd the article rlescnbeJ above. SIGNATURE OAddressee ~thorized agent POSTMARK CLERK'S I INITIALS *(;;0 : 1979-300..459 ~ 1!!!i8 0(101" ~~: "'co "'c 5et; "'ol? ~~... ~~o ...... ..... ::> w U :; a: w (1.1 ~m ~z (1')- ~~ CI)~ w:! ~!:! <:t ~o CI) C w !: z :J ~ ~ \. "3!.i i .. .. 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D- '" DELIVERED WITH RESTRICTED ~ 0 z DELIVERY en z '" 0 ~ SHOW TO WHOM, DATE AND .... Co) .... ADDRESS Of DELIVERY WITH 4 '" RESTRICTED DELIVERY '"' e- m .-< ,.; 0. < 0 0 00 M 8 ... 0 ... rn Il. ~ !-" ~ ~ !'> !-' l} ~ CD ~ ~ ::;; ~~ ro :::;; ~::;; ~'~'_~ < c: CO c.. '< g a.. 2"'< '0..'< c.. ~ CD 3:. ~ g ~~3 g ~ goo c:: ~ ~ m ;;~ *i~ ~ ~ ~! ~ ~~ ~ -0'0' cn- CI~ij'''- CD 0 ~~:: -5. :::. ~~ ~~;:;-~ a; ag~ ..... en :::r n _. Q) ..., Q) C'D Q) Q) m CD ~~ g 3 0..2" ~~ ::+!D" @ 5. -g ~ 0-< ~~:,..,~ Q)...... 8"iDg "t:J co < 0"" ........' 0..... ....,:::r '< I>>-a' m ~o' ~m 0 g3 ~ gU;" 05,- en co CD <S": :;:~ w~.!Dm ~crCI-g CD _0-(;') rT1(") CD -. 00"0 n""''''(I) ~ (") CD ::::OeD ::J ~ 1--'-- g.~. ~::r- ::T..a ~c. c: ~.~~ ro"S. ~~ ~ ;: ~~ ::l 8" 5-~ ~ ~ ~-g fJ ~ ~ ~ =;~ ~g: ~ ~~ -- ~~ ~'.a.E=1- c:: en CD _........~~3 ~...(,I) 3 Q) 5' :::;- Q) 0 iir :::T Q) . 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ORDER OF THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD - CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS IN RE: Diane Setordepour The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, sat in Hearing in the matter of Diane Setordepour who resides at 211 Murphy Road, Winter Springs, Florida, to determine whether Mrs. Setordepour is in violation of Sec. 44.77 of the Code of Winter Springs, Florida. Upon hearing all evidence on the matter, the Board arrived at the following: FINDING OF FACT 1. There still remains one chicken on the premises at 211 Murphy Road, Winter Springs, Florida. After arriving at their Findings of Fact and referring to the Code of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, the Board arrived at the following: FINDING OF LAW 1. This chicken, as defined under Section 44.77, is in violation of Section 44.77. After arriving at the foregoing Findings of Law, the Board enters an Order as follows: . ORDER OF BOARD 1. That Mrs. Setordepour has until July 9, 1984, to get rid of the chicken or get an allowance for it from the appropriate City agency or commence a fine of $10.00 per day starting the 9th of July, upon an investigation by the Code Officer. Now then the Code Enforcement Board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, instructs all enforcement procedures to be instituted to accomplish this Order. This _., '),rJ day of May, 1984. AIRMAN ENT BOARD R SPRINGS, . CASE# 8"074-0032 8~123-0038 84-125-0026 84-130-0019 84-130-0030 84-131-0042 84-132-0030 84-132-0033 84-135-0038 84-138-0027 84-140-0017 84-142-0031 84-145-0019 8-'46-0009 84-150-0023 84-151-0021 84-151-0022 84-157-0023 84-151-0026 84-151-0021 84-151-0028 84-151-0034 84-151-0035 84-151-0036 81t-151-0037 84-151-00lt3 .158-0031 84-161-0040 CLOSED CASES VIOLATION FROM: 5-7-84 TO: 6-30-84 Fowl in Res. Area-Removed Unkept Property-Cleaned up Unkept Property-Cleaned Up Unkept Property-Cleaned Up Unkept Property-Cleaned up Junk Vehicle-Removed Business in res. area-Closed Rec.Veh. Imp. Parked-Removed Unkept property-Cleaned up Parking in 15' set back-corrected Unfenced pool-Fence installed Sign Violation-Removed Nuisance-unkept property-Cleaned up Unkept property-Cleaned up Boat improperly parked-removed Boat improperly parked-removed Boat imp. parked-removed Boat imp. parked-Removed Junk Vehicle-Repaired Boat imp. parked-removed Boat imp. parked-removed Boat imp. parked-removed Set back violation-corrected Rec. Veh. Imp. Parked-removed Road obstruction-corrected Boat Imp. Parked-Removed Junk Vehicle-removed No occupational 1ic.-c1osed \ SECTION 44:77 44:76 44:76 lt4:76 4lt:76 4lt:77 44:27 44:74 44:76 Site plan 5-128 5-114 44:76 7-1 lf4:74 44:74 44:74 44:74 ltlt:77 4lf:74 44:74 44:74 44:74 4lf:74 44:77 44:27 CAfrE# \ CLOSED CASES VIOLATION -2- FROM: 5 -7 - 8lt TO : 6 - 3 0 - 811 SECTION 8jW 73-0017 8~176-0024 84-176-0031 e . Junk Vehicle-Removed 44:77 7-2 44:81 Unkept property-cleaned up Comm. Vehicle in res. area-removed -- CASE# PENDING CASES VIOLATION SECTION FROM: 5-7-84 TO: 6-30-84 . 84-151-0029 84-151-0040 84-154-0014 . . PENDING 30 DAYS Boat Improper parked Rec. Vehicle Imp. Parked Unkept Property PENDING 60 DAYS None 44:74 44:74 7-2