HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984 01 16 Regular ~ ' ~ e ORDER OF THE CODE ENFORCE~1ENT BOARD - CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS IN RE: HAROLD HOWINGTON The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, sat in Hearing in the matter of Harold Howington who resides at 80 North Edgemon Ave., Winter Springs, Florida, to determine whether Mr. Howington is in violation of Sec. 44.8l(F) of the Code of Winter Springs, Florida. Upon hearing all evidence on the matter, the Board arrived at the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Mr. Harold Howington lives at 80 N. Edgemon Ave., Winter Springs, Florida. 2. The zoning for said address is residential R-lA. 3. A 1950 Ford GMC transit type bus, well in excess of 28 feet, has been parked at 80 N. Edgemon Ave., Winter Springs, Florida, in excess of one month. After arriving at their Findings of Fact and referring to the Code of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, the Board arrived at the following: e FINDINGS OF LAW 1. Mr. Harold Howington was in violation of Sec. 44.8l(F). After arriving at the foregoing Findings of Law, the Board enters an Order as follows: ORDER OF BOARD 1. That Mr. Howington be notified that he was in violation, and if he continues to violate the law, the Code Enforcement Board will reconvene to assess a fine up to $250.00 per day. Now then the Code Enforcement Board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, instructs all enforcement procedures to be instituted to accomplish this Order. This 19th day of January, 1984 by CHAIRMAN ENF CEMENT BOARD OF WINTER SPRINGS, FL. e e e e .. J . --. .,. . NOTICE TO APPEAR AT HEARING NAME Hi'l rn I rl Hn'^, i nCJ+nn ADDRESSRO N ~rlCJ~mnn You are hereby summoned to appear at a hearing of the Code Enforcement Board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, located at City Hall, 400 North Edgemon Avenue, Winter Springs, Florida 32708. You are notified to appear at: TIME: 7 . 30P~~ January 16, 1984 DATE: At the aforesaid time and place the Board will hear evidence to determine whether you are in violation of Section 44:81 (Fl of the municipal code. You will be afforded the opportunity to present evidence that you are not in violation of the a fore said section of the Code, and you may be represented by counsel of your choice. Your failure to appear can result in judgement rendered against you. Ar- Enforcement Winter Springs, I CERTIFY A COpy OF THIS DOCUMENT WAS SERVED BY './ HAND DELIVERY CERTIFIED MAIL THIS .5'/cA DAY OF 9a.-.. 19 .P ( BY: ~;m~ -r ~ Cd; C24v& NOTJCE O~ VIOLATION THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CODE NAME '. Haro owington e ADDRESS 80 N. Edgemon Ave. DATE November 29~ 1983 83-326-0031-C6 44:81 (F) CODE SECTION IN VIOLATION CODE REQUIRDffiNTSNo recreational vehicles in excess of 28 ft. in 1en~th overall measurements shall be parked or stored in a residentai1ly zoned district. FACTS OF VIOLATION That a red and white 1954 GMC Motor Coach now registered as a motor home is in excess of 28 ft. in overall measurements is parked in a residential zoned area. (Lic. # PHA-201 Fla.) e CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD INSPECTOR: Lt. Charles Sexton Violation to be corrected by December 1, 1983 For further guidance to determine the procedure to comply with the code of the City of Winter Springs, Please contact Lt.Sexton at 102 N. Moss Road, Winter Springs, Fla. 327-1000 Monday - Friday 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P. M. Response: (To be filled in by Code Enforcement Officer) I certify a copy of this document was served by x Hand Deliver Certified Mail, this 29 day of November By: / ( .!;; ..'>1:3 e kf (( ~ 1Il"'-/lLA'~/A;; e COMPLAINT NUMBER: C3 - 3.l6-()(} 31 c6 J 1- ;Z2 - ?3 TIME: /;:3 tJ AM '11/J/'olt! fltJw/;V(/~,v, ~ . /' ;h D.O.B.: 3 - ;2 V - V9 j?tl /1/, EA;E~4U' }1///v~r J~iv~.ISTATE: r:/a, ./ RACE: tV WARNING WIN I eH ~I'HINu~ I'ULU..e ue....AH I MI;N I 102 NORTH MOSS ROAD. PH.: 327-1000 DATE: NAME: SEX: STREET: CITY: D.L. NO.: STATE: VEHICLE MAKE: (?- .tJ1 . C I YEAR: .I '7 ~ t( TAG NO.: . 7/-1, /! VIOLATION: 7'17//'pd -#u.r /V , LOCATION: )?tJ/l/. EPtf~hcry, MODEL: 7!t!-r VIN: ;;zo I ST ATE: r4, #tye#")/ /' VIOLATION DATE: / / - 2;2- If;J TO BE CORRECTED BY: 11- :2.. '/ -D _ARKS: 1// ~(&lip,u c /J;Y C'r~/rJ<<NC"e .T~ ~/k Cf zt?tJ 7~ Pi ~pA;v?;~( ~/Pc{ WARNING REC~~D B /. I ' (Slgoa"'e) ; _~~rv. OFFICER: __ .~~ (10 NO.) 7/5- e e e HOME PHONE e BUS. PHONE FL. 0'<0'11928 . .B. RA N. Edgemon H CITY ORDINANCE COMMERCIAL VEH. IN RESIDENTIAL AREA . WRI TTEN \'JARI1I NG IN FILE C PHOTO C F /P CARD C CRIM. HISTORY e QC EVENT FORM C PERSON FORM CART ./VEH./BOAT C JAIL LOG C SUPPLEMENTAL C UTT C ACCIDENT . WRITTEN WARNINC) C OTHER ~ c 0 ~ P L A I N T FOR N DATE: /1-.2..2 - ~ 3 TI~E OF ALLEGED VIOLATION: I': 30 ,If /J'1F . LOCATION: ?O A..J, ~.:~~~'O~ Au,:- NAl'lE OF VIOLATOR #;q~c//~. /-IO(.c..)/,lC./G/ctP DESCRIETION OF COHPLAINT: 5" j.:C ~/I/ f'1 (P) lfec.,feAT..'oKA/ de/"','c/~ ;"j., ~zAC~5~' ~:7-t' ~~-#T. ;o'J-t ,l.t>;r,pT)... , . CJt/t';lri-/1 /Ire-AS i.tA'~~'Hr" r'/9.-fXcd /~/1 /?"''5",/1e'H/k'N-1 ;z 0 n c: j A" ).::')11/ e .0 (REQUEST FOR ACTION BY WINTER SPRINGS CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD. TO BE FILLED OUT BY STAFF DISPOSITION OF COMPLAINT: . . /J n /11. A', 't!J. /I I!. d .,(,46 i I-;;A/ osA'/' PRINT NMIE aJ"eJ'rr~", tVt4IVtl'kl ~S.fqe'.tI //-,z;z-?.;5 !Jcfro,-~ 0/ f/'v)jJJr;~n.v .5'~<~~~{J J/';1.9~y.!, SIGNATURE /o~ -L/. /hv.:S~ ;/'e/ ~;It . .5/~:J ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUUBER 8'3'" 5,16 - vC1Y/-c!.6 CASE NUNDER . . 012:i 11:-?B 1t.)~:;{~ ~, -;. )H~lMl) RECORD -.. I...JC/PHti:-?O 1 PH,!:1201 TDMI.I.51{~()?8 Gi"IC ; I-ICHH NGTON ,dt'\MFS, C PD BOX ";.0;:, Hl,iY 4.6 SANFORD FL 32771-0000 IDem:: O(;i04./:5~) 81::::;(:; ...1 DEC{:.L/YP.:: 085577f.,9/;:, €ND DHSMV RESPONSE ,01 z.~,:: 11 28 16~S2 [Fele REPLY ~ORCD I...IC/PHA201 " e ~ 1':' ~ .It A' ;1/-;;-55 ~/"tt/(tJ ~,'T.{ S~IH,.'hC/l{ lr /-s~ -l-1" IIf/ s .4 ;HrO?V~HCI - ~. ~ ~t ';~~.' . .......~-"' ,,\f..~ . ~:'{ /~ ~ v ~...' '..J '/"1"-1 . ",,_.r e uLIY/8";" MT ~5"; ot)~soo r", tfJc.1' /. 'c c ,it I . . e --::l CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD: 10/83: Jay Alpert, Chairman 70 Sable Court Home 699-0245 Off: Appointed 10/13/81 365-3252 (Exp.1984) Tom Stoddart 615 Osage Court 331-7349 Appointed 9/27/83 (Exp. 10/84) Ben Kaplan, Vice Chairman 108 Burgos Road 327-0577 Appointed 10/26/82 (Exp. 10/85) Thomas Dougherty 1027 Chokecherry Dr. 699-0040 Appointed 2/22/83 (Exp. 10/85) Mar1ann~Cheeseman 202 Cottonwood Drive 831-6222 Appointed 9/27/83 (Exp. 1986) Mike DePasquale 616 Alton Road 327-2910 Appointed 9/27/83 (Exp. 10/86) Arthur Hoffmann 1436 Mt. Laurel Drive 365-8766 Appointed 9/27/83 (Exp. 10/84) Code Inspectors: Officer Charles Sexton Officer Wesley Dowell Code Rre~eRter: John Govoruhk fJ l2()s~c..J r~/L ... "'A.~ ORDER OF THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD - CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS IN RE: Diane Setordepour The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, sat in Hearing in the matter of Diane Setordepour who resides at 211 Murphy Road, Winter Springs, Florida, to determine whether Mrs. Setordepour is in violation of Sec. 44.77 of the Code of Winter Springs, Florida. Upon hearing all evidence on the matter, the Board arrived at the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Diane Setordepour lives at 211 Murphy Road, Winter Springs, Florida. 2. The zoning for said address is residential R-l. 3. There are chickens on the premises at 211 Murphy Road, Winter Springs, Florida. After arriving at their Findings of Fact and referring to the Code of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, the Board arrived at the following: FINDINGS OF LAW 1. Mrs. Diane Setordepour was in violation of Sec. 44.77 of the municipal Code of Winter Springs, Florida. After arriving at the foregoing Findings of Law, the Board enters an Order as follows: ORDER OF BOARD 1. That Mr. and Mrs. Setourdepour be given 60 days from January 16, 1984 to find another location to keep their chickens and that at the next Code Enforcement Board Meeting this be brought up and if the chickens are gone, the case will be dropped. If not, the Board will look at a possible fine. Now then the Code Enforcement Board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, instructs all enforcement procedures to be instituted to accomplish this Order. This 18th day of January, 1984. AIRMAN ENT BOARD R SPRINGS, FLORIDA.